Have we gone absolutely rouge? Not everyone in our Nation believes there is a Heaven, so why should we display this white flag bearing an image of a green tree, with the words “AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN“? We must be absolutely nuts. Right? So why should we do this blog today? What, if anything, does this image and words have to do with our search for a return to the founding principles upon which our Nation was established, those words around which we have formed all of our previous blogs . . . . FREEDOM and LIBERTY? Maybe it is time for a little history lesson.

Most within our Nation feel absolutely helpless to have any impact whatsoever upon even the smallest levers of Nation’s economic or political power. It is easy to say, “I am too small, too unknowledgeable, too young, too old, too insignificant to have any impact upon the course of our Nation.” Some will say, “I have no significant contact points, no one would even listen to me, no one even cares what I think, I would not know what to say or who to write to or who to call, and I am afraid to speak out in fear of offending family, friends, or neighbors.” At FREEDOMGOFORTH.COM, we are speaking directly to all of you and telling all of you that you have the greatest power of all, and it requires something that everyone can do, even when out of the sphere of observation, that can be done in the privacy of your home, alone.

Let’s take a little trip back to our Nation’s Revolutionary War. Some of you may find this trip back into our Nation’s history somewhat discomforting, or maybe even irritating? Most of you, we are sure, will have no idea what this flag has to do with the founding of our Nation. It is time to reveal more history and allow the scales covering your eyes to be removed so that you can better understand where the power really came from to allow this fledgling little Nation of ours to overcome the most powerful nation on the face of the earth. Here in lies the history of the white flag bearing the green tree and the words “AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN“.

Do you believe that upon the founding of our Nation that every plan that was laid, with every action that was taken, our Founding Fathers, and all who supported their efforts, were completely and totally successful in all aspects of our fight for FREEDOM and LIBERTY? It would seem to us that many within our Nation are ignorant of what it took to establish our Nation and of the struggles that took place. Maybe many choose to ignore the facts of history, and would rather rely upon false and misleading narratives, believing the gaslighting agendas pushed by the current government, woke elite agencies, organizations, and corporations.

The Revolutionary War was not an easy or quick war. “In total, more than 1,500 Revolutionary War battles occurred during the American Revolution.” (; Revolutionary War battles, Rebecca Beatrice Brooks, December 4, 2017.) “How in the world, after eight and a half years of fighting, had a rag-tag army of colonial rebels in a fragile new nation of only 2.5 million people defeated the greatest military power on the planet at the time?” (; Nov. 10, 2021.) “John E. Ferling says that the odds were so long that the American victory was ‘almost a miracle’.” (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; edited 9 August 2022.)

The following two paragraphs have said it as well as we could, so we have quoted from the appropriate sources.

There are some slogans associated with the American Revolution that are powerfully evocative even today.  Phrases like ‘All men are created equal,’ ‘Give me Liberty or give me Death,’ and ‘Don’t tread on me’ are part of our national heritage, and they are well known and easily understood by present-day Americans.  Some other slogans of the Revolution, however, don’t have the same resonance in the 21st century that they did in the 18th century. One slogan that was popular early in the Revolutionary era was ‘An Appeal to Heaven.’ Even though the famous ‘pine tree’ flag that features this slogan is still widely recognized as a symbol of the Revolution, the meaning of the words ‘An Appeal to Heaven’ isn’t obvious to most modern-day Americans.  To understand these words, we must go back in time to the 17th century and to other, earlier political events that shaped the way British subjects thought about government and individual rights. During the 17th century there was a series of conflicts in Britain between Parliament and the Crown, and this caused British scholars to think and write a great deal about the nature of government and the limits of royal power.  John Locke (1632-1704) was the most important of these political philosophers. In 1689-90 he published his ‘Second Treatise of Government,’ which says:…where the body of the people, or any single man, is deprived of their right, or is under the exercise of a power without right, and have no appeal on earth, then they have a liberty to appeal to heaven, whenever they judge the cause of sufficient moment.This quote is part of Locke’s justification for the overthrow of Britain’s King James II, who was removed from power in 1688, an event known as the ‘Glorious Revolution.’  Locke argues that people have rights that cannot be infringed upon by the government and that rebellion is justified if it is to defend those rights. As American colonists increasingly came into conflict with the British government during the 1760s and 1770s, Locke’s words became an inspiration to many patriots.  After all, if the Glorious Revolution was justified as a defense against tyranny, didn’t the American Revolution have the same justification? The slogan ‘An Appeal to Heaven’ is less dramatic than ‘Give me Liberty or give me Death,’ but in its own way it is equally forceful and evocative.  It is a call to action couched in the words of a philosopher rather than a politician.” (; by ciniva; May 15, 2014,)

Anyone with half a brain will readily understand that most of our Founding Fathers were deeply religious, and understood that true power lied with the Creator, and not with man or his established government. Just look to our founding documents for proof. George Washington was acutely aware that this developing Nation had been blessed with a great land, one with vast resources and opportunities. The green tree on the flag should remind all of us of that. Consider the paragraph below in light of these facts.

“The early church refused to acknowledge Caesar as the highest sovereign in the universal chain-of-command. Instead, they proclaimed Christ as their true King. Conflict was therefore inevitable and unavoidable. This proclamation turned the whole world upside down. The Appeal to Heaven Flag was one of the ‘Independence flags’ used by the American colonist’s during the American Revolution commissioned by George Washington. Our Founding Father understood that an ‘Appeal to Heaven’ was the last resort for any oppressed people when all other form of redress of grievances has been exhausted. They took the slogan after they had realized that years of appeals to the British Government to address their issues had fallen upon deaf ears. The Declaration of Independence made it known to the King of England that they were going over his head to the King of Kings.” “America is once again in the midst of a serious political, social, moral and political crisis. Nearly every right given to us by God and legally protected by the Constitution has been usurped (illegally taken) from us. First and foremost, this includes the freedom of religion. The First Amendment to the Constitution legally protects this divine right to pray and FOREVER FORBIDS the Federal Government from ever infringing on it: ‘Congress shall make no law… prohibiting the free exercise of religion.’ Therefore, when the Supreme Court began to ban prayer and the reading of the Bible in the schools, they violated both a God-given and constitutionally protected right. The Supreme Court has and continues to violate both divine and constitutional law. This is an act of tyranny . . .” “The situation appears to be so grave that the American people need to once again ask ourselves: ‘Have we now forgotten this powerful friend? Or do we imagine we no longer need His assistance?’ “It is for these reasons that the [sic] we have adopted the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ symbol and slogan for the next civil rights movement. This ‘Appeal to Heaven’ movement requires that the grassroots people rise-up and cast off the yoke of our oppressors. We must DEMAND that the civil authorities cease and desist from suppressing, or denying, our God-given and constitutionally protected rights through unjust laws, unjust rulings, or by using government force to execute these unlawful edicts.” (

When you have felt that there is nothing you can do but sit down or lay back and take whatever may come, we need you to wake up, get up and stand up. We implore each and every one to realize that we have access to the greatest power known. We encourage all to make “AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN”. What you can do in the privacy of your own home is far more powerful than any blog, or army, or any revolutionary force. If you want to retain and maintain your FREEDOM and LIBERTY, then avail yourself of the words on this historical flag.

Time For a Vacation

At FREEDOMGOFORTH.COM, we have been posting blogs each and every week for 16 months and counting without any breaks. Everyone needs a break now and again to recharge batteries, spend time with the family, and enjoy the wonderful recreational sites our great Nation is fortunate to possess. We encourage all who read our blogs to take time away from the TV and radio, set your mobile phone down, separate yourself from your laptop, notebook, or tablet, and do some pondering and meditation about your life, your influence upon those you associate with, and how you can become a more focused, motivated individual that will benefit not only yourself, but those around you and our Nation and world at large.

We leave you for a time with a few thoughts to consider.

Does it concern you that our current government is taking every action to kill our fossil fuel industry, even though it will lead to ever increasing costs, ever diminishing job prospects, and ever reducing availability of foods and needed products?

Are you concerned that the one man who has his finger on our nuclear arsenal, who makes final decisions about geo-political moves, is mentally compromised?

Are you worried that terrorists are moving freely across our southern border, and potentially making any movement in normal society done so with increasing risk of being involved in a mass casualty event?

Are you bothered by the fact that the belief in a Higher Being (God) is being shunned in favor of the explosion of greed, violence, immorality, and perversions of truth and morality?


We will be back before you know it. May the Lord bless you and keep you, and God bless the United States of America.


You do not know me. You do not know my name. You may not know anything about me. But yet, here I am. You do not really know what I look like. You do not know the color of my eyes, or the color of my hair. To you, I am mostly invisible. I am hidden from your view. Like you, I have a very humble beginning. There were no world-wide broadcasts announcing my presence, nor were there great parties, receptions or gatherings planned, announced, or entertained upon my arrival into the world scene. I am clearly unknown to only but a very limited few.

We all started from the same place. Without exception, we were all seemingly insignificant. While the very core of our being may be different from one another, from the 10,000-foot level, we are basically identical. Those things that differentiate me from you are most often things we cannot even see. Those differences are really invisible to the naked eye, yet we are nearly identical in all those ways that really count. I do not know about you, but you may have talents, abilities, characteristics, beliefs, that I may share with you . . . or may not share with you . . . as I am not you.

Like you, I am totally dependent upon others. You can eat what you did not sow or grow, or raise, or process, or distribute, or market. Without the help of others, even with the assistance of just a few others, you would cease to exist . . . as would I. How firm are you in your belief structure? Do you sometimes change your mind on certain things? I am still formulating those very same constructs in my own mind, and I am sure they will develop more thoroughly over time, and even possible change, just as maybe you have done recently. Only time will tell.

Like you, I am ambivalent to many things, either because of lack of interest, or maybe more importantly, lack of awareness of what is truly going on around us. However, even if we are not aware of forces acting upon us beyond our scope of knowledge, we are nevertheless impacted, and in some ways permanently, in life-altering ways. Sometimes these forces acting upon us are way beyond our ability to control. Like you, I often feel like a pawn in a huge chess match, unable to make one move without the direction of another. Regardless of the move made upon me, I am the one who will ultimately suffer the consequences if the move made was not to my benefit.

Like you, I am in a life and death struggle to the end. We all will suffer the ultimate fate of death, for it is inevitable. However, there are times when each one of us is more vulnerable to the cessation of life. Such is the case for me at this very moment. Have you figured out yet who or what I am? Let me give you some more hints. To me, the world right now is a dark place, yet I am not blind. Things in my world often seem upside down, rough and turbulent at times. I feel constricted to my local environment and have limited mobility. I can be hurt, and I do feel the pain sometimes inflicted upon me, but yet I am unable to resist the source from whence this pain comes. I feel ready to break out of my cocoon and enter an entirely different world from that which I am used to.

But wait, there seems to be something happening for which I have not been asked for my opinion. I was not asked to be placed in this position in the first place, as that decision was made long ago in terms of my timeframe. I feel truly ready to explore my strange new world, but I fear something wicked this way comes. I feel poking and prodding, then I feel a sharp pain coursing throughout my body. I try to scream in pain and terror, but I cannot, and even if I could, I fear my cry for help would not be heard, and that no one would come to my rescue. Suddenly, I can remember no more. My life has ended even before the exciting part even began. I could have been a great scientist, or teacher, or even a world leader. I could have invented things making humanity a better place and fought for FREEDOM and LIBERTY for those oppressed. I really could have made a difference, but alas, I am not.

WHO AM I? I am the aborted fetus that was only a few days away from being born. How would you feel if you were in my position? Oh wait, your one of the lucky ones, who actually was allowed to live. How fortunate you truly are. But yet some of you forget from whence you came. What if the decision had been to terminate your life in the womb? Where would you be now?


If you wave at me, I will wave back at you. I always find myself at outstanding events. Like most of you, I started from the bottom and have worked my way up, but it has never been done by me alone as I have always had support from those always pulling for me. I would not consider myself to be a star, or even one of many as from where I spend most of my time, the heaven has more stars that can be counted, and I often feel myself to be only a glimpse of what can be. Like many of you, I have earned my stripes through hard work, devotion, and often some measure of sacrifice. Like many of you, I love a good parade. I will gladly walk with my friends and supporters in any parade. I am an avid supporter of knowing our history. Every chance I get, I do my best to remind my friends and fellow citizens of the history of our Nation. I want all people to know about the founding roots of our Nation, and to be reminded of the efforts and sacrifices made by many that have given us this great Nation. I also do my best to remind all who are in my presence that we are not just one big landmass under a single governmental authority, but our Nation is better described as “America of the United States”, where we are independent states, joined together for personal protection and the economics of joint association. Like me, I encourage all who are my friends and those who support me, to gladly and willingly display patriotism through their own actions, by what they say, by what they do, and even by what they wear. By doing so, they show how proud they are of our Nation, and of their belief that this Nation of ours is worth fighting for to protect the faith our Founding Fathers had in us, to maintain and preserve the founding principles upon which this Nation was founded, upon which so many who proceeded us in life had sacrificed their time, efforts, money, treasures, and in many cases, their very lives. As we celebrate this coming 4th of July, I will be attending as many of these celebrations as possible. Your job is to try and find me and see if you recognize me from everything I have described above.

Have you figured out yet who I am? How about what I am? Let me give you a huge hint. Yes, I am totally American through and through, down to the very thread of my being. I am your traditional red, white, and blue American. When you often see me, others, too, will be standing and many singing in unison. As we celebrate this coming 4th of July, see if you can find me and recognize me. I will be trying to attend as many celebratory events as possible. Do not be afraid to take off your hat and put your hand over your heart. Sing loudly and proudly our national anthem as you look at me, for I am the great and beautiful flag of the United States of America!


J. R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings “. . . is an epic high-fantasy novel . . . set in Middle-earth, intended to be Earth at some distant time in the past . . . ” “[The] story began as a sequel to Tolkien’s 1937 children’s book ‘The Hobbit’, but eventually developed into a much larger work. Written in stages between 1937 and 1949, The Lord of the Rings is one of the best-selling books ever written . . .” (Wikipedia). “. . . Tolkien’s influences span across both mythology and Christianity . . .” (, May 15, 2022). His writings include Elves, Dwarves (small underground miners), Orcs and Goblins, Men, Uruk-hai (hybrid of Orcs and Men), Orgs and Trolls, Ents (talking/walking trees), Wizards, Hobbits (humble/peaceful form of little people), and many bad creatures (like dragons and huge spiders), Wargs (like ridable wolves) and many evil beings. “. . . themes can be seen [throughout the writings including] in the presence of good versus evil, humility triumphing over greed, themes of death and resurrection, and compassion and healing.” (, May 15, 2022.) “One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.” ( Three rings were given to the Elves, each one giving individual powers. Seven rings were given to the Dwarves, giving enhanced lifespans and talents. Nine rings were given to men, and also provided enhanced life spans, but also corrupted them through wealth and power. There were other rings, but merely trinkets with limited power. “The master of all the Rings of Power was the One Ring To Rule Them All. Forged by Sauron to control the wearers of all other Rings of Power, this was the most powerful Ring in the history of Lord of the Rings. The One ring had a peculiar ability to seek out the strongest of suitors. The stronger its wielder was, the quicker the One Ring managed to corrupt him.” (, February 5, 2021.) In this blog we would like to draw an analogy to the nine rings given to men as we look to current world event leaders in power. You might select other leaders than the ones we have chosen, and there are many to choose from, but you have to draw the line somewhere to lower the number to just nine.

We want to make it clear, that all the ones we have chosen have been corrupted by power and wealth. We are also emphatically stating that we live in a world today in a battle of good verses evil. Some of the evil we can see and easily recognize, but sometimes, like the wind in the trees, we cannot see some evil but can sense its presence by its effects. If you believe in a Creator, and you see and feel a Spiritual component in your life, then you would also call this a Spiritual war. No one is ignorant of evil that effects our world today. We see the powerful begin and continue wars. We see violence in our streets, schools and homes where innocent people are hurt or killed. We recognize the slide away from faith in a Creator, to a slide toward humanistic atheism and transhumanism. We in effect are constructing our own Tower of Babel, as we reach out to be like gods ourselves. Do we hear and recognize the words “Danger Will Robinson”? (A robot’s warning to the young boy on the old TV series, “Lost in Space”.) Now that you know our premise for this blog, let us look at our nine chosen ones who are now wielding their rings of power.

There are many people in our world today who wield an enormous amount of power and influence. All of us are impacted by what they do, unlike most of us who leave footprints upon society barely noticeable to those who follow us in life. Our NINETH ring of power goes to the President of China, Xi Jinping. Over the last several years he has led his nation with the assistance of the Peoples Liberation Army and the Communist Chinese Party to become the most politically and economically influential person in our world today. He seeks world dominance and has created a military unrivalled in size and scope ensuring his path forward. If you buy anything, there is a good chance it has been either made in China, or the materials that constructed it came from China. His reach is deep into all American homes.

Our EIGHTH ring of power goes to Mark Zuckerberg. As the founder of Facebook, now changing its name to Meta, he has reached into most civilized homes around the world, connecting people in a way that precludes and supplants personal contact, allowing anyone to lie about who they are, and what they really do or did, He was also instrumental in using his vast wealth to influence voting in many states across our Nation by restricting what some could see and hear through stifling speech and focusing chosen narratives. He also created voting drop boxes in certain areas against state statutes and laws, and funded organizations rallying to only one political party. Your vote in the most recent Presidential election was diluted because of his power and wealth.

Our SEVENTH ring of power goes to Doctor Anthony Fauci, our Nation’s highest paid employee. As head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, he over sees the institutes financial budget, this year topping in at approximately $6.3 billion. He was the one who allowed funding of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan China which was the source of the COVID-19 pandemic that killed millions worldwide. He often lied about his involvement in the creation of the virus, and often used misdirection and guile to aid pharmaceuticals in the marketing, sale and distribution of vaccines making the creators wealthy in the process. If you got a vaccination, or know someone who did, then you have been touched in a very bad way by his hand.

Our SIXTH ring of power goes to Attorney General Merrick Garland. As our Nation’s top cop, he has seen fit to turn his back on the invasion of illegal aliens crossing our southern border, and instead has made the job of our Border Patrol and ICE agents nearly impossible to perform as prescribed by law. He has chosen to ignore the plight of our Nation’s citizens on the border as they have been overwhelmed with criminal behaviors, and had their livelihoods upended. Instead, he has chosen to make honest law-abiding citizens the target of his department, choosing to call them the Nation’s top terrorist threat. He has jailed citizens who exercised their legal and just rights to protest and left many languishing in jail for months without speedy trials, and many layered with multiple misdemeanors, while he allows criminals to often skate with no or limited bail. He has targeted the parents of our children, those who question the validity of our elections and processes, and most who seem opposed to the ideologies of the current administration, denying the legal right to freedom of speech, and the right to seek redress at our Nation’s Capital. If you have recognized at times a two-tier judicial system in our Nation today, then you have a bone to pick with our top cop.

Our FIFTH ring of power goes to Klaus Schwab, a German engineer, economist, and the founder of the World Economic Forum, an organization comprised only of the richest people on earth who have only one goal in mind, and that being global dominance of ideologies, economies, and the control of all nation states. If he gets his way, you will become a surf having very little in the way of possessions, while he and his cohorts become more wealthy owning and controlling everything he and his organization can consume. If you have a distaste for the rich flying their private jets all over the world, while claiming you need to ride a bike or drive an electric car, then you will understand his intent for your life.

Our FOURTH ring of power goes to Senator Chuck Schumer, the democratic leader of our National Senate. Here is a man who will say one thing in one decade, then flip in the next. His ultimate purpose is to see to it that everyone in the United States bows to his authority as leader of the Senate. He will say what his ideology demands of him, without regard for you as a citizen of this Nation. One thing he does that is extremely effective, is that he can somehow ensure that all of his Democrat Senators always walk to a unified beat. He has taught them all through his control of financial support and committee assignments to walk and talk only his way. If you often wonder how it is possible that all Democrat Senators always seem to march in step, then you have recognized his power.

Our THIRD ring of power goes to Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. She claims solid Catholic beliefs but champions the slaughter of millions of babies in the womb. She, along with her husband, have always seemed to pick the right investments to make at just the right time, and have become multimillionaires in the process. One has to wonder what she knows and when she knows things about economic business leanings and political breaks given to certain corporations and enterprises. Maybe it is not so surprising since she, and she alone, sets the agenda for what can and cannot be discussed in the House of Representatives. Don’t you wish you could be a fly on the wall in some of these discussions? If you have not always gotten the financial breaks in your stock ownership, then you are not in the same league with the Congresswoman.

Our SECOND ring of power goes to Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft. As one of the wealthiest persons in the world, it has been his goal to see to the diminishing of the world’s population through the use of advanced medical technological thinking and the use of vaccines that have ended up killing millions world-wide. His money flows into, and controls, the World Health Organization. His vast wealth reaches deep into our National core, influencing many policies and dictates, all the while as he enriches himself. Many, including Non-Governmental Organizations, bow their knee to his offerings of money, giving way to common sense, moral responsibility, and self-determination. If you use or have access to an electronic communication device, then you have been influenced by this man, and in many ways, he has changed your life to be more like the life he wants you to live.

Finally, our FIRST ring of power goes to none other than the current occupant of our White House, Joseph Biden. Although not a bright man, and having been on the wrong side of every major foreign policy decision in the last four decades (according to Robert Gates, the former Secretary of Defense under the Obama administration), he has found himself throwing out executive orders and making foolish decisions, while ignoring the proper ones, as he has directed our Nation into its worst financial crisis in over 40 years. If you had trouble finding formula for your baby, questioned the method of withdrawal from Afghanistan, wondered why our Nation’s southern border is being invaded, why our stock market is plunging, why our interest rates are soaring, why our gas prices are so high, why he can’t even get out a cogent thought without a teleprompter or typed out notes on a card giving him directions he is to follow . . . . need we go on . . . . if none of this is a concern to you, then you better check your pulse, because you are dead! This man sets the tone and direction of our Nation. He is getting us involved in a war that we are not able to fight. He emboldens our enemies to push limits further to see how far they can go without our Nation’s significant national response. He is a puppet on a string. He seeks out the power through emergency declarations, and his ring of power is consuming him, and our Nation in turn.

The ring of power he holds, as well as all the others, are under the control of “One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.” The evil force within this Nation, and the world at large, controls all the rings of power, enticing through wealth and power, and the more powerful the person believes him or her to be, the stronger the pull of the evil force. If we as individuals submit to this evil force, the battle for our FREEDOM and LIBERTY within our Nation will be lost, not only for us, but for those who follow us in life. What will those who preceded us in death, those who gave their lives to establish this Nation, what will they say to us? Will we be found worthy in their eyes?

A Panel of Nine

What were our founding fathers thinking when allowing the establishment of A PANEL OF NINE, to preside over conflicts, disputes and events threatening the perceived fabric of our Nation? Sitting in lofty heights, untouchable by those presenting their side of the story, these NINE seem above the fray, able to speak from personal biased experience, expounding upon the facts as they choose to see them, and often lecturing as though they are the teachers and all who are before them are only simple students, having to listen, and being swayed to abide by the decisions and dictates of the NINE. How often we have desired to bring our cases before them, but alas, they only choose to hear the subjects they find worthy of their attention, in order to pursue their agenda, and resolve issues they deem most important. These appointed NINE supposedly come from different backgrounds, having a variety of differing ideologies. However, it has become highly evident that the majority of the NINE often have a singularity of purpose. Even though a variety of ethnicities and genders serve on this esteemed PANEL OF NINE, it would seem that from recent renderings and releases, this PANEL OF NINE has only one conclusion that will be released.

When was it determined that A PANEL OF NINE was the best possible combination of personalities? Is it best to ensure equitable outcomes of decisions by seeing to a balance of ideologies, while maintaining cultural diversity? How is this to be done when an uneven number on A PANEL OF NINE exists? Can and should we always allow one individual to be the only one who can appoint to A PANEL OF NINE? Can we trust this one individual to make the right choices in appointments, without apparent bias and obvious weighting personal desires in selection of candidates to serve on A PANEL OF NINE? Can we be assured that those who serve on A PANEL OF NINE will always ask the right questions, probe the depths of the issues at hand, and explore all aspects that pertain to the subject at hand ensuring a just and legal outcome that abides by precedent and established law previously set forth? Will the outcomes of decisions made by A PANEL OF NINE withstand the test of time, without the need for appeal or revisitation through another challenge or action? Will all citizens agree with the decision made by A PANEL OF NINE without dispute, without concern for process or procedure, and will all citizens submit willingly and without dispute to the decisions rendered by A PANEL OF NINE? Is it even possible for A PANEL OF NINE to render an incorrect decision, and if this rare occurrence was to happen, what, if any, process or procedure can be implemented to rectify and make whole the wrong that was committed? If an incorrect decision was ever to become apparent, what should be the consequence imposed upon A PANEL OF NINE?

There may be those of you out there that think we have lost our marbles, that we have rejected the founding principles of FREEDOM and LIBERTY upon which our great Nation was founded? But lest you leave this blog with the wrong impression, let’s just say maybe in reading this blog you have drawn the wrong impression. Is it ironic to some degree that the Supreme Court of the United States is not the only deliberative body consisting of A PANEL OF NINE? Did you believe we were talking about the highest court in our land? The Supreme Court of the United States is not the only deliberative body consisting of A PANEL OF NINE. Can you think of another? If not, let us give you a pretty big hint. The Select Committee of the January 6th Commission it, too, is A PANEL OF NINE, set up as their own little supreme court. It was established in conflict with set guidance, precedence and rules. However, it should have been a panel of thirteen as specified by resolution (, January 22, 2022). It was, and is, unbalanced, biased, and established with a pre-established conclusion. The leader of the House did not appoint any of the five members recommended by the minority House leader (, January 22, 2022; CRS Rep., The Committee System in the U.S. Congress 2 – October 14, 2009: “Each party is primarily responsible for choosing its committee leaders and assigning its Members to committees . . . “). Subpoenas have been issued, but since the committee is in violation of Section 2(a) of the authorizing resolution, those subpoenas are in fact invalid. (, January 22, 2022). Since when has doing things against the established legal precedence ever been an obstacle for those who will use whatever means necessary to achieve their goals? The committee has also been found altering evidence and lying about it (, June 12, 2022). There have been no counter witnesses or arguments allowed (, June 10, 2022;, June 13, 2022). Those who instituted A PANEL OF NINE have done so without regard to legal foundations, and have avoided asking the more important questions that needed exploration about the event on January 6, 2021. Questions like how many FBI and other informants were actively involved in the lead-up to, and during, the event? Why did the leader of the House and the local mayor reject additional law enforcement protection, even though proposed by the White House days before? Why was an unarmed civilian shot dead, with no unbiased investigation into the individual who perpetrated such act? Why were weeks of warnings about the unpreparedness of the Capital Police ignored? Why were many protestors escorted into the building through opened doors and not stopped? Why are many still incarcerated and being prosecuted today for simple misdemeanors, when violent offenders committing murders and other atrocities (BLM/Antifa mobsters who rioted for months) are allowed bail and even lessor penalties (, January 6, 2022)? Why have the thousands of hours of video tape not been release to the general public? Finally, A PANEL OF NINE is projected to spend 8 million during its tenure (, June 9, 2022). How would you have chosen to spend 8 million of your tax payer dollars?

It is evident that A PANEL OF NINE has only one purpose, and that is to prevent the former President of the United States from ever running for that position again. This is just another attempt to protect the political and financial power brokers who have taken over the center of our government. Perhaps they have forgotten that Congress serves us. That our rights to FREEDOM and LIBERTY in our Nation are given to us by God, not by a burdensome, authoritarian, dictatorial centralized government. Our forefathers fought against this generations ago and won. Now is not the time to lay down our defenses and yield our FREEDOM and LIBERTY for which so many have died to obtain and retain.


We are finally getting back to our normal, non-series, single topic blog format. If you did not get the opportunity to view the last two months of our series on TRANSPHOBIA, you need to go back and read each blog in sequence beginning on April 3, 2022. It should challenge your thinking about what the trans issue is all about, and the reasons for the explosion of trans issues facing our Nation today. It should change your mind about many things, and should ignite a serious scientific study to answer the question, “Why?” Today, we take another look at the surge in gun violence within our Nation and look into forces never considered as to why gun ownership grows each and every year. We will begin by stating the obvious reasons, which we discussed at length in our blog on April 25, 2021, titled, “WHY THE 2nd AMENDMENT”.

The ownership of guns is the reason we enjoy our FREEDOM and LIBERTY today. It began as a response to the British Crown’s authoritarian bullying promulgated upon our fledgling colonies from 1765 to 1775. The prevailing mantra has been the need to arm ourselves to protect ourselves. But protect ourselves from what? From a potential thief or burglar? From a perverted abuser? From wild animals, or a potential attack from outer space aliens? If you go back to the founding of our Nation, you will realize weapons were critical in securing our FREEDOM and LIBERTY from the British Crown. So, do we need them now for that reason? We no longer need to secure our FREEDOM and LIBERTY from a foreign aristocracy, but what about from a national, or local aristocracy? We feel we have a huge reason to keep our citizens armed for just that reason. Those in powerful positions fear an armed citizenry. If it were possible, those currently in power in our Nation would disarm all citizens so they could effect their will upon the masses without resistance. But this is not the core reason for this blog. Herein lies the The Irony. In a nutshell, if the government would stop targeting weapon ownership, the fear of government control would diminish, and increasing gun ownership would diminish.

Think of it in terms of fluid dynamics. When watering your flowers on the nozzle’s sprinkler setting, the tiny, separated drops land gently on the flower blossoms and leaves. However, if you turn the nozzle to the jet setting, the orifice is restricted, and the stream becomes more focused and is ejected at a much higher velocity, strong enough to blow the flowers and leaves off of your plant. Creating pressure by reducing the opening of the nozzle only serves to increase the exiting speed of the water. The same amount of water comes out, but it happens much faster and harder. So it is with the attempt to restrict weapons, regardless of the methods, however seemingly innocent or restrictive. Blowing out a candle is not done with your mouth wide open. Power washing anything is not done with the pump motor off. Try spitting more than 10 feet without your lips puckered up. Need we go on?

The current government’s continued focus on weapon restrictions creates a continued pressure of fear and an increasing need for personal protection. The question needs to be asked, “What is creating that FEAR?”

“Sales of Guns Soar in U.S. as Nation Weights Tougher Limits” –, January 12, 2013.

RACE RIOTS in 2020 and the unprecedented PANDEMIC LOCKDOWNS cast FEAR in multiple cities throughout our Nation. “Gun Sales Soar 80% in May Amid Race Riots, Government Lockdowns” – The Spectator-info, June 2, 2020. “Gun Sales Soar as Calls to Defund Police Grow Louder: Report” –, June 25, 2020. “Gun Sales Soar Amid Coronavirus Pandemic, George Floyd Fallout” –, June 26, 2020. The upcoming ELECTIONS also increase the FEAR. “U.S. Gun Sales Soar Amid Pandemic, Social Unrest, Election Fears” –, October 15, 2020. It wasn’t just an ELECTION that created the FEAR, but who might win the ELECTION. “Liberals, Women and Minorities Send Gun Sales Soaring” –, October 15, 2020. “Gun Sales Break Records With Gun Control Legislation Likely If Democrats Win” –, October 26, 2020. “Record Gun Sales a Vote of No Confidence in Democratic Leadership” – Leo Terrell, June 1, 2021. Now it’s time to add in some other FEAR factors, namely STIMULUS PAYMENTS, with people making more money by sitting at home rather than working, and MASS SHOOTINGS. “Gun Sales Soar From Stimulus and Biden’s Gun Control Plan Amid Mass Shootings” –, April 1, 2021. Let us continue to throw into the mix a few other FEAR factors, like VIOLENCE, ROBBERY, THEFT, MUGGINGS, and CAR JACKINGS. The “Defund The Police” movement, and the reduction of police and response times, added more FEAR. “Gun sales Rise Among Black People as They Look For Firearm Training and Education” –, June 23, 2021. Who do we have to thank for the creation of all this FEAR, increasing the pressure to buy guns for personal protection? “Gun Sales Still Booming, Thanks to Democrats” –, September 2, 2021.

The Democrat Party has created an enormous swath of FEAR in what they have chosen to do, and by what they choose not to do. The 2nd Amendment to our Constitution is here to stay. It is sacrosanct. It is Absolute. It is what created, and what is maintaining our FREEDOM and LIBERTY. If we allow those currently in control of our government to take just one inch off of our 2nd Amendment, it will eventually lead to a mile of more restrictions, confiscations, and prohibitions. Let it never be said of our generation that we were weak-kneed, irresponsible cowards, and willingly gave up what so many before us died to give us.

TRANSPHOBIA – The Truth (part VII)

We have been exploring the topic of TRANSPHOBIA for nearly two months. If you are just now joining our blog, it is important for you to go back to the beginning of this series of blogs which began April 3, 2022, to set a proper foundation, and read each blog in sequence in order to understand what will be discussed in this blog, and to be able to put it into proper context. We will be continuing our look at the book, “The Riddle of Gender”, as we conclude this series of blogs. We will now continue our look at the physiological effects created by the introduction of DES (diethylstilbestrol) into human bodies.

“DES was viewed as a textbook example of the male medial establishment’s abuse of women, its lack of concern for women’s health, and its tendency to pathologize female bodies and view natural functions and women’s life passages such as pregnancy and menopause as illnesses requiring treatment.” “. . . ‘most doctors go out of their way to avoid concluding that a patient’s problem has been iatrogenically induced’. In the case of DES, that resistance to assuming responsibility has been shared by the pharmaceutical companies that produced the drug, and by the research establishment as a whole, which continues to resist full investigation of the tragedy. Half of the fetuses exposed to DES in utero were male, subjected to a barrage of synthetic estrogen during the period of sexual differentiation, chemically primed to be exquisitely sensitive to estrogen and estrogen-mimicking chemicals for the remainder of their lives. Their stories remain untold, and no one – not DES Action, not the Centers for Disease Control, not the National Cancer Insititute, not the drug companies that manufactured DES – wants to hear them.” Men are reluctant to explore issues with their bodies. “Gynecomastia, enlargement of the male breast, has been noted not only in DES sons but also in adult male agricultural workers exposed to the chemical.” ” ‘About 50 percent of our two hundred people in the DES Sons Network exhibit some form of gender variance. Most of them joined us when we didn’t talk about gender variance at all,’ says [Dana] Beyer. ‘I would say about half of the people on our list came unknowing that DES was connected with gender’.” There seems to be a “. . . conspiracy of silence about the effects of DES exposure on sons, particularly its association with gender identity disorder in males. Not a single DES cohort study has explored this question.” “Since we cannot create fresh studies of DES in humans and trace its effects from birth, we are pretty much forced to look at the existing adult populations. But it would be almost impossible to gather such population in one place physically in order to verify who they are and whether they were, in fact, DES exposed.”The difficulties of researching the effects of DES on sons is acknowledged by the sexologist Milton Diamond, who told me that ‘the problem with DES is that there is no test that we can give today to determine if an individual has been exposed to DES’.” Studies continue supporting the effects of “endocrine disrupters” (EDCs), and these estrogenic chemicals are ubiquitous in our environment having adverse outcomes on humans and animals alike. Experiments with animals reveal “. . . that even minute changes in the hormone exposure of the developing fetus during certain sensitive stages could result in measurable effects.” These effects can be noted even in the positioning within the womb “. . . as the hormone circulates in the amniotic fluid.” “. . . bisphenol A, widely used in the production of plastics, and other environmental chemicals [exhibit] estrogenic effects – essentially ‘tricking’ the body into responding to them as estrogens. Bisphenol A (BPA) was developed in the laboratory of none other than Sir Charles Dodds, the man who developed DES.” “. . . scientific understanding of the mechanisms by which estrogenic chemicals exert their effects has grown dramatically. Studies have shown that environmental estrogens may alter production of normal hormones, disrupt the transport of hormones, affect the metabolism of hormones, interfere with hormone signaling at the receptor level, or modify hormone-regulated gene transcription. Adverse effects include reproductive failure, developmental effects, immune system dysfunction, and cognitive and behavioral pathologies of various types. The types of chemicals that may produce these effects include pesticides, [organochlorines], plasticizers, heavy metals, and plant estrogens. In Our Stolen Future, Theo Colborn and her coauthors list eighty-five chemicals known to be estrogen disrupters, many of them [ubiquitous] in the environment. We are living, scientists now say, ‘in a sea of estrogens’. ‘Is it a coincidence that since the introduction of the chlorinated pesticides around 1935-1940 the rate of transsexualism has been climbing steadily? The first generation born after the introduction of pesticides was also the first generation to have significant numbers of transsexuals. The condition is virtually absent from the U.S. historical record prior to 1952, when Christine Jorgensen made headlines’, Christine Johnson writes in a brief posted on the TransAdvocate website. ‘Every generation since then has had higher and higher rates. Clearly researchers knew that sexual developmental changes were observed with DDT in animals as early as 1950, yet this information was ignored, deliberately or not. Fifty years later, large numbers and quantities of EDCs are being distributed around the globe without adequate consideration of the consequences‘.” “I met with Christine Johnson in May 2002, in Philadelphia. As I soon discovered, Johnson is passionate about this subject. She speaks eloquently about the damage that she believes has been inflicted on transsexual people who have been told for years that their gender variance is a mental health problem, when the scientific literature shows quite clearly in animals that in utero exposure to exogenous hormones and hormone mimics affects the brain and behavior.” Author Harry Benjamin stated “‘. . . that my clinical impressions suggest to me more and more a prenatal neuroendocrine anomaly as perhaps the foremost causative factor for a majority of cases’. ‘. . . in many respects, transsexualism in the anatomic male might be regarded as an incomplete expression of testicular feminization syndrome (AIS, CAIS, or PAIS) with the defect affecting only sex-specific areas of the hypothalamus . . . Recent research indicates that in the genetic male the hypothalamus is masculinized by fetal androgen at a specific periods somewhat after the masculinization of the genitourinary tract. The genetic female, with her XX chromosome complement, lacks fetal androgen and therefore develops along typically female patterns. The important principle here is that effective androgen is necessary for masculinization. Without androgen, masculinization will not occur. Thus, the prenatal hormonal environment is critically important for all future development’.” This book reviews personal accounts of pharmaceutical and petrochemical companies talking about their “gender-bender” disposal settling ponds, and ” . . . were becoming aware of animals displaying homosexual behavior and transsexual changes.” Others were sharing stories living around “chemical soup” and “smog-laden” areas, and felt fortunate that if all they suffered was gender dysphoria, then they felt lucky from a heath perspective. “. . . studies have shown that estrogen can ‘imprint’ genes in such a way that ‘when a gene programmed to respond to estradiol at puberty is [mis-programmed] or reimprinted by development exposure to a hormonally active chemical, it will respond abnormally to the secondary cue, resulting in a functional cellular abnormality’. This process has been elucidated most clearly in chicken and frogs. But it does lead one to wonder what might be the effects on human fetuses whose gene expression may have been chemically altered by exposure to estrogens in the womb and who are then re-exposed again and again to estrogenic chemicals in the environment?” “The neurological basis of psychiatric conditions once considered the result of inadequate parenting (schizophrenia) or insufficient willpower (alcoholism and other addictions) is now recognized, even if the mechanisms that produce the condition remain incompletely understood.”

“Like the general public, most hear the word ‘transsexual’ and immediately visualize an episode of the Jerry Springer show. They don’t conceive of gender variance as a medical condition, nor do they view it as a legitimate focus of research. Not many people are well acquainted with the kind of professional transpeople whom I interviewed for this book or with the data that point to a biological etiology for gender variance. In many ways, the scientific and medical professions mirror the prejudices of society at large with respect to trans people.” “People need to understand why this happens; they need to understand about DES and the effects of EDCs, and that this isn’t going away. This is personal for me. I live with this twenty-four-seven. But as a society we’ve got a real problem. Fish changing sex? Hermaphroditic frogs? But they don’t make the connection. And then when a story comes out, local sperm counts down 20 percent, they just sort of ignore it.” “In The Essential Difference: The Truth about the Male and Female Brain, [Simon] Baron-Cohen [professor of psychology and psychiatry at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom], in 2003 believed “. . . that compelling data exist to show that the brains of the average man and woman are skewed to perceive and respond to the world differently. On average, he says, females spontaneously empathize (identify and respond to another’s emotions and thoughts and respond to them with an appropriate emotion) to a far greater degree than males. The average male, on the other hand, spontaneously systematizes (analyzes, explores, and constructs systems) to a greater degree than the average woman.” “When it comes time to explain the neurobiological mechanisms that might create this difference, he cites some of the same evidence that I have presented in this book, including the effects of hormones on the sexual differentiation of the brain. Indeed, he points to studies of DES sons that found the youngsters ‘likely to show more female-typical behaviors – enacting social themes in their play as toddlers, for example, or caring for dolls’. Studies of male-to-female transsexuals show ‘a reduction in ‘direct’ forms of aggression (the physical assaults that are more common in males)’,’ Baron-Cohen points out, and ‘an increase in indirect or ‘relational’ aggression (the style of aggression that is more common in females. This is strong evidence that testosterone affects the form the aggression takes’ . . .”

“There is some fear, however, that if a cause for gender variance is found, the search for a ‘cure’ will inevitably begin. ‘Once the source is found, the drive to cure or eradicate our particular form of biological variation is probable, based on current medical mentalities. Isn’t it better not to address this issue at all?’ says one of the trans friends I asked to review this chapter. Dylan Scholinski also voiced this concern. ‘I have a real problem with this being conceptualized as a birth defect,’ he said. ‘I am not ‘defective’.'” “If the stories contained in this book teach us anything it is that gender variance is neither a fad nor a revolution. It is a biological fact. Our continuing failure to acknowledge this fact virtually ensures that there will be more Alexanders and Tacys and Gwens, individuals whose pain cannot be assuaged by a syringe or a scalpel and who die violent and premature deaths. Whether dying by their own hands or at the hands of uncomprehending others, these individuals have been sacrificed to an illusion, the belief that the spectrum of gender contains only two colors, black and white, and nothing in between.” We told the story before about the man searching for his lost keys in the wrong place who said, “I’m looking here because the light is better over here”. “Scientists have searched for the solution to the riddle of gender in the place where the ‘light’ of scientific inquiry has shone brightest in various eras – endocrinology, psychiatry, embryology, and neuroscience. Yet those searches have produced no definitive answer to the riddle, only more tantalizing questions.” “A very important change that has yet to be made is the time we transgenders are no longer called ‘sex changes’. After all, consider this: we are NOT CHANGING anything! Indeed, we are merely CORRECTING pronouns, names, manner of dress, hormones and flesh to MATCH what has always been in our brains . . . The law must learn to assimilate the advances of medical science in a quicker manner and not remain legally stuck in the medical thinking of thirty years ago.” And we might add, the general public that is stuck in ideologies founded in limited knowledge, and biases based on decades-old ignorance. “A 2005 paper produced by researchers at [Gothenburg] University in Sweden presents evidence that an anomaly in the early sexual differentiation of various brain structures may be involved in transsexualism. The researchers found three common polymorphisms – genetic variations – that may influence the chances of transsexualism, providing support for the concept that transsexualism may be driven by genetics. In the language of molecular biology – ‘a long allele of the ERb gene may increase the susceptibility for transsexualism, and certain variants of genes coding for the AR, aromatase, and the ERb may partially contribute to the risk of male-to-female transsexualism if present in certain combinations’.”

“In any society you can name where a perceived need for purification and spiritual renewal requires a scapegoat, a category of unclean persons who need to be ruthlessly suppressed and even obliterated for the good of the society as a whole. Once, we recognized this monster and called it by its proper name – group psychosis. Today, the media and much of our political leadership bow down before this beast and worship it.” “Will we ever find a definitive solution to the riddle of gender? Maybe not – but as this history indicates, the questions we ask about gender tend to be more liberating than the answers. I would prefer to live in a society that gave me the freedom to ask those questions, rather than one that enforced autocratic conclusions.” ” In an era in which Americans are fighting and dying purportedly to free other people, perhaps we might take this one small step toward freeing ourselves by finally outlawing discrimination based on gender expression. What is freedom, after all, if it is not the freedom to be one’s self?”

It is hard to summarize our study of TRASNSPOBIA better than in the paragraph above. You may not like the conclusions we arrived at in this two-month series, but you have to agree that we have provided a systematic, scientific presentation. All we can expect is that you will have a greater understanding and compassion towards those who are trapped in this trans web. It has not been their fault, and it has not been done by their choice. We need to continue to look and explore in the “dark places” of science that have been illusive and, in some cases, ignored, to discover the answers to the question, “Why?” In our great Nation, we need to treasure and protect our FREEDOM and LIBERTY, and that applies to each citizen, whether we like it or not. There is no, and has never been, a litmus test that must be applied before any citizen can claim and practice their FREEDOM and LIBERTY in our Nation.

TRANSPHOBIA – The Truth (part VI)

We have been exploring the topic of TRANSPHOBIA for nearly two months. If you are just now joining our blog, it is important for you to go back to the beginning of this series of blogs which began April 3, 2022, to set a proper foundation, and read each blog in sequence in order to understand what will be discussed in this blog, and to be able to put it into proper context. We will be continuing our look at the book, “The Riddle of Gender”. It is extremely difficult to try and summarize a 369-page book in one simple blog. If that were possible, the book would have only been five pages long. What we are attempting to do is lift quotations from that book to better help us understand The Truth about trans issues. The book contains seven personal accounts (not including the author’s) of individuals intimately involved in trans issues. We will learn from their knowledge and experience. Some of this will become a bit technical at times, so please read carefully and with purpose to fully understand what is being said.

“An enormous quantity of man-made chemicals has been released into the environment since the chemical revolution began after World War II. According to researchers who have studied their effects, ‘many of these chemicals can disturb development of the endocrine system and of the organs that respond to endocrine signals in organisms indirectly exposed during prenatal and /or early postnatal life; effects of exposure during development are permanent and irreversible.’ Some scientists and transpeople argue that the buildup of these endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the environment has begun to produce the same kind of effects on human sexual differentiation that have already been observed in wildlife and laboratory animals. In this view, a previously rare collection of endocrine-mediated anomalies is becoming more common as a result of the bioaccumulation of these chemicals, many of which are stored in fat and transmitted to the developing fetus through the placenta in pregnancy.” “The strongest evidence for a possible biological basis for gender variance comes from research on the effects of the drug diethylstilbestrol (DES). DES is a synthetic estrogen developed in 1938. Between 1945 and 1970, DES and other synthetic hormones were prescribed to millions of pregnant women in the mistaken belief that they would help prevent miscarriages. DES was even included in vitamins given to pregnant women, and in animal feed. Use of DES during pregnancy was discontinued in the United States in 1971, when seven young women whose mothers had taken DES during pregnancy were found to be suffering from a rare vaginal cancer. Since then, research on animals and human epidemiological studies have proved that DES causes myriad health problems in both males and females exposed to the drug in the womb, including structural damage to the reproductive system. Animal research has also shown that DES and other estrogenic chemicals affect the development of sex-dimorphic brain structures and behavior in animals. Laboratory animals exposed to hormones at critical stages of development in utero exhibited behaviors associated with the other sex after birth. Only in recent years have some researchers begun to note higher-than-expected rates of transgenderism in DES sons and daughters. The moderators of an online discussion group for the XY children of DES mothers surveyed subscribers in 2002 and discovered that 36.5 percent of the forum’s members were either preoperative or postoperative transsexuals, while another 14.3 percent defined themselves as transgendered. An update taken on the five-year anniversary of the group showed that since 1999, between one-quarter and one-third of the members of the DES Sons Network had indicated that gender identity and/or sexuality issues were among their most significant concerns. These data have not yet found their way into the scientific literature, however, and the combined cohort studies of DES children have thus far failed to ask a single question related to gender identity. This epidemiologic failure baffles DES ‘sons’ who are now daughters and who are aware of the increasing public health concerns about chemicals that bind to the estrogen receptor in humans and animals. ‘There are millions of us who were exposed to DES. And millions more exposed to DDT, DDE, dioxin, and God knows whatever else is out there that is estrogenic,’ says Dr. Dana Beyer, a transgendered physician who serves as co-moderator of the DES Sons Network. ‘You look at DES and say, ‘If that can mimic estrogen, there must be other things out there. What are people eating? What are they exposed to in the water supply? Five million people were exposed to DES in this country alone. Globally, there are many millions more. And we’re still alive and kicking and suffering from the effects. Plus there probably will be third-generation effects and maybe fourth- and fifth-generation effects.’ Efforts to establish the etiology, or cause, of transsexuality and other forms of gender variance have most often focused on psychological rather than organic causes – this is not surprising, since gender identity disorders are classified as psychiatric, not medical, conditions. Many psychiatrists have attempted to root gender nonconformity in an unstable home environment, abusive or disturbed parents, gender confusion in the family, and other social factors. This line of research has not been very successful, however, as relatively few individuals who grow up in disturbed circumstances of any kind exhibit gender anomalies. As early as 1973, a psychologist working with cross-gendered clients noted that ‘there is no more psychopathology in the transsexual population than in the population at large, although societal response to the transsexual does impose almost insurmountable problems’.” “Some who believe that transgenderism and transsexuality are biologically based argue that the condition known as ‘gender identity disorder’ ought to be removed from the DSM [Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders] and reclassified as a congenital endocrinological disorder. ‘Somewhere the hormones that are secreted either by the brain or by the testes in response to the brain – the fetal hormonal system – are messed up. The end result is the morphological phenomenon, the brain anatomy or hypothalamic anatomy,’ says Dr. Dana Beyer. ‘Let’s figure out what’s going on here, rather than telling the parents the kid is crazy, delusional. The assumption is that you are psychotic or have some kind of mental abnormality. That’s the problem with the DSM. If we can make this a congenital anomaly just like cleft palate and cleft lip, or any of the physical intersex conditions, that shifts everybody’s perspective’.” “There needs to be an interdisciplinary gender studies. Because, so far, all of the theory and the research has come from a body of knowledge that has never had to be critical of its own foundational assumptions. And so it just becomes another vector for naturalizing particular kinds of ideological agendas. So I think that critically conscious transsexual or transgendered people, who can reveal the ideological constructions of the sex/gender systems, have this tremendous work in front of us. Unfortunately, it’s really hard to get funding to do that work.” George Jorgensen, Jr. “. . . turned for comfort to Paul de Kruif’s book, the Male Hormone, which points out that the chemical difference between testosterone and estradiol is merely a matter of four atoms of hydrogen and one atom of carbon. ‘If Dr. de Kruit’s chemical ratio was correct, it would seem then that the relationship was very close,’ Jorgensen writes in her autobiography. ‘That being so, I reasoned, there must be times when one could be so close to that physical dividing line that it would be difficult to determine on which side of the male-female dividing line one belonged’.” “. . . scientists learned that women’s urine contained the ‘male’ hormone, testosterone, and the urine of men contained the ‘female’ hormone, estrogen. Though the proportions were different, both sexes produced both male and female hormones. One researcher commented on the baffling discovery by noting that ‘the present wonder is not that intersexual conditions occur, but that the balance of endocrine factors usually comes down on one side or the other to produce a recognizable male or female – perhaps in these days, I should say, a more or less recognizable male or female’.” ” . . . research that might have made the study of gender variance something more substantial than an ‘ideology’ came to an abrupt end when the Johns Hopkins clinic closed in 1997 and most of the other university clinics followed suit.” “‘One of the things that I think was so tragic about SRS [Sex Reassignment Surgery] being forced off of medical school campuses is that it meant that almost all good research came to an abrupt end. That to me is a tragedy because there’s just so much research crying out to be done’, says Ben Barres of Stanford.” “Hormones acting under the influence of genes are now thought to be the primary architects of gender identity . . .” “. . . the exact mechanisms by which a core gender identity (or sexual orientation) is developed remain unclear.” “The truth is . . . ‘we don’t know where to look. It might be in the biochemistry. It might be somewhere else.’ [Milton] Diamond thinks that the seat of gender identity will eventually be located in the brain, ‘but it doesn’t have to be something that’s morphologically obvious’.

“The pressure to conform to societal expectations of ‘normal’ behavior and appearance comes from all sides – parents, school authorities, the media, and (most daunting for an adolescent) peers. Though there are no Robert’s Rules of gender posted at home, in schools, and in churches, the rules exist and are often harshly enforced by peers, parents, and school authorities.” ” . . . rather than ‘generating research’ or research funding, the classification of GID [Gender Identity Disorder] as a mental disorder seems instead to have limited the research done on physiological mechanisms for gender variance, or on the intriguing connections between GID and prenatal exposure to DES and other exogenous estrogens and androgens.” “This lack of research has very large consequences for the transgender community, even beyond the basic but somewhat esoteric question of the etiology (cause) of gender variance.” “As even this brief treatment of the issue shows, questions far outnumber answers in the realm of transgender health care and research. In no area is this more true than in the biggest and most controversial question of all – what causes gender variance and why do there seem to be so many more gender-variant people in the world today than there were fifty years ago?”

Question: “Well, they put DES in pregnancy vitamins . . . I know. That’s one of the issues we have to deal with now, when we ask people, ‘Did your mother take DES?’ and they ask their mothers and they say, ‘No, they just gave me lots of vitamins.’ But that’s what they called them; that’s how they marketed them to women. ‘Oh, these are just vitamins.’ Some of them were more honest in saying, ‘This is to prevent miscarriage.’ But some women were given DES who hadn’t even miscarried, in vitamins and so forth.” “Developments in the last decade have highlighted the reproductive, behavioral, and anatomical effects of endocrine disrupters on animals exposed to these chemicals. Effects due to endocrine-disrupting chemicals are observed at concentrations as low as parts per trillion for animals in the laboratory, indicating that the fetal endocrine system is more sensitive to disruption than any other know body system. These results of toxicology are significantly related to the field of gender identity and indicate a causal relationship between exposure to these chemicals and anomalies in the expression of gender identity and other disorders such as reproductive failure. CHRISTINE JOHNSON, ‘ENDOCRINE DISRUPTING CHEMICALS AND TRANSSEXUALISM’ SEATTLE, 2001.” [When] “. . . I encountered Christine Johnson’s article sketching out a hypothesis between endocrine disrupters and transsexuality, I was two years into the research for this book. I had spoken to literally hundreds of transgendered and transsexual people at meetings and online. By then, it was abundantly clear to me that the people I was meeting were not mentally ill.” [When] “. . . I encountered Christine Johnson and discovered that there was, in fact, a substantial scientific literature on anomalous sexual differentiation, but that I wouldn’t find it in journals of endocrinology or psychiatry. I would find the hard science in the last places I would have thought to look: toxicology and environmental health, the disciplines in which I had been trained as a science writer.” “Regarding the environmental endocrine hypothesis itself and its relationship to transsexuality, Johnson points out that the scientific literature ‘makes it abundantly clear that it is possible to feminize males and masculinize females by application of exogenous hormones. This is reproduced reliably in the lab on animals, so there should be little argument over the potential of hormonal compounds to alter the ‘normal’ path of development. For the last 40 years, gender researchers have been saying that hormonal variations can indeed cause altered development of the anatomy of the genitals and the brain. And so now we find endocrine disrupters all over the place, and yet we still take the incredibly naive view that somehow we develop independently from our hormonal environment? I find this view totally inconsistent with my understanding of how natural systems work.” “Dr. John McLachlan, the Tulane University researcher . . . has been studying the effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals for over thirty years. I approached him after his presentation at the February 2002 meeting and asked him, with some trepidation, if it was possible for endocrine-disrupting chemicals to affect human gender identity and sexual orientation, and to increase the prevalence of intersex conditions. ‘Absolutely,’ he replied . . .” “‘You should have a look at the DES literature’, he said. Soon after the meeting, I did so. what I discovered astonished me.”

“DES was first synthesized in 1938, in the laboratory of Sir Charles Dodds, a professor of biochemistry at the Middlesex Hospital Medical School at the University of London.” “. . . Dodd’s discovery of a synthetic estrogen that could be easily and cheaply produced was hailed as a great boon.” “. . . DES, manufactured from coal tar products, is not at all chemically similar in structure to natural estrogens.” The human body cannot utilize DES the same way that it does with estrogen, so some normal methods are not effective, and some abnormal methods must be employed. “Never patented, the drug was sold under more than 400 different brand names by 257 pharmaceutical companies in the United States alone.” DES was approved by the FDA in 1941 and prescribed to suppress lactation (for those women who did not choose to breastfeed), “to treat amenorrhea (failure to menstrate) and vaginitis and (surreptitiously) to prevent miscarriage . . .” Studies to confirm efficacy to prevent miscarriages were either flawed or showed no benefit in preventing miscarriages, but none the less, “more than three million pregnant women in the United States alone were prescribed DES between 1941 and 1971.” DES was included in pills, injections, vaginal suppositories, and vitamins and “became a routine part of the quality care that private practitioners gave their predominantly middle-class patients . . .” “Beginning in the early forties, DES was also used in commercial agriculture, added to the feed given to livestock and chickens in pellets – a practice given added impetus when, in 1947, researchers at the Purdue University Agriculture Station discovered that DES was a potent growth stimulant in cattle. In 1959 high levels of DES in meat were discovered to produce ‘disturbing symptoms’ in agricultural workers and consumers, including sterility, impotence, and gynecomastia (breast growth) in men.” DES was banned in chicken and lamb feed that same year, but not banned in cattle feed until 1971. How many people were exposed to DES between 1941 and 1971 is incalculable, as well as secondary exposures. Epigenetics studies how maternal nutrition can change gene function without altering DNA by inducing mutations. “Genes can be activated or inactivated by a process called methylation . . . which is critically important during prenatal and postnatal development, silencing some genes and activating others . . .” “‘Fleeting exposure to anything that influences methylation patterns during development can change the animal or person for a lifetime,’ the science writer Sandra Blakeslee reports . . .” “A fact sheet on DES produced by the National Toxicology Program notes transsexualism as one of many effects of DES, and the Dictionary of Organic Compounds, a standard reference book for organic chemists, notes that DES ’causes male impotence and transsexual changes particularly in offspring exposed in utero’.” “Prenatal exposure to DES primes an individual to be supersensitive to estrogens, whether endogenous (produced within the body) or exogenous (outside the body) for the remainder of his or her life.” “The DES Cancer Network estimates that approximately ten million mothers and unborn children were exposed to DES from 1941 to 1971. A great many of these individuals, both mothers and children, have no idea that they were unwitting participants in the DES experiment.” Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Anyone heard of the COVID-19 injections? If you don’t know about the adverse effects of those injections, then you need to go back and review a few of our prior blogs! “Even if they did not receive direct injections of DES, many of our mothers ate contaminated food before and during their pregnancies.”

Our next blog will conclude this series on TRANSPHOBIA and finalize our search for The Truth by more comments on DES, along with other summarizing facts, from the book we have been reviewing, “The Riddle of Gender”. We again implore the reader to use your FREEDOM and LIBERTY to review and ponder upon the vast amount of material we have presented over the last several weeks. Remember, unity in our Nation does not require uniformity. We should only choose conversation over confrontation in our great Nation, as we seek transparency and truth.

TRANSPHOBIA – The Truth (part V)

NOTE: If you are joining our blogs today, be advised you are doing so in the middle of a thread of blogs which began back on April 3, 2022, titled TRANSPHOBIA. In order to understand the underlying foundation we established for what you will read today, it is important that you go back and read all of those blogs in sequence before reading the one below.

As we now begin to conclude our blog series on TRANSPHOBIA, we want to delve into areas rarely explored, let alone discussed. Most people who are not trans simply think those caught within the web of the trans world have made this decision only by choice, influenced by pressures inflicted upon them. In our wrap-up series beginning today, we are going to demonstrate that those who are trans have been heavily influence biologically and behaviorally by factors beyond their control. We seek only The Truth in this series and challenge all readers to explore the areas we have highlighted. The hope is that many who have been repulsed by the trans world, will see more clearly the dilemma these trans folks are in, and maybe engender a greater understanding and even sympathy for their daily struggle. We do not believe that all, who may think they are transgendered, queer, or of some other newly invented variant of the trans world, are legitimate. Only through scientific analysis, extensive counselling, and a full exploration of all contributing and influential factors, can and should hormonal and biological changing processes be considered.

In these concluding chapters of our TRANSPHOBIA blog series, we will be referencing a book titled, “The Riddle Of Gender”, by Deborah Rudacille, published in 2006. There are 35 pages of additional notes at the conclusion of the book giving source and reference material. In addition, the bibliography has 78 references given. There is an extensive Index at the back of the book covering 19 pages by itself. Obviously, this book is well documented for the those who may be skeptical of books on such topics. In the author’s Acknowledgment section, it is important to share her own words concerning her development of this book: “Many individuals and organizations have contributed to my education on topics discussed in this book. My informal conversations with people at various conferences attended during the course of my research, as well as my participation (and lurking) on various online discussion lists has helped me to understand that members of the trans community (or more properly speaking, communities) are quite diverse in their backgrounds, beliefs, and goals. I regret that I have been unable to cover many of the topics that various individuals encouraged me to explore: for example, the challenges faced by trans elders and veterans; the impact of race and socioeconomics on access to health care and other services; the problems encountered by homeless, disabled, and incarcerated trans people; and the role of faith and family in the lives of trans people. Each of these subjects is important and worthy of discussion but, unfortunately, falls outside the scope of this book. My apologies to those who generously contributed their time and expertise on these matters, only to find that I have not covered their issues. My deepest thanks go to those individuals who shared with me sometimes very painful and private information, and permitted me to use their names and stories – and also to those whose personal or professional responsibilities required that they assume the cloak of anonymity. I am profoundly grateful to all my sources, both named and anonymous, whose candor helped me to understand their lives and struggles.” Following are some excerpts from this book that will reveal many things you did not know, and will hopefully encourage more compassion towards the trans communities, while at the same time diminish TRANSPHOBIA in our world today. First, the book lays out facts concerning the development of the fetus in the womb, so a brief human biology review is in order. Our search for The Truth continues below.

“I grew up in a time when increasing numbers of people believed that the differences between males and females were socially constructed, and that if children were raised to understand that there were no essential differences between being born in a male body and being born in a female body, we would all be ‘free to be’ – free of all gender-based boundaries and limitations, free of social stereotypes based on genital distinctions. Boys could cry, and girls could compete; boys could be nurses, homemakers, and teachers (the nurturing professions), and girls could be fighter pilots, police officers, and firefighters (the warrior professions). I am happy to live in a society that has struggled to eradicate limiting beliefs and practices that have kept both men and women from realizing their full potential as human beings. But I have largely abandoned the belief that all the differences we note between men and women are purely a matter of social custom. Some differences run much deeper than custom, the primary one being the deeply felt and ineradicable sense that one is male or female – or neither.” “But gender differences cannot be rooted in culture alone, because my body (what’s below my neck) and my brain (what’s above my neck) are not divided by some kind of biological Berlin Wall. The body and the brain are an open city, built on the constant exchange of information. Just after my mother’s egg and my father’s sperm united, each contributing and X chromosome to my female genotype, skeins of DNA began to uncoil and replicate. Messages traveled between the rapidly multiplying cells that had not yet differentiated into specific organs and tissues, switching genes on and off under instructions from the master template, guiding my development. In the sixth week of pregnancy, the process of sexual differentiation began. The androgynous embryo, which possesses both mullerian and wolffian ducts and thus has the potential to develop either a male or female reproductive anatomy, accepted its genetic fate, and an exquisitely choreographed dance began, performed by a company of steroid hormones.” “Evidence suggests that my brain was prenatally ‘sexed’ as well, through the mechanism by which this process is carried out is less clearly understood.” “In an XY fetus, a different set of chemical messages begins circulating in the second month of pregnancy, based on instructions encoded in the Y chromosome. ‘Male!’ the Y chromosome shouts, and a gene called SRY directs the primitive gonad to form testicles, rather than ovaries. The testicles soon begin to produce androgens, which will masculinize both genitalia and brain. One of the chemical messengers produced by the testicles, mullerian-inhibiting substance (MIS), begins circulating throughout the rapidly dividing cells, barking out orders to arrest the development of a female reproductive anatomy. Testosterone and MIS ensure that [the male sex organs are developed]. In males, the hormone-driven sexing of the brain is known to continue into the weeks immediately following birth, when the testicles pump out a flood of testosterone at levels that will not be matched until puberty. By that time, the male child will have learned what behaviors and attitudes his family and culture expect him to display; these are based on the presence of male genitals. The process of prenatal sexual differentiation is complex and multifaceted. An embryo needs more than a Y chromosome to become male; it also needs and androgen receptor gene on the X chromosome to enable it to respond to the androgens its testes are producing. If the androgen receptor gene isn’t functioning, the XY fetus will develop female genitalia. Moreover, testosterone (the so-called male hormone) is transformed into estrogen in the brain by an enzyme called aromatase. As researcher Lindsey Berkson has pointed out, ‘one cheeky irony of life is that how masculine a man is as an adult may be partly the result of his having had optimal amounts of estrogen in his brain at a certain time during his stay in the womb. Amazingly minute differences – parts per trillion or parts per billion of a few sex hormones – literally affect the making of men or women.’ More often than most people suspect, the ‘script’ of sexual differentiation is altered during pregnancy, producing variation.”

“Male-bodied persons dressing and living as women and female-bodied persons dressing and living as men were known in ancient Greece and Rome, among Native American tribes [as we have pointed out in previous blogs on this subject] prior to the arrival of Europeans, on the Indian subcontinent, in Africa, in Siberia, in eastern Europe, and in nearly every other indigenous society studied by anthropologists. According to historian Vern Bullough, ‘gender crossing is so ubiquitous, that genitalia by itself has never been a universal nor essential insignia of a lifelong gender.'” “Because we live in a culture that expects science to settle questions based in the body, we look to science to tell us what it means to be male and female, how gender identity is formed, and why it is that the sex of the body sometimes seems to be at odds with the sex of the mind. But despite our sophisticated tests, science can still offer no definitive answer to this question, only tantalizing clues.” “Today our tools are vastly more powerful, yet they are no more accurate in predicting gender identity in certain cases than the eyeball test . . . “ “Most do not make a distinction between anatomical sex and gender identity. Nor do they realize that it is possible for a person to have XY chromosomes yet female-body morphology and genitals as a result of androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS), or XX chromosomes yet male-body morphology and genitals as a result of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). Those are only two of a number of genetic and endocrine conditions that can create anatomically intersexual people. Once these persons were called hermaphrodites, after the intersexual offspring of the gods Hermes and Aphrodite. As that myth indicates, in some cultures, intersexual and transgendered persons have been viewed with reverence and respect.” “No one accuses intersexual persons of being mentally ill. Their gender variance is inscribed on their bodies, in their gonads, genitals, or chromosomes – and so seems ‘real’ because it is a material, measurable entity. The same is not true of transgendered and transsexual persons, who present a baffling enigma to their families, physicians, and themselves.”

“Gender variance is not a widely discussed subject, even in medical schools, and as a consequence many physicians, like the general public, know very little about the subject other than what they are able to glean from sensationalist media accounts of cross-dressing and trans-sexuality. Gender variance still seems to be considered a more suitable topic for late-night talk show jokes than for journals of public health and public policy . . .” “Public prejudices make it difficult for visibly transgendered or transsexual people to gain an education, employment, housing, or health care, and acute gender dysphoria leaves people at high risk for drug abuse, depression, and suicide.” “Legal scholar Jillian Weiss has pointed out that ‘gender identity disorders’ are probably far more common than previously suspected, on the basis of four general observations. First, unrecognized gender problems are occasionally diagnosed when patients are seen with anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and other psychiatric conditions, which often serve to mask the underlying gender issue. Second, many individuals who meet the diagnostic criteria for ‘gender identity disorder’ never present themselves for treatment (this category includes the great majority of cross-dressers, professional female impersonators, and gender-variant gay people). Third, the intensity of some people’s feelings of gender-related discomfort fluctuates throughout their lifetimes, and does not always achieve a sustained ‘clinical threshold’ requiring treatment. Finally, gender-variant behavior among female-bodied persons is ‘invisible’ in a way that gender-variant behavior in male-bodied persons is not. On the most basic level, this is exemplified by the relative ease with which women can don men’s clothing.” “Others believe that greater public tolerance and acceptance, combined with the increased ability to connect with others online and in person, is responsible for the increasing visibility and political activism of gender-variant people. ‘Twenty or forty or fifty years ago, you couldn’t have had a meeting like this one,’ Professor Milton Diamond told me at the 2003 annual meeting of the International Foundation for Gender Education. The majority of the meeting’s participants were cross-dressed men, a group that remains the most heavily closeted of sexual minorities and the most persecuted. ‘A meeting like this would have been broken up by the police,’ Diamond said. Then too he pointed out, ‘Many of these individuals think that they are the only ones in the world, and they don’t think that there is a solution, and when they find a solution or find a safe haven somewhere, they utilize it. Many of these activities are like support groups in their own way. They don’t call them that, but that’s what they are.'”

In our continuing blog on TRANSPHOBIA – The Truth, next week we will begin to get a bit more technical and look at potential biological and scientific causes for the trans issue in our society today, as we continue our exploration of the book, The Riddle of Gender. Until then, as always, we encourage all readers to keep an open mind and continue to evaluate the evidence we are presenting to be better able to make rational, knowledge-based, science-based judgements about all things trans. FREEDOM and LIBERTY also means to allow our consciousness to be FREE to evaluate facts, make appropriate decisions based upon those facts, and then to act accordingly. The FREEDOM to speak, in open forum, should challenge our positions upon which we stand, to ensure we stand on truth, based on facts and knowledge. We will never agree on all things. In our great Nation, LIBERTY must extend to all citizens, even if we sometimes disagree.