We Have Seen This Story Before

Empty tomb with three crosses

There was this man. All he wanted to do was to bring hope and change into this world. He was concerned about the poor and downtrodden. He surrounded himself with those who were not of the elite class. He provided avenues of healing to those who had been shunned in the past. He railed against the political class, calling them out using names that offended those in power. He threatened the very institutions which those elite depended upon for the fulfillment of their positions of power from which they derived the satisfaction of their pride and lust. He forcefully upended the pursuits of their wealth at the expense of the poor and made clear the need for change.

Even though the masses thronged to see him, and loved his efforts on their behalf, those in power sought ways to diminish, even destroy this man who was upsetting their wicked ways. They contrived ways to entrap him, to slander him, to diminish his value in their eyes in order to protect their lofty positions and comfy way of life, all the while enjoying the fruits of their oppression of those beneath them. They accused him of going against the established order of their existence. They even colluded with those outside their normal sphere of influence to bring about the demise of this man.

But this man was not deterred. He continued to be about the work that had been set before him, even at great cost. He feared not for his life but spoke candidly and often about the ills perpetrated upon those not in power. The masses continued to flock to see him, seeing hope spring in their hearts, seeing a resolution to the oppression they had endured for so long. They clung to his every word, and believed a new age was about to dawn.

But the elite in power brought all their forces to bear upon this man, to the point of accusing him of crimes he had not committed, crimes worthy of his total and complete destruction. They pursued him in their courts and in every avenue within their control, often using false claims, lies, and deceptions. They even sought those who were closest to him to bring about his intended demise. Eventually they succeeded in their pursuit to destroy this man . . . . . . . . or so they thought.

What the powerful elite failed to understand is that truth and morality are far more powerful than political power. Even though, for a time, some in the masses feared for their own lives and hid themselves from the potential of personal destruction from the association with this man, the reality was that the seeds that had been sown were germinating and spreading like wildfire. When it was learned that this man had not been destroyed, the movement of the masses grew ever larger, ever more powerful, and the elites in power found their efforts being exposed and diminished in their attempts to retain control over the masses. Even today, the movement survives and grows, despite continuing efforts to diminish, break apart, and subjugate those who believed in the pursuits of this man.

Of whom do we speak? The picture at the top of this blog makes it fairly obvious, but do you see any parallels in our world today? We certainly do not claim in any way that the previous President of the United States was above all guilt, void of sin, for none of us can ever claim that status. Only one man has lived without sin, but he was not the last person to attract the vitriol of the elite. We are here today to claim that wicked and evil forces abound in our Nation today. They use deception, lies, projection, shadow banning and throttling, often claiming the false pretense of “mis-information”, or “dis-information”. They know the truth but are blinded by their pursuit of and retention of the power and prestige they so revere. They will do anything to destroy those who do not agree with them, and especially those who dare to speak out and act against their vile and wicked ways. If you treasure your FREEDOM and LIBERTY, then you must stand firm and hold fast to truth, morality, justice, and equality for all. Those who have given their lives in defending and preserving our Republic are calling upon each one of you to do your part, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. “We The People” are the masses. There are more of us than of them, and we have honor, dignity, and respect on our side, but we are not timid, embarrassed or ashamed for what we fight for, that being the preservation and continuation of our great United States of America.