In the picture above, Dr. Anthony Fauci is on the left, and Bill Gates is on the right, shaking each other’s hand. To begin with, we want to state that in many ways, these two men have used their positions, power, and money to pursue ways and avenues in an attempt to better the human condition. However, not all efforts are always done with the spoken or apparent intentions. Nature itself teaches us that what is above the surface is not representative of what lies beneath. How far do roots of a tree extend beneath it? How much of an iceberg extends above the water line? The current below the sea is not always indicated by the waves above. The real intent or purpose of any human activity is not always as it seems. Some activities have unintended consequences, not always previously considered. All humans have flaws, and not all human actions are done with selfless intent. Much of ones character and purpose can be determined by one’s actions and words. For the two men above, we want to share statements made by both for your consideration. These statements may not be familiar to you, but they have been out there for some time. Many have attempted to explain away what has been said, but we ask you to put these statements in context with current events. Do your own research. Look for any potential for “HIDDEN AGENDAS.”

The following statement was made on video in January 2017 by Dr. Fauci. Note that it was made in the same month that then President Donald Trump took office of the Presidency of the United States of America. We have added Caps for emphasis within the statement. “There is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases, both chronic infectious diseases in the sense of already on-going disease, and we have certainly a large burden of that, BUT ALSO THERE WILL BE A SURPRISE OUTBREAK.” We only want to remind you that COVID-19 was a “surprise outbreak”. What did Dr. Fauci know? After all, he had a hand in the Gain Of Function research (virus manipulation) being conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan China. Has Dr. Fauci been completely honest with the American citizens during the course of this virus? Has he communicated outside of the public view, to government and corporate entities, building consensus for a joint public narrative, exclusive of all facts and points of view? Has he contributed in any way to “HIDDEN AGENDAS?” Hmmmm?

If you own or have used a computer, or if you have conducted any kind of transaction, you have undoubtedly been touched by Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft. He has evolved in his pursuits of late, and over the past few years he has been involved in helping to develop gene-based delivery strategies, which involves vaccines, for use world-wide. Much of this work has been, and is being done, in concert with the National Institute of Health (NIH), under the direction of Francis Collins, the man in the middle in the picture above. Not surprising that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), headed by Dr. Fauci, is also working in concert with Bill Gates.

In February 2011, in a TED video presentation, Bill Gates said the following (we have added Caps for emphasis): “First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. NOW, IF WE DO A REALLY GREAT JOB ON NEW VACCINES, HEALTH CARE, REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES, WE COULD LOWER THAT BY PERHAPS 10 OR 15 PERCENT.” One would think that doing a “great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services”, many who might die from preventable diseases would be saved, and the population would grow, not decrease. Apparently Bill Gates believes that parents progenitor many offspring believing many of them will die prematurely, and by keeping more of those children alive, parents will need fewer children. What is evident to us is that some parents have many kids for many different reasons. Catholic and Mormon faiths have often traditionally encouraged larger families. Some parents simply love to have kids. Some parents who live on farms believe “many hands make light work.” Some parents do not believe in contraception or abortion. Some believe in Genesis 1:28, repeated again in Genesis 9:1, where God said “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth”(NASB). As far as we can tell, that commandment has not been rescinded by God. Does Bill Gates have any “HIDDEN AGENDAS?” Hmmmm?

There are several reasons for reducing the population in the eyes of Bill Gates. Fewer people on the earth mean more food for those who remain. The “carbon footprint” of mankind would be reduced, believing it to lead to a more sustainable world existence. Technology (read this as vaccines, medicines, and transhumanism advances) would allow better healthcare and reproductive control, and would therefore extend life. We believe that the light of transparency will reveal all “HIDDEN AGENDAS”. Not all believe as Bill Gates does, and not all feel compelled to cast their will upon others. Many do not desire to live dependent upon vaccines, or to allow abortion to be the norm, We are all mortal beings, and none of us will get out of this world alive. Many look forward to a better life after death. While we are here, we will treasure our progenitors, and wish them long, healthy, and fruitful lives, surrounded by those who love them and care for them. We will treasure the traditional family, and not vilify our fathers to weaken them. We will stand firmly against abortion, euthanasia, and gynecide. We did not set this earth on is axis, and we can never, no matter how hard we may try, make one day longer or one day shorter by our own will. What we can do is to treasure our FREEDOM and LIBERTY, and wish the same for as many as who will seek it. We will defend it for ourselves, and will defend the right of others to achieve it. Will you?

We cannot say for certain if the two men mentioned above have “HIDDEN AGENDAS?”. Only they know in their heart, soul, conscience, or moral center if they are seeking only the benefit of others. This question, ARE THERE ANY “HIDDEN AGENDAS?”, needs to be asked of all who are in positions of power and authority. To believe and follow them without question, or without a measure of healthy skepticism, and by rejecting everything that is contrary without proper examination, is dangerous and can lead to ruin. “And if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit” (Matthew 15:14 NASB). Seek out transparency in all things to expose, confront, and defeat “HIDDEN AGENDAS.”


LINGCHI was a method used in China for hundreds of years. The word loosely translates to “slow slicing”, “lingering death”, or “DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS.” It was used as a slow form of torture leading to death, and used from the seventh century up until 1905 when the process was even captured on film. We will not describe how this was done, for it is too gruesome to even read about, let alone watch, how this form of execution was carried out. It was practiced only on those having committed the worst crimes. The skill of the executioner and his mercy, and the strength of the convicted, determined the length of the process, which lasted any where from 15 minutes to hours.

Many use the term “DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS” flippantly, not realizing the type of torturous death it really was. However, if it is used to describe a painful process that eventually leads to the death of something, it can be an accurate metaphor. In this blog we only wish to exhort the various ways, attacks, “cuts” if you will, that are being made upon our Republic, and if continued, will lead to its death. The phrase “slippery slope” doesn’t always foretell the result that could ultimately prevail, but the term “DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS” does! Whatever the process being used, upon whatever subject, the end result is the cessation of its existence.

In this blog our purpose is not to cast dispersion upon the Chinese people at large. Our focus is upon the Chinese Communist Party, a minority of the Chinese people, who are inflicting a new form of “LINGCHI”, not only upon its own people, but upon the world at large, and specifically upon the United States of America. When focusing upon the CCP’s attack upon our Nation, they have calculated, over the last several decades, that bringing down our Nation through use of kinetic force, using weapons of destruction destroying not only people, but infrastructures as well, was not a preferred option. Years ago, they embarked upon a different strategy using a subtle, insidious method which can be likened to “LINGCHI”, not upon individuals, but upon our Nation. It is well known that citizens of China, who are privileged by the CCP to come to the United States to study or work, for years many have been conscripted to report back to the CCP. Let us simply mention a few ways the CCP has been “slowly slicing” up our Nation. We are sure you could add to our list.

Confucius Institutes

CCP owning tens of thousands of acres of prime U.S. farm land

CCP has bought billions of dollars of U.S. realestate

CCP has been granted special rules in our Wall Street markets

CCP infiltrated businesses (example: Niki – “Of China and for China”)

CCP infiltrated our technology companies and corportations

CCP infiltrated our colleges

CCP infiltrated our government through “business” connections

CCP attempts to infiltrate our power grid systems

CCP has hacked our institutions and elections

CCP controls 97% of our antibiotics and 80% of active ingredients

CCP has funneled into U.S. narcotics and opiates, including fentanyl

CCP dominates U.S. exotic mineral excavation and production

CCP dominates lithium battery production, used for most vehicles

CCP is source of SARS CoV-1 and COVID-19

While the CCP is directly responsible for the list above, we cannot ignore other ways it may also be involved, although it is harder to prove, and even more insidious. What will be listed below are “cuts” being made through the fabric of our society by the current U.S. government and compliant corporations and media, and one has to wonder to what degree the CCP has had a direct or indirect influence. In our blog “FOLLOW THE MONEY” published on June 23, we laid out multiple areas where corruption is rampant and being left unchecked. We believe there is a financial undercurrent to nearly everything being “shredded” in our Nation. There is also a vast infection of incompetence being allowed to exist helping the process of LINGCHI within our Nation. Maybe you can add to the partial list below?

The invasion at our Southern border

The Afghanistan troop withdrawal debacle

Loosing our energy indepedence

Our ever increasing National financial debt

Allowing drug and sex traffickers to operate nearly unchecked

Police forces dismantled and restricted

Mandates have usurped legislative processes

Allowing violators of our laws to roam free

Releasing many incarcerated who then reoffend

Constant efforts to restrict or eliminate the Right To Bare Arms

Pushing citizens into caste systems, encouraging new forms of racism

Increasing the financial inflation rate

Allowing the devaluation of the U.S. dollar to continue unchecked

Allowing unbridled, uncontrolled, selective censorship to exist

Allowing unequal justice

Permitting corruption of the FBI, CIA, and DOJ to continue

How long will we allow “LINGCHI” to continue to, and within, our Nation? The historical blood of our Nation is being spilled out upon the alter of wokeness, conformity, oppression and tyranny. Crying out for mercy to the executioners is pointless. Only by the banding together with those who treasure FREEDOM and LIBERTY, can our Republic survive death. However, it is not up to “someone else” to do it . . . . . it is up to you! Be active, speak out, take risks necessary to save that which was given to us at such great cost over dozens of generations preceding us. Be found worthy to be included among them when our posterity speaks of us.


What does it take for you to have had enough of the ever increasing attacks on our FREEDOM and LIBERTY? We fear many of you would find yourself somewhere along the ‘LINE IN THE SAND’ depicted in the picture above. Some have been pushed way beyond the line they have drawn, but have been hung out to dry by many who are too non-confrontational, willing to “Go along to get along”. That dangerous belief is rife with a willingness to keep moving their “LINE IN THE SAND”, until it can no longer be identified, because by then you have been pulled out and succumbed by the undertow of Marxism, Socialism, economic and social subjugation. If you have been among the compliant, silent, fearful numbers, it is long past time to crawl out of your protective shell and be seen and heard, to not only support those who will stand forward and lead, but also to help fortify and renew the FREEDOM and LIBERTY to be enjoyed and appreciated by those generations to follow. It would seem that too many have forgotten our roots established by our Founding Fathers, and the many leaders who have preceded us in this Nation. Maybe some of their words will re-ignite the dwindling passion for FREEDOM and LIBERTY.

“Government big enough to give everything you need, is big enough to take everything you have.” (Thomas Jefferson)

“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to over throw it.” (Abraham Lincoln)

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” (Edmond Burke (1728 – 1797)

“For true patriots, silence is dangerous.” (Samuel Adams)

“Politicians and diapers should be changed frequently, and for the same reasons.” (Mark Twain)

“We the people are the rightful masters of both the Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” “Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.” “No man is good enough to govern another man without the other’s consent.” “Any society that takes away from those most capable and gives to the least will perish.” “The trouble with too many people is they believe the realm of truth always lies within their vision.” (Abraham Lincoln)

“The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.” (Margaret Thatcher)

“Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.” “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” “The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.” “When bad men combine, the good must associate, else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” “The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.” “It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.” “Hypocrisy can afford to be magnificent in its promises, for never intending to go beyond promise, it costs nothing.” “Justice is itself the greatest standing policy of civil society; and any eminent departure from it, under any circumstances, lies under the suspicion of being no policy at all.” (Edmond Burke)

WHERE IS YOUR “LINE IN THE SAND?” Have you not been pushed enough with the constant surges of mask mandates? Have you not wondered why many are still getting COVID after having received the vaccination? If masks and the disinfecting of hands and surfaces, and social distancing were really effective, can you not understand that this virus should have been long gone by now? COVID is a virus like the common cold or flu. Will you be wearing a mask and social distancing to eradicate them? When wearing your “mask of compliance”, can you smell smoke or aromas in the air? Hmmmm? Is it no wonder why COVID continues to spread, when even the weave on an N95 mask is larger than the COVID aerosol particle? Why do we allow governmental technocrats to threaten, and in fact enact, more mask mandates and lock-out restrictions using vaccination passports, forcing compliance, which continue to diminish our FREEDOMS and LIBERTY? Why inflict these mandates upon our citizens while encouraging, allowing, supporting, aiding and enabling an invasion at our southern border, most who are not screened or tracked ensuring legal hearings to follow? Multiple diseases are being escorted into our Nation, including COVID, while also turning a blind eye to the influx of killer opiates, smugglers of drugs and human sex traffickers’ who are raping and abusing a large percentage of these illegal aliens? Has any of this gone beyond what should be your normal “LINE IN THE SAND”?

WHERE IS YOUR “LINE IN THE SAND?” What happened to social discourse allowing the free exchange of ideas and thoughts? What was so magical about big box stores that they could always remain open, but the small businesses and shops were the ones closed, sometimes fined, and often put out of business. Does COVID not exist below four feet above the ground at a restaurant? Are you not frustrated knowing that last year our Nation was energy independent, but now our government is seeking other nations to boost their production of oil to help ease our ever increasing cost of a gallon of gasoline? If the “green new deal” folks believe carbon emissions are so bad for our world, why push other countries to pump more oil? What is their plan to stop forest fires and volcanos from pumping carbon continuously into the air? Was it rational to stop our Keystone Pipeline, but authorize our Russian nemesis to complete theirs? What will it take to effect justice upon the son of the current occupant of the White House for allowing Russians to steal his computer full of his lurid sex-capades? Was blackmail involved in allowing the Russians to move forward with their oil pipeline? Where is the investigation to reveal the truth and hold those accountable, not in a “two-forms-of-justice” Nation, but where laws and consequences are applied equally. Why are our social, sophisticated elites allowed to jet around in private planes, while threatening us with further taxation for each mile we drive? Doesn’t any of this place you beyond your rational “LINE IN THE SAND”? What will it take before you have had enough and have finally drawn your “LINE IN THE SAND” which you will never cross?



Here at freedomgoforth.com, we have been constantly amazed at how often things we have previously addressed, continue to be topics of discussion. Either we seem to be stuck in “Deja Vu” mode, or we have very short term memories. We believe we seem to be too busy, or too preoccupied with stuff, that we simply do not take the time to think about what has been, and place that in proper context as to what will be. There are certainly enough things around us constantly to remind us of what has come before.

A dog chasing it’s tail

Day follows night follows day

Winter follows fall follows summer follows spring follows winter

A merry go round

A rock stuck in the tire tread keeps ticking with each revolution

. . . . . . until it is removed

Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.” (Edmond Burke, Philosopher, 1729 – 1797) “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” (George Santayana, Philosopher, 1863 – 1952)

In our blog posted on May 23 titled “WHIPLASH”, we revealed the ebb and flow of dictatorial mandates that often are based on politics rather than actual, verified science: “The current government, often using undefined or flawed scientific evidence, has dictated, to those easily influenced, policies or procedures not well conceived, or even purposely designed to bring about effects suited to produce a desired course, completely unrelated to the crisis at hand. Those in power at any level consequently make decisions, seemingly at random, apart from reasoned thought or scientific proof, that leaves those impacted stuck in a never ending surf of tide-in, tide-out, wave-in, undertow-out. It is difficult to make sense of this form of WHIPLASH. It keeps one off balance, being easily manipulated, relying to a great degree, and even becoming completely dependent upon a tyrannical government. It ultimately engenders confusion, frustration, and distrust. This is not the form of freedom guaranteed to any of us in our Constitution.” All we can say right now is “Here we go again”. First, we don’t need masks, then we do, then we don’t, now we need them on again! “WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND”

On March 21 we blogged about the efficacy of masks in “MASKS vs. COVID-19 – The Facts”, and still there remains the illusion that masks provide the protection claimed by so many in government, big elite corporations, and the compliant media. Even Dr. Fauci has said early on that face masks were “not really effective in keeping out virus” (February 2020). As we pointed out in our blog, here, once again, are the facts. The real dangers posed by COVID-19 are in the aerosol form, very tiny particles that can remain airborne much longer than droplets. Aerosol particles of COVID-19 range in size from .06 to .14 microns. The holes between the weaves in most masks range in size from 5 to 200 microns, that is 35 to 3,300 times larger than the COVID-19 virus aerosol. Can you not see a potential problem here with the supposed effectiveness of masks? Even the N-95 mask, touted as the gold standard, only is 95% effective (and so it is designated “95”), but it only filters out particles down to .3 microns in size! It is no wonder masks are so ineffective against this virus. If they were effective, “15 days to flatten the curve”, or the mandatory wearing of masks would have long ago defeated this virus. So, here we go again, “WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND”, another wave of useless mask mandates!

On April 21 we blogged about “VACCINE EFFICACY”. In reporting the actual statistics submitted to the FDA by the pharmaceuticals in their trials, we pointed out that there was basically NO STATISTICAL DIFFERENCE between the groups that received the vaccine and those that did not. Is it now no wonder why those who had the vaccine are now also getting COVID-19? The vaccine is little better than a placebo. The vaccine is only an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) product. It has not undergone the usual trials which can take years to complete before receiving final approval by the FDA for distribution. Not only that, but the vaccine has killed over a hundred times more people that would have required a halt in an approved vaccines use by the FDA. There are real dangers of blood clots, Myocarditis and Pericarditis, as well as changes in female menstrual cycles, not to mention the potential effects during the birthing cycle. Some of these complications will not be known for months or even years, and may have life-long impacts. Some causes of neurological disorders (Parkinson’s, dementia, and Alzheimer’s), present in vaccinated test animals, may not appear in humans for months or years yet to come. Do you not wonder why the vaccine is still being pushed by government, big elite corporations and businesses, compliant media, and especially big pharma who have padded their financial pockets while being excused from all liability? Now there is even talk of booster shots. Another effort to enrich big pharma. Are we really even surprised that more shots may now be mandated? “WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND.”

We blogged about “FOLLOW THE MONEY” on June 23. Booster shots now being talked about will pad the financial pockets of big pharma even further. Now there is talk of “newly developed” pills, nearly identical to therapeutics already available, that will further enhance the bottom financial line of big pharma, because “new” drugs can be sold at much higher prices due to the patenting process. We cannot scream loud enough in a simple blog to say “For the love on money is a root of all kinds of evil” (I Timothy 6:10 NIV). Money too often drives “WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND.”

Is the drive for more profit not also behind the effort to have our children vaccinated? We implored our readers in our blog on July 25 titled “IF WE CAN SAVE JUST ONE . . . . WE SHOULD . . . . “ to step forward and to protect our children from unneeded, and in fact dangerous, efforts to require vaccinations for them. We quoted statistics directly from entities of our government showing that the dangers of potential COVID-19 death of children without comorbidities is nearly, in not completely, non-existent (0.004%). We quoted statistics proving that are children are subject to dozens of more risks much more harmful than COVID-19, yet we ignore those risks daily. We also showed evidence that the masking of our children can bring about illnesses and death due to infections and pathogens accumulated in a child’s mask. We also noted the dangerous levels of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) our children have to endure. What do you suppose is the effect of that over many weeks and months, or in the life of a child yet to be lived? Yet there is a renewed effort by government, and a compliant media, to force vaccinations and masks upon our children. “WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND.” When will this ever stop?

Finally, but certainly not lastly, because we could go on and on, we warned about the push for vaccination passports in our blog on April 14 titled “VACCINE PASSPORTS.” Government, with the assistance of compliant big tech, media and the corporate elites, are pushing the need for vaccine passports. They want you to be compliant, malleable, controllable, They can already track you with your smart phone, but with these vaccine passports, they will know much more about you, and if you are found to be for FREEDOM and LIBERTY, they will cancel you, You will be considered an outcast. You will be identified in a new class we will call SOCIAL RACISM. Where you can go, what you can do, what you can buy, who you can talk to, what you can watch, how you can live will be dictated by the tyrannical elites and current oligarchy, comprised of big tech and monopolistic corporations. Independent business and institutions will be forced to comply, or they too will be outed as non-conformists and subject to restrictions, even termination. If you think things are bad now, they will get much worse. Socialism and Marxism are already breading in our Nation. “WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND.” If not stopped by those who seek the founding principles of our Nation of FREEDOM and LIBERTY, all that has been sacrificed before us to establish and maintain the greatest Nation ever existing on the face of this Earth will be lost and gone forever.

It is time to gather together with those who share your desire for a return to the FREEDOMS and LIBERTY established in THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, and THE BILL OF RIGHTS. Do not sit idly by, but make your voices heard, speak and do not be silent. Call and visit your local and national Representatives and Senators, Demonstrate peacefully in protest to the wayward directions being forced upon us. Hold your city and county commissioners accountable. Vote with your feet if stores reject your FREEDOM, and go shop somewhere else. Vote for those running for political office who hold FREEDOM and LIBERTY sacrosanct. Be found worthy of those who preceded us in death. Be found worthy of those who will follow us in life. Will they say we stood firm and helped to preserve that which was granted to us?


Sun Tzu (Chinese general, military strategist, writer and philosopher, 544 BC – 496 BC) said in THE ART OF WAR: “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

We have shown above the 12 Rules For Radicals listed in Saul Alinsky’s book by the same name. You have probably heard his name before, but have little understanding of who he was or of his vision for societal change. He was born in 1909 in Chicago to Russian Jewish immigrant parents, although an agnostic since the age of 12, he always claimed he was Jewish. In 1926 he entered the University of Chicago and studied under Ernest Burgess and Robert E. Park who were prominent in America’s first sociology department. They argued “. . . social disorganization, not heredity, was the cause of disease, crime and other characteristics of slum life.” The Great Depression focused Alinsky on criminology, and he spent two years as a “nonparticipant observer” as he hung out with Al Capone’s mob. There, he learned the importance of power and personal relationships. In 1938 he devoted himself full-time as a political activist and became instrumental in organizing workers against businesses. He founded the IAF (Industrial Areas Foundation), mentored the TWO (The Woodlawn Organization), and FIGHT (Freedom, Integration, God, Honor, Today). He became famous for his original tactics including black mass bussing, threats to unleash rats, sit-ins, bills for pennies bank exchanges, and fart-ins. Although he never joined the Communist Party, he was sympathetic to their efforts to aid blacks and sharecroppers, and to Russia for taking a strong stand against Hitler. His ideas have held cannon-like sway in community organizing literature. Saul Alinsky died in 1972. (Wikipedia). There is much more to be said about the man, but not in this blog.

Many who are causing discontent within our Nation today are using Alinsky-like tactics. We will simply call it ALINSKYISM. Citizens and parents need to know about the “Alinsky Method” and “The Delphi Technique” (refer to the writings of Albert V. Burns, tysknews.com, Either Zone, published September, 2002). In order to counter this threat to our Nation, you must not only know who you are, and what you stand for, but you must also know who you are fighting against, and how they operate. We intend in this blog to emphasize only one word in Rule 12 of Rules For Radicals, “POLARIZE”. You may not have considered how POLARIZED we have become as a Nation in the last several decades. It has been sometimes a slow insidious slide, sometimes a rather shocking abrupt fall. There have been many attempts to dissolve the bonds that have held us together. Most of these attempts are on-going, several seem to have been successful. Only though our awareness of them, and our efforts to counter these attempts, will our Nation survive as it was originally intended. We will list several pairs of opposites to prove how POLARIZED we have become, and we list them in no particular order. Maybe you could list other ways we are POLARIZED?

Rich vs. Poor

Democrat vs. Republican

Globalism vs. Nationalism

Oligarchy vs. Capitalism

Black vs. White

Atheism vs. Christianity

Ungodly vs. Godly

Aliens vs. Citizens

Marxism vs. Freedom

Tyranny vs. Liberty

Secrecy vs. Transparency

CCP vs. U.S.A.

Censorship vs. Speech

Scientism vs. Science

Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated

Masked vs. Unmasked

Blue vs. Red

“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.” (Jesus, Matthew 12:25). “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” (Jesus, Mark 3:25). “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” (Abraham Lincoln)

Unity often comes as a result of exterior forces. As a Nation, we were unified during World Wars I and II, and to some degree, at least for a short time, after 9-11. We hope that it doesn’t always take a catastrophe, perpetrated by a malevolent entity, to bring about National unity. In reality however, malevolent forces do not always come from outside the walls of our Nation, but they can breed, grow and infest within our Nation as well. When we recognize these forces against us, and then work together to overcome them, we will be united together again as one Nation. Think of it in these terms. You are on an airplane at cruise altitude, and have acquired a seat in the back of the plane. Suddenly your flight encounters turbulence. You look up and notice that all the heads you see above the seats in front of you simultaneously move in response to the rough air. You could never orchestrate such a reaction in a theater or auditorium. Some would always be bit slow, or some too anticipatory, and movements would never be uniform, some would exaggerate and some would minimize. Maybe actors or dancers in a play could mimic this action, but only after hours of practice and rehearsal. In the plane, all are simply responding in unison to the outside threat, all in sync. This is what it will take to save our Nation from these internal and external threats. We need to be unified, not divided. We need to be in step with each other and move forward boldly, shoulder-to-shoulder. We must not allow government entities, biased media, or large corporations and businesses, to inflict their will upon our Nation’s citizens. We must follow our founding principles, our Constitution, believe in our Declaration of Independence, and hold fast to our Bill of Rights. As we do so, we can expect resistance, and their efforts will not always be peaceful, legal, moral, or pretty. Many have sacrificed their lives in our history to bring us the greatest Nation the world has ever known. Let us also be found worthy, to be able to tell those who follow us that we acted together, in unison, to save our Nation, to reclaim our freedoms and liberty, and to retain them.