Our Nation has been through a number of recessions since its inception. Some were quite long and severe, and some were short and mild. The traditional definition of a recession is when the Nation’s economy shrinks in two consecutive months, although the current government leadership seems determined to define it differently, hiding the truth behind deflection and word salads. The general citizen recognizes a recession when it takes more of your money to buy the same item, and when prices rise faster than incomes. Without much doubt or argument, most would agree that our Nation is in the throes of a recession that is deepening and looks to be around for more than a few troubling months.

The picture above is of James Carville. He was a strategist in Bill Clinton’s successful 1992 presidential campaign against the incumbent President George HW Bush during the 1990-1992 recession. Mr. Carville was the one who made famous the statement, “It’s the economy, stupid!” President Bush had ordered an invasion of Panama to topple the notorious General Manuel Noriega in 1989, and in 1990-1991 Iran’s invasion of Kuwait precipitated President Bush’s decision to decimate the Iraq’s army in the Persian Gulf War. Following these costly war efforts, our Nation began to fall into a recession. It was during this time that President Bush also uttered those infamous words, “Read My Lips. No New Taxes”. He had to back-track on his pledge, and taxes were raised. His credibility was compromised. The Nation’s citizens were facing higher prices and taxes, both having a very negative impact on the Nation’s economy and the lives of average Americans. It was during the runup to the 1992 Presidential election that James Carville uttered those now famous words, “It’s the economy, stupid!” The inclusion of Ross Perot into the presidential election fray allowed Bill Clinton to become President with only 43% of the Nation’s vote. Bush had garnered 37%, and the conservative Perot garnered 19%, splitting the Republican vote and basically handing the election to Clinton.

We believe it is once again time to resurrect those once famous words, “It’s the economy, stupid!” The top 1% of our Nation’s citizens, those with the highest incomes and least impacted by the ravages of a growing inflation, have been immunized against its effects. However, we believe the overwhelming majority within this Nation are being negatively impacted by the effects of our Nation’s current inflation. As mid-term voting this November is now less than two months away, it is time to declare loudly and persistently, “It’s the economy, stupid!” If you do not like the direction being set by those currently in control of our National government, then you need to vote to effect a change in the direction of our Nation. If you treasure your FREEDOM and LIBERTY, only you through your vote can make that change a reality.

If the word’s, “It’s the economy, stupid!” isn’t enough to motivate you to vote for change, we would like to add a few new words that should also become infamous. We will list a few of them now:

“It’s the invasion at our southern border, stupid!”

“It’s the cancel culture, stupid!”

“It’s the rising energy prices, stupid!”

“It’s the rising food prices, stupid!”

“It’s the rising rent and mortgage prices, stupid!”

“It’s the Covid mandates, stupid!”

“It’s the excessive executive orders, stupid!”

“It’s the war on fossil fuels, stupid!”

“It’s money spent on the Russia-Ukraine war, stupid!”

“It’s the Afghanistan retreat, stupid!”

“It’s the Hunter Biden laptop, stupid!”

“It’s the China threat, stupid!”

“It’s the opioid epidemic, stupid!”

“It’s the two-tier judicial system, stupid!”

“It’s the panic over global warming, stupid!”

“It’s the biased media, stupid!”

“It’s the sexualization of our school children, stupid!”

“It’s the excessive government spending, stupid!”

“It’s the feckless and spineless RINOs, stupid!”

“It’s the attack on religion and morality, stupid!”

“It’s the poor GOP leadership in the Senate, stupid!”

“It’s the diminishing retirement funds, stupid!”

“It’s the timidity of the GOP representatives, stupid!”

“It’s the woke corporations bowing to ESG, stupid!”

“It’s the attacks on our Second Amendment, stupid!”

“It’s the on-going push to kill the unborn, stupid!”

“It’s the denial of the President’s dementia, stupid!”

“It’s the blah blah blah . . . . , stupid!” Quite frankly, we are tired of listing all the potential words that should become infamous, but we will leave your imagination couched in reality to finish our partial list. What is definitely worth shouting loudly is the need for you to do all within your power to help save our FREEDOM and LIBERTY. If not for you, then do it for those who will follow you in life within this great Nation of ours. Only then when you pass from this life will you be able to face those who proceeded you in death, many who gave their very lives to give you what you have been privileged to enjoyed, and then with honor declare “I did all that I could.”

WHAT IF . . . ?

We do not know if this was an actual crash or not, or if it was a product of technological manipulation. We pulled it off a free picture website and it was untitled. If this was an actual crash, we apologize to those who may have been directly impacted by this unfortunate event. If real, there is no doubt that all aboard were lost. It is not our intention to glorify this horrific incident, but we use this short video clip to make a very important point about on-going catastrophes within our Nation each and every day.

WHAT IF this type of accident occurred in our Nation each and every day, for weeks on end? What do you think would happen to our air transportation system within our Nation? We feel confident that after a couple of these crashes, the entire fleet of aircraft operating within our Nation would be grounded until a cause could be found and corrected. Assume for a moment that each of these crashed aircraft held around 200 American citizens, most of them young people. If this were to occur for a whole year, with airplanes crashing each and every day, that would be around 73,000 dead. Would you willingly get on any airplane, or more importantly, place on board any of your children, or other family members, or even others you know and love? We feel your answer would be that you and all you know would remain grounded and stay far away from flying.

In the attack on our Nation on September 11, 2001, we lost nearly 3,000 souls on that day. Consider what the response was in our Nation following that attack. The air traffic was halted in our Nation. Our Nation made plans to go on the attack to find those who perpetrated this act upon us, and that offensive went on for years, and even continues today in one form or another. New agencies were established to go after terrorists. Over the next several months, air travelers now had new hoops to jump through to get on an airplane, including removing shoes and restricting carry-on liquids to small bottles, cockpit doors were fortified, among a host of other changes. So, what’s the point we’re trying to make? WHAT IF around 70,000 young people were killed in our Nation over the last year. If this occurred, what do you think should be done? What kind of effort should be made within our Nation to bring those deaths down, and to pursue all avenues to locate, mitigate, and even destroy the source causing this loss of life?

The following information should be embarrassing to those who currently control the levers of political power within our Nation today. In fact, if you are not aware of what is currently happening within our Nation, you too are culpable for not just your ignorance, but for your lack of concern and efforts to do all within your power to bring this catastrophic situation to an end. Are you concerned enough to ask what we as a Nation may be missing, unaware of, or in the worst case, simply unconcerned about, showing a lack of compassion and efforts to take action to do what needs to be done? While those in control of our Nation’s government tidy up the deck on a sinking Titanic and continue to pursue agendas that have no immediate impact on the survival of our Nation, its people, or even the world at large, we are missing the elephant in the room sitting on our Nation’s lap.

The “WHAT IF” we have illuded to earlier is not a hypothetic scenario, but in fact is a very real reality. The “CDC estimates that more than 108,000 people died of drug overdoses between February 2021 and February 2022. Of those, more than 70% involved fentanyl and other synthetic opioids.” (New York Post, August 5, 2022.) Fentanyl has flowed like a surging tide across our Nation’s southern border. Estimates continue to show that enough has come across this border to kill every American in the United States. Even now, it is being marketed to our youth using enticing colors and shapes. Young people, often through on-line contacts, or even from friends or acquaintances at school, are obtaining just one small pill, either to help with aches and pains, or get a quick pick-me-up. Instead of experiencing the expected outcomes, many are falling into an everlasting physical death. Maybe you know someone in your social circle who has experienced this kind of loss in their family? Maybe you have personally experienced a loss in your own family due to this plague upon our society?

The materials used in the formation of fentanyl usually come from China, through the years the source of viruses that have killed many throughout our Nation and the world at large, most recently COVID-19 and its variants. China has enlisted many drug Cartels south of our border to manufacture these materials into counterfeit drugs that are then pushed across our southern border by mules, people who gladly and willingly carry these drugs into our Nation. We ask those currently in control of our National government, “What are you doing to stop this act of terrorism upon our Nation and its people?” “Have your taken any action against China to force them to cease exporting these lethal materials?” “Have you taken any action against our neighbor nation to the south, Mexico, to interdict the manufacturing and distribution of these deadly drugs?” “Have you increased the staffing of Border Patrol to stop the flow of death into our Nation?” “Have you built any southern border wall to help stop this killing within our Nation?” Unfortunately, we are afraid the answer is “No” to all of these questions. Our inept current government instead sees fit to hire an additional 87,000 IRS agents to squeeze every available penny out of our citizens. Imagine the good that would be done if we added an additional 87,000 Border Agents. China holds political and financial sway over the current occupants of the White House. Our current government leaders in Washington D.C. are pursuing a different agenda as they promulgate a policy of a borderless United States, as the flow of illegal aliens across our southern border ads to the chaos within many of our Nation’s cities and communities, in hopes that we will eventually capitulate and bow to the will of tyranny and give up our personal and National FREEDOM and LIBERTY.

There is no “WHAT IF” in this situation. This is a matter of life and death, not only for many of our Nation’s citizens, especially of our youth, but also to the very survival of our great Nation. If you treasure your FREEDOM and LIBERTY, then you must not be silent. You must use your vote to place those in positions of authority and power to put a stop to this national suicidal madness. Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous. Do your part, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem to you. Our Nation’s survival depends upon you. Reflect upon the thought of how you might respond to those who preceded us in death, those who created, established, and protected this Nation through preceding generations, should you ever stand before them and your Creator in judgment.


What is the difference between “reasons” and “excuses”? We’ve all used them. “Reasons” are merely an explanation, whereas “excuses” are an attempt at justification. Excuses often seem to be used more as a tool of avoidance. Reasons, when given, seem more legitimate and are more easily accepted by others. Reasons add a better understanding and depth. When Sally gives excuses why she can’t be at the birthday party, it is more likely others attending will roll their eyes and believe she just didn’t want to be there. If Sally were to give a reason, others in attendance will probably only say they were sorry she wasn’t able to attend. We don’t intend to get into some sort of psychobabble debate over these two words, but we mention them just to set the stage for our topic today. When you have used either of those words, only you know in your heart and conscience if your action is one of expressing explanation or an attempt to justify your avoidance. What we would like to do today is to cause each reader to honestly, circumspectly, evaluate your actions in response to our blog today.

Do you often wish for life when times were simpler? We remember attending the Spokane World’s Fair in 1974. One venue there emphasized how the many technological advances would make life much simpler, allowing for more free time. What ever happened to that? The workforce in our Nation today has been touted as one having the highest productivity per person. The question begs asking, has that been due to the advances in technology alone, or because more has been asked of the individual worker, having less time off, and working more hours to maintain the desired standard of living. Manual widget making was slow, making one item per unit of time, but now machines can make multiple widgets at the same unit of time, but it still takes one individual to oversee the mechanized process. As costs of rents, utilities, gas, insurance, and taxes rise, the need to keep financial pace forces individuals to work harder and longer to maintain the desired status quo. As interest rates rise in conjunction with inflation, wages are falling behind. The status quo is no longer attainable or maintainable. These are just the financial aspects of being OVERWHELMED.

Let’s look at other ways the individual or family unit is OVERWHELMED. Covid brought its own set of complications. We won’t get into the problems with vaccinations. We’ve already covered that in previous blogs. But Covid impacted people in ways not common or routine. Take children’s education for example. Many schools were unnecessarily closed for extended periods of time, and remote learning placed an enormous burden on parents and guardians. Rotation of school/home days, and lunch or meal schedules were adjusted or cancelled. Parents and guardians had to juggle work, transportation and babysitting schedules. If home schooling was chosen, an enormous task was assumed by those responsible for the child’s education involving the establishment of study times, course development, and in-person assistance and grading. On top of this, the proficiency of students has been on the decline, and younger students were not developing communication or social skills because of forced and unnecessary masking. Suicide, drug use, and truancy rates were all increasing, all adding to the worrisome burden of parents and guardians.

Other mounting issues OVERWHELMED many individuals and parents. During Covid, churches were closed, and virtual services negated personal fellowship. Employees had to figure out ways to work from home if at all possible. Shopping became an adventure, and healthcare become a chore. After the supposed threat of Covid subsided, challenges remained. Children still had afterschool activities that needed parental or guardian support. Parents and guardians still had social clubs or activities to support. The attempt to maintain a normal schedule of activities, including vacations, normally scheduled and anticipated events like holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, entertainment, and right-of-passage events, all added to the seemingly endless list of tasks and responsibilities laid upon the average American. It was easy for many in our Nation to ignore the onslaught of National structural, political and economic changes being perpetrated upon us by government, corporate, and woke elite progressives. Many were just simply too busy and not even aware, and in many cases, just too busy to even care, let alone get involved and add even more to their OVERWHELMED state of life.

Many in our Nation were too busy to even notice or care about our disastrous retreat from Afghanistan. Too busy to care about the executive orders being issued by the current occupant of the White House stifling our energy production and independence. Too busy to realize how this had disastrous effects upon our shipping and transportation infrastructure. Too busy to do anything about our higher gas and food prices. Too busy to notice the invasion at our southern border. Too busy to care about our weakened and pathetic role in world affairs, and how other nations were taking advantage of the ineptitude in our current National government. Too busy to realize that food production will be down in the next year due to high costs of fertilizers, and the running of farm and factory equipment. Too busy to notice that foreign governments are infecting our political structure, and even buying our land for yet unknown purposes. Too busy to notice that our electrical grid system is deteriorating, under duress, and vulnerable to attack. Too busy to notice the fraud within our voting machines and systems. Too busy to notice the value of our dollar and our savings are being devalued by the constant government push to print and spend more money. Too busy to care that morality and decency are being trampled on the streets of our major cities by thugs who thumb their noses at law enforcement, and who find no guilt in taking another person’s property or life. Too busy to notice the attack on those who have a Constitutional right and privilege to freely speak counter narratives in all avenues of media and communication. Too busy to notice that our blind lady of justice has been corrupted with a two-justice system, one that favors those in power, and one that attacks those in opposition. Too busy to notice the burgeoning drug deaths of our youth due to lax and ineffective interdiction by the current government. Too busy to care about the growing sex-slave Cartels creeping across our borders. Too busy to know what our Constitution says, what our Bill of Rights are, and of the FREEDOM and LIBERTY we are sacrificing each and every day.

So, you tell us. Do you care about the direction of our Nation? Are you concerned that your FREEDOM and LIBERTY are being pulled bit-by-bit out from under your feet? Do you care what kind of a Nation you want to give to your children, and their children and grandchildren? If you do, then you need to take action. Get involved. Speak out. Speak freely and forcefully. Focus on those things that are most important right now. Do not allow yourself to be OVERWHELMED, as this is an evil tactic, employed by evil, for evil intent, to the destruction of our Nation, to the destruction of self.

We Have Seen This Story Before

Empty tomb with three crosses

There was this man. All he wanted to do was to bring hope and change into this world. He was concerned about the poor and downtrodden. He surrounded himself with those who were not of the elite class. He provided avenues of healing to those who had been shunned in the past. He railed against the political class, calling them out using names that offended those in power. He threatened the very institutions which those elite depended upon for the fulfillment of their positions of power from which they derived the satisfaction of their pride and lust. He forcefully upended the pursuits of their wealth at the expense of the poor and made clear the need for change.

Even though the masses thronged to see him, and loved his efforts on their behalf, those in power sought ways to diminish, even destroy this man who was upsetting their wicked ways. They contrived ways to entrap him, to slander him, to diminish his value in their eyes in order to protect their lofty positions and comfy way of life, all the while enjoying the fruits of their oppression of those beneath them. They accused him of going against the established order of their existence. They even colluded with those outside their normal sphere of influence to bring about the demise of this man.

But this man was not deterred. He continued to be about the work that had been set before him, even at great cost. He feared not for his life but spoke candidly and often about the ills perpetrated upon those not in power. The masses continued to flock to see him, seeing hope spring in their hearts, seeing a resolution to the oppression they had endured for so long. They clung to his every word, and believed a new age was about to dawn.

But the elite in power brought all their forces to bear upon this man, to the point of accusing him of crimes he had not committed, crimes worthy of his total and complete destruction. They pursued him in their courts and in every avenue within their control, often using false claims, lies, and deceptions. They even sought those who were closest to him to bring about his intended demise. Eventually they succeeded in their pursuit to destroy this man . . . . . . . . or so they thought.

What the powerful elite failed to understand is that truth and morality are far more powerful than political power. Even though, for a time, some in the masses feared for their own lives and hid themselves from the potential of personal destruction from the association with this man, the reality was that the seeds that had been sown were germinating and spreading like wildfire. When it was learned that this man had not been destroyed, the movement of the masses grew ever larger, ever more powerful, and the elites in power found their efforts being exposed and diminished in their attempts to retain control over the masses. Even today, the movement survives and grows, despite continuing efforts to diminish, break apart, and subjugate those who believed in the pursuits of this man.

Of whom do we speak? The picture at the top of this blog makes it fairly obvious, but do you see any parallels in our world today? We certainly do not claim in any way that the previous President of the United States was above all guilt, void of sin, for none of us can ever claim that status. Only one man has lived without sin, but he was not the last person to attract the vitriol of the elite. We are here today to claim that wicked and evil forces abound in our Nation today. They use deception, lies, projection, shadow banning and throttling, often claiming the false pretense of “mis-information”, or “dis-information”. They know the truth but are blinded by their pursuit of and retention of the power and prestige they so revere. They will do anything to destroy those who do not agree with them, and especially those who dare to speak out and act against their vile and wicked ways. If you treasure your FREEDOM and LIBERTY, then you must stand firm and hold fast to truth, morality, justice, and equality for all. Those who have given their lives in defending and preserving our Republic are calling upon each one of you to do your part, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. “We The People” are the masses. There are more of us than of them, and we have honor, dignity, and respect on our side, but we are not timid, embarrassed or ashamed for what we fight for, that being the preservation and continuation of our great United States of America.