Reversing the left drift of THE OVERTON WINDOW

We previously had blogged about the Overton Window. In our November 19, 2023, blog post titled, “SECULARISM and the DISSOLUTON OF CHRISTENDOM meets THE OVERTON WINDOW”, we covered the basics. We also touched upon the OVERTON WINDOW on December 3, 2023, in our blog titled, “CASTING THE FIRST STONE”, and again on November 10, 2024, blog titled, “PEACE”. It is easy to understand how civilization has “progressed” through the many decades, even eons. No longer does the caveman in the cave over the hill come and drag off your woman by the hair after conquering you in a battle of clubs and stones. We do it now more sophistically with technology, bullets, bombs and missiles. One has to imagine if mankind has really ever “progressed”. Jealousy and the quest for power and wealth are as old as mankind. Only the tools used to achieve a desired purpose has changed. THE OVERTON WINDOW has shifted through the years allowing many to accept today what was once abhorrent. MODERNITY, or the belief that new ways are more preferred over the old ones, has given us with a shifted OVERTON WINDOW making things once despised, now adored. Generally, the “left”, seeking total control believing their ways of liberalism and secularism to be an advancement of society, has moved THE OVERTON WINDOW to the left leaving those who are more conservative, traditional, and spiritual, out of sync with what now wants to be called the “normal” society. As this has happened, those on the right are now called the far-right or alt-right, where we are viewed like the Amish as out of step with society’s “progression”.

Our blog last week was a warning, telling there will be ongoing efforts to frustrate, mitigate, obstruct, impede and even prevent the efforts of the newly elected administration from enacting changes in policies and procedures to stop and reverse the deterioration of our Nation, and the continued left progression of THE OVERTON WINDOW. However, there is change in the wind direction. A desire for a new “golden age” is being set before us as a goal worthy to be attained. There are shifts within our Nation, and in fact throughout the world, where THE OVERTON WINDOW may actually be shifting back more to the right, back toward the more conservative, traditional, and spiritual. In no particular order, we would like to reflect upon a few of these changes that indicate Reversing the left drift of THE OVERTON WINDOW.

Media, entertainment, and sports figures seem less restrained in showing their faith, calling for thanksgiving and supplication to our Creator. Those who volunteer to intervene to protect and save others from potential harm are overcoming threats, arrests, prosecutions and potential incarcerations. Even other nations are beginning to swing away from more socialist rule, voting in authorities who are more interested in nationalism than globalism. Large corporations and other entities are divesting themselves of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) policies that seek not the most qualified for positions of authority, but only those who fill certain racial, sexual-orientation, and ideological quotas. Many of our Nation’s citizens are tired of watching employees having to train their foreign H-1B replacements, among other VISA holders, who will be paid less and who will be supplicants, who for fear of firing will gladly kneel to their employer overlords. Many within our Nation have had their eyes opened by listening to those “in charge” who spend more time thinking and speaking than working and building. Within the last week, we have witnessed the failures of state and local authorities who have championed soulless small fish and insects over human lives, property, and livelihoods. When water could have been saved over the last couple of years, the will of the voters was ignored while funds were redirected away from firefighting funds to the support of illegal aliens and the homeless. Those who have been put in charge of firefighters have often become those who are least able to fight fires or save the lives of the invalid and disabled. When warnings of the dangers of dried undergrowth in forested areas were ignored, those who claim a desire to save nature, have now watched much of it consumed in flames, along with human lives, property, and livelihoods. Congratulations to those who will now pay many times over the cost of rebuilding, “the pound of cure”, verses “the ounce of prevention.” We might also mention that while the current Los Angeles apocalypse is underway, FEMA, the Federal Emergency, Management Agency, has also funneled budgeted funds to support the effort to transport, house, and feed illegal aliens. Funds that should have been used to help those in East Palestine Ohio following the disastrous results of the fallacious burning of hazardous chemicals following the train derailment in February of 2023, and the over 230 lives lost, homes destroyed, and livelihoods crushed following the devastation in Tennesse, Georgia, and North Carolina following hurricane Helene, where funds again were fraudulently siphoned away from the support of our own Nation’s citizens. Their cries for restitution should not be obscured by the cries from those effected in the Los Angeles areas fires. All of these cries for support and assistance are helping to swing THE OVERTON WINDOW more to the right, where accountability and justice will prevail.

In addition, social media companies are now coming clean concerning having been pressured by the outgoing administration, and its ideological entities, to censure the FREEDOM of speech through shadow banning, throttling, and even out-right cancelling the voice of opposing viewpoints. And lest we forget the COVID-19 injections, more and more Americans are understanding the dangers of the mandated injections having decreased live birth rates and increased all death rates. Insurance actuaries have seen the rise in deaths accountable only to the implementation of the COVID-19 injections. Fruitless masking and lockdowns will be routinely rejected in the future as our citizens now realize the old saying is true, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me trice, shame on me.” What President Reagan once said is ringing true to those citizens who are now having their eyes of understanding opened. “The nine most dangerous words in our Nation are: ‘I’m with the government, and I’m here to help’.”

Finally, but certainly not least of all, the newly elected President who has been the target of unrighteous lawfare, has revealed to a majority of the citizens within our Nation that there should be no room in our government for unbridled agencies and courts to use their unfettered weight to harm our own citizens, often using the claim of secrecy to protect their positions of authority and income from justice for fraudulent actions. Our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY are at stake. If THE OVERTON WINDOW does not continue to shift back to the right, toward what our Founding Father’s instituted in our Constitution and Bill of Rights, then our Nation will be lost, and our lives will end up in subjection to the power of other nations.

BDS – The Sequel


To clarify, the BDS we will be relating to has nothing to do with any musical group. It has to do with the “. . . movement [works] to end international support for Israel’s oppression of Palestinians and pressure Israel to comply with international law.” The movement was instigated to assist “The Palestinian people’s struggle for freedom, justice and equality.” ( While the initial BDS movement was targeted at Israel, this effort to achieve the organizer’s objectives will be a model to be used to counter any efforts or attempted progress to be achieved by the newly elected President and his administration. We will name this movement differently, however. We will call the democrat effort RIDS, (Resist, Impede, Delay, Subvert). We shout a warning from a watchtower.

Similarly to the newly elected President’s first term in office, where during the first 100 days of his administration, leaks by retained staff occurred nearly every day, often attacking with a new revelation where each was used to breach the new administration’s plans, then the leak was twisted and perverted undermining the administration’s efforts, causing many efforts and plans to be delayed, altered, or even cancelled. The new RIDS will be used not against Israel, but against the incoming U.S. administration. How will this occur, you may ask?

Unless you monitor daily political activities, you would be unaware that many RIDS efforts are already underway. They have been underway ever since the election in November. The plans are already being made and implemented to Resist, Impede, and Delay the efforts of the incoming administration. Senate confirmations of incoming staff directors will be stretched out as long as possible by democrats, not just for weeks or months, but even for years for some nominees. Even some republicans resistant to the newly elected President will aid in these Delays. Court challenges will seem as common as sands on the seashore. The appeal processes, and injunctions to proceed, will Impede the new administration’s efforts to institute new programs, plans, and policies. To prevent government downsizing, and the dismissal of counter-ideological personnel, staffing changes are underway to move vulnerable personnel to union protected positions, retaining them to continue counter efforts to the incoming administration. This form of Subversion is hard to see, and even more difficult to extract. One can be assured that new efforts will be made to claim a need for impeachments. False claims will arise and be promulgated by sympathetic news organizations and individuals. This form of Subversion will bring doubt to the voting public and bring about conflict in many homes, cities, counties, and states throughout the Nation. This will breed protests, some even becoming violent and destructive. To add to this confusion, there will be on-going threats and actions of terrorisms, both home-grown and from international organizations and foreign nations.

In addition, pardons have been, and will be, given. Culpable written and electronic communications are and will be destroyed, even against legal dictates to retain this information. And do not underestimate the potential distraction created by rouge drones, other nations, and terrorist entities. For those who thought that a new, golden age will dawn upon our Nation, you need to brace for impact! The election in November was just winning the first conflict in a very long war to win back our Nation’s founding FREEDOM and LIBERTY. It has been eroded not simply over the last few years, but it has happened ever so slowly, minutely, since the 1930’s and the “New Deal”. Gird up your loins for an extended battle, for we fight not only among flesh and blood, but we fight “. . . against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12.)


Do you know how many VISAS are granted each year?

Most United States citizens have no idea how many “VISAS” are made available to foreigners by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs. Divided into two basic categories, Nonimmigrant and Immigrant, they are often specific to various countries and occupations. How many in each category you ask? Thirty-four for the former, and Seventeen for the latter, and many of those are divided into further categories, at least Ten of them in total. The current National discussion revolves around the H-1B VISAS under the Nonimmigrant Visa Categories. It specifically is defined for “Specialty occupations in fields requiring highly specialized knowledge” ( Here are our concerns over the bloated nature and the potentially fraudulent use of this program which directly impacts the generational citizens of our Nation.

For a moment, let’s look at some figures available on-line. Immigrant Categories increased every year over the last four years and totaled 1,582,019. Nonimmigrant Categories number totaled 24,008,740. These are not all “illegal” immigrants, and these numbers do not include all “illegal” immigrants, those who have escaped being encountered at our borders or who have even gone undetected, having violated our National laws concerning immigration. If these numbers do not raise your eyebrows, consider that during the COVID-19 pandemic, “. . . posts were instructed to suspend routine visa services and provide only mission critical and emergency services in late March 2020.” ( “Immigrant and nonimmigrant visas issued at Foreign Service Posts: Fiscal Years 2019-2023.”) Where are all these “Posts”? Basically, all over the world at over 270 diplomatic missions. (U.S. Department of State.) Concerning just the H-1B VISAS, this is just the proverbial “tip of the iceberg”. Our immigration system is truly bloated, and highly susceptible to fraudulent interpretation and abuse.

At FREEDOMGOFORTH.COM, our allegiance is to our Lord first, and then to our Nation’s Constitution and Bill of Rights. When we suspect faults, on either side of the political aisle, we will call it out and tell you why. The newly elected President of the United States recently spoke of his desire to attach a “Green Card” to every foreign college graduate degree, making them legal to stay within our Nation to pursue work and careers. We disagree with this idea, and here are the reasons why. Until our Nation ensures that all of our generational citizens, of all races and creeds, have been given the opportunity to attend and succeed in university studies, we will resist allowing foreigners to unfairly achieve long-term social and economic positions with our Nation. Our Nation’s emphasis needs first to place emphasis on educating our own and elevating them to these positions. Our Nation has done a pathetic job of making this happen. We spend more time elevating our sports heroes and celebrities than we do making sure our children, one of the most valuable assets our Nation possesses, achieve. Shame on us!

Furthermore, for the vast majority, it was not the social elites or aristocrats who fought for and founded our Nation. They were the farmers, fishermen, fledgling shopkeepers, as well as “pipefitters” and “steamfitters” who gave their time, talents, and often times their very lives, and the lives of their prodigy, who did the heavy lifting to make this Nation the jewel of the world. They were the ones who drove westward and innovated within the framework of FREEDOM and LIBERTY. We resent the pathetic financial gestures by large entities and corporations who are now streaming to kiss the ring of the newly elected President, when only a few months earlier, they were the ones fighting against him. Their only goal is to retain their social and economic prowess and preserve for themselves positions of power and wealth.

And let us not forget that many of today’s colleges have been infiltrated with DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion). Colleges have not necessarily been inundated with the brightest and most qualified students. “Woke” agendas have diminished the quality graduates. Graduating in courses on social engineering, political science, and basket weaving, do little to advance our Nation’s technological and scientific world leadership. We do not demean our Nation’s native populations who developed the science and art of basket weaving, who developed works of art and function without the need for higher education or colleges. We will also hold in high esteem those who work in the trades, having shunned the push for college education, with its exorbitant costs and questionable value.

Our Nation needs immigration reform, especially in our open-door policy for foreign students, who in the past have often come back to lead groups to torment, terrorize and sometimes kill our generational citizens. First, do not let foreign students come, for their arrival only pads the deep pockets of the wealthy institutions. Secondly, if they do come, and if they are already here, send them home to the benefit of their own countries. We will not focus only on foreign students; all forms of VISAS need reform. Caps need to be lowered; qualifications need to rise. The reality is if we need the occasional Einstein or Heisenberg, you can be guaranteed our Nation will accomplish those acquisitions without the need for VISAS. Our FREEDOM and LIBERTY are not dependent upon foreigners. They are dependent upon generational citizens, those who have a heritage, a lineage, within our Nation’s borders. Those who have integrated fully into our Nation in culture and language, including those who witnessed personally the atrocities of egalitarianism, socialism, communism, and authoritarianism. Do not conform to those who seek only their personal benefit, but support those who fight for the downtrodden, the “deplorables”, the “garbage”, for they are “WE THE PEOPLE”.


“KEEP THE FAITH”. Faith in what? Faith in whom? Faith for what? Those are the questions that need to be answered. As we approach the celebration of one of the most important events in the history of mankind, we need to bring events in our lives, in our Nation, and in our world into proper focus. While our hope for life after death does not rest in the birth of a baby, but in an empty tomb, the empty tomb would have never happened if the former had not taken place. Where God became man and lived among us, took upon himself the sins of the world, being the perfect sacrifice for our sins, this alone has provided us the hope of life after death through our faith in Christ.

In our blog from last week, we referenced events in our Nation that have brought doubt upon our current National leaders. We have been lied to about drones, about the health of the current occupant of the White House, about government secrets that have been hidden from our citizens for years and decades to protect the nefarious and hold them harmless from justice. Faith in our current National leaders has been shaken by promises made and promised broken.

We have often referenced Holy Scripture as a guidepost to a better way to live, a better way to act, a better way to talk, a better way to secure faith and hope for life after physical death. We continue that theme today. If we were all angels, we would have no need for man’s laws. But we are not angels, and we struggle with evil within our Nation and world today, and how it infects our lives often in subtle ways, and how it tries to reshape our faith, whittle it down, make it weaker, and make us more susceptible to a loss of eternal hope.

When John the Baptist came preaching repentance, many came to hear him speak and to be baptized by him. Priests and Levites came to him, sent by the Pharisees, to inquire of his purpose and bona fides. They were weak in faith but strong in pomp and ceremony. They reveled in the attention and adoration from others. John was sharp with his criticism. He said, “You brood of vipers, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore bring forth fruits in keeping with repentance . . .” (Luke 3:7-8.) But they were not the only ones who needed refinements in their faith. John gave several examples following that statement, clarifications to the types of “fruit” needed. He also spoke to the common man, to the tax-gatherers, and even to the soldiers (verses 11-14). “Fruit” spoken of by John can be expressed in many ways, not just by the acts themselves, but more importantly by the internal attitudes that drive the “fruit” of repentance. Galatians 5: 22-23. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience. kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control . . .”

As we approach Christmas, let us all be mindful of how dependent our faith is upon the “fruit” we bear. It is not just our FREEDOM and LIBERTY that depend upon our words and actions, but it is the FREEDOM and LIBERTY of all with whom we come in contact. Our faith will grow and will be manifested in the lives of others when we practice the application of our “fruit”. Maybe we can summarize it with one simple statement.



The Progression of Drone Development has been Remarkable

Over the last couple of weeks, DRONES have become a focal point within our Nation. One has to ask if this is truly the most important story within our Nation today. Or is our Nation being distracted by the “shinny object” diverting our attention away from something truly more serious and critical. Many within our Nation can be easily panicked by something we cannot define or understand. This leads to the potential for rash actions and certainly leads to the creation of conspiracy theories. For a Nation that put man on the moon some 55 years ago, to believe that our Nation has not developed more sophisticated aero and space vehicles is non-sensical. The question that really needs to be answered is “Why are the citizens within our Nation being kept in the dark”? First, a little knowledge about the operation of DRONES is required.

There is a difference between hobby DRONES and commercially operated DRONES. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has been developing rules for the operation of DRONES for several years. As of September 16, 2023, a Remote ID (IDentification) Rule has been in effect, although enforcement of the rule was delayed until March 16, 2024. Up until March 16, 2024, enforcement was discretionary. As of March 16, 2024, broadcast modules are either included on new DRONES or are required to be installed on older ones. The only exceptions are for DRONES weighing less than .55 pounds and used for recreational purposes. DRONES weighing over .55 pounds up to 55 pounds require these devices (Code of Federal Regulations, Title – 14, Chapter – I, Subchapter – F, Part 107). Manned DRONES weighing over 55 pounds are not covered by these restrictions, but certification is required. DRONES falling under this category can have certification waived under paragraph 44807, but only by the Secretary of Transportation. Has anybody asked him questions about these “new” DRONES? Only he can provide a waiver using “. . . a risk-based approach to determine whether an air worthiness certificate is necessary for a drone to safely fly in the national airspace.” ( Those are some of the facts, but there is more to pile into the equation about the operation of many of these seemingly nefarious DRONES.

Operation of DRONES are restricted as to how high and where they can fly. Manned “aircraft” are restricted to no lower than 500 feet over unpopulated areas, and 1,000 feet in populated areas. For unmanned DRONES, there are restrictions around airports in controlled airspaces, varying ” . . . between 0 feet (no flying allowed) to 400 feet . . .” ( Uncontrolled airspaces around airports are more liberal, allowing flights up to 400 feet AGL (Above Ground Level), but DRONES must remain clear of any and all other traffic. Well, enough about many of the facts concerning the operation of DRONES. What does all of this DRONES activity portend.

Many uncontrolled, unaccountable, often invisible entities exist within our National government. Those small groups are composed neither of elected nor appointed individuals but have often become so independent that they operate outside the scope of the current government, regardless of elected party. In some respects, those elected officials really do not know what is going on with these DRONES. If they do know of details, they dare not say because of the fear of revealing secrets that they believe could expose our Nation to worldly threats or reveal our Nation’s hidden powers. There are many dangers to hiding what our current National leaders know. We mentioned earlier about the potential for exploding conspiracies. But while many suspect we are being lied to by those currently in charge of our Nation, the greater fear is that we are losing faith in our leaders. This loss of faith has ramifications far beyond the subject of our current leaders or DRONES.

We have often mentioned in our blogs about how our Nation is in a spiritual war between good and evil. We have lost faith in many of our current National leaders, those who have said our border is secure, those who have claimed our economy is strong, those who have claimed that Russia must be destroyed, and those who have taken control of our own children in school, and to a society bent on taking over control from us in multiple facets of our FREEDOM and LIBERY. All of these things breed failing faith in other areas within our lives. Most importantly, if we lose faith in our Creator, we may lose our hope for eternal reward. Do not become overly focused on DRONES. We know there is more to this story than what we are being told. Be patient and be strong in the face of distractions pulling our attention away from things that truly matter in our physical, and more importantly, in our spiritual lives.


Father Pardons Son

“I hope Americans will understand why a father and a President would come to this decision.” This is how the current President of the United States ended his statement concerning his pardon of his convicted son. Certainly, almost every father in this country would relish the opportunity to pardon their son and to wipe away any conviction imposed upon their son. However, there is only ONE father in this country that has the opportunity to do that, and that is the current President of the United States of America. Sorry, fathers, 99.9999999999999% of all of you do not have that power or option. For the current President to stroke the heart strings of fathers imploring that they must understand because they would do the same, is beyond the scope of reality. We are offended that such a statement would be made.

Under Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 of our Constitution, the President does have this “. . . Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States . . .” It is interesting to note that this is buried within a section addressing the President’s power as Commander in Chief for those in ” . . . actual Service of the United States . . .” Few pardons have ever been challenged in the United States Supreme Court. More broadly, pardons covering an extended time for any crimes committed, or may be revealed during the time-boundaries of the pardon, have never been tested in the Supreme Court. The only pardon covering an extended period of time, rather than specific charges or offenses, was one given by then President Ford to President Nixon, which covered a five-year period of time covering his time in United States service. There is much to be questioned about the current President’s pardon of his son, who was neither currently in the armed forces service or the United States service in general, and which covered a time frame of nearly 11 years, over twice the timeframe granted to President Nixion.

Let us also note that Presidential pardons ONLY cover Federal charges, violations, or convictions, they do not cover state charges, violations, or convictions. Any state pardons are a function of the governor of that state. Also note that they do not cover any charges, violations, or convictions that extend beyond the end date of the granted pardon. To the current President’s son, we would recommend a life of purity from the end date of his pardon forward, for any charge, violation, or conviction going forward would leave him vulnerable to potential prosecution, conviction and incarceration.

A very concerning and troubling development is that the current President is considering pardons covering people who have not been charged or convicted of any crime, and who may not have committed any violation of National law. These potentially extensive pardons have not been tested in our court systems, and will undoubtedly, if they become reality, consume our Nation for months and years, extending into Presidential terms for years to come. Pardons offered where no crimes have been charged or convicted, only open the door for speculation that nefarious activities during those years covered by those pardons are suspected or actual in reality.

For those who treasure our FREEDOM and LIBERTY, we must be vigilant to pardon actions taken by the current President to be prepared to make our voices heard in the halls of Congress, so that those who may have wronged our Nation will be held accountable if they are found to have violated laws, committed crimes, or have conspired in treasonous fashion, to achieve for themselves power and wealth at the expense of “WE THE PEOPLE”.


We admit, the short video clip above doesn’t seem to fit with our blog topic for today but give us a few minutes to bring the two into full circle. Many of us have become so dependent upon our government, that we have lost a sense of independence and self-sufficiency. For the last several decades, most of us have become accustomed to the growth of our government to take from us a level of responsibility and accountability for doing things ourselves. We have blogged on a couple of occasions about how bloated our National government has become, and how we have relied upon NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) to provide for the needs of many within our Nation, whether they be citizens or not. Please review the following blogs for clarification: November 7, 2021, titled, “BELTWAY BANDITS”, and November 28, 2021, titled, “SHADOW GOVERNMENT – What? Who? Why?”. Following review of these two blogs alone, you cannot disagree that the growth of our National and its requisite spending is out of control, currently unmanageable and unauditable.

“The era of big government is over.” The results of November’s National election has made this statement loud and clear. It is long past time to start peeling away the layers of government that are wasteful, unneeded, and unnecessary, often duplicating efforts and staffing. Through the many years, it has become crystal clear that once a new government program is funded, removing that program is next to impossible, even beyond its intended life expectancy. Tentacles of its formation run deep and spread wide making extraction complex. Beyond that, often those hired to work in given programs often have some sort of immunity from transfers, lay-offs, dismissal or firing. This lunacy has to stop! Any legitimate capitalistic commercial enterprise cannot thrive without the ability to weed out deadwood, alter plans, or shift course. But then again, who ever said our National government is operated in a rational, responsible, accountable way? Certainly, many of those who get caught up in the web of financial influence within “The Beltway” by lobbyists, loyalists, and even by those entities that wield search, seizer, and the power of prosecution, fear loss of support or worse and succumb to the hypnotic-like forces that surround them.

We said we wanted to come full circle with the short video clip above. We believe at FREEDOMGOFORTH.COM that the core of our Nation is built upon the family unit. It is there that the next generation of voting and politically involved citizens and leaders learn about honesty, trust and loyalty, and it is there that life’s lessons are refined through leadership, education, and experience. We are sure that during the Thanksgiving holiday, you have spent some time with your family, or those who you consider to be your family in life. We hope your Thanksgiving was a pleasant one. It is during these times that often our batteries are recharged, important relationships are refined, bolstered, energized, and fortified. All of this helps to prepare us for life ahead, days, months and years. Those closest to us sharpen us and support us for our future tasks and opportunities. Without these close, personal relationships, we would be left with dependence upon others who do not know us, may not care about us, and who often only seek their personal ideology or welfare, and often at our own expense. This is what big government has done over the past few decades. The little government, the core family unit, supersedes big government. The closer the government gets to the individual, the more responsible, reactive, and supportive it becomes to the greater Nation.

So, is “The era of big government over?” This statement should be the theme of the newly elected incoming administration. Did the newly elected President make this statement? He very well could have said it. Maybe he said it in slightly a different way, like saying “Drain the Swamp”. But do you realize the saying, “The era of big government is over”, was not made by him, any conservative, or any Republican, but by the Democrat President Bill Clinton in his 1996 State of the Union Address. He had a big push helping him to make this claim. This decision was made because the Republican Party took control of Congress for the first time since the Eisenhower era. It was Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America” that provided the boost necessary ( “DOES THE SIZE OF GOVERNMENT MATTER?” Yes, it does. It is time once again to revive history and make it alive once again. Our Nation’s very existence and continuance depends upon us returning to the core values, principles, policies, and structure originally intended by our Founding Fathers. Our FREEDOM and LIBERTY depend upon making sure that not only is “The era of big government is over”, but more importantly, that “BIG government” is dead! Continue to speak and act the truth. Resist the urge to lie down and rest. Forge forward with boldness, fortitude, and patriotism.

PROGRESSIVE MEDUSAS – Their Rise, Their Danger, and Their Demise


The progressive’s failure in the most recent National election does not represent the sum total of their existence. Their rise, the dangers they continue to present, and their eventual demise, can be traced through history and their future can even be foretold. The story of Medusa has many iterations, but the core of the story basically remains true in all versions. It is interesting to note that in this one story alone, abuse, deception, and the evil influence by Greek gods, reveal their many flaws also present in humans. In Greek mythology, Medusa was born beautiful, but was raped by Poseidon in Athena’s temple, and then cursed by Athena with ugliness and her hair became snakes. Thereafter, all that looked at Medusa would turn to stone. Persius, son of Zeus, was sent by Polydectes on what was believed to be a one-way-mission, to destroy Medusa, as well as Persius in the process. Persius, however, received help from Hades who provided a magic helmet providing invisibility, a bronze shield from Athena, which Persius used to slay Medusa by viewing her in the shield’s reflection, a sword from Hephaestus, and winged sandals from Hermes allowing his escape. We believe there are some analogies to be drawn between the story of Medusa and today’s modern progressives. Similar analogies have actually been made over the last many decades with other national leaders and movements throughout the world. While we readily confess that Greek mythology carries no weight in the reality of our spiritual world, to consider parallels helps to view political realities in an interesting light.

The Rise of Progressive Medusas. We would be among the first to admit that through the decades, women were often regarded less than men, often carrying values comparable to animals. Their abuse was wrong, demeaning, and sinful. As a consequence of the treatment of women, the road to parity has given women, often in a roundabout way, power which can also be destructive. As women have gotten stronger, many men have gotten weaker.

The Dangers of Progressive Medusas. Those who broadcast the progressive agendas have invoked fear among conservatives. Their desire and ability to create havoc in the lives of others cannot be disregarded. They have many allies within the legislative, legal, and social branches of our Nation’s systems. Conservatives are often prevented from speaking freely and engaging in opposing ideologies. They are demeaned in public with false accusations and pursued in courts with frivolous lawsuits. The stare of public ridicule, and the bite of snake-like actions will turn many conservatives to stone, making them ineffectual in the domestic and political arenas.

The Demise of Progressive Medusas. The defeat of progressives will not come without the aid of a supporting cast of characters. Those who aid in the destruction of progressives need to rely upon many with whom they would not normally be in alignment. It will take all the tools of numerous supporters to slay (metaphorically speaking) the progressive Medusas. The most important weapon that progressive Medusas have must be used against them for their demise. They often “project” upon others that which they do themselves. Defenders of FREEDOM and LIBERTY must “reflect” this weapon back upon them. Conservatives must expose this weakness using all available tools and processes. Once the progressive Medusa’s “evil power” is thwarted, and their ability to rule the lives of others is halted, only then can the evil influences within our Nation be diminished. But we warn conservatives, that evil effects and consequences can still remain. In Greek mythology, the story of Medusa says that after her head is severed from her body, the drops of blood turn into snakes on the ground when carried away by Persius. The head of Medusa, even after her death, still has the power to destroy and turn others into a “stony” silence or action. All of this is to be expected within our Nation and conservatives must be on guard and ever vigilant, for the forces of evil will remain. The war to retain our Nation’s Constitution and Bill of Rights continues. Only the first battle has been won. The war continues on, and your involvement to save our Nation is imperative. Never give up or give in. Never retreat. Never relax. Fight! Fight! Fight!


What has happened to the opposition to the President elect? We have had personal contact with several of those who were hoping to retain the power levers of our National government. We will liken the answer to the question above to the classic movie “Run Silent, Run Deep”. Many have run away to hide. We know this because most of the main cable channel news organizations that have dominated opposition coverage of the elected President, have seen their ratings plummet. We know of friends that have gone silent in reference to watching news, and we even know of others that have quit jobs in an attempt to recover from their heart-breaking loss. In the movie mentioned above, “Run Silent, Run Deep”, a 1958 American black-and-white film that started Clark Gable and Burt Lancaster, adapted from the 1955 novel of the same name, “the story describes World War II submarine warfare in the Pacific Ocean, and deals with themes of vengeance, endurance, courage, loyalty, and honor, and how these can be tested during wartime.” (Wikipedia.) The sub crew often went deep into the ocean and ran silent to avoid the sub-hunters on the ocean surface. While much of this can be mimicked by those who lost the current Presidential election, we believe another movie will be more in-line with the course ahead for those of the losing party.

Let’s now talk about another submarine film titled, “Das Boot”. This is a 1981 West German war film adapted from a 1973 German novel based on Lothar-Gunther Buchheim’s experiences aboard German submarine U-96 in World War II in the “Battle of the Atlantic”. “It depicts both the excitement of battle and the tedium of the fruitless hunt, and shows the men serving aboard U-boats as ordinary individuals with a desire to do their best for their comrades and their country.” The sub endures “relentless North Atlantic gales”, “attacked with depth charges”, and is forced “to dive below test depth, the submarine’s rated limit.” (Wikipedia.) To make the story shorter for you, let’s just say the sub suffers major damage with multiple conflicts and limps to port, seemingly reaching safety, only to be bombed and strafed by the Royal Air Force while tied to the dock, where several of the crew are killed or wounded and the captain collapses and dies watching his U-boat sink. This is the last scene in the movie, seen in the short video clip below.

Now for the life application. Those who failed in the recent Presidential election are not entirely defeated. They will continue to fight for what they believe in, will have some victories, and will have some losses. Ultimately, if our analogy holds true, they will eventually be overcome. The following months and years will require fortitude, loyalty, patriotism, transparency, and a willingness to forge ahead, even in the face of setbacks, and “battle” loses, but these will not define the “war’s” conclusion. If your FREEDOM and LIBERTY are to be saved and retained, current celebrations are to be avoided, believing the battle for the “soul” of our Nation has been saved. What happened last November 5 was only the beginning. The end to the “conflict” cannot yet be seen, so vigilance and personal involvement must continue. Only then, when our bloated National government has been trimmed down to the levels originally intended by our Founding Fathers, can we rest on our laurels, and will those who rest in countless National Cemetaries, be proud of our efforts.


Lord, make us instruments of Your peace

The elections are nearly over. The next President of the United States of America has been voted into office, both with the Electoral College, and with the popular vote. Not all are happy with the results. Many are in distress, angry, frustrated, and filled with despair. For those who voted for the current leadership change, we only need to remind you of how you felt four years ago. With a change in leadership within the powers of authority in our great Nation, many course changes will occur. Many individuals and groups will fight these changes from within and from without our government. Many will make it their goal in life to return the power levers of our Nation to the elite, powerful, and wealthy, those with an ideology seeking goals outside the acceptable boundaries of “We the People”. They will continue to attempt to move the Overton Window to policies, procedures, and social norms to the far left. There will be conflicts, not only in acts of lawfare, but the strong potential remains for even kinetic violence that could engulf many of our cities. We marvel at what drives this ideology. We suspect it originates in the philosophy that one needs to do all they can in this life to achieve all that they can, for when they die, that is the end.

We at FREEDOMGOFORTH.COM feel differently, as do the majority within our Nation. We see death as only a transition to a new beginning. One that lasts forever, and it is based upon the belief and faith in our Creator. Without this hope, it is obvious that some would seek preeminence and ultimate power within this life, and when losing their current foothold in achieving their purposes, finding their way forward thwarted by those who do their best to live honest, moral lives, it is understandable why hostility, accompanied by corruption, would continue by many within our Nation.

For those who believe in the Creator, we see this life differently, one where this existence is more like a proving ground, where we try and spend more time giving thanks for God’s created, praising His Glory and thanking Him for the opportunity to step with Him into the next life. We are thankful that we have been given this opportunity through our birth, blessed with a special soul given for our use, to each one of us, having the choice to do good or ill. We implore those who are spiritual, to continue to seek His Will for your life. In the aftermath of our National elections, we humbly ask all to seek PEACE. In consideration of our response to this National election, we were reminded of a poem by Saint Francis of Assisi written around 1200 A.D. The words have been made into various versions of song. In conclusion of today’s blog, we quote the text from one of these songs to encourage all to seek His PEACE.

YouTube; Instruments of Your Peace // Sounds Like Reign.

Lord, make us instruments of Your PEACE. Where there is hatred, let Your love increase. Lord, make us instruments of Your PEACE. Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease, when we are Your instruments of PEACE. Where there is hatred, we will sow His love. Where there is injury, we will never judge. Where there is striving, we will speak His PEACE, to the people crying for release. We will be His instruments of PEACE. Lord, make us instruments of Your PEACE. Where there is hatred, let Your love increase. Lord, make us instruments, of Your PEACE. Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease, when we are Your instruments of PEACE. Where there is blindness, we will pray for sight. Where there is darkness, we will shine His light. Where there is sadness, we will bear their grief, to the millions crying for release. We will be His instruments of PEACE. Lord, make us instruments of Your PEACE. Where there is hatred, let Your love increase. Lord, make us instruments of Your PEACE. Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease. When we are Your instruments of PEACE. Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease, when we are Your instruments of PEACE.