The reason we can all take off our masks and open up all our businesses on JULY 4, 2021

Here is a good definition of Herd Immunity. “The resistance to the spread of a contagious disease within a population that results if a sufficiently high proportion of individuals are immune to the disease, especially through vaccination.”

We have been constantly bombarded with the phrase “Follow The Science”. So let us do just that, and show why we can safely reclaim our freedom this coming JULY 4. Let us start with the assumption that there are 335 million people in the United States. We don’t really know the exact number. The U. S. Census Bureau estimated just under 330 million in 2019. Many have said we have 11 million illegal aliens living in our country, but the same number was quoted a decade ago, and it could be more than double that number today. We also do not know if the U. S. Census includes some or all of them.

Here are numbers that have been reported by the CDC in the U. S. as of March 1, 2021. 24 million people had been vaccinated with a COVID vaccine. 29 million had recovered from having had COVID, and presumably safe from re-infection. 47 million children under the age of 12 live in the U. S. and are rarely affected by COVID.

The low estimate of the number of people being vaccinated each day is 1.5 million, some say as many as 2 million, but we will be conservative and stick with the 1.5 million. There are 124 days from March 1 to July 4 of this year. You can check our math, but that equates to 186 million more people getting the shot in those 124 days. Add this number to the numbers in the paragraph above, and you get 286 million people safe from getting or giving COVID, as safe as one can be from anything else lurking about like the flu, cancer, and heart attacks, just to name a few.

We have been told that HERD IMMUNITY can be achieved above 50% of the population, although we believe that to be too low a threshold. We have heard some want 90%, but we believe that will never happen as there will probably be a fair percentage of our population that will refuse to get the vaccine, which is their choice in a free society. Some of those may have natural immunity to COVID anyway. Using the numbers given above, by JULY 4, 2021, we will have achieved 85% HERD IMMUNITY in the United States.

Please join all of us together to take our masks off and open up all our businesses on JULY 4, 2021.

One Reply to “HERD IMMUNITY”

  1. It should be pointed out, that as of the posting of this blog, many states and counties have begun to reduce mask mandates and business restrictions. Let this be a crescendo to a full and free United States on July 4, 2021.

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