Time For a Vacation

At FREEDOMGOFORTH.COM, we have been posting blogs each and every week for 16 months and counting without any breaks. Everyone needs a break now and again to recharge batteries, spend time with the family, and enjoy the wonderful recreational sites our great Nation is fortunate to possess. We encourage all who read our blogs to take time away from the TV and radio, set your mobile phone down, separate yourself from your laptop, notebook, or tablet, and do some pondering and meditation about your life, your influence upon those you associate with, and how you can become a more focused, motivated individual that will benefit not only yourself, but those around you and our Nation and world at large.

We leave you for a time with a few thoughts to consider.

Does it concern you that our current government is taking every action to kill our fossil fuel industry, even though it will lead to ever increasing costs, ever diminishing job prospects, and ever reducing availability of foods and needed products?

Are you concerned that the one man who has his finger on our nuclear arsenal, who makes final decisions about geo-political moves, is mentally compromised?

Are you worried that terrorists are moving freely across our southern border, and potentially making any movement in normal society done so with increasing risk of being involved in a mass casualty event?

Are you bothered by the fact that the belief in a Higher Being (God) is being shunned in favor of the explosion of greed, violence, immorality, and perversions of truth and morality?


We will be back before you know it. May the Lord bless you and keep you, and God bless the United States of America.