The Dichotomy of the Season

DICHOTOMY: “A division into two especially exclusive or contradictory groups or entities.” (Merriam-Webster)

As we approach the end of 2023, we want to reflect on the state of our Nation, of its people, and in fact, on the state of the world. If we can recall 2019, it was a year of productivity, increasing wealth even outpaced those in the upper crust of our society. Women’s, black’s and Hispanic’s employment had never been higher. The world was essentially at peace, with no major conflicts. Interest rates were low, as was inflation and unemployment. Then came COVID and the unprecedented attacks on our President, of which he endured two impeachments and was cleared of them as the accusations were manufactured out of thin air. False and unproven charges, along with election interference by the wealthy and corporate social media monopolies, as well as from within our own government, accompanied by processes and procedures which allowed for questionable voter outcomes, all combined to subvert the will of the majority. There is no doubt that most citizens within our Nation recognized voter irregularities, but courts were unwilling to even hear the cases backed by thousands of witness’s affidavits. The result was an election defeat for the current President in office, and the installation of a new President who is now under investigation for corruption, not only in past actions, but in current inactions, especially in the failure to protect our Nation’s citizens from the millions of illegal aliens flooding across our Nation’s borders, a dereliction of his duty to protect our Nation and citizens from foreign invasions and influence. The year 2023 has been witness to the destruction of our Nation and people. EVIL has been allowed to run rampant. GOOD has taken a blow on the chin. The Dichotomy of the Season could not be more apparent.

With the passing of Christmas and Hanukkah, we have especially been witnessing the degradation and deformation of the moral core of our once great Nation. We have seen the erection of alters to Satan within the halls of a state’s capitol. We have seen business supporting fringe ideologies, all in the pursuit of increasing wealth, and revealing their hidden agendas. Music in many of our Nation’s malls and major businesses predominately played music not focusing on the “reason for the season”, but instead focusing on snow, reindeer, Santa, and the grinch. Some of our Nation’s most deviant, malevolent, and criminalistic individuals found their “holiday spirit” by carjacking the innocent, shoplifting from businesses, spewing hate on social media outlets, and most sadly, all being allowed to take place by those who claim to be “in charge” yet who fail to take corrective actions. It is often evident that morality, truth, and justice is often set aside to achieve personal ideological aims regardless of the cost. EVIL has been allowed to run rampant. GOOD has taken a blow on the chin. The Dichotomy of the Season could not be more apparent.

In the last three years we have been witness to a world on fire and unrestrained. Spurred on by our Nation’s pathetic retreat from Afghanistan, other nations have taken advantage of our Nation’s weak leadership and have started wars, expanded terrorist activities, increased development of nuclear materials and weapons, perfected missile and space technology, and sadly often with financial, technological, and covert support from many within our Nation’s current leadership. EVIL has been allowed to run rampant. GOOD has taken a blow on the chin. The Dichotomy of the Season could not be more apparent.

As marvelous, hopeful, magnificent and awe-inspiring as this time of year can be, it is also as frightening, depressing, malevolent and as cruel as it can be. As for the GOOD “of the Season”, take a moment or two to be amazed at how wonderfully-complex our physical body is, with its parts smaller than you can see, and its ability to heal itself. Look up to the skies and consider how there is no end to the breadth of the stars and the time and distance from us, a never-ending, infinite space. Consider the “miracle” of birth where the comingling of DNA develops another human who shares some of the physical characteristics of both yet maintains individuality. Contrast all of this with the EVIL “of the Season”, with mankind’s depravity, maliciousness, and arrogance when you hear of or are personally witness to murders, violent attacks, theft, other similar actions, or even words, aimed to harm others. Consider the efforts of the rich and powerful around the world to dominate and subjugate the weak and lowly. The Dichotomy of the Season could not be more apparent.

The intent of our blog this week is not to depress or discourage the reader, but our hope is to bring more clearly into focus the war being waged between GOOD and EVIL. It is often unseen as it resides within the consciousness of the created, yet it is manifested in actions and efforts if we allow “. . . the eyes of [our] heart [to] be enlightened” to recognize it. (Ephesians 1:18.) We want to make it clear to all that GOOD overcomes EVIL. We know this to be true because we have read the end of the book! However, victory over EVIL is a battle the GOOD must engage. There will at times seem to be “ups” and “downs”, but our “eyes” must be focused on the one who has overcome. Jesus speaks to His disciples in John 16:33 saying, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Notice that Jesus had not yet endured the cross of crucifixion and defeated death when He said this, yet He clearly stated that He HAD already “overcome”. How is this possible? It is because He knew the end of the book! Even though there were trials yet to come, He was at peace knowing He could get through all of it, and knowing the ultimate conclusion allowed Him to press ahead and endure. Like our Lord, we have overcome even though EVIL has been allowed to run rampant, and GOOD “seems” to have taken a blow on the chin. If we endure and “. . . press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14), we can be at peace and overcome. Do not be dismayed at The Dichotomy of the Season. Our FREEDOM and LIBERTY will eventually prevail, not only in 2024, but also in the years that are yet before us.

May your 2024 be filled with boldness, confidence in the outcome . . . . and peace.

It is Time to Reprise Our “A New Christmas Carol”



An homage to our heroes

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all seemed okay.

Many creatures were stirring and most in dismay.

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,

But one space left open, for he was not there.

The children were restless as they lay in their beds.

All were reviewing sad dreams in their heads.

Mom in her PJs, alone in her room,

Not knowing the future, seemed covered with gloom.

When out on the lawn there arose such a noise,

Kids leaped to their feet, let loose of their poise.

Away to the window, peered through the closed blinds,

Pulled down the string, what was blowing their minds?

The light from the street shown dimly at first,

Gave glow to the objects, and fearing the worst.

When what to their wondering eyes should appear,

But a host of all peoples, and sleds pulled by deer.

With a ton of strong voices, they all sang in cheer,

She knew in a moment she had nothing to fear.

Mom knew in a flash that they came from all parts,

From T2T warriors, to firemen, nurses, and cops.

More swift than a race car, all declared with no doubt,

They belted and shouted, these names they called out.

Now Facts, now Truth, now Goodness, now Reason,

On Liberty, on Hope, on Justice, on Freedom.

To the top of the porch, to the top of the roof,

Now hear us all people, you need no more proof.

From voices now past, to echos still heard,

We glean from our past, moving forward we’ve learned.

Be brave and courageous, be strong and be proud.

We’ve come bearing gifts, so said all in the crowd.

And then in a twinkling, she threw open the door,

And wave upon wave, they placed gifts on her floor.

Each guest was arrayed in colors so bold,

Most from each service, or so she was told.

The gifts were so splendid, each serving a need,

Not one was more special, each useful indeed.

We know of your sadness and grievous loss,

But know we are with you no matter the cost.

Dressed in each service, some blue and some white,

With caps and ribbons, and medals quite bright.

They each told their story, their fight and their might.

No message was given considered quite trite.

All who had come offered words and good cheer.

She felt such great comfort, she had nothing to fear.

One special soldier she knew by his name,

Brought forward a sock, she then knew why he came.

A brother in arms, a friend to the end,

He brought forth the gift, a heart needs to mend.

To the mantle he marched, with purpose so clear,

The lost soldier’s sock was hung in the hole left there.

Then stepping back slowly, he saluted with honor,

Showing dignity and pride, his eyes starring yonder.

As slowly brought up, his arm to salute,

Moved down just as slowly, the point was not moot.

Tears flowed down his cheeks as he swung back around,

Moving again forward, his eyes had now found.

Mom and her children now hugging together,

Moving now forward, said he’d remember forever.

He told of their father, a husband beloved,

His unswerving duty to the country and family he loved.

He spoke of their father’s most fervent belief,

If the worst were to happen, to not live in grief.

He spoke his desire that they would move on,

Buoyed by the thought that he’s really not gone.

He knelt on one knee, and spoke from his heart,

Your father and husband will never depart.

Then touching each of their hearts with his hand,

He said he is with you, viewing you from a heavenly land.

He lives in your memory, your thoughts, your prayers.

He’ll always look down, ’cause you know that he cares.

So the stocking, said he, is hung every year,

To remember his love is always so near.

We’ve many more homes to visit this night.

Others are hurting, take to them Christmas bright.

As they all moved away from the home that fine night,

A new joy was found in a family all right.

A Father’s and Husband’s voice could be heard,

In each of their hearts where it now firmly stood.

Christmas is not just for joy and good cheer,

But also a time to remember each year,

That loved ones now parted, no longer to see,

Are still with us ever, and so shall it be.

Author, OneShadowWarrior

From Our House to Yours,


Is There Justification For Being on the RIGHT?


What is it about being considered to be on the RIGHT in politics these days? It seems to be one of those incendiary words that absolutely sets those on the “left” ablaze. Agitators, provocateurs and instigators seem to use the word RIGHT to foment, spur and demagogue those who lean in a direction opposite to theirs. Those on the RIGHT refer to those who rile against them, and are opposed to them, as occupying space on the “left” of the political spectrum. So where did this “left” and RIGHT begin to define and occupy our political narrative.

In the more recent past, we can trace the beginning of this division back to the physical seating arrangements of politicians during the French Revolution in 1789 ( Those who were liberal, progressive or revolutionary gravitated to occupy the left seats in their assemblies, while those who were conservative and nationalistic, many being of nobility and religious leaders, gravitated to the RIGHT seats in the same assemblies (

This may seem to be a strange topic for our blog, but we simply got to thinking about how being to the RIGHT may not be such an abnormal place to be found, especially in our modern, western world today. Consider some of the many applications of being on, or in, or with the RIGHT today.

Service members salute with their RIGHT hand and arm. When swearing in a court of law, the RIGHT hand is raised to affirm your testimony. In your pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States, one’s RIGHT hand is placed over the heart. Consider the analogy of escalators. Usually, they are on the RIGHT when going up, and the ones on the “left” are going down. We don’t know about you, but when our life on earth is done, we would prefer to be on the escalator going up, rather than the one going down. In an airport, moving walkways on the RIGHT will take you to your destination, while those on the “left” will bring you back to your starting point. How about this quirky one. Ever hear the term “RIGHTy tighty, lefty loosie”? A round spigot knob is turned to the RIGHT to secure the flow of liquid, to “conserve” the resource.

In the United States, we drive on the RIGHT side of roadways. Traffic circles work by turning to the RIGHT to get on them, and again to the RIGHT to exit them. On waterways and in airways, you give way to the RIGHT with on-coming traffic. Consider the fact that in our Nation we read to the RIGHT in a book to its conclusion, and to the RIGHT on each book opening and on each line. How about the fact that analogue clock hands move to the RIGHT in a clockwise direction. We are assured that on any issue discussed, you would acknowledge that there is a RIGHT way to consider the issue, and a wrong way, and that you would prefer to consider the issue the RIGHT way. There is usually always a RIGHT course of action, a RIGHT way to go, and a RIGHT process to follow. Wouldn’t we always prefer to take the RIGHT way, or the RIGHT course, or even select the RIGHT treatment for our ailment. How about the fact that our Nation’s flag is to always appear to the RIGHT hand of the speaker, clergy, and to the RIGHT hand of any other flag. Do you realize the United States flag is always flown on the RIGHT front bumper of the President’s limo?

Let’s for a moment delve into the religious area concerning the use of the word RIGHT. As believers, we would want to be as righteous as possible. Guess what, that word begins with the word RIGHT! We also know that Jesus spoke of the day of judgement when the sheep will be separated from the goats, and the sheep are moved to the RIGHT hand of Jesus (Matthew 25: 31-46). He called the ones on His RIGHT blessed and are given life eternal. Following the resurrection of Jesus from death, He was seated at the RIGHT hand of the Father (Mark 16:19; Acts 7:55; Romans 8:34). The Apostle Paul talked about accepting others by giving them the RIGHT hand of fellowship. When you shake someone’s hand, what hand to you use? We bet it is with your RIGHT hand.

We want to declare in our blog today that being in the RIGHT is a pretty good place to be. Those on the RIGHT are adamant about maintaining our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY. If you are not on the RIGHT, we hope you will consider the comments above and re-evaluate your position in life. We really do believe that There Is Justification For Being on the RIGHT. Which way do you lean?


What you see above is the neolithic henge monument on the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England called Stone Henge. Was it built to tell the changing of the seasons, was it a burial site, was it used for worship, or did it have a celestial observatory function predicting eclipses or having other religious, mystical or spiritual connections? The answer is, we don’t really know. Only speculation based on some excavation and hypotheses. About all that many can agree upon is that it was constructed, maybe in phases, from about 3100 BC to 1600 BC, and that the stones weigh around 25 tons each ( Stone Henge is probably the most famous STANDING STONE, but “There are tens of thousands of standing stones found throughout the world, with concentrations in the British Isles, France, the lberian Peninsula, and Korea.” ( You actually may have erected a few yourself throughout your life. “Huh”, you may utter. You may have done so without really knowing it. “Okay”, you say, “But how and when did these things occur?”

Did you ever go on a hike and get to a junction in the path? Maybe there were several paths going out in different directions, so, to identify which path you came on, you placed a stone on the path you were on so you could recognize it on your way back. In today’s modern age, some nice park ranger has erected a sign telling you which way to go in order to get there, or in order to get back. In the old German fairy tale, Hansel and Gretel left a bread crumb trail so they could find their way home. In today’s modern era, police detectives often look for “breadcrumbs” that may have been left behind by a perpetrator, like finger or footprints.

We want to explore the Biblical use of the term STANDING STONES as not only do we have the reason for their construction, but we can also then make application to our lives today. “The Hebrew word translated “standing stones” is massebah and means “to set up.” The Israelites followed ancient customs by setting up standing stones as a reminder of God’s covenant and supernatural acts on their behalf. The story of the stone was passed down from generation to generation through oral tradition.” (; Ray Vander Laan) “Jacob set up stone pillars at Bethel in order to remember his powerful dream, in which God reaffirmed his covenant with him (Genesis 28:18-21, 35:14-15). Moses built twelve standing stones at the foot of Mount Sinai after receiving the Ten Commandments and other laws (Exodus 24:2-4). The Israelites erected standing stones to remember their miraculous crossing of the Jordan River (Joshua 4:2-3, 8-9). Joshua built a standing stone when the covenant was renewed at Shechem (Joshua 24:27). In the New Testament, Peter builds on standing stone imagery when he describes believers as ‘living stones’ (1 Peter 2:5). Peter probably wanted his readers to think of themselves as living standing stones-people who live out their faith so boldly that others take notice. As living stones, Christians should proudly tell about the difference that God has made in their lives.” ( We should also mention other instances of the establishments of STANDING STONES. Jacob and Laban set one up to represent their covenant, they called it garsahadutha (Genesis 31:43-55). Samuel set one up between Mizpah and Shen and named it Ebenezer (I Samuel 7:11). Absalom set one up and gave it his name (II Samuel 18:18). The establishment of these stones not only recorded an immediate act, but they also served as a future reminder. “Now the people came up from the Jordan on the tenth of the first month and camped at Gilgal on the eastern edge of Jericho. And those twelve stones which they had taken from the Jordan, Joshua set up at Gilgal. And he said to the sons of Israel, ‘When your children ask their fathers in time to come, saying, ‘What are these stones?’ then you shall inform your children, saying; Israel crossed this Jordan on dry ground.’ For the Lord your God dried up the waters of the Jordan before you until you had crossed, just as the Lord your God had done to the Red Sea, which He dried up before us until we had crossed; that all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the Lord is mighty, so that you may fear the Lord your God forever.” (Joshua 4:19-24.)

We now want to ask again, “Where Are Your STANDING STONES?” For the most part, most of us are probably pretty private people, not wanting to share much about ourselves that reveals any depth, not just of your heart, what makes you you, but your history and what major events or forks in the road of life have you traversed, some with ease, but we bet a few were pretty monumental and had a significant impact upon the direction of your life. Those events are hard-wired into your memory, and you will never forget them. Have you told your children and grandchildren about those events? If they do not know, they cannot pass on those monumental events of your life, those STANDING STONES, that have a significant bearing upon the course of your prodigy.

Those would be personal STANDING STONES, but what about ones that are more communal in nature. Let’s consider a few of them. Some of those events occurred before we were born but yet they are STANDING STONES, nevertheless. Consider those that may be tactile in nature, ones that can be seen and even touched. The Greeks, Romans, and those in the Rennaissance were prolific in erecting STANDING STONES. In our Nation, there are many STANDING STONES erected on or near the National Mall in Washington D.C. Many tell of the history of our Nation, some depicting our heritage as a Nation, and some reminding us of the sacrifice made by many to establish and defend our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY. Other forms of STANDING STONES are made available for viewing, like “The Declaration of Independence”. In today’s modern world we only have to search our browsers to see not only this document, but also the Constitution and Bill of Rights. These, too, are STANDING STONES. In September of next year, another form of STANDING STONES will be commemorated. It is named, “A Hero’s Journey”, sculpted by Sabin Howard, the artist and sculpture. Across the Potomac River there are other forms of STANDING STONES. They are found at the Arlington National Cemetery, where many of our Nation’s honored dead are buried, those who sacrificed to the point of death to secure and maintain our FREEDOM and LIBERTY. We suspect the vast majority of our Nation’s citizens have seen neither, so it is difficult for many to teach their children about the bravery and sacrifice that made and sustains our great Nation. This is a great shame that many cannot avail themselves of these STANDING STONES.

There are other forms of STANDING STONES. They often mark events, both tragic and monumental. Consider World Wars I and II, and the Korean and Vietnam “Wars”. Do you remember the assignation of our President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Martin Luther King, or the Space Shuttle Challenger’s explosion in 1986, and when Columbia broke apart on re-entry in 2003, or the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, or did these events occur prior to your lived experience. These events marked forks in the road for our Nation.

Consider other forms of STANDING STONES, like our Nation’s Flag and what it represents with its stars and stripes. Or how about our National Anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner, or our Nation’s Pledge of Allegiance? These are also forms of STANDING STONES. Still other forms of STANDING STONES exist, like Easter, Hanukkah, and Christmas, marking events of religious and spiritual significance.

So, we ask again, “Where Are Your STANDING STONES?” There are plenty of them out there in our Nation. Are you taking advantage of any of them to teach to your children and to your children’s children, or to your friends and neighbors? Where we come from and what we have done, as a Nation or as an individual, has a significant impact upon those who follow us in life. Do we tell the stories or sing the songs of our STANDING STONES history? Do we walk by STANDING STONES and explain their significance to any who will listen? Do we even remember ourselves where they are and what they mean? Would those, who have gone on before us in this Nation we call home, find it appalling and disgraceful of our ignorance, resistance, or failure to be reminded of the STANDING STONES set up for our benefit, for our learning and teaching. We hope not. But it’s up to you. “Where Are Your STANDING STONES?


A terrible thing happened late this last week. Our Nation continued its long slide into tyranny and oppression. Our Nation was founded on Biblical principles, whether you believe it or not, it is true. Those principles come directly from the fact that we are all made “in the image” of our Creator. He is just, righteous, faithful, and merciful. Without His love for His creation, us, we would be lost and without hope. He was the one who sent His Son, Jesus, to teach us the way back to Him. Jesus was the one who made our redemption, our reclamation possible. As the perfect sacrifice, He did what no one else could do, make atonement for our sins, to bridge the gap between our imperfection and God’s perfection. This is what gives us hope at the end of our earthly life as we look forward to an immortal existence, free from our trials and tribulations, from our sins and mistakes, from our pains and worries. What happened this last week is that our National leaders seemed to have forgotten many of the things that our Nation was founded upon. We were blessed with a great Constitution and Bill of Rights. Our Founding Fathers based much of what we hold as unchanging principles upon laws and processes developed and molded throughout centuries, including ideas from England, The Magna Carta, and even the Roman government. Some of the basis of our laws come from examples not only from Bible History, but from Hammurabi Babylon Codes. “This is crazy, but the lesser known Code of Ur-Nammu (c. 2100-2050 BCE) predates Hammurabi’s Code (1754 BCE). From Mesopotamia, Ur-Nammu’s codes were written in Sumerian and are the oldest known written laws.” (; Theodoric Von America.) The point we are trying to make is that our Founding Father’s were not simply “shooting from the hip” in hopes of hitting upon some form of government that might work, that might be better than anything devised before. They were not trying to “pin the tail on the donkey” blindfolded. Much of what we enjoy in our Nation today, or at least once enjoyed, was based on the knowledge of antiquities, in-depth research, by scholars of their day, learned men who were far from the perceived neophytes that some in our society would have us believe. And yet, this last week we saw supposed Representatives fall so far from the pedestal of National normalcy so as to leave us nearly speechless.

Where has mercy gone in our Nation? While our National leaders are sailing a rudderless boat over the falls of National destruction, they seem intent upon swatting away little nagging flies of triviality obscuring their view of massive reality. Moral Relativism is seemingly swinging The Overton Window (read our blog on November 19, 2023) toward our National demise. Where there is no absolute truth, anything and everything is possible and allowed. The morality of our Nation is based upon the founding principles we discussed earlier. If we fail to adhere to these principles, we will fail to remain the Nation under which we were initially established. So, what happened late last week that portends the potential demise of our great Republic.

Within the halls of our Nation’s capital, over two-thirds of our elected Representatives decided to set aside a basic principle that has stood unchallenged since the founding of our Nation. That principle is that an accused person is considered innocent until proven guilty. That guilt is to be determined in a court of law, not through any other form, like an ethics investigation, media bias, political persuasion, or ideological bent. At FREEDOMGOFORTH.COM, we do not claim the innocence or guilt of any individual, regardless of their political affiliation, without the full and unbiased disclosure of all the facts, presented in the proper forum. Should those apparent facts paint a corrupt picture, we will still not condemn any individual apart from due process. In our Nation, all citizens are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. That is why on TV news, when a crime has been committed and the individual apprehended, that person is always given the benefit of the doubt by the stating of the “alleged” crime. Even if eyewitnesses proclaim the individual’s crime, the proof of guilt must be shown by the prosecutor in a court of law. Only following conviction in a court of law can the perpetrator be found guilty of the alleged crime and be accountable to the consequences.

Our Nation’s House of Representatives chose to disregard that any individual is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. In doing so, they have in fact become like a kangaroo court, making unilateral decisions outside of the rule of law. They have become a “rule of law” in and of themselves, setting themselves above the established principles of our Nation. Not only that, but by the removal of the individual from the House, they have disenfranchised those that placed that individual in the House as their Representative. If anyone is authorized to remove that individual, it would be those citizens who were able to vote for that Representative in their district, or of course, if a court of law ruled to convict the individual of said crimes and of processes established, and then and only then, if the removal was required. In our Nation, even convicted felons can serve in Congress. In fact, “The House of Representative has an internal rule that any member who is convicted of an offense that could result in two or more years’ imprisonment cannot vote or participate in committee activities. However, the privileges of such member can be restored if he or she is reelected to Congress. The Senate does not have a similar rule. Both the Democratic and Republican parties can censure their own members in the House and Senate, including removing them from committees, as they see fit.” (; March 21, 2023.) Expulsion from Congress is like “taking the nuclear option”. Few have ever been expelled, more from the Senate than from the House. Here is where we will return to how the title to this blog, CASTING THE FIRST STONE, becomes relevant.

The pictures at the beginning of our blog review the Bible text from John 8:1-11. Several observations stand out in the reading of this text. First, do you wonder what Jesus wrote in the dirt? We doubt it was his mother’s recipe for unleavened bread. Maybe he wrote various infractions of Moses’ law that were not being followed according to the written text. Maybe he wrote things like adultery, false witness testimony, failure to do good to all, honoring your mother and father, keeping the Sabath or any of the 10 commandments. Maybe it was something seemingly innocuous like lying. The reality is that any transgression of the Creator’s law is a sin which separates an individual from Him. Secondly, note that all those waiting to cast stones left starting from the oldest to the youngest. Most of us who are older understand how often we have failed to live up to not only our standards, but to those of our Creator. Those who are younger maybe rely on ignorance to seemingly inoculate them from “miss-steps” and “minor” infractions they feel are insignificant and believed to be overlooked by God. We are all flawed humans and “. . . all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23.) There is not one Representative in Congress who has not sinned in one way or another, but it often is so much easier to point out the flaws in another before admitting to our own. What has happened to our Nation when our leaders prefer to “sacrifice” another, rather than to offer mercy? It was Jesus who told the hypocritical leaders of His day, the Pharisees, the religious rulers, when He said to them, recorded for us in Matthew 9:13, “Go and learn what this means, I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” (Hosea 6:6.)

FREEDOM and LIBERTY in our Nation demands holding fast to our founding principles in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. To circumnavigate or short-circuit our Nation’s true morality, allowing its dilution with Moral Relativism, leads us down a dark path toward secularism, Communism, Marxism, and totalitarianism. Stand firm with our Nation’s founding principles. Let your Representatives know of your displeasure with their cowardly actions which only helps to put our Nation in moral jeopardy.