You do not know me. You do not know my name. You may not know anything about me. But yet, here I am. You do not really know what I look like. You do not know the color of my eyes, or the color of my hair. To you, I am mostly invisible. I am hidden from your view. Like you, I have a very humble beginning. There were no world-wide broadcasts announcing my presence, nor were there great parties, receptions or gatherings planned, announced, or entertained upon my arrival into the world scene. I am clearly unknown to only but a very limited few.

We all started from the same place. Without exception, we were all seemingly insignificant. While the very core of our being may be different from one another, from the 10,000-foot level, we are basically identical. Those things that differentiate me from you are most often things we cannot even see. Those differences are really invisible to the naked eye, yet we are nearly identical in all those ways that really count. I do not know about you, but you may have talents, abilities, characteristics, beliefs, that I may share with you . . . or may not share with you . . . as I am not you.

Like you, I am totally dependent upon others. You can eat what you did not sow or grow, or raise, or process, or distribute, or market. Without the help of others, even with the assistance of just a few others, you would cease to exist . . . as would I. How firm are you in your belief structure? Do you sometimes change your mind on certain things? I am still formulating those very same constructs in my own mind, and I am sure they will develop more thoroughly over time, and even possible change, just as maybe you have done recently. Only time will tell.

Like you, I am ambivalent to many things, either because of lack of interest, or maybe more importantly, lack of awareness of what is truly going on around us. However, even if we are not aware of forces acting upon us beyond our scope of knowledge, we are nevertheless impacted, and in some ways permanently, in life-altering ways. Sometimes these forces acting upon us are way beyond our ability to control. Like you, I often feel like a pawn in a huge chess match, unable to make one move without the direction of another. Regardless of the move made upon me, I am the one who will ultimately suffer the consequences if the move made was not to my benefit.

Like you, I am in a life and death struggle to the end. We all will suffer the ultimate fate of death, for it is inevitable. However, there are times when each one of us is more vulnerable to the cessation of life. Such is the case for me at this very moment. Have you figured out yet who or what I am? Let me give you some more hints. To me, the world right now is a dark place, yet I am not blind. Things in my world often seem upside down, rough and turbulent at times. I feel constricted to my local environment and have limited mobility. I can be hurt, and I do feel the pain sometimes inflicted upon me, but yet I am unable to resist the source from whence this pain comes. I feel ready to break out of my cocoon and enter an entirely different world from that which I am used to.

But wait, there seems to be something happening for which I have not been asked for my opinion. I was not asked to be placed in this position in the first place, as that decision was made long ago in terms of my timeframe. I feel truly ready to explore my strange new world, but I fear something wicked this way comes. I feel poking and prodding, then I feel a sharp pain coursing throughout my body. I try to scream in pain and terror, but I cannot, and even if I could, I fear my cry for help would not be heard, and that no one would come to my rescue. Suddenly, I can remember no more. My life has ended even before the exciting part even began. I could have been a great scientist, or teacher, or even a world leader. I could have invented things making humanity a better place and fought for FREEDOM and LIBERTY for those oppressed. I really could have made a difference, but alas, I am not.

WHO AM I? I am the aborted fetus that was only a few days away from being born. How would you feel if you were in my position? Oh wait, your one of the lucky ones, who actually was allowed to live. How fortunate you truly are. But yet some of you forget from whence you came. What if the decision had been to terminate your life in the womb? Where would you be now?