STOP! The image above is very recognizable. The word says it all, at least in the English language. You might recognize it in other forms like “Halt” (German), “Stoy” (Russian), or “Parar” (Spanish), but in other forms there as well as in “Alto”. Even fictitious languages have developed their own form of this word, like “Mev” in the Klingon language. Many languages use this word in other forms for different applications, but we’ll stick with the English word “STOP” as that’s the appropriate word for any situation or application in the English language. The emphasis on this word in our blog today is to point out the various ways this word needs to be used in our society today. There are many things simply out of control. The brakes need to be applied to bring the rush forward to a screeching “STOP”. Naturally, the first thing to do is to take the foot off of the gas so that the brakes will be more effective and won’t burn up in the heated effort to counter the forward thrust. This will be a very simple blog stating the number of ways our Nation, and those who seem to control it, need to “STOP”. We are sure you can add to the litany below, but our little list will get you started in the right direction. We mention these in no particular order, although many could be grouped together in a way appropriate that one simple action on the part of those in control could achieve multiple results all leading to the destruction of the forward momentum.

STOP thinking other nation’s borders are more important than our own.

STOP mandating masks, vaccines, and vaccination passports.

STOP dividing our Nation along ethnic, gender, social, & economic lines.

STOP getting involved in foreign conflicts.

STOP offshoring our energy independence.

STOP allowing our business revenues and profits to be offshored.

STOP censorship.

STOP selling our land to China.

STOP selling fertilizer/chemical companies to China.

STOP illegal aliens from crossing our Nation’s borders.

STOP American companies from profiting off of China’s slave labor.

STOP allowing foreign influence peddling in our National institutions.

STOP allowing NGOs to operate without strict accountability.

STOP local and Nation-wide frivolous executive orders.

STOP lying to the American people.

STOP hiding documents, senseless redacting, and stymied FOIAs.

STOP allowing a two-tiered justice system to exist.

STOP periodically fencing off the hub of our Nation’s politics.

STOP embarrassing our Nation by bungling foreign retreats.

STOP trying to change our Nation’s Constitution.

STOP trying to diminish and cancel our 2nd Amendment.

STOP limiting what our military can or cannot do to end conflicts.

STOP taking actions our Nation can take “off the table”.

STOP allowing prison institutions from preying upon the incarcerated.

STOP letting career criminals out of incarceration prematurely.

STOP giving criminals no or low bail releases before conviction.

STOP confiscating personal property before court adjudication.

STOP the funding and creating of bio-weapons.

STOP ignoring non-funding of power grid/water defense/protection.

STOP carte blanche human genetic modifications.

STOP ignoring the lack of fathers predominately in black inner cities.

STOP preaching white is bad and black is victim.

STOP pushing unbalanced and biased quotas based on race alone.

STOP denigrating trade schools in favor of 4-year woke colleges.

STOP the push to forgive student loans.

STOP promising everything and delivering nothing.

STOP injecting politics into sports.

STOP saying our Nation is built on freedom “from” (instead “of”) religion.

STOP destroying and trying to re-write our Nation’s history.

STOP attacking/restricting our police & law enforcement entities.

STOP the woke agenda from weakening/depleting our military.

STOP allowing all representatives from profiting off inside information.

STOP allowing ex-government officials to lobby for National contracts.

STOP projecting and showing weakness to our enemies.

STOP allowing homelessness to exist in our cities.

STOP allowing unenforced and unpunished crime in our cities.

STOP printing more U.S. dollars.

STOP paying citizens to not work.

STOP allowing teachers unions to dictate kid’s educational agendas.

STOP allowing corporation taxes to escape to offshore accounts.

STOP the government from picking winners/losers in our economy.

STOP spending over a pre-established National budget.

STOP attacking populism, nationalism, and patriotism.

STOP George Soros funding of government/corporate zealots.

STOP promoting that we live in a “global world” without national borders.

STOP chanting “USA” if you’ve not promoted it and tried to destroy it.

STOP release of Strategic Oil Reserves to cover failed national policy.

STOP “wagging the dog” to detract from sinking pole numbers.

STOP supporting monopolies over competing businesses.

STOP “Shadow Banning”.

STOP “Gaslighting”.

STOP the attacks on truth, morality, religion, prayer, and faith.

STOP buying Russian petroleum products.

STOP relying upon Chinese products.

STOP allowing revenue from investments in China.

STOP making our Nation bear the reduced carbon emission burden.

STOP “rules for thee, but not for me”.

STOP others from taking away your FREEDOM and LIBERTY.

We are sure the list above will invoke other faults within our Nation that you recognize need to heed to the word “STOP”. It is mind-blowing to see how far the “nut” of our recent National history has fallen from the “tree” rooted by our Founding Fathers. We should be ashamed it has fallen so far from the tree. It should make us mad. But more than that, it should motivate and embolden us to action to be a part of a National effort to prevent further decay, restore to original intent, and preserve the wonderful heritage given to us at such great cost, to leave a legacy of enduring FREEDOM and LIBERTY to be enjoyed and honored by those who follow us in life.