The short video clip above is from the very famous 1939 movie titled “The Wizard of Oz”. Having believed there was help for each one of the four from the Great Oz, they followed the yellow brick road to the Emerald City. Once there, they were dismayed to find they were subjects of a tremendous hoax. When the curtain was pulled back and revealed the truth, only then could they find what they had sought. It is truly amazing how so many fictional movies often seem to find their way into reality. Whether from some Nostradamus-like creative mind, or simple random correlation, or simply blind luck, it is often instructive to illustrate some fact of life by the existence of a pre-existing analogous example. So, we have selected the video clip above, well known to most people.

For over one year, we have been detailing ways in which our Nation has been suffering under the weight of lockdowns, mandates, and executive orders. Many believed that this was done for the good of our Nation, believing that what we were being told was the truth. Many of our previous blogs warned of the deception being perpetrated upon our Nation by government, corporate, and media elites, who were using the COVID-19 threat to weave into their woke, global, “Build Back Better” party of Davos agenda. Many of our previous blogs pulled back the curtain on the multiple deceptions, lies, and “mis-dis-mal-information” force fed by the same cast of characters. Using official, un-edited information from multiple sources, we detailed the vast amount of false information being thrust upon a gullible populace. We revealed the true reasons for why our Nation was under attack, as we sought desperately to cancel the “cancel culture”. We proclaimed with each blog the need for individual action to reclaim and protect our FREEDOM and LIBERTY. Slowly but surely the veil of deception has been exposed. We cannot claim any of this was due to our blogs, but we gladly applaud the efforts of so many patriots to use their God given talents, in whatever way they could, to help pull back the curtain of secrecy to reveal more and more of the truth, each and every day. In this blog we will once again reveal newly released data from the very corrupt CDC, one of many supposed arbiters of truth, now being revealed as the fraudulent organization they are and have been. Note that the data we present below covered only a period of time ending on January 24, 2021. Who knows what the data since then may reveal? The data below comes from the CDC GOV Table 2:

“6% of the deaths COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned.”

“MOST frequently listed comorbidities with COVID-19 Deaths.”

“Influenza and pneumonia 43.5% (153,620 deaths).

Hypertension 19.8% (69,942 deaths).

Diabetes 15.6% (54,929 deaths).

Alzheimer disease and other Dementias 14.8% (52,091 deaths).

Sepsis 9.0% (31,912 deaths).”

Just looking at the chart was bad enough, but if you read the fine print under the chart, here is where the real story is told, and it is so much worse than the numbers themselves.

“There were co-morbidities or other conditions listed on the death certificate in 94% of all covid-19 deaths. The 6% of death certificates in which COVID-19 was the only condition listed WAS LIKELY RELATED TO A LACK OF DETAIL LISTED ABOUT OTHER CONDITIONS PRESENT AT THE TIME OF DEATH.” (Capital type added for emphasis.)

Did you really get what was said here? Yes, 6% of the deaths were due to COVID-19, BUT other conditions contributing to death were likely not listed, meaning that the COVID-19 only deaths could be substantially below 6%! They listed 9,210 people died from COVID-19 with no comorbidities, but then again, the number could have actually been much lower if proper documentation had been applied. The following facts were also noted, and we have noted this in a previous blog before but will only repeat it here for your review.

“For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death.”

Did you really get what was being said here? Yes, there were COVID-19 only deaths, probably much less than 6% of the total number of deaths, BUT those who died from COVID-19, or COVID-19 related ailments, had multiple health issues! If you were healthy, your chances of being killed by the COVID-19 virus was VERY low, and in fact infinitesimal for most people, especially those who were younger than 65. What is beginning to be revealed now is that there were serious problems with the vaccines. and in addition, suppression of therapeutics applied in a timely manner probably led to many unnecessary deaths. Some 55,000 pages have now been released by big pharma, and they are revealing facts proving that the vaccines probably have killed more people than they have saved. The research into these documents is on-going and will have to be revealed later as the findings are released. If you survived the COVID-19 virus, feel fortunate. If you received any of the vaccinations, you may feel fortunate for now, but the full impact of those genetic inoculations may not be known for years to come. If you have lost loved ones due to the vaccines, stay tuned as there will be investigations coming to expose all those who hid behind the curtain of secrecy to promote their own agendas, power or money, or both. If our Nation truly stands for truth and justice for all, we will eventually hold all those accountable who have wrought such havoc upon our Nation, and in fact, upon the world at large. Stand tall and stand proud as we continue to reclaim and proclaim our FREEDOM and LIBERTY.