It’s time to put on your thinking caps. Your job in today’s blog is to try and guess in the next few of paragraphs WHO OR WHAT AM I ? I could be a person, or I could be a thing, or I could even be an idea. Good luck. May the best guesser win!

I am a red-blooded American just like many of you. Many would consider me to be the very center of what makes things tick. I reach deeply into the very sinews of the American life. When it comes to having one’s thumb on the very pulse of what makes an American, no one thing (or no one) can do it better than I can.

But life is tough. Many things can go wrong. As I have gotten older, I have become subject to more and more influences that have a direct impact upon my effectiveness at what I do, and have done, for so many years. In some respects, I have become weaker under the onslaught of so many threats that make my efforts at sustaining the way things were so difficult, that at times I simply want to give up and quit.

Ever since the beginning of my work, I have felt that I have only one purpose, and that is to maintain the way things were at the very start. I have worked tirelessly, under some of the most stressful and challenging circumstances. I have continually beat the odds of my survival, sometimes of my own strength, but also sometimes with the aid of outside forces that help to re-energize my sometimes-fainting spirit.

Of late, I fear my time is at hand to complete my mission in life. At times I feel as though that which once was ever-present, that which supported and sustained me, has become less available and when it is nearby, it has become less effective.

Where has my support gone? It seems to have been chased away into the shadows by opposing forces whose only aim is to see my destruction. From whence will come my salvation. Will anything arise to rekindle my once vibrant character? Have those opposing me finally beat me? Have I finally bled the last drop of blood in trying to save the America I once knew?

Have you figured out WHO OR WHAT I AM ? Here are some word clues found in the paragraphs above: Red Blooded, Tick, Sinews, Life, American, Pulse, Beat, Re-energize, Bled, and Blood. If you are still a little stumped, maybe the pictures below will help.



If you enjoy your FREEDOM and LIBERTY, then it is past time to rekindle YOUR PATRIOT’S HEART. Your Nation’s viability, and your posterity are depending upon your action.