“When You’re Going Through Hell, Keep Going.”

There may be those out there who find themselves a bit frustrated, confused, and quite frankly discouraged. Few things valuable in life are ever achieved easily, or quickly. Often a trip or two through the school of “hard knocks” need to be completed before any worthy goal can be fully attained and appreciated. It is the “trial by fire” that toughens resolve, sharpens focus, and strengthens purpose. Some may find it useful, even imperative, to spend time reviewing the past, analyzing the data, and brainstorming methods, courses of actions, and even revising goals. However, we must add that if too much effort and time are spent looking to the past, the future will not be anticipated, prepared for, or successfully encountered. It would be like trying to drive a car forward while continuing to look in the rearview mirror. Doing that, you are bound to run into something while veering wildly off course.

Winston Churchill made famous the saying, “When You’re Going Through Hell, Keep Going.” This statement began circulating in 1943 during World War II. The point was clear. If you find yourself in trying times, that is no time to lay down, rest, or certainly to even give up. It is the time to persevere, bolster efforts, and re-double your resolve. Use small victories to lead you to bigger ones. Don’t lose sight of your goals, or set your standards lower, shorter, or weaker. Our purpose in this rather short blog is to encourage all to continue continuing on. Do not waiver one inch from your original intentions. While things at times may seem bleak, we must not become bogged down in the analytics, or become swayed by those having only nefarious intentions to confuse and demoralize, while causing some to cast dispersions, point fingers, and become embroiled in inner disputes and squabbles.

Let us remind you that the signing of the Declaration of Independence did not occur at the end of obtaining our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY, it was signed at the beginning of the fight. It took our fledgling Republic around seven years to finally achieve independence from the British crown. It took the sacrifice of many lives, the forfeiture of much personal wealth, and the involvement of thousands of patriotic participants to achieve victory over tyranny. FREEDOM and LIBERTY are not free. It requires sacrifice and commitment, and a willingness to stay-the-course. We must be united in effort, and not become distracted by those opposed to our righteous cause. If we fail to do this, we will not only lose FREEDOM and LIBERTY for us, but for our posterity as well, and in the process would demean the great sacrifices made by those who have gone on before us to establish and maintain this great Union. Too often we expect someone else to do the work in our stead, but if we rely totally on others to do all the work, we most certainly will face failure and subjugation to oppressors. The task before us is a great one, but an honorable one, worthy of our best combined efforts and sacrifices.