The Dangers of MAGA. It’s not what you think!

MAGA this. MAGA that. MAGA is an extreme right-wing group that is a threat to our democracy. We have a hard time understanding what is wrong with trying to Make America Great Again. Are there really people or groups within our Nation that will do everything within their power to make sure our Nation is prevented from becoming GREAT AGAIN? If this is true, are these forces not truly citizens of our Nation? Are these people members of other nations seeking only to do our Nation harm? Is it possible that these people or groups are so anti to MAGA because of who came up with that phrase that they will do anything possible to destroy this concept, even if it destroys our Nation? Are these forces so entrenched within their ideologies that only ultimate power and ever-increasing wealth are the only attributes they find worthy to support to ensure achievement and domination? Why do these people and groups feel so threatened by the phrase MAGA? Do they really hate the former President of the United States so much that they are compelled to do anything necessary to destroy this man? If this is true, why is this true? There is a dirty little secret within the halls of our National nerve center. For the last several decades there have evolved people, groups, businesses and corporations that have thrived off the acquiring of power, and the personal and corporate wealth that can be derived from maintaining positions of power within our Nation’s Capital. These people or groups, however they have incorporated themselves, will do whatever is necessary to maintain their power and wealth, and to be able to hide and cover up nefarious actions that have given them that which they desire to maintain. The former President of the United States was, and is, a threat to their power and wealth. This is why the former President of the United States was impeached twice, been under constant legal challenges by partisan actors within the current government and the Washington D.C. area, where nearly 95% of those who reside there are either members of the opposing party or those who see their influence and source of continuing wealth threatened. They see it necessary to do whatever they can, legal or otherwise, to destroy this effort to unseat them and return the “WE THE PEOPLE” back in control of our Nation that will serve our Nation’s citizens and make our Nation once again GREAT.

Our blog today is to look at a few of these organizations that have every reason to fight as dirty as they need to in order to maintain their preeminence within the halls of our Nation’s Capital. Strangely enough, we will also identify them with the acronym MAGA. We identify them as M for META (Facebook), A for Apple, G for Google, and A for Amazon. Each one of these companies have embarked upon a systematic course to stifle the FREEDOM and LIBERTY we have enjoyed for generations within this GREAT Nation of ours. They have done this in various ways by either restricting what can be said (Censorship), by manipulating what can be shared, by monopolizing what is available, by throttling down what can be seen or disseminated (Shadow Banning), or by only allowing what is seen or heard that supports the preferred agenda or ideology (Gaslighting).

META has restricted by use of their algorithms information that can be shared. If you do not agree with what the overlords at META believe, you will have your site altered so that others will be unable to view your comments or participate in your right to FREEDOM of speech. Apple makes no excuses for having a relationship with the Chinese Communist Party. Apple enjoys the profits that cheap labor provides, and cares not the price laborers in China pay under this tyrannical regime, going so far as to restrict the Chinese people from communicating with each other using AirDrop. Google routinely controls what can be searched for on their search engine. They control your FREEDOM and LIBERTY to the point of only allowing their desired philosophies to be viewed or shared. Amazon is a behemoth that has exploded upon our Nation over the last several years at the expense of smaller companies and businesses and has put many of them out of business. Sure, you can find many things cheaper and get it quicker, but we as citizens have been trained over the years to treasure the ability to satisfy our thirst for stuff and the ability to obtain it quickly. This is the age of the microwave society. We have been taught that anything of value does not take time or great effort to obtain.

In the picture above, TWITTER is also visible. Up until the last couple of weeks, this world-wide communication system has also manipulated what can be seen or shared using algorithms and various groups and personnel within that company. More recently, the new CHIEF TWIT, has begun to allow the pealing back of the multiple forms of censorship, and the covert cooperation, including illegal tampering by Federal agencies, and Democrat institutions and leaders, that have colluded to bring this about. There may be those that view the new leadership at TWITTER with a warry eye, as much funding of this billionaire comes through his relationship with China. We simply want to point out that it is truly ironic that with all the threats facing us from the Chinese Communist Party, isn’t it interesting that the money that has helped to reveal the TWITTER censorship, is provided by the same government that would love to see the demise of our GREAT Nation. Sometimes, what goes around, comes around. There is probably no greater threat to our FREEDOM and LIBERTY than that posed by the Chinese Communist Party, and those in league with them. For all citizens loving this Nation and believing it is time to Make America Great Again, we must all be aware of the tremendous threats of MAGA, as we have described them above. To preserve our Nation, we must not allow these corporations to succeed in their efforts and attempts to reshape and remake our GREAT Nation. Most of our citizens like our Nation just as it is, founded upon the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THE BILL OF RIGHTS, and espoused in our DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE.