Please, do not patronize us with slogans. We have become a Nation of trite sayings, rather than deep, reasoned discourse. Let’s break down the heading of this blog and ask a few questions. Who is “WE”? Are those citizens you associate with, ones who think like you do, or does this word cover certain ethnicities, genders, or certain social or demographical groups? How about the word “ARE”? Does this refer to those who now exist in the present, or does it refer to what is to occur at some point? Does it demand a stable position, waiting, continuing, or persisting in the present condition? Most of us know what the word “ALL” means, but what about in this context? What if just one person is not in step with everyone else? Could this person possibly be the one link in the chain that causes the whole chain to fail? Look at the word “IN”. Define this word for us. How much “in” is required? Are we “in” the boat when one leg is slung over the side, or must every part of our body be on board? What if a finger hangs over the edge? Okay, let’s tackle the word “THIS”. “This” what? This event, this mindset, this world, this ideology, or is it better to just leave that to be determined later as we move the goal posts to wherever we need them to be moved? Finally, the word “TOGETHER”. How “together” must we be? We can absolutely guaranty that no two individuals will ever agree 100% on everything. Have those two people define in detail the shade of any color, or how the breeze feels, or what they may be thinking exactly at any random time? The English language is so incomplete when conveying exact meanings. There are around 1 million words in the English language, although that could be off by as much as 25%. On the other hand, maybe the richest language of all would be the Greek language, which contains around 5 million words, but also about 70 million word types. So simple trite sayings in the English language can mean many different things to many different people. It is more precise to say that “WE ARE NOT ALL IN THIS TOGETHER”.

Let’s take a moment now to not be so detailed in our deconstruction of this phrase. Let’s take a more broad-brushed stroke at this phrase to see how it applies to the wide variety of citizens within our Nation. The results of the COVID-19 virus was not felt equally by all citizens. Most are aware of the forced lockdowns in many of our States, and of the disastrous impact it had on many citizens, businesses, organizations and institutions. Many citizens were laid off, many even lost their jobs. Many businesses were forced to close, and some had to set aside their business because of the draconian restrictions and fear that was induced by those having ulterior motives. Many lost their lives, not just because of the virus, but because of the resulting confluence of manipulated events. Most of these people and businesses mentioned above were in the lower rungs of our social and economic ladder within our Nation. It did not matter what color, creed, or gender, all were impacted in negative ways. On the flip side, there were a few, certainly less than the many mentioned above, who were essentially untouched by the impact of the virus and resulting dictates. We will not mention specific names, businesses, or organizations, because to do so would subject this website to personal attacks or even censure. We all know who we are talking about. They are the big, monopolistic businesses and corporations, and those who serve in their top echelons. They are those who continued to have jobs, whether they were in the government or media. They were those who could afford to isolate themselves from the tyrannical practices of the few in powerful positions. Not only did these institutions and people avoid devastation, but on the contrary, most proliferated their wealth and power. We cannot begin to tell you how angry we get when we hear those who wield the major voice outlets in the media or government tell us “WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER”, for any reasoned person can deduce that this is not the case.

When looking at the picture above, this is a more appropriate way to look at the impact of the virus upon our Nation. Yes, it is true, “WE ARE ALL IN THE SAME STORM”, but “WE ARE NOT ALL IN THE SAME BOAT”. So please, do not patronize us with these trite phrases, trying to make it seem that we are all in the same boat, that we are all being impacted equally. The phrase is just one way of trying to influence all our Nation’s citizens to feel as though we share in the tragedy being played out before us. It is the purpose of those in power to attempt to use words to make us believe their propaganda. It is a form of brainwashing, an attempt to mold us into the image they have for their idea of a reformed government, making us believe they know what is best for us, and that we all need to get on board with whatever program or ideology their are promulgating. Our freedoms do not derive from these people, these elites, the tyrannical governmental agencies, the “woke” minority. Our freedoms come from The Constitution of the United States of America. It is time for us to prepare to take back these freedoms from our oppressors. WE ARE ASKING ALL TO GO MASK FREE IF POSSIBLE, AND FOR ALL BUSINESSES AND INSTITUTIONS TO FULLY OPEN UP BEGINING JULY 4, 2021.


Transnationalism. Globalism. Universalism. Scientism. Transhumanism. Communism. Socialism. Predicate. Exculpatory. Disintermediation, Memes. Stove piping. Intersectionality. Orwellian. Emoluments. Gaslighting. Shadow banning. Doxing. Projection. Throwing shade. Star Chambers. Transphobia. Xenophobia. Mansplaining. WOKEISM. We are fairly confident that the majority of citizens within our Nation have no clear understanding of most of these words as they proliferate and morph into new meanings. Some of these new meanings are insidious attempts to re-define our society and can lead to a weakening of our freedoms guaranteed to us by The Constitution of the United States of American.

Today, we just want to concentrate on the word WOKE. Generically speaking, it is simply a term referring to an awareness of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (Merriam-Webster dictionary). The origin of the term has its roots in Old English, Germanic, and Dutch, meaning to remain awake or hold a vigil. In African American terms, it became in circulation in the 1800s simply meaning the state of not being asleep. The term started emerging in Black English at least by the 1940’s (dictionary.com). A black United Mine Workers official reportedly was quoted saying “Waking up is a damn sight better than going to sleep, but we’ll stay woke up longer.” (Atlantic article from 1943.) In the 1960s, WOKE was being used in the context of political awareness, especially when referring to the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s. In 2008, Erykah Badu’s song, Master Teach, features the line “I stay woke (dreams dreams)”. The term most recently has gone through a complete metamorphosis and been used by the Black Lives Matter movement calling for an awareness of social and racial injustices. WOKEISM has become a Marxist process where social humiliation and violence is being used to alter norms, redefine words, and even destroy objective science to create a new Utopian order. This process is establishing a new form of racism, one aimed at those who refuse to walk in step. It is a form of virus infecting the minds of its followers. WOKE was officially added to the Oxford English Dictionary in June of 2017. Obviously, like many of the words listed above, there is much more to the history of this word. Unfortunately, WOKE has now become weaponized on both sides of the political aisle. Those on the left claim the true awareness of social and racial issues by being WOKE, while those on the right use the label WOKE to identify those they believe are fixated on issues that tend to separate rather than unite citizens, aiming to redefine the founding principals of our Nation. Where do we go from here?

Regardless of which side of any issue you fall on, it is important to remain open to an ever expanding knowledge base. We have always affirmed that no one can ever guaranty certainty about anything. Unless you possess the proverbial crystal ball, and can view into the future, no one has the insight, ability, or wisdom to make unequivocal statements. There is always room for more learning, more knowledge, being then better able to make a wiser, more reasoned opinion about anything. Even then, one must be careful to not make definitive statements or pronouncements, for as sure as the sun rises in the east, other facts and insights will certainly follow. Leaps to rash, spontaneous judgements leave a person susceptible to having held weak and irrational points of view or opinions, and can hamper one’s credibility. It is only human nature to make initial judgements based on first-blush analysis of anything, but it is incumbent upon everyone to remain open to learning more, and remaining open to reevaluating the initial judgement to refine or even completely change it.

There is one fact that escapes our understanding. Why can we not get along with each other in our Nation? Do you realize that if you claim to be an American, WOKE or not WOKE, there are those in many parts of the world who would not think twice about seeing an end to your life in the most horrible ways imaginable? Yet we often want to treat them better than we treat those who share with us many common bonds, like our freedoms, our Constitution, the name of American. We believe there is a lot to the phrase “familiarity breeds contempt”. Sometimes we treat people on the street better than we treat those who are closest to us, like our spouse, an extended family member, or close personal friend. The more we know about someone, the more there is to like, but also the more there is to dislike, and unfortunately we too often fail to focus on the likes in favor of the dislikes. It has a lot to do with one negative often outweighing several positives. Kind of like one bad apple will spoil the whole barrel. This is just a good reminder to be careful about what we say to one another. We do not want to encourage false complements, but surely there is something that can be truthfully said that is of a positive nature, we just need to think twice before we speak. The dark veil of denialism needs to be removed from those who are ensconced within it, to be able to perceive the greater truths. A clarion call must be made to one’s inner self, calling forth the better nature, the moral center, that which realizes that all are created equal and deserve the same level of respect, for we are all human beings, not one being any better than another.

There is one reality that cannot be escaped. Without freedom, it matters not what level of WOKENESS you may have in whatever topic. Freedoms are being denied by governmental agencies, in concert with sympathizing institutions, pursuing personal agendas, rather than the will of a majority of our Nation’s citizens. IT IS TIME TO TAKE BACK OUR FREEDOMS BY ALL GOING MASK FREE IF POSSIBLE, AND BY ALL BUSINESSES AND INSTITUTIONS FULLY OPENING UP BEGINING JULY 4, 2021.


No one likes it when something is kept from you, when others know, but you do not. When we are kept in the dark as to true motives or intents, we can become skeptical and question everything. We become suspicious of the one being secret. Why are they hiding this from me? What is it they do not want me to know? It eats at our very soul to not have complete transparency and knowledge.

Think about it in these terms. If you have ever visited one of the caves in our Nation, one of the most horrifying events in the tour is when the guide turns out the lights. The darkness is so oppressive. It seems as though someone has taken the very breath out of you. You cannot see anything. It is though you are completely blind. You picture in your mind what lies around you, what you had seen before, and you wonder what is there that you did not see before. You grab firmly to the hand rail next to you as without visual reference, you may begin to sway, not being completely assured of what is truly upright. All you begin to hope for is that the guide will turn on the lights quickly, and thankfully the lights come back on. “Thanks for the demonstration, now get me out of here!” When the lights come back on, you are now amazed at the beauty and color that surrounds you. The shapes and the colors. Now you can take it all in, being amazed, understanding the reality. You can see clearly all that was hidden just a moment before. You no longer have to wonder, what is being hidden from you.

Such it is with secrecy. When we are left in the dark as to the truth, we can begin to lose our balance of reality. We become completely dependent upon our “guide”, who may only choose to let us see what they want us to see, or may in fact keep us completely in the dark. If the latter happens, we begin to conjure up in our own minds what may really be going on. Our minds, unguided by the true facts, can imagine things way beyond the scope of reality. We begin to fill in the many blanks in our knowledge with things that may or may not be even closely related to the truth. It is like that game where many people stand in one line, and the first person receives a whispered message to whisper into the ear of the person behind, and so it goes until the last person in line repeats the phrase first whispered. It is rarely close to the phase first whispered. Humans have a way of interpreting what we hear into our own words. The hearing may be flawed. The speaking may be flawed. We may not only hear what is said incorrectly, but we may also incorrectly speak what we actually heard. It is not our intention to err in this whispering game, it is often just our human imperfections at work. Unfortunately, there are those who play this game in real life with the intention of deceiving, either by omission or commission, to bring about their personal agendas.

Currently, there is an ongoing effort in several states to review the results of the National election on November 3, 2020. We need to be reminded that our voting is a secret process, but that counting of the votes is a public process. When we are denied the ability to view the public process, we in effect are being blinded by our “guide” as the lights are turned out. We lose transparency. We begin to become suspicious. We begin to wonder what is being hid from us, and we become skeptical of the original process. We wonder why is this public process being shielded from view, and done in secrecy? We wonder why is there such a concerted effort to prevent transparency? Why are dozens of lawyers filing suits in every court imaginable to stop this public process? One would reasonably think that if whatever happened on November 3, 2020 is completely legitimate, both parties would welcome a review and support a transparent process of counting the votes, proving beyond all doubt that the results were beyond reproach. Unfortunately, that is not happening. When one side chooses to block transparency, we become suspicious, wondering what it is that they are trying to hide behind the veil of secrecy, and why.

The purpose of this website is to seek our Constitutional freedoms endowed upon all our citizens. We believe in the institutionalized laws established through proper Legislative, Judicial, and Executive processes. What is concerning to us is that some in our Nation do not fully uphold or support that which has already been codified in law. When it comes to voting, it is a process granted to each citizen of our Nation. When one side asks for all legal votes to be counted, and the other side only says that all votes should be counted, there is a huge difference. One has to recognize that the latter statement allows for processes to take place outside the rule of law. When transparency is demanded through the counting of votes in a public manor, it is only intended to make sure that only those who are actual citizens of our Nation are allowed to vote, and that those who did vote, did so in the prescribed manor as dictated by Legislative law in each state, since that is the right given to each state by our Federal Government under the Articles of The Constitution of the United States of America.

We support and encourage all processes, allowed by the laws granted to us by and through our Constitution, to be carried out. We demand the cloak of secrecy to be torn away, and for transparency to remove all doubt and suspicion. These are the freedoms we seek, those granted to us by our Constitution. IT IS TIME FOR ALL OF US TO RECLAIM AND RE-AFFIRM THESE FREEDOMS BY GOING MASK FREE IF POSSIBLE AND FOR ALL BUSINESSES AND INSTITUTIONS TO FULLY OPEN UP BEGINING JULY 4, 2021.


“To Infinity and Beyond” (Buzz Lightyear, Toy Story films). One definition of this saying would be “Infinite Possibilities”. That would be great if we are talking about ever increasing freedoms, but that is not what is happening in our Nation today. In fact, quite the opposite is in process. A never ending stream of modest openings, followed by more lockdowns. One step forward followed by one step back. It not only seems to be true, but in fact it is undeniable that we are being trained to accept a new normal, one dictated by a tyrannical government, a compliant media, and controlling monopolistic institutions and corporations, all in concert to inflict their will upon the citizenry. Moving the goalposts only leads to an indefinite conclusion. When will this ever stop?

We are in a war not so widely seen before. One without kinetic weapons, but one waged in subtle, insidious ways. A war waged in words and ideas. A war defined in terms of who or what controls the dialogue. In war, one of the first casualties is truth. Not only is our attention drawn to those things favoring those in control, but our attention is blocked from seeing both sides of many issues, the more thorough understanding and knowledge that allows a closer understanding of the real truth. By constantly moving the goalposts, we are kept off-balance, not knowing where to turn, which way to go, or who to believe. There is another force at work that preys upon the morality and natural sense of fair play and trust. Many have been made to feel responsible for some of society’s ills. You do not have to be guilty, to feel guilty. A natural response to this feeling is regret and subsequent compliance, a greater willingness to do what is required to bring about a healing. However, the healing needed is not on those being accused, but on the part of the accusers. There is an unhealthy greed and lust for power, prestige, and wealth. The constant moving of the goalposts is just another form of this control aimed at total dominance, with the ultimate goal of establishing a new normal, one under the direction of those currently in power, apart from the Constitution which guaranties our citizen freedoms. There is, and will continue to be, a move to alter, amend, redefine, and supplant portions of our Constitution to make it more favorable to the desires of the few, ignoring the will of the majority.

There is an antidote to this ill however, but it comes with a cost. Freedom is never achieved, or retained, by constant retreat. At some point an advance must be planned, an attack must be made, a victory must be had. Benjamin Franklin once said, “Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” We need to be awakened to what is happening to our Nation. This will not occur by simply allowing someone else to fill our void. We must all take personal responsibility to bring about this change, by uniting together, regardless of ideology, race, or creed, for we are all one Nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all! We must begin by remembering who we are as a Nation. We have become a Nation full of historically illiterate people. “Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it.” (George Santayana, writer, philosopher). It is past time to wake from our slumber, become more knowledgeable, better able to understand our past, and more able to help define and refine our future. We need to stop allowing the moving of the goalposts, and reclaim that which was once ours.

This blog is a call to reactivate the inanimate, renew our commitments, and fortify our will. This is not a call for just a limited few, but a call to all who seek freedom and justice. We want to light the fire of action under every citizen who cherishes freedom, who feels oppressed by the elite few, who are tired of setting goals only to have the goalposts moved once again. WE ARE ASKING ALL CITIZENS TO GO MASK FREE IF POSSIBLE, AND FOR ALL BUSINESSES AND INSTITUTIONS TO FULLY OPEN UP BEGINING JULY 4, 2021.


The picture above represents the start of the Revolutionary War, at the North Bridge where the American colonists engaged openly the British troops, in what is called “The Shot Heard Round The World”. This phrase is eulogized in Ralph Waldo Emerson’s poem, the “Concord Hymn” sung at the Completion of the Battle Monument, July 4, 1837. It is impossible in a short blog to fully document the beginnings of our battle for Independence. The seeds of discontent within the Colonies, promulgated by the British Crown’s insistence upon full and unyielding control, was brought to a culmination on April 19, 1775. American colonists objected to taxation without representation. Without getting into detail, the reader can do their own research on the following events. We are listing only a few. Tensions mounted with the Stamp Act of 1765, then the Townshend Acts in 1767 and 1768. There was the Boston Massacre in 1770, then the burning of the Gaspee in Rhode Island in 1772, Then The Tea Act of 1773, and the Boston Tea Party in December 1773. The British then closed the Boston Harbor, enacted punitive laws essentially rescinding Massachusetts Bay Colony’s privileges of self-government. The Continental Congress met in late 1774 to coordinate resistance to British Crown.

For some time, the American Patriots had been gathering weapons in storage for a potential conflict. British regulars were then sent to capture this cache of military supplies at Concord, and were met with resistance by Patriot militia, culminating in one of the skirmishes depicted in the picture above. Having had prior warning of the advance and purpose of British regulars, this warning carried by several riders including Paul Revere and Samuel Prescott, the Patriot weapons were dispersed in advance. The first shots were fired at Lexington, where the militia was outnumber and fell back having had greater casualties. The British regulars continued to Concord and proceeded with their directives. At the North Bridge, about 400 militiamen engaged about 100 British regulars, forcing the retreat of the regulars. The war escalated from here, but it is here we will stop our short review of history to consider the thrust of this blog. What does any of this have to do with the 2nd Amendment? Keep reading.

For years we have heard, mostly from the political right in this country, that we need guns to protect ourselves. We need to be able to defend ourselves from those who would attempt to mug us on the street, try to hijack our vehicles, or invade our homes intending to steal and even injure or kill our family members. It is true that having a weapon to be able to thwart such attacks on our persons or property is a justifiable reason to own a defensive weapon. There are also those who enjoy being able to hunt, and who use guns for sport. However, are these the real reasons for the creation of the 2nd Amendment? We want you to consider the prime reason for allowing the arming of the citizens of our Nation.

The Second Amendment, ratified in 1791, was proposed by James Madison to allow the creation of civilian forces that can counteract a tyrannical federal government. It reads “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” We hold forth that the major factor in the establishment of this Amendment was America’s revolutionary experience. People have a right to defend themselves against any form of tyranny, that if any governing body breaches a social contract with it’s citizens, the people have the right, and under our Constitution, the obligation, to overthrow that government. It is “Sine qua non”, essential and absolutely necessary, for without it freedom will not be possible. Having a standing army, formed by the government, was a risky thing for our founding fathers, as they had just defeated the same from the British Crown. Who can ever be assured that a government’s armed forces might never be turned against it’s own citizens? There needed to be something independent from the government in order to ensure the rights and freedoms of every citizen. George Masson said, “to disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.” James Madison, in Federalist No. 46, when contrasting the proposed American federal government to European Kingdoms, criticized them as being “afraid to trust the people with arms”. He went on to state that Americans would never need to fear their government as they had the British Crown, because the Constitution would ensure them “the advantage of being armed.” Basically, the Second Amendment was necessary to deter any governmental abuse on the people, and that the liberties would be protected by the militia made by and for the people. In reality, like that which is enshrined in ancient Florentine and Roman constitutional principal, the Second Amendment makes every citizen a soldier, and every soldier a citizen.

Much has been written about the Second Amendment, from both scholars and laymen, from farmers and the Framers, from those of the legislative and judicial, from the right and from the left. All cannot be condensed into a simple blog. We simply wanted to highlight the importance those early American colonists placed upon their ability to have arms. We want to close by asking some simple questions. Where would we be today had not those American colonists taken up arms to establish their freedom? This is the freedom we too often take for granted, and over the last few months, have silently allowed to be taken from us. For years there has been a constant effort, by those who seek power over it’s citizens, to peal away protections granted by the Second Amendment, for they know an unarmed citizenry is a malleable and controllable citizenry. Spend some time in reflection and overlay our current governmental restrictions with what our early American colonists faced. Will your freedoms still be here tomorrow, or next year, or for your grandchildren and beyond? What are you willing to do to defend these freedoms granted to us by our Constitution?

We need to be brave like those early American colonists, and stand for freedom, and do whatever must be done to reclaim it, and to retain it. PLEASE MAKE PLANS NOW TO GO MASK FREE IF POSSIBLE, AND FOR ALL BUSINESSES AND INSTITUTIONS TO FULLY OPEN UP BEGINING JULY 4, 2021.


The table above shows data seen only by a small portion of our Nation’s population. The data comes directly from the companies who developed the COVID-19 vaccines, and represents the numbers provided to the FDA based on the EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) documents. We have been told the effectiveness of these three vaccines is sufficient for our obedience. It is time we have been told the facts, and let each citizen make their own informed decision. Ask questions like, “Do these vaccines statistically reduce the number of people that come down with COVID-19?” or “Are these vaccines beneficial?” Here is the bottom line of this blog, with our explanations given below. Based on the data shown above, in the testing of these vaccines there is NO statistical difference between those that were given the actual vaccine, and those that were in a non-vaccine group! So why are we even getting these vaccines?

The following information comes from a discussion with Dr. Richard Fleming (Physicist – Nuclear Cardiologist, Real America’s Voice, Warroom Pandemic, April 13, 2021) As we discussed in our last blog, it is up to each individual to determine the veracity of any information you receive. It is vital to hear information from multiple sources to be fully informed, and to be able to come to the unbiased truth. In the table above, three vaccine producers, Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson), are shown. The latter has two columns as the third column shows results after 14 days, and the last column after 26 days. The top grouping of figures in each column represent those who received the vaccine, and the grouping of figures in the bottom of each column represent those who did not receive the vaccine. The six-figure numbers in each grouping show the number of those who were in each study, preceded by those who did not come down with COVID-19. As you can see, there is very little difference between the numbers. What little difference exists can be attributed to random chance. The statistical analysis shows there is NO difference between those who got the vaccine and those who did not get the vaccine. The one exception is in the third Janssen column where testing was done at 14 days. That result showed only a very slight statistical difference, but note that the statistical difference disappeared at 26 days. There is no scientific evidence of the efficacy of these vaccines. These vaccines were NOT approved by the FDA, only allowed through the EUA, and those who get the vaccines have not signed “informed consent” documents on the use of these experimental drugs. Pfizer and Moderna quit recruiting for the experimental tests because everyone now is either in the experimental group (having had the vaccine) or in the control group. For those who have received the vaccine, welcome to the world of test mice or monkeys.

There are other risks besides simply getting COVID-19. Those who have received an injection from one of these experimental vaccines, now run inflammatory and blood-clotting risks. Risks now exist not just with those with comorbidities, but now with those who were normally healthy before the injection. The spike protein of the COVID-19 is not naturally occurring, it is a Gain Of Function creation from a research lab (we will talk more about GOF in a later blog). COVID-19 is crossing the blood brain barrier. and in the humanized mice, they develop spongiform encephalopathy (in humans this is known as Mad Cow Disease). In the Rhesus Macaque models (monkeys), they developed Lewy Bodies two weeks after injection. Lewy Bodies in humans are causes of neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s, dementia, and Alzheimer’s. Two weeks in a monkey’s life translates to about one and one-half years in a human’s life. Simply put, we may not see the full impact of the vaccines for months and years.

One discussion of late surrounds the wearing of masks following the full course of vaccination. While it can be argued that a vaccinated individual seems slightly more protected, a recent study in Israel found that fully vaccinated individuals can still get and be carriers of COVID-19, but transmission by them is reduced by 50 to 60% (Dr. Harvey Risch, Professor of Epidemiology, Yale University, America’s Real Voice, Warroom Pandemic, April 19, 2021) . Measuring T-Cell immunity is key in going forward to determine long-term efficacy of the immunizations. T-Cells are a type of white blood cell that is at the core of adaptive immunity, one’s immune response to target and destroy invading pathogens. In summary, once you have received an immunization, you might feel safer, and we call this “personal immunity”. However, there still remains a small risk of the vaccinated person spreading COVID-19 to others, and the goal of eradicating this virus we call “social immunity” or Herd immunity. We have discussed Herd Immunity in a previous blog. Herd immunity will allow all of us to have little fear of getting or giving COVID-19, and we will have that by our target date. WE ENCOURAGE ALL TO GO MASK FREE IF POSSIBLE AND FOR ALL BUSINESSES AND INSTITUTIONS TO FULLY OPEN UP STARTING JULY 4, 2021.


“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” Jonathon Swift (1667 – 1745), Mark Twain (1835 – 1910), Sir Winston Churchill (1874 – 1965)

It so often seems very hard these days to know if that which is spoken is fact, or is it fiction. If everything said could be verified by ones personal witness of it, then maybe it would be easier. However, if you have ever seen magic performed, even your eyes can be deceived by the slight of hand. If you have people you know , that you would trust with your life, they too, in relaying to you what they believe to be facts, could also have been unwittingly subject to information that looked good, but in fact smelled rotten. All of us must screen everything we read or hear, or even see, through multiple filters to recognize the truth. Here are several methods that can help you filter out the good from the bad.

  1. Back in the Reagan Presidency, the term “Trust, But Verify” was well known. It is okay to trust information from a source, but it is vital to verify that information. Look for corroboration from multiple sources, and do not be swayed by sources that are anonymous. Anonymous sources are the worst kind. Information from them are often derived from a personal agenda. Their information cannot be corroborate and is most likely biased.
  2. Someone once said, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t”. Not everything always is what it seems to be at first glance. For example, a car speeds by you on the freeway. You wonder where is the police, to pull over that nutcase! What you don’t know is that the driver is rushing their severely injured child to the Emergency Room.
  3. Some people simply cannot be believed. We see a lot of them in the Washington D.C. area. They can be classified in the extreme cases as compulsive, pathological, or sociopathic liars. It would seem so many of them forget that everything they have said over the last few decades can be found in written form, on audio recordings, or even on film or tape. There are legitimate reasons for some people to “flip-flop” on issues, but that must be fully explained by them as to what motivated the change. It happens to all of us. If we never changed our thinking as we grow and mature, gaining more knowledge and experience, we would all still want ponies for Christmas.
  4. We must broaden our search parameters. This means that sometimes we need to be open to things that are said that we do not agree with. The more information one receives, the better a decision can be made. Why would we choose to limit our intake of knowledge? Are we afraid to find out that we are wrong, that we must apologize, or even repent? Do we fear losing esteem in the eyes of others? Will we lose treasured friendships or relationships? That really depends upon what you may value most, living in a lie, or living in truth.
  5. We are all prideful people, to one degree or another. To learn the art of humility is a virtue that can serve us well. To think we know everything there is to know about any specific subject, is to limit your ability to grow in understanding. If our species had not pushed the envelope of understanding, we would still think the world is flat, and that landing a craft on the planet Mars is pure fantasy.
  6. Finally, it seems interesting to know that our bodies have been equipped with two ears, but only one mouth. Maybe there is a reason why? Maybe we need to listen twice as much as we speak? We have all known individuals who we have admired, some of those we would call wise in our own understanding. When they would speak, we would listen, because we understood that they spoke from a position of knowledge and experience. It would often seem that those who speak less, are often listened to more fervently. We can be more like them if we would spend more time sitting at their feet, listening more, and talking less.

Please join with us in encouraging all of us to go mask free if possible, and to fully open up all businesses and institutions beginning JULY 4, 2021, as we begin to take back our freedoms.


Let’s be clear. It doesn’t take a robot to warn us of the dangers that lie ahead with the potential of vaccine passports. We want to give you an idea of the dangerous road ahead if vaccine passports are implemented. It does not matter who implements them, government, businesses or institutions. The government already stated they will not implement passports. They know there would be court challenges to the Constitutionality of that action. They also know their same goal, complete control over the citizenry, can be achieved in concert with large sympathetic corporations and institutions. These entities, working in concert, could track and control every facet of your life.

Back in 2014, China began implementing and using what is called the “Chinese Social Score”. Think of it in terms of your credit score. In our Nation, if you pay your bills on time, and don’t default on any loan, you probably have a higher score, maybe in the 800’s. If, on the other hand, you run into financial difficulty, maybe paying only the interest on your credit cards, or even going into bankruptcy, your credit score will be much lower. These scores are used by businesses to help them determine if you are, or are not, an acceptable risk in a financial transaction, maybe buying a house or car, or maybe simply renting an apartment. In China, the scoring goes way beyond financial considerations. Personal conduct is also a part of that rating, using data collected from court documents, government or corporate records, and even from citizen observers. It is an ideology that encompasses punishments and rewards, in theory to improve governance and end disorder and fraud. Commercial entities handle the rewards, like access to certain approved venues or activities. The government doles out the punishments, like restricting international travel. “Starting in 2020, China is demanding that businesses collect and feed internal information into a centralized data system. The data will be used to quantify the moral codes of corporations, and the individuals that run them, and reward or punish accordingly.” (Rebecca A. Fannin, a leading expert on global innovation and technology writer, Oct. 18, 2019.) Let us emphasize that the “moral codes”, and rewards or punishments, are determined by the Chinese government. They have nothing in common with our Constitutional freedoms. Already in our Country we have become familiar with this form of control. You may have used your smart phone code to board a plane, or to enter a concert. If our Nation was to allow vaccine passports, in any form, administered by any entity, the results will look like the story below.

We will start by assuming you have been issued a vaccine passport. It is encoded with a barcode or a form of QR code, those little square boxes that look like a maze gone amuck. In this series of black lines or boxes is contained all of your information, your age, sex, birthdate, residence, physical measurements, whether or not you have had a vaccination, and a whole lot more. At every store, shop, restaurant, or movie theater you visit, your passport is scanned and this information is sent to the cloud (computer storage), and archived. Those who control the cloud know everything about you, what your interests are, how you voted, your political proclivity. They also know everyone like you, who went with you to the store, restaurant or movie theater, and you are classified. If your activities do not line up with the “morals” of those who control the cloud, you may find your bank account restricted, not allowing you to purchase certain things, or you may be judged too high a “risk” for a loan, or your credit or debit card may not work at certain outlets. You will be controlled as to what you can buy, where you can go, what you can do. If your smart phone is linked to a map function, they know where you are, where you go, even who is with you. Your calls to certain entities or institutions may be blocked, you may find yourself unable to access many things on line, and will be restricted as to what items you can buy or even see on your computer. Your social media accounts may be throttled or even de-listed if you are deemed a non-conformist. If you have one of those little talking boxes at home (like Siri or Alexa), you may find it only gives information those in control want you to hear, and it will direct you to things to make you conform to their ideology. If you have a smart electric meter on your house, your air conditioning and heating functions may be shut off at the most inopportune times. If you have a smart car linked to the cloud, someday you may find your inability to even start your car, because you have been deemed a risk to the government. Your freedom has now been restricted, and in many ways it has been cancelled. This is not just a slippery slope, it is a cavern, and if you fall into it, you will never be able to get out! Do you hear the warning? “DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER!”

We hope you find this story chilling. It can become reality faster than you think. It is incumbent upon each citizen to be wary of this form of control and to take steps to prevent it from being institutionalize. We need to take back our freedoms in our Nation. We encourage all to go mask free if possible, and for all businesses and institutions to fully open up beginning JULY 4, 2021.


This is a very difficult subject to discuss. We know there are those that found last year to be quite rewarding. Those that were wealthy, or who lived in the bubble in the Washington, D.C. area, were shielded from the effects of tyrannical lockdowns and illegal executive actions at all levels of government. They alone could afford to put their offspring into private institutions of learning. They never had to deal with a reduction in incomes or complete loss of jobs. They could afford to have someone else buy or deliver their food. They could gather at their leisure, with others so enriched, behind closed doors or in gated communities, and in homes protected and defended against violence and destruction. From their glass houses they could spout words of condemnation, division and deceit to those truly humbled and humiliated by the authors of COVID-19, and those who were visionless in their quest to wrestle away freedoms from the masses. But even those who found some solace in the ever increasing stock market must beware. Buoyed by a lot of injected capital, much of it because of our government’s insatiable desire to print money, an inflationary process throwing our Nation into ever increasing debt, the stock market is in a dangerous place, and much of what provided some sense of solace could be lost. Consider what caused The Great Depression, people borrowing money from banks and pulling cash out of mortgaged homes to buy over-valued stock were prime factors. Most of the masses within our Nation suffered due to the virus and over-bearing government control. The damage is clear, and the toll of destruction has not yet reached its sum.

We do not want to dwell on the negatives, but one cannot fully appreciate the mountain tops until they can be viewed from the valleys. Devastation reigned in millions of lives in the last year. There was much destruction of the human condition, both corporeal and incorporeal, both the measurable and the unmeasurable, both in the tangible, and in the ethereal. Millions of lives were turned upside down. Many who owned businesses, lost them. Many who had life sustaining jobs, lost them, becoming wards of the government. Many who had wonderful physical connections with others, had them short-circuited. Many look back on last year and wish it had not happened . . . . . . but it did. We cannot, and will not, allow this to continue, or to ever happen again. In our complacency, we have been lulled into a deadly slumber. This is why we are encouraging all citizens to go mask free, and to fully open up all businesses and institutions beginning JULY 4, 2021

We want to point out just one of the many ways we suffered last year, and can only wonder, “What if?” Most adults have learned through the years how to cope or adjust to some challenges in life that come our way. However, even though children are pretty resilient, the last year has left a huge hole in the hearts of many American families, because many of our children have suffered greatly, or have even been lost. Our children lost connections with their friends and mentors. They became connected to their laptops and notebooks. Many missed graduations, sporting events, proms, and field trips. Many suffered depression to the point of suicide. Here are a few quotes: “As hospitals see more severe child abuse injuries during coronavirus, ‘the worst is yet to come'” (USA Today, May 13, 2020); “Opioid overdoses 29% higher in 2020 than before the pandemic: Study” (ABC News, Feb 10, 2021); “Depression was at 8% in February 2020, was already at record highs for us, but August it was at 28%, which is just horrifying that something which is the world’s most expensive illness, depression, world-wide, cost more money, tripled in just a matter of months. We saw suicide, suicidal behaviors unlike anything I’ve seen in my 40 year career.” (Dr. Daniel Amen, April 10, 2021, On The Road Forward, Real America’s Voice).”Nobody Has Openings” (Mental Health Providers Struggle to Met Demand, NY Times, Feb 17, 2021). Many of our Nation’s schools remain at best in a hybrid learning environment, even though the science has told us that children of school age are the least likely to be affected by the virus, and even though the CDC said schools can be opened up safely with spacing reduced to only 3 feet. You can blame the government for dragging feet to reopen, or the teacher’s unions, but it really falls on parents and citizens to take back your children’s freedoms. You can no longer sit idly by and hope that some day it will all get better by relying upon others. It will only get better when we demand and take ACTION in UNITY to make it happen! How many more weeks, months, or years are you willing to allow your children to suffer, and how many more may die? It is time to stop this insanity and get back to being the free society we once were. Join with all of us as we go mask free if possible, and fully open up all businesses and institutions beginning JULY 4, 2021.


We have mentioned before in a previous blog how acting in unison prevents any single person or entity from being separated from the whole, and individually singled out for punitive enforcement. For this reason alone, it is vital to the success of reclaiming our freedom for all citizens to participate together. We must be united in our action. The two key words are UNITED and ACTION. In being UNITED, we are stronger than the sum of the whole. In ACTION, we are moving forward doing what must be done.

How can we diminish your fear of going mask free and fully opening up all businesses and institutions beginning JULY 4, 2021? How does one motivate another to do anything? Granted, most of us are like sheep, and do not want to lead to do anything. Let the shepherd do the leading. It is simply much easier to follow someone else. There is less stress, less having to be responsible, less chance of failure (at least having it be our fault). However, are you willing to wander aimlessly with no chance of ever escaping from the tyranny of those who choose what you can or cannot do, slowly but surely draining from you your Constitutionally given freedoms? If you are of retirement age, you are probably predisposed to say, “I won’t be around long enough for any of these tyrannical policies to effect me, so I’ll just hide my head in the sand, bide my time, plug my ears, and mumble ‘blah, blah, blah’.” We challenge each of you to consider what we will be leaving behind to our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Where would we be today if our forefathers (who sacrificed their money, time and lives to establish this Nation) had acquiesced to the abuses thrust upon them? Where would we be now had our Nation’s citizenry not taken personal unified action in two World Wars? So many before us refused to hide and cower in fear, but chose to move forward in ACTION and UNITY! What will our posterity say about this generation?

We do believe most in the U. S. would agree with the following quote: “I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my Country . . . corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the Country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.” The author must have made this quote very recently. That depends on your definition of the word “recently”. The quote is in a letter sent to Col. William F. Elkins, November 21, 1864, by Abraham Lincoln. Here are two other quotes from Abraham Lincoln. “The money power preys on the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes.” “Our popular government has often been called an experiment. Two points in it our people have already settled, the successful establishing and the successful administering of it. One still remains, its successful maintenance against a formidable internal attempt to overthrow it.” Let these quotes be a catalyst to motivate us to ACTION in UNITY.