Contagion: “The communication of disease by direct or indirect contact.” ( Disease: “A condition or tendency, as of society, regarded as abnormal and harmful.” ( These are not the only definitions of these two words, but they are the ones we have selected today to emphasize the state of our Nation. When one hears the word CONTAGION, we are immediately drawn to thinking about something like a pandemic, COVID-19 for example with its associated mandates for closures and restrictions, masks and injections. Yes, that certainly was a CONTAGION, and we have spent multiple previous blogs dealing with the errors, fraud, misinformation, and outright tyranny that took place during the last two-plus years. However, we will set that huge CONTAGION aside for this blog. One might even be drawn to think about the movie of the same name which came out in 2011 where the CDC strives to find a cure to a pandemic. However, we will not be dealing with that form of a disease in this blog today. We will spend a few minutes reviewing the many forms of “Disease” having direct impacts upon or Nation. There is a CONTAGION spreading across the face of our Nation, and it is neither benign nor limited. It has taken on many forms, and is evolving and spreading each and every day. The short video above attempts to show how one person’s appearance or action seems often duplicated by another. Such it is with a CONTAGION. Maybe another short video will show how CONTAGION is transmitted from one to another.

Without people being even cognizant of what may be going on around them, they often succumb to the subtle influence of another. This NATIONAL CONTAGION can be passed from person to person, from group to group, from one entity to another. So, what is the CONTAGION infecting our Nation today? More generally, what are the CONTAGIONS?

FINANCIALISM: The CONTAGION of inflation has been rampant. Gas, food, rent, utility prices, and loan and mortgage rates have all gone up to unusually higher levels, and for the most part, will be there to stay at those higher levels for many months or even years to come. Supposed “transitory” inflation promises from current government entities have been found to be worthy of challenge, refute and rebuke. The value of the dollar as the accepted world currency is being challenged, as the more dollars being created subsequently reduces the value of each dollar in possession. Many banks have been found over-extended by offering loans without adequate collateral and have brought our entire financial system to the brink of collapse. The current government has bailed out their favored entities while allowing community banks to wonder about their future solvency. Will the current government push for a government-backed digital currency, one where they hold all the cards, where nothing is private to you and everything you spend is seen by the government, where buying and selling power can be manipulated according to woke ideologies.

SOCIALISM: The CONTAGION of Marxism has been on the rise in our Nation for years. It would seem many use that word inappropriately, ignorantly, most likely because of a lack of historical knowledge. We can also define it as communism, collectivism, leftism, radicalism, bolshevism, progressivism, Maoism or Leninism, totalitarianism, or liberalism. The emphasis has been on equity, not equality, where the desire for an individual to achieve, develop, and produce more becomes a futile effort. There is a desire to rob from the rich to give to the poor. There has been an attack on capitalism, demeaning its value in providing anyone with the opportunity to improve one’s economic and social standing in life, all the while promoting victimhood and racism across all functions and structures of our Nation.

SECULARISM: The CONTAGION of atheism and nihilism has supplanted more traditional religious values and principles. The morality of conscience and the dissolution of a one truth has been replaced with a philosophy that all things are permitted to achieve one’s personal agendas. Churches and synagogues have been attacked with little enforcement or accountability. Those who attend such facilities and organizations have been arrested and prosecuted. Lured and despotic teachings, writings, depictions, promotions, and visual presentations have been glorified in an attempt to mainstream all things counter to righteousness and purity. God is being replaced in our classrooms and institutions with satanism and other worldly, philosophical concepts. The core family, the base structure of our Nation, has been attacked and is being depleted. Babies are being killed in the womb, and the reason for procreation is being assailed. The emphasis on the individual has overshadowed the importance of community, where the dictum to “love one another” applies only if it will allow you can get what you want.

ILLEGALISM: The CONTAGION of corruption, dishonesty and falsehood has replaced integrity, honesty, and due process. “Lawfare” has been used to undermine our legal system of “justice for all”. What happened to the right to a fair, speedy trial, and a judgement by a jury of “peers”, one not chosen or selected based on potential favorable outcomes for the prosecutor. Lady Justice is no longer blind but weighs the outcomes of justice based on those in charge of the process. Laws are ignored and enforcement demanded is routinely curtailed in line with the agenda of those in power. Anarchists and criminals roam seemingly unafraid and are rarely held accountable. Incarcerations are deemed inappropriate, and many are released increasing recidivism. There is not a two-tier justice system, there in NO justice system as set forth in our Nation’s founding documents. Entities, established to protect our citizens, set up years after our Nation’s founding, have been maniacally turned on our own innocent citizens. The threat of legal action and prosecution drives opposing views and beliefs underground, and in many cases, silences them all together.

DEPRIVATIZATION: The CONTAGION of government control over private entities, processes, and the decision-making process has eroded the individual’s right to ownership of current and historical private information. Executive orders have forced commerce into chosen larger entities while forcing the closure of smaller proprietorships, creating a form of oligopolies. Website, phone and computer use applications are gathered routinely, scanned and culled with algorithmic and AI (Artificial Intelligence) systems to glean advantages that can be used to alter or terminate a user’s progress, even to the point of censorship, cancellation, or even to levy potential fines and incarceration. Not unlike ILLEGALISM, the actions of the powerful often force the under-advantaged into silence, fearing reprisal and underlying consequences.

ENVIRONMENTALISM: The CONTAGION of emphasis upon what we call “the sky is falling” hysteria is nothing more than a scare tactic being used to bring about an agenda favoring the powerful, those seeking ultimate control over all peoples and the governments that serve them. When “global warming” was proven to be a cyclical function of the world that has evolved for thousands of years, those seeking control changed the mantra to “climate change”. Of course the climate changes! Ever heard of “seasons’, like Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer? Being pompous enough to think that mankind has a greater impact upon our earth than volcanoes, earthquakes, tornados, or even forest fires only prove their ignorance and arrogance and reveals that their ultimate goal is to achieve personal agendas like obtaining ultimate power and wealth. Only those people void of a moral base, denying recognizing a Creator, will pursue such agendas.

Electric vehicles will not “save” us. Getting rid of fossil fuels will not “save” us. Turning our lives over to computers and those that program them will not “save” us. Believing that our National “elections” are not “selections” manipulated by nefarious actors, institutions, and contrivances will not “save” us. There is only one Savior, Jesus Christ, the King of King and Lord of Lords, raised from the dead by the power of God. If that last statement offends you, then you have a hole in your heart, and a CONTAGION in your mind. If we treasure our FREEDOM and LIBERTY in our Nation, then we need to recognize where those concepts come from. They certainly don’t come from any form of “NATIONAL CONTAGION” we have addressed in this blog. Recognize these CONTAGIONS and resist them. Inoculate yourself with knowledge and patriotism, to prove yourself worthy to be held in high esteem with those who founded our Nation, and with those who sacrificed their lives to keep it. Be proud of the foundations of our Nation and be ready to defend, preserve and protect them.