“To Infinity and Beyond” (Buzz Lightyear, Toy Story films). One definition of this saying would be “Infinite Possibilities”. That would be great if we are talking about ever increasing freedoms, but that is not what is happening in our Nation today. In fact, quite the opposite is in process. A never ending stream of modest openings, followed by more lockdowns. One step forward followed by one step back. It not only seems to be true, but in fact it is undeniable that we are being trained to accept a new normal, one dictated by a tyrannical government, a compliant media, and controlling monopolistic institutions and corporations, all in concert to inflict their will upon the citizenry. Moving the goalposts only leads to an indefinite conclusion. When will this ever stop?

We are in a war not so widely seen before. One without kinetic weapons, but one waged in subtle, insidious ways. A war waged in words and ideas. A war defined in terms of who or what controls the dialogue. In war, one of the first casualties is truth. Not only is our attention drawn to those things favoring those in control, but our attention is blocked from seeing both sides of many issues, the more thorough understanding and knowledge that allows a closer understanding of the real truth. By constantly moving the goalposts, we are kept off-balance, not knowing where to turn, which way to go, or who to believe. There is another force at work that preys upon the morality and natural sense of fair play and trust. Many have been made to feel responsible for some of society’s ills. You do not have to be guilty, to feel guilty. A natural response to this feeling is regret and subsequent compliance, a greater willingness to do what is required to bring about a healing. However, the healing needed is not on those being accused, but on the part of the accusers. There is an unhealthy greed and lust for power, prestige, and wealth. The constant moving of the goalposts is just another form of this control aimed at total dominance, with the ultimate goal of establishing a new normal, one under the direction of those currently in power, apart from the Constitution which guaranties our citizen freedoms. There is, and will continue to be, a move to alter, amend, redefine, and supplant portions of our Constitution to make it more favorable to the desires of the few, ignoring the will of the majority.

There is an antidote to this ill however, but it comes with a cost. Freedom is never achieved, or retained, by constant retreat. At some point an advance must be planned, an attack must be made, a victory must be had. Benjamin Franklin once said, “Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” We need to be awakened to what is happening to our Nation. This will not occur by simply allowing someone else to fill our void. We must all take personal responsibility to bring about this change, by uniting together, regardless of ideology, race, or creed, for we are all one Nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all! We must begin by remembering who we are as a Nation. We have become a Nation full of historically illiterate people. “Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it.” (George Santayana, writer, philosopher). It is past time to wake from our slumber, become more knowledgeable, better able to understand our past, and more able to help define and refine our future. We need to stop allowing the moving of the goalposts, and reclaim that which was once ours.

This blog is a call to reactivate the inanimate, renew our commitments, and fortify our will. This is not a call for just a limited few, but a call to all who seek freedom and justice. We want to light the fire of action under every citizen who cherishes freedom, who feels oppressed by the elite few, who are tired of setting goals only to have the goalposts moved once again. WE ARE ASKING ALL CITIZENS TO GO MASK FREE IF POSSIBLE, AND FOR ALL BUSINESSES AND INSTITUTIONS TO FULLY OPEN UP BEGINING JULY 4, 2021.