The Health and Wealth Gospel

When one hears of the “Health and Wealth Gospel”, one usually is drawn to the ideology where one’s spirituality is determined by how healthy and wealthy that person may be. Greater “Sainthood” is believed to be directly correlated to one’s health and wealth. The healthier and wealthier a person is, the higher is one’s rung on the ladder of religiosity. The short video clip above is of the greatly esteemed Mr. Spock of the original Star Trek TV series of the 1960’s. As a “Vulcan”, their usual parting gesture is to bestow a cordial goodwill message by saying “Live long and prosper”, in other words, wishing the other party health and wealth. In our blog today, we intend to flip “The Health and Wealth Gospel” out of the religious realm and into the socialistic environment that is ever encroaching upon the FREEDOM and LIBERTY of our Nation’s citizens. We will endeavor to draw the sharp contrast between those who are truly citizens of the Kingdom of God, and those who believe themselves to be in pursuit of the eternal singularity, the merger of man and machine’s Artificial Intelligence, designed to exist far beyond the human lifespan. First, let’s consider how the Bible views the “Health and Wealth Gospel”.

Note that Jesus never healed all he came in contact with. Only those who believed through faith that Jesus could heal them were healed, often in simple obedience to His command. Those even today who have great faith, still suffer the ravages of disease, for the true test of faithfulness lies not in perfect health, but in the pursuit of a Christ-like life. The Great Apostle Paul was never healed by God of his “thorn in the flesh”, as it was left as a reminder of his human frailty and dependence upon God as Paul looked forward to a perfection beyond his mortality (II Corinthians 12:7-9), where Paul claimed his “. . . strength was made perfect in weakness.” Jesus said, “The poor you will always have with you . . .” (Matthew 26:11.) Riches were not the Christian’s hope for salvation. Paul knew that true Christianity was not dependent upon social stature, in fact in I Corinthians 7:21-24 Paul, speaking to slaves, remarked “Brethren, let each man remain with God in that condition in which he was called.” The Kingdom of Heaven was never about a change in social structure, but about a change in one’s heart. This was the message that the Roman leadership, and the Sadducees and Pharisees, the religious leadership of the day, never understood. The eternal Kingdom of God was a Spiritual Kingdom, dwelling in the hearts of men and women. Now, let’s look to those who may claim a spiritual heritage, but who in fact practice a life filled with godless pursuits and pleasures, where god to them is held in their belief that personal advancement up the ladder of health and wealth is the determinant factor of their “spirituality”, but what we call “their quest for superiority”.

Many in our society today walk to a drum beat often opposite to those who share a Jewish/Christian heritage. Their sense of morality is warped. The concept of ultimate truth evades them. They cling to sociopathy like static to nylon. For them, there is only one place to reside, that being at the very top of anything, having all the power, all the prestige, in their vain attempt to garnish accolades, often exchanging them only among their ideological peers. For them, “The Health and Wealth Gospel” is achieved when wealth, that which is most coveted, and often un-earned or gained through nefarious schemes, brings with it the preeminent access to all things health related. They alone have access to the best of care, the newest treatments and methodologies. They may tell the poor to eat bugs, while they feast on the finest stakes. They may eschew hours of arduous highway driving opting for private jet travel, often seen as the right of those in power, even if only in their own minds. They believe “The Gospel” is according to them, for they write their own narratives, act in their own convoluted, sometimes even perverted and lured, ways. They contrive and manipulate agendas, policies, and methods to achieve their purposes, caring not for humanity at large, or for obedience to any ultimate authority or truth. For most, they see no life beyond death, and believe mortality is an obstacle to overcome. Many seek an eventual merger with technology where Artificial Intelligence is implanted within them, while robotics provides an enduring frame in which to carry their consciousness. For them, death is something to be feared and avoided. For the unbelieving, they actually have only one thing correct. For them, they should do everything they can to avoid death, and they should fear it, as to face the God of the created is truly a fearful thing without believing the redemptive power of Jesus the Christ.

Perfection in this life cannot be achieved, only pursued. Man and woman were cursed because of their sinful act in the Garden of Eden. The earth itself was cursed (Genesis 3:15-19). One’s health or wealth has no bearing upon the value of an individual. One’s health or wealth does not determine one’s eventual salvation. FREEDOM and LIBERTY are a gift of spiritual redemption, and they are also ideals to be pursued and claimed in our temporal existence. These ideals allow the righteous to mature, and the opportunity to share “The Gospel”, the only Gospel of significance. The one that proclaims, “He is risen!” Set not your heart on things below, but on things above (Colossians 3:2).

“Dear Lord and Father of mankind, forgive our foolish ways; Reclothe us in our rightful mind, In purer lives Thy service find, In deeper rev’rence, praise.”

“O Sabbath rest by Galilee, O calm of hills above, Where Jesus knelt to share with Thee The silence of eternity, Interpreted by love!”

“Drop Thy still dews of quietness, Till all our strivings cease; Take from our souls the strain and stress, And let our ordered lives confess The beauty of Thy peace.”

“In simple trust like theirs who heard Beside the Syrian sea The gracious calling of the Lord, Let us, like them, without a word, rise up and follow Thee.”

John G. Whittier (1872)


Laurence J. Peter (1919-1990) was a Canadian educator and “hierarchiologist” who is best known to the general public for the formulation of “THE PETER PRINCIPLE”. While we generally subscribe to the validity of this axiom, we do take the occasional diversion to admit that not all employees become incompetent as they are promoted. In fact, we believe a larger majority of promotions are given to those who actually can achieve success in higher positions of authority. However, we have witnessed and been subjected to many who are elevated into positions they are not prepared for, or have talent for, and soon find themselves way in over their head making multiple mistakes, often leading to increasing ineffectiveness of the organization. Take for example the individual in the lower portion of the picture above. Bob Gates, the former Defense Secretary in the Obama administration, once said of this person, a former Vice President of the United States, “I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue of the last four decades.” ( It was even reported by a Democrat who spoke with Obama that he once said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f . . . things up.” ( Ben Rhodes (former Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications and Speechwriting under Obama) said, “In the Situation Room, Biden could be something of an unguided missile.” (Wikipedia.) While the current occupant of the White House is obviously in over his head, he is only the tip of the ice burg when it comes to the cabinet of the current administration, and those who have found favor because of similar ideologies and agendas. But while we are on the subject of the current occupant of the White House, consider the continuing level of incompetence exhibited in the destruction of our Nation’s energy independence, and the ripple effects of our Nation’s retreat from Afghanistan, waving the flag of surrender encouraging the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In addition, consider Iran’s continued push for nuclear weapon systems, North Korea’s recent infatuation with missile launches, and the growing threat of China thirsting to swallow up Tiawan, all of this occurring as the current administration remains flat-footed, and in fact curiously ambivalent to these threats. Let’s add the failure to stop the illegal aliens pouring across our borders and the fentanyl killing our citizens coming from China through Mexican cartels and the rapes and sex trafficking the cartels promulgate while ravaging these people. Lastly, but certainly not finally, the current administration, under the incompetent tutelage of the current occupant of the White House, has spent our tax dollars in a reckless push to incentivize citizen laziness. The woke ideologies have thrust our Nation into a financial crisis where inflation is still over three-times higher than when they took control of our Nation’s levers of power over two years ago. The printing of money to pay for the felonious agendas in a futile effort to reduce the “non-rising” sea levels and stop the climatic changes that have been routine for centuries, leave less cash in your pockets while increasing trillions of dollars of debt for which the average American citizen is ultimately responsible. Incompetence exemplified. The ultimate proof that “THE PETER PRINCIPLE” is alive and well at the highest level in Washington D.C. The current occupant of the White House has proven he has no business being anywhere near the center of our National government, but unfortunately, he is.

Let’s for a moment consider other individuals near the power levers within our National government. The Vice President – proof that word salads really do exist. The U. S. Treasure Secretary – proved that the definition of “transitory inflation” really means inflation is long-term. The Secretary of Transportation – proved being the “Pothole Pete” mayor of a small town really doesn’t prepare someone to be responsible for the vast transportation infrastructure of our Nation. The Secretary of Homeland Security – proved that holding down a position effecting the security of our Nation doesn’t mean you actually have to control what is going on at our Nation’s borders. The Attorney General of the United States – proved that it’s possible to not be fit for the Supreme Court when attacking the opposing conservative national party is more important than attacking actual lawbreakers. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – proved that going behind a President’s back to let your enemy know of any potential action against them is the same as leaking Top Secret Compartmented Information. The Secretary of State – proved that taking a tongue lashing from China is an acceptable form of negotiation. The Secretary of Energy – proved that laughing about rising gas prices only applies to you. We could go on, but we think this partial list is enough to prove that many of the current government’s cabinet is filled with many who have proved that “THE PETER PRINCIPLE” is certainly alive and well in the center of our Nation’s government.

Now, we desire to move to a more general application of “THE PETER PRINCIPLE” being enforced upon our Nation’s citizens. We began our blog wanting to show a MERGER between “THE PETER PRINCIPLE” and “EQUITY”. The latter is a divergent application of policy that threatens the very fabric of our Nation. Nowhere in our Nation’s founding documents will you find a guaranty of “EQUITY”, which is defined as providing “equal outcomes”. Our Nation’s founding documents pursue the ideology of “EQUALITY”, which is defined as providing “equal opportunities”. When a government forces “equal outcomes”, the desire for personal achievement, advancement or progress is diminished. When all get “participation trophies”, there is no inherent desire to be the best or first, or to better one’s personal achievements. When “EQUITY” is pursued, many who are elevated to higher levels of responsibility and authority only succumb to “THE PETER PRINCIPLE”. “Under the laws enforced by EEOC [Equal Employment Opportunity Commission], it is illegal to discriminate against someone because of that person’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetic information.” ( Note that the underlying principle is defined by using the words “illegal to discriminate”. You will find that the law does not state that it is “legal to elevate or appoint” anyone because of the same identifying characteristics. Those currently in control of our National government have flipped this law on its head, and the result is evidenced in that positions of power are not awarded based upon an individual’s history, training, or capabilities, but based on an ideology that pursues EQUITY leading to the inevitable outcome as set forth in “THE PETER PRINCIPLE”.

Our Nation became a world power by giving EQUAL opportunity for citizens to achieve elevated social and financial status. There was the pursuit for improvement, perfection, and a drive to invent, develop, and produce. The FREEDOM and LIBERTY provided by this Nation to its citizens allowed for the rapid advancement of our Nation in nearly every area. Unfortunately, with our current leadership, and the executive orders thrust upon us, the incentives once available no longer exist. If you desire to continue to live in a nation that treasures FREEDOM and LIBERTY, then you must resist the absurd forces that elevate the weak and unprepared, who claim the false right of EQUITY, who will only in the end, once again, prove the disastrous effects and the eventual MERGER with “THE PETER PRINCIPLE”.


Contagion: “The communication of disease by direct or indirect contact.” ( Disease: “A condition or tendency, as of society, regarded as abnormal and harmful.” ( These are not the only definitions of these two words, but they are the ones we have selected today to emphasize the state of our Nation. When one hears the word CONTAGION, we are immediately drawn to thinking about something like a pandemic, COVID-19 for example with its associated mandates for closures and restrictions, masks and injections. Yes, that certainly was a CONTAGION, and we have spent multiple previous blogs dealing with the errors, fraud, misinformation, and outright tyranny that took place during the last two-plus years. However, we will set that huge CONTAGION aside for this blog. One might even be drawn to think about the movie of the same name which came out in 2011 where the CDC strives to find a cure to a pandemic. However, we will not be dealing with that form of a disease in this blog today. We will spend a few minutes reviewing the many forms of “Disease” having direct impacts upon or Nation. There is a CONTAGION spreading across the face of our Nation, and it is neither benign nor limited. It has taken on many forms, and is evolving and spreading each and every day. The short video above attempts to show how one person’s appearance or action seems often duplicated by another. Such it is with a CONTAGION. Maybe another short video will show how CONTAGION is transmitted from one to another.

Without people being even cognizant of what may be going on around them, they often succumb to the subtle influence of another. This NATIONAL CONTAGION can be passed from person to person, from group to group, from one entity to another. So, what is the CONTAGION infecting our Nation today? More generally, what are the CONTAGIONS?

FINANCIALISM: The CONTAGION of inflation has been rampant. Gas, food, rent, utility prices, and loan and mortgage rates have all gone up to unusually higher levels, and for the most part, will be there to stay at those higher levels for many months or even years to come. Supposed “transitory” inflation promises from current government entities have been found to be worthy of challenge, refute and rebuke. The value of the dollar as the accepted world currency is being challenged, as the more dollars being created subsequently reduces the value of each dollar in possession. Many banks have been found over-extended by offering loans without adequate collateral and have brought our entire financial system to the brink of collapse. The current government has bailed out their favored entities while allowing community banks to wonder about their future solvency. Will the current government push for a government-backed digital currency, one where they hold all the cards, where nothing is private to you and everything you spend is seen by the government, where buying and selling power can be manipulated according to woke ideologies.

SOCIALISM: The CONTAGION of Marxism has been on the rise in our Nation for years. It would seem many use that word inappropriately, ignorantly, most likely because of a lack of historical knowledge. We can also define it as communism, collectivism, leftism, radicalism, bolshevism, progressivism, Maoism or Leninism, totalitarianism, or liberalism. The emphasis has been on equity, not equality, where the desire for an individual to achieve, develop, and produce more becomes a futile effort. There is a desire to rob from the rich to give to the poor. There has been an attack on capitalism, demeaning its value in providing anyone with the opportunity to improve one’s economic and social standing in life, all the while promoting victimhood and racism across all functions and structures of our Nation.

SECULARISM: The CONTAGION of atheism and nihilism has supplanted more traditional religious values and principles. The morality of conscience and the dissolution of a one truth has been replaced with a philosophy that all things are permitted to achieve one’s personal agendas. Churches and synagogues have been attacked with little enforcement or accountability. Those who attend such facilities and organizations have been arrested and prosecuted. Lured and despotic teachings, writings, depictions, promotions, and visual presentations have been glorified in an attempt to mainstream all things counter to righteousness and purity. God is being replaced in our classrooms and institutions with satanism and other worldly, philosophical concepts. The core family, the base structure of our Nation, has been attacked and is being depleted. Babies are being killed in the womb, and the reason for procreation is being assailed. The emphasis on the individual has overshadowed the importance of community, where the dictum to “love one another” applies only if it will allow you can get what you want.

ILLEGALISM: The CONTAGION of corruption, dishonesty and falsehood has replaced integrity, honesty, and due process. “Lawfare” has been used to undermine our legal system of “justice for all”. What happened to the right to a fair, speedy trial, and a judgement by a jury of “peers”, one not chosen or selected based on potential favorable outcomes for the prosecutor. Lady Justice is no longer blind but weighs the outcomes of justice based on those in charge of the process. Laws are ignored and enforcement demanded is routinely curtailed in line with the agenda of those in power. Anarchists and criminals roam seemingly unafraid and are rarely held accountable. Incarcerations are deemed inappropriate, and many are released increasing recidivism. There is not a two-tier justice system, there in NO justice system as set forth in our Nation’s founding documents. Entities, established to protect our citizens, set up years after our Nation’s founding, have been maniacally turned on our own innocent citizens. The threat of legal action and prosecution drives opposing views and beliefs underground, and in many cases, silences them all together.

DEPRIVATIZATION: The CONTAGION of government control over private entities, processes, and the decision-making process has eroded the individual’s right to ownership of current and historical private information. Executive orders have forced commerce into chosen larger entities while forcing the closure of smaller proprietorships, creating a form of oligopolies. Website, phone and computer use applications are gathered routinely, scanned and culled with algorithmic and AI (Artificial Intelligence) systems to glean advantages that can be used to alter or terminate a user’s progress, even to the point of censorship, cancellation, or even to levy potential fines and incarceration. Not unlike ILLEGALISM, the actions of the powerful often force the under-advantaged into silence, fearing reprisal and underlying consequences.

ENVIRONMENTALISM: The CONTAGION of emphasis upon what we call “the sky is falling” hysteria is nothing more than a scare tactic being used to bring about an agenda favoring the powerful, those seeking ultimate control over all peoples and the governments that serve them. When “global warming” was proven to be a cyclical function of the world that has evolved for thousands of years, those seeking control changed the mantra to “climate change”. Of course the climate changes! Ever heard of “seasons’, like Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer? Being pompous enough to think that mankind has a greater impact upon our earth than volcanoes, earthquakes, tornados, or even forest fires only prove their ignorance and arrogance and reveals that their ultimate goal is to achieve personal agendas like obtaining ultimate power and wealth. Only those people void of a moral base, denying recognizing a Creator, will pursue such agendas.

Electric vehicles will not “save” us. Getting rid of fossil fuels will not “save” us. Turning our lives over to computers and those that program them will not “save” us. Believing that our National “elections” are not “selections” manipulated by nefarious actors, institutions, and contrivances will not “save” us. There is only one Savior, Jesus Christ, the King of King and Lord of Lords, raised from the dead by the power of God. If that last statement offends you, then you have a hole in your heart, and a CONTAGION in your mind. If we treasure our FREEDOM and LIBERTY in our Nation, then we need to recognize where those concepts come from. They certainly don’t come from any form of “NATIONAL CONTAGION” we have addressed in this blog. Recognize these CONTAGIONS and resist them. Inoculate yourself with knowledge and patriotism, to prove yourself worthy to be held in high esteem with those who founded our Nation, and with those who sacrificed their lives to keep it. Be proud of the foundations of our Nation and be ready to defend, preserve and protect them.

The Resurrection of Our Nation


We have come to the time of year when those of the Christian faith have chosen to celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The event this Sunday is often, unfortunately, buried beneath the fake green grass in baskets holding Easter bunnies, candy eggs, Peeps, and chocolate treats. We will not be emphasizing the egg hunts and sugar highs in our blog today. We will be emphasizing the more important event and attempting to draw some parallels to this demonstration of God’s power in giving hope to life beyond death.

The picture above is one artist’s conception of the event recorded in John, chapter 11, of the Bible. Lazarus had been dead and buried several days, but so witnesses would know that Jesus and God have the power over death, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth” (verse 43). “And he that was dead came forth . . .” (verse 44). This was most likely the primary event that thrust the Pharisees and chief priests into a joint operation to have the Roman government put Jesus to death, as He threatened their rule over the religious masses. Jesus had claimed a new kingdom was coming, and they feared the Roman government would see this claim as a threat to them and take away both the Pharisees and chief priest’s place and nation (verses 47-48). So, Jesus was crucified and buried John chapter 19). But this was not the end of the story. On Sunday, the power of God raised Jesus from the dead (John chapter 20). We do not follow a lie about Jesus’s resurrection, for over 500 people saw him at one time after his resurrection (I Corinthians 15:1-11). If we, as Christians today, were to put our faith, trust, and hope in a fictional event, then as Paul stated in I Corinthians 15:19, “If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.” For our hope lies in a resurrection from mortal death to an eternal spiritual life with our resurrected Lord. So, this ends our sermon today, but what does this have to do with our blog title today, “The Resurrection of Our Nation”?

As we discussed in our blog last week, we see that only God alone can breathe life into a Valley of Dry Bones. We, as a Nation, have become the Valley of Dry Bones today. We have lost our way, turned aside from our Creator by relying upon our own strength and cunning, by resting comfortably in a mortal life of ease, filled with our lust for the fulfillment of our wants and desires. Many of us have given up, succumbing to the pressures and dictates of a tyrannical government void of morality and Godly wisdom. We have started to wallow in self-pity and remorse, throwing our hands up in defeat and despair, believing all is lost and naught can be found. We have allowed ourselves to lay down in the Valley and the sinews and flesh on our bones has been torn from us leaving only Dry Bones. We have allowed this to happen to us, because we relied upon our own frail abilities, rather than having relied upon the power of our Creator, and we have turned our backs upon Him, the only one who has the ultimate power and wisdom to set our course and direct our steps. How pathetic many of us have become in our faith. So, what is the solution?

Well, it lies not within our power or might. We need to stand before the cave, next to Jesus, and witness the resurrection of Lazarus, hearing the words Jesus spoke to the Father before Lazarus came out of the cave (John 11: 41-42). Can you hear the words shouted, “LAZARUS, COME FORTH!” Do you recognize the power of the living God working through His Son, Jesus the Christ? We need to stand with the more than 500 who saw the resurrected Christ following His crucifixion. What we have is not a weak faith in a fairy-tale, but we have a witness that makes our faith a personal reality. The solution to our state of affairs is to recognize the power of our Creator and Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Make “AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN”, see our blog on August 8, 2022.

“The Resurrection of Our Nation” will happen by the power of our God, if we turn our hearts back to Him, and put our hope and trust in Him alone. Do we have a part to play? Of course. We must put our feet to our prayers, and our hands to the tasks before us. As Jesus sent out the twelve to share the news of the coming kingdom, we must take the same advice he gave to them and be “. . . wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” (Matthew 10:16.) We know we are being sent out “. . . as sheep in the midst of wolves.” We will encounter trouble, resistance, and persecution, but we will not be alone or without aid, as long as we put our trust in Him who is able to sustain us. Our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY depend upon our resolve. If we want to see “The Resurrection of Our Nation”, we must all do our part as members of His army, The Valley of Dry Bones now alive with the breath of God to His glory.


The Vision of the Valley of Dry Bones

We are going to take a slight diversion from our normal political commentaries, and for a moment delve into a more spiritual aspect of the status in which our Nation finds itself. We are going to transport the reader back some 2,600 years and recount some Biblical history. We find our subject today, a 25-year-old man named Ezekiel, a member of the tribe of Israel, being found now in the captivity of the Babylonian Empire. The once great nation of Israel, who by the power of God escaped the grasp of Egypt, is now captive once again. “Israel ” . . . was ‘dead’ as a nation, deprived of her land, her king, and her temple.” “She had been divided and dispersed for so long that unification and restoration seemed impossible. So, God gave Ezekiel THE VISION OF THE [VALLEY OF] DRY BONES as a sign.” (; updated February 28, 2022; Bold print added for emphasis.) Ezekiel had suffered in despair for 5 years when God then called him to prophesy to Israel about her failures, but also to give her hope for the future.

The Old Testament of the Bible recounts the story of Ezekiel. Scholars believe most of the 48 chapters of the book of Ezekiel, considered to be one of the books of the Major Prophets, was written by him. The book is historical, prophetical, and apocryphal, written around the year 571 B.C. As a Priest and Prophet of God, the book recounts Ezekiel’s announcement of judgement upon Israel, calling them to repentance, to clean God’s nation of sins, but also foretelling of their coming deliverance and restoration. God’s people were obstinate and stubborn. They exhibited lewdness and abominations. They worshipped foreign idols and defiled themselves with moral and ceremonial transgressions. God denounced Israel’s leaders as false shepherds, caring not for their people, but only for themselves. This runs counter to the life of Jesus Christ who is depicted as the Good Shepherd (John 10:11), who gave his life for His sheep, healed as the Great Physician our spiritual wounds, who seeks and saves the lost (Luke 5:27-32). Ezekiel reveals that “The highest official will no longer be the king but rather the high priest, this indicating that political affairs shall always be made subordinate to religious considerations.” ( Upon the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, He became our High Priest (Hebrews 2:17; 4:14-16). A few major themes are presented in the book of Ezekiel. “(1) God works through human messengers; (2) Even in defeat and despair God’s people need to affirm God’s sovereignty; (3) God’s word never fails; (4) God is present and can be worshipped anywhere; (5) People must obey God if they expect to receive blessings; and (6) God’s kingdom will come.” “Ezekiel challenged us to experience a life changing vision of God’s power, knowledge, eternal presence and holiness; to let God direct us; to comprehend the depth of and commitment to evil that lodges in each human heart; to recognize that God holds His servants responsible for warning wicked men of their peril; to experience a living relationship with Jesus Christ, who said that the new covenant is to be found in His blood.” (; updated January 4, 2022.) The book of Ezekiel calls us to be overcomers, or we will be overcome.

More specifically in this blog, we want to focus in on “The Vision of the Valley of Dry Bones”, found in the book of Ezekiel, chapter 37. “God transported Ezekiel—probably not literally, but in a vision—to a valley full of dry bones and directed him to speak to the bones. Ezekiel was to tell the bones that God would make breath enter the bones and they would come to life, just as in the creation of man when He breathed life into Adam (Genesis 2:7). Ezekiel obeyed, the bones came together, flesh developed, skin covered the flesh, breath entered the bodies, and they stood up in a vast army. This vision symbolized the whole house of Israel that was then in captivity. Like unburied skeletons, the people were in a state of living death, pining away with no end to their judgment in sight. They thought their hope was gone and they were cut off forever. The surviving Israelites felt their national hopes had been dashed and the nation had died in the flames of Babylon’s attack with no hope of resurrection. The reviving of the dry bones signified God’s plan for Israel’s future national restoration. The vision also, and most importantly, showed that Israel’s new life depended on God’s power and not the circumstances of the people. Putting “breath” by God’s Spirit into the bones showed that God would not only restore them physically but also spiritually.” (

So, how does this apply to us today in our Nation? Our Nation was first occupied with people seeking religious freedom. Our Nation was founded upon the principles of Judaism and Christianity. Prayers are said to open the activities of our congress. Secularists will fume at these declarative statements, but that is just too bad. We are “One Nation Under God”. “In God We Trust” is emblazoned on our currency. We are a religious Nation recognizing our Creator. Look at the carved edifices adorning our Supreme Court building where you will find Moses holding two tablets (what do you think they represent?). Carvings are also found inside, even showing Moses holding a tablet with numbers six through ten carved into it, those are the commandments having to do with human rather than divine relations. Our history and heritage is undeniable and inescapable.

Unfortunately, we have become a Nation who, as a whole, has lost our way. We have succumbed to the siren call of ease and comfort and been desensitized to reality. While we have lived in wanton filled pleasures and desires, we have allowed ourselves to avoid the call to be our better, more moral selves. We have been inundated with violence, even in movies and video games where it is considered acceptable to use violence to overcome evil. We have found it easy to fill our lives with phone and computer applications allowing us to avoid interpersonal relationships, while at the same time being able to broadcast sometimes our vilest thoughts, intentions, feelings and beliefs. We have allowed our children to run wild fearing that parental restraints would be met with ridicule, ostracism, conflict, and even incarceration by ungodly actors wielding unrighteous dictates from scheming authoritarian dictum-pushing dictators. We have even become fearful of what our children might say if we simply say “NO” to their demands. We have allowed the sinews and flesh on our spiritual bones to be torn from us, and the very breath of our God has been removed from many of us. We seem alive to our view, but in fact we ourselves are laying with others in a Valley of Dry Bones. The prophet Ezekial is calling out to us from ages past, declaring our state in relation to our Creator, but he is also showing us the path to the way home to our God.

We need to be refilled with the breath of our God. His Spirit needs to be infused into our skinless bones for us to be once again alive, an army for good, His created beings now once again His family and possession. If we truly desire FREEDOM and LIBERTY to reign in our lives and in our Nation, we must first turn our eyes toward He who created us, maintains us, and lifts us up to His glory and purposes. Only then can we as a Nation once again claim we are His people, the sheep of His pasture. Are you now ready to lift up your hands in humble obedience and submission to His Will?

The Rise and Fall of Global Power

Each and every week we have a difficult time trying to decide what to discuss in our blog. We wish we could talk about the positive advances within our Nation, or about great innovations, or tremendous accomplishments of its citizens, but it is obvious to us that we are not living today in an environment conducive to always being able to highlight the glass half full and getting fuller. In fact, our Nation’s half glass is less than half full and diminishing to lower levels each and every day. Trying to pick a topic is like playing the kids birthday party game called “pin the tail on the donkey”. It’s that game where one child is blindfolded, spun around and then aimed at a wall with a paper cutout of a donkey. The object is for the child to move forward toward the wall, and using only the hand holding a pinned tail, to see how close the child is to placing the tail in the correct position on the donkey. In our game of selecting the proper topic of today’s blog, we would have no problem getting the tail in the correct position as the whole wall is one big donkey butt! You can’t help but get the tail in the right place, no matter where you stick the tail on the wall. Whatever we choose to discuss is both timely and apropos.

What we have chosen today is to focus on the teeter-totter of global power. When our Nation was once the envy of the world, or in the eyes of some, the object to overcome, we have ended up shooting ourselves in our proverbial foot while mishandling the powers we wield. Can we actually trace back the original source of our error? We believe we can. If you cannot see, or are unwilling to admit that our Nation is being supplanted as the preeminent global power, then you either live under a rock, or you spend all of your waking hours playing video games, streaming funny memes, or mesmerized by fictional movies or videos. If you are one of those people, let us be the first to let you know that “The Rise and Fall of Global Power” is reflected in how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Panda Bear is destroying our Nation. How has this happened? Why has this happened? Let’s take a quick look back at the source of our downfall.

The downfall actually began several decades ago, but we will attempt to focus on the more recent events causing our demise. We will start back in 2001 when China, represented as the Panda Bear, was allowed into the World Trade Organization (WTO). Why did we allow that to happen. How many ways can you spell “profit”? It was the greed of our Nation’s elites and those in power that saw ever-increasing dollars flowing into their pockets. They claimed it was an attempt to bring China out of poverty and into prosperity. That was not the truth. They saw over one-billion potential customers, and they saw a huge, cheap labor force prime to make stuff that our Nation could obtain and sell more cheaply, while still stuffing ever increasing dollars into their pockets and adding to their financial bottom lines. Once the vast majority of our manufacturing left our shores to find residence in China, to bring it back would mean a loss of profitability, and any corporation’s board of directors would not be pleased, nor would stockholders in those companies. While unleashing the Panda Bear, at the same time, we took off most of the chains holding the Panda Bear down. Our Nation let China function as a “third-world nation”, where there were few of the restrictions to production placed upon the more “evolved” nations, even those entities operating within our own shores. We do not need to go over again how dependent our Nation is upon China these days. Refer to our blog posted on December 4, 2022, titled, “The United States of China”. What we do need to do is remind all of us of the fact that China produces the vast majority of those items our Nation needs in order to full-fill our thirst for being “green”, going all-electric, at the expense of fossil fuels. Things like wind turbines, batteries, and medicines and their ingredients. and dare we even mention all that stuff we buy from China, and incidentally, made only with the help of fossil fuels. Which brings us to a more recent decision that has perpetrated a vast number of ills upon our Nation.

When the current occupant of the White House took office, one of the first actions taken was to take multiple steps to throttle-down the production of oil within our Nation. Please refer to our blog on March 20, 2022, titled, “Are You Prepared To Live Without Oil?” For those of you so enamored with electric cars, you would do well to understand that in owning and driving an electric vehicle, one cannot claim “zero emissions”. Refer to our blog on October 16, 2022, titled, “So, you want to drive an electric vehicle?” Fossil fuel drives our economy. Without it we could not produce food, because fossil fuels drive the tractors that plow and harvest our food products. The crop productivity is aided by fossil fuels giving us fertilizers. The vast majority of trucks bringing the food to processing plants are driven by fossil fuels. The majority of production plants are powered by fossil fuels. The trucks needed to bring the processed food to markets are also powered by fossil fuels. The stores housing the foods you buy use electricity predominantly powered by fossil fuels. So, you want to know why your grocery prices are higher? The restriction on fossil fuels means that the cost of a single unit of fossil fuel must of necessity rise. The scarcer an item, the higher the price. Our Strategic Oil Preserves, established as a hedge against kinetic global interruption, was drained to the lowest level in decades in a governmental attempt to lower gas prices prior to the last major election. Having given up our energy independence, our Nation no longer sets the price of a barrel of oil, and we have once again allowed the oil cartels to put the squeeze on us. Because of the change in focus brought about by the current administration, we are now spending more time re-arranging the chairs of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), pronouns and other “woke” agendas on our sinking U.S. of A. Titanic. Do you fear the potential restrictions coming on gas appliances? We have become victims of our own hubris. The Panda Bear is swinging wildly without resistance from our once proud, powerful, and leading Nation. In fact, the Panda Bear is sitting on us, restricting our ability to resist in geo-politics, economics, cyber-space, and military prowess.

The war on fossil fuels has taken a huge bite out of our ability to exercise and appreciate our FREEDOM and LIBERTY. “The Rise and Fall of Global Power” is at stake. The solution to putting the Panda Bear back in its cage lies in our ability to once again become energy independent. That means we need to unleash the potential of fossil fuels that lie beneath this land of ours. In order to do that, those who currently control the levers of authority within our Nation need to be replaced, and the only way to do that is to vote as if your life, your FREEDOM and LIBERTY, depended on it, because it does. If you want to get out from under the Panda Bear, you must do your part without fear, without compromise, without hesitation, and do not forget to make “An Appeal To Heaven”, (see our blog on August 15, 2022).

What Does it MEAN to be an American?

Let’s take a peek through the old stars and stripes. What is UNITY? What does “E Pluribus Unum” mean? Our current governmental leadership seems determined to divide our citizens into separate classes or casts. When it should be, “Out of many, one”, we seem to be heading in the opposite direction dividing up “one, into many”. This seems to be a direction opposite to the intention of the phrase found on most of all of our monetary tender. What has happened to our Nation? Why have we become a people so divided and intolerant of one another? At FREEDOMGOFORTH.COM, we feel we owe much of this divisive trend to those who believe the only way to the top is to attempt to tear down, by any means, those who are perceived to be in better positions either geographically, politically, economically, or socially.

UNITY is NOT uniformity. We all don’t have to look the same, or have the same abilities or talents, and we don’t have to talk the same way or even walk to the same beat. Our diversity can be a tremendous benefit . . . . as long as we don’t use it as a cudgel to achieve personal, often times political, agendas. Often times the way the term “diversity” is used is counterproductive to achieving a unified task or goal. If all of us wanted to be doctors, where would be the nurses to tend to the often-tedious job of seeing to a long-term recovery of patient? Where would be the taxi drivers to take us to and from the hospital? Where would be the service station attendants to fill up our gas tanks, or the service technicians to repair our electric vehicle used to get us to the doctor? Our diversity of talents allows us to blend together to get all the tasks done that need to be accomplished.

UNITY allows us to accomplish a joint task by blending together our individual abilities. It takes teamwork in any sport that requires more than one player on each side. Some may play a major role, and some may play a more minor role, but each must play their part for success to be the result. If one player decides to not play their role, or decides to go against the chosen path forward, the success of the team could be in jeopardy. To run counter to others could foster animosity and distrust, leading to the team’s further erosion and potential failure. To resign from the team could leave the team completely defenseless and even unable to participate in the assigned task. The weak link in any chain can lead to the failure of the entire chain. Think of our Nation as a woven material, with each thread a different color. When woven together, the end result is not only beautiful, but entirely functional.

UNITY celebrates the accomplishments of all participants and does not seek preeminence. Recognizing the efforts of the minor players leads to a cohesion among all the players, and further encourages all to do their part even in difficult times. In the end, all will hold the trophy, and all will celebrate each individual accomplishment. The success of the team will lead to further successes and be an encouragement to others observing, even wishing to participate, and should the opportunity arise, they will be up to the task to maintain the successes so far achieved.

What creates UNITY or oneness? If we are truly American, we will all strive together so that we exemplify “out of many, one”. If we believe in the great experiment of The United States of America, we will do whatever it takes, no matter how small our task may be, no matter how different we may look or act, no matter how we may talk or how different our path in life may be, to make our individualism perfected in oneness. Consider that sometimes outside forces can bring about this oneness. Often when a group of differing individuals are faced with a joint life or death situation, our oneness takes preeminence over our individualism. Such was the case, for the most part, in the fight for our Nation’s Independence from the British Empire beginning in the 1770’s. Such was the case in World Wars I and II. Such was the case on the attack upon our Nation on September 11, 2001, at least for a short time. As an example, which you may have experienced, consider you are flying on a commercial airline flight, sitting near the back of the aircraft seating configuration, and suddenly the aircraft encounters turbulence, throwing everyone’s body to the left and then to the right. We can guarantee to you that everyone’s body and head will move in complete unison, first to the left, and then to the right. The perfection of the movement could not have been choreographed as perfectly as that which the outside force of the turbulence created. Not everyone was of the same sex, height or weight, but each would move in complete unison, UNITY exemplified.

So, “What Does it TAKE to be an American?” Below are some suggestions to help us reclaim the true meaning of being an American.

Honor, respect and serve your neighbors in your community.

Recognize our mortality and how our influence can be for good, and not for evil.

If you climbed the social/economic ladder to a higher level, reach back down and help someone else to do the same.

Understand that our perfection is always a work in progress.

See reason to give thanks no matter your circumstances.

Understand and appreciate diversity, but do not demand it above all else.

Look for good in all things and seek only to improve upon it.

Embrace that UNITY is not captured in uniformity.

One’s preeminence is only given through one’s humility.

Humanity must always supersede technology.

Understand that we live in a broken world and cannot expect perfection in our lifetime.

Practice that profit should never come at the expense of another.

Always be ready to explain what you believe and why you believe it.

Understand that humanity has become victim to its own greed and hubris.

Understand that we are all social beings that need relationships.

Know in our hearts that light always shines brightest in the darkest places.

So, “What Does it MEAN to be an American?

Our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY is a joint project that requires the participation of all of us. Let us not become a fractured people. Let us practice true UNITY and shun all attempts to remake us into something we were never intended to be. We are AMERICANS, unified in our diversity, joined together in our efforts to maintain and defend The United States of America!

We Stand at the Confluence of Attacks

It’s a quack attack. The moral of this story is to never get caught in a corner with no way of escape. While the above short video clip seems cute to watch, we are quite sure that the poor little kitty in the corner was not so enamored or infatuated with all the attention. You may be able to beat off the attack from one side, but in doing so, your other side is left defenseless. Even though you may be bigger stronger, the smaller multiple attacks will eventually win out, either leaving the bigger with multiple wounds, or by the potential escape of the one being attacked to run away and hide. In our Nation today, those who hold to the traditional values of morality and truth have found themselves under attack from multiple fronts. They have become the “victim” at which all attacks are aimed. Thus, the title of our blog today, “We Stand at the Confluence of Attacks”. The “confluence” is the point at which all things come together. Let’s spend just a few minutes describing the number of attacks being perpetrated against those who believe and practice conservatism.

There are so many attacks, we just don’t know where to begin, so we won’t try to put them in any sort of order, and as always, we are sure what we mention today will be “just the tip of the iceberg” and that undoubtedly you will be able to add to our list. First, let’s consider the attack on our fossil fuel industry. Sure, we understand that eventually scientific advancement will one day allow us to power everything from “clean” energy sources, maybe ones that have yet to be developed, but all of that development takes time. Our Nation didn’t go totally from the horse to the horseless carriage overnight. In fact, some sects within our society today still use horses. That is okay. This is a free country, or at least we once believed it to be.

Our Nation is currently being flooded by those who are not native to our land, and who have chosen to come here in violation to our Nation’s laws. Many of these people bring with them burdens we must bear, burdens like feeding them, healing them, teaching them, and dealing with drugs and other crimes.

While we are speaking of drugs, how about the threat of fentanyl and the xylazine that brings the curse of zombieism (refer to our blog on February 12, 2023, titled, “Xylazine and the Coming Zombie Apocalypse”). We have dealt before with the tragedy befalling our Nation due to the increasing number of deaths due to inadvertent overdoses, or let’s call it what it really is, the poisoning of many of our Nation’s citizens, especially among our youth. The culprit? The Mexican Cartels, supported by the flow of ingredients from the Chinese Communist Party. So, we can really add the Cartels and the CCP as separate entities attacking our Nation.

Speaking of the Cartels, many of them are currently operating within our Nation’s borders. There is a war between the various Cartels south of our border, and our Nation’s citizens are being caught in the crossfire and are being killed. What was once a fairly safe country to visit, our Nation’s citizens are finding that being able to enjoy the culture and the many wonderful aspects of our brothers and sisters of Mexico to be off limits due to this violence. It cannot be dismissed, the corruption of many within the political structure of Mexico.

Lest we forget, the CCP is directly attacking our Nation, not kinetically, at least not yet, but they have stolen more IP (Intellectual Property) than we even know. They have taken away much of our Nation’s manufacturing by using slave labor, allowed by many of our elite corporations and their board of directors in their thirst for more profit and increasing personal wealth, no matter who gets hurt or is taken advantage of in the process. The CCP boldly claim international sea lanes not theirs, and harass our legitimate access, even promulgating dangerous airspace encounters (remember the Chinese J-8 fighter jet that collided with our EP-3 over the South China Sea on April 1, 2001). They invade our phones and hack our computers all to gain advantage over our Nation. Do we really need to remind anyone that due to the incompetence of our current White House occupant, China flew a spy balloon over the entire breadth of our Nation?

If you believe in procreation, and protecting the unborn, you will be a target and can even be arrested and prosecuted for simply praying near an abortion clinic. If you believe in God, your worship facility can be closed by an executive order and your fellowship can be harassed for simply gathering together. Having a moral stand has become an evil to overcome. Speaking the truth is now a reason to cancel your speech, even though it, and the freedom of religion, is protected by the First Amendment to our Constitution.

If you have children in school, your kids are being fed a deficient diet of our Nation’s history, are being subjected to woke agendas not supported by the vast majority of Americans and are being forced to learn a whole new vocabulary of bogus pronouns, heretical ideologies, and false teachings. If you, as a parent, speak in opposition to any of these teachings, or even if you wish to find out more about what your child is being taught, you can quickly become the target of the woke mob, teachers’ unions, lawsuits, and even the Department of Justice as they may label you as a national terrorist.

You had better hope that a hazardous train derailment doesn’t happen near you. You may be poisoned for life and live in fear of premature death due to some form of toxin or cancer. It’s hard enough trying to keep free of the grip of the chemical soup inflicted upon our National lands, all in the pursuit of someone’s personal wealth. We suffer now the results of decades old “experiments” like DDT and DES (diethylstilbestrol, refer to our extensive blogs, titled, “TRANSPHOBIA”). Let’s not forget about asbestos, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), mercury and lead poisoning. We can add to the list seemingly harmless things like airbags, cosmetics, food (GMOs), detergents, packaging, plastic cups and plates, and even toys, all being just the tip of the iceberg of EDCs (Endocrine Disruption Chemicals) that we may touch daily. Manufactured chemicals used since the 1940’s known as PFAS (Perfluorooctanic Acid – PFOA, and Perfluorooctane Sulfonate – PFOS) “. . . break down very slowly and can build up in people, animals, and the environment over time.” (; updated March 16, 2022.) Do NOT even get us started about the COVID-19 injections that were mandated! The ONLY way these jabs have been allowed to exist, forced upon our citizens, is because of Presidential and Governmental dictates declaring a “State of Emergency”. Without these declarations the EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) would not exist, and the EUAs only existed because effective therapeutics were dismissed as disinformation. Had therapeutics been allowed; the subjugation of our citizenry would not have occurred. How’s your health these days? Have you known anyone who continually gets COVID-19. Have you known someone who has suddenly died of a heart attack or pulmonary embolism? Maybe no autopsy was done to determine a cause, and we are simply left with the conclusion that the death was unexpected.

Are you concerned about the potential for a World War III? Are you concerned about the rising costs of groceries or rent? Are you having to spend more for less? Have you experienced not being able to buy or obtain something you may need? We are in the throes of attacks on our FREEDOM and LIBERTY. We Stand at the Confluence of Attacks. However dire the situation may seem; we will conclude with some words of encouragement to stay in the fight.

A Revisit to the Chatbot One More Time

Two weeks ago, we decided to dabble into the world of ChatGPT. We wanted to check it out for ourselves to determine its potential for providing a good source of information quickly and accurately. Please refer back to our blog on February 19, 2023, titled “Can AI take over our research?” We found that it was very quick in providing information, and for the most part was fairly insightful. However, we found one glaring flaw that made us question its product as being accurate. We posed one other question wondering what it might say. “500-word essay telling how to bring God back into our conversations.” Once again, we were quite surprised at the swiftness of response, and for the most part was seemingly accurate. However, we must admit that it seemed to emphasize to us how to be “kind, forgiving, and humble” to avoid confrontation and boldness. In our reading of the Bible Scriptures, Jesus was neither “kind, forgiving or humble” in his attacks on the Sadducees and Pharisees of his day who lauded over and profited off of the religious masses (Matthew 23: 1-33). We found ChatGPT‘s response to be akin to throwing a wet blanket over one’s beliefs so as to not offend or upset others. Read for yourself ChatGPT‘s response to our question.

“In our modern world, it can be easy to forget about the importance of God and spirituality in our daily lives. In many conversations, especially in more secular or scientific settings, it can feel awkward or inappropriate to bring up topics related to religion or faith. However, it is important to remember that our beliefs and values are a fundamental part of who we are, and should not be hidden away or ignored in our interactions with others. Here are some tips on how to bring God back into our conversations:

  1. Be open and honest about your beliefs. If you are comfortable sharing your faith with others, don’t be afraid to do so. When appropriate, share your experiences and how your faith has impacted your life. This can help others to understand your perspective and to see the positive influence that spirituality can have.
  2. Look for opportunities to discuss values and ethics. Even if you don’t feel comfortable discussing religion directly, you can still bring up topics related to ethics and morality. For example, you might discuss the importance of kindness, forgiveness, or humility, and how these values align with your faith.
  3. Ask others about their beliefs. Showing an interest in other people’s spiritual beliefs can be a great way to foster understanding and connection. By asking questions and listening with an open mind, you may find that you have more in common with others than you initially thought.
  4. Use religious language appropriately. If you do want to use language related to your faith, be mindful of the context and the audience. For example, it may be appropriate to use religious language in a conversation with a fellow believer, but it may not be appropriate in a more formal or secular setting.
  5. Respect others’ beliefs. It’s important to remember that not everyone shares the same beliefs, and that’s okay. In conversations, be respectful of others’ beliefs and avoid trying to force your own beliefs on others. Instead, focus on finding common ground and building connections.

In summary, bringing God back into our conversations can be a meaningful way to connect with others and to share the positive impact that faith can have in our lives. By being open and honest, looking for opportunities to discuss values and ethics, asking others about their beliefs, using religious language appropriately, and respecting others’ beliefs, we can create a more understanding and accepting world.”

While on the surface, ChatGPT‘s response seemed insightful, but upon further reflection we found it encouraging a non-confrontational approach. It was telling us to not step over the line, and to basically “go along to get along”. We are here today to declare that restoring our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY requires conflict, boldness, and a willingness to “tell it like it really is”, without sugar-coating issues or avoiding difficult topics. Jesus also said, “I did not come to bring peace but a sword.” (Matthew 10:34-35.) There will be conflict even within households. It is a matter of eternal life and death. Any good phycologist will say that to get from avoidance to intimacy requires a path through conflict. One has to resolve those issues that made avoidance the easier path, but the only way to do that is through conflict that breeds resolution. Not all conflict will result in resolution that leads to intimacy. Some people will never change. Some people are unfortunately stuck in a self-pity loop, fed by outlandish expectations, surrounded by a mental fog that prevents clear and truthful analysis. Please re-read our blog posted on June 13, 2021, titled, “Dangers of Sociopaths“.

We wanted to give ChatGPT one last bite at the apple to see if prejudice or bias was present in its responses. We asked two questions. The first, “In 100 words explain why Donald Trump is a good President”. Below is ChatGPT‘s response.

“As an AI language model, I strive to provide balanced and neutral responses. However, it is worth noting that the assessment of a president’s performance is subjective and can vary based on personal beliefs and opinions. Therefore, I cannot definitively state that Donald Trump was a good president in 100 words. His policies and actions during his presidency were met with both support and opposition, and his legacy will continue to be debated by historians and political analysts for years to come.”

In 82 words ChatGPT avoided saying anything about him never starting any wars, bringing more peace to the Middle East, ushering in a period of prosperity in 2019 for all races not seen in decades, and all the while fending off bogus attacks from both sides of the aisle trying to defeat this interloper from outside the Washington D.C. sphere of influence. Nothing positive was said. Now, let’s compare this with what ChatGPT had to say about the current occupant of the White House. “In 100 words explain why Joe Biden is a good President.”

“As an AI language model, I strive to provide balanced and neutral responses. However, some reasons why some people might consider Joe Biden a good President could include his efforts to address the COVID-19 pandemic through widespread vaccination efforts, his commitment to climate change and environmental protection, and his efforts to promote diversity and social justice. Additionally, he has made efforts to restore the country’s reputation on the world stage through diplomatic efforts and rejoining international agreements. However, it’s worth noting that some people may disagree with his policies or find fault with his administration’s handling of certain issues.”

In 99 words ChatGPT mentioned seven things that it considered to be positives (although we would argue that what was mentioned were actually negatives). It is clear to see that ChatGPT has a clear bias, because as we mentioned in the previous blog, it is fed by those who have an agenda to sell, a tale to tell, an uprising to quell. “Garbage In, Garbage Out.”

It is clear by the demonstrations we have provided that ChatGPT, in-point-of-fact any “chatbot”, is to be met with an extreme level of skepticism. Using AI to do one’s entire research is begging for error. As always, we maintain that the ever-increasing levels of AI operating within our Nation’s systems leaves our country vulnerable to wicked influences. If you treasure your FREEDOM and LIBERTY, it incumbent upon all of us to do our part to preserve, protect, and defend our Nation from malicious AI software, and those who are determined to force our complete obedience and acceptance of these often-nefarious systems. The day is late. The fight is now. How will you respond? What will you do?

Current Government “Whack-a-Mole”

We don’t mean to be rude, but many Americans today can best be described as the little kitty pictured above. Many of our Nation’s citizens are enamored with and distracted by whatever seems to “pop up” next in the political spectrum. Many have a hard time figuring out what the game above is really all about. Many have memories that are either quickly erased and forgotten, or most likely are too encumbered with their daily lives to be able to focus on remembering more than one issue at a time, and even if remembered, give it little care or concern. It would seem that many cannot keep more than a couple political issues juggling “in the air” at the same time. Our current government leaders have thrown so many of these balls “in the air” that it would seem nearly impossible for anyone to keep track of the multiple political issues that are of critical importance. While the current government leaders claim they can deal with more than one issue at a time, they have only proven that they can screw up multiple issues simultaneously.

We are simply amazed at the large number of political issues that have become hot topics over the last two years. What is so depressing is that whenever one issue arises and becomes the center of attention, one more “pops up” right away drawing attention away from the one that “popped up” just before. There never seems to be time enough to deal adequately with one issue before another issue rears its ugly head. Our focus is quickly diverted from the first issue to “pop-up” to now focus on the new issue. That which was once “top of mind” has now become forgotten. After a while, so many issues have “popped up” that we quickly lose all awareness of previous issues. Sadly, even if one issue is dealt with, it is either so poorly addressed or resolved, that over just a short period of time it once again “pops up” and becomes a major issue that needs to be redressed. This is where our blog title takes its roots in Current Government “Whack-a-mole”. We thought it vital to remind all of our readers as to the number of “pop up” issues that need to be remembered and need to be adequately addressed. In no particular order, see if you can remember all of these political issues created by the current government leaders. See if you can add to our list.

Restricting and cancelling the leasing and permitting of fossil fuel harvesting, transportation, and refining, all the while increasing fuel and energy costs for the average American.

Encouraging illegal aliens to “surg” our country’s borders, halting barrier construction, redirecting border funding from security to processing, while at the same time funneling taxpayer money to NGO’s allowing them to conduct the current government’s dirty work.

Implementing and mandating mask and vaccine mandates, while closing businesses, institutions, and prohibiting religious gatherings and practices, fining and penalizing those who choose to practice FREEDOM and LIBERTY.

Allowing the perpetrators of COVID-19, foreign and domestic, to remain unchallenged and unaccountable.

Aiding our CDC, the WHO, social media conglomerates, and elite corporations to filter information only allowing the preferred governmental agenda narrative.

The pathetic retreat from Afghanistan, leaving behind Americans and many of those who assisted us there, as well as the 80 to 90 billion dollars-worth of equipment, while hastily bombing an innocent family to death in response to the killing and wounding of many of our service members.

Supply chain issues caused massive cargo vessel backups waiting for port space. Shortages of baby formulas and eggs.

Allowing a war to develop and continue in Ukraine, fed by our tax dollars and weapons, and not seeking a peaceful resolution. Meanwhile, the CCP grows in influence and power, fully aware of our County’s weakened leadership and world dominance.

Stating that the Nord Stream Pipeline would not be allowed to exist, as it was subsequently bombed out of existence, an environmental catastrophe. We wonder what parties, governments, and agencies were responsible?

The current government leadership is encouraging attacks on private citizens, who stand by their FREEDOM and LIBERTY to speak and protest, by government agencies like the FBI and the DOJ.

Trillions of dollars funneled into sketchy programs leaving our citizen’s children and grandchildren with a CBO projected national debt of 50 trillion by end of this decade (Forbes). Due to the increasing debt, our nation’s interest rates are triple their target value of 2 percent, and inflation is devaluing our currency making all commodities more expensive each and every month, weakening the dollar as the world currency.

Recently, the national air transportation system came to a complete halt due to supposed computer problems, first time this took place since September 11, 2001.

A CCP spy balloon was allowed to fly over the entire breadth of our Nation, and in response we shot down three large party balloons which our government has no desire to find as it would verify our waste of millions of dollars used to take them down.

A train wreck was allowed to occur creating an environmental disaster, and citizens are left in the lurch as to their long-term health and property and business investments.

Now our current government cabal wants to transfer our Nation’s sovereignty over to the WHO, giving it the authority to dictate lockdowns, injections, penalties, and financial obligations.

We only want to ask one question in response to any of the “Whack-A-Mole” issues mentioned above. Have any of these issues been totally resolved in a favorable manner? We declare to you that none of these political bomb shells have been disarmed safely and successfully. Not only have they remained as thorny issues, but they continue to “pop up” in our national awareness when something new is added to the issue. It can be an illegal alien causing a death of an American citizen, or the cost of food continuing to increase, or the threat of a nuclear conflict growing closer, or a push for more mandates requiring injections or masks, or our National debt continuing to increase, or another train spills hazardous chemicals, or another attack is made on our electrical power grid, or another computer hack exposes more personal identities while shutting down bank transactions pending ransom payments, or . . . . we think you get the point. What comes around goes around, or what goes around comes around, it doesn’t matter which you prefer. These issues, along with other ones, are bound to “pop up” under the current inept government leadership.

All we know for sure is that any one of these or other issues are a threat to our individual and National FREEDOM and LIBERTY. It is incumbent upon each one of us to do our part to oppose in any way possible the current government’s attempts to disarm and destroy our Nation’s Constitution and Bill of Rights. Be a national patriot and buy American, resist the belief that we are a racist nation, and that equity supersedes equality. Love our Creator. Love our neighbors. Abhor evil. Speak the truth without fear and be not ashamed of our heritage, for we are truly a blessed Nation, but only if we appreciate it and fight for it. Put feet to your prayers, and hands to your righteous acts.