WORDS, and how the Democrats use them to divide and conquer our Republic

I’ve had enough! Please stop!!

Last week we did a deep dive into the power of WORDS. It seems like new WORDS are thrown at us every week. We can hardly keep up with this inundation. When we began blogging back in 2021, we focused on how those who seek to obtain and maintain power set at odds segments within our Nation. Please spend a few minutes to review the following blogs as they are as prescient today as they were over three years ago. They are: “A FRACTURED SOCIETY”, March 3, 2021; “E PLURIBUS UNUM”, March 7, 2021; and “UNITY IS STRENGTH”, April 7, 2021. Especially review: “DIVIDED WE FALL”, June 9, 2021. We knew then what continues on to this day. Why we allow the opposition to continue to divide us, and how these attempts can be thwarted, the answers seem to be as illusive today as they were over three years ago. But we claim these efforts to divide our Nation extend back not just three years, but in fact extend back decades. While many of us found comfort and ease in our own little protected bubbles, seemingly unaffected by these gradual incursions into our Nation’s founding culture, we failed to recognize the gradual shift in culture and ideology that has now hit us like a Mack truck on the freeway.

So, exactly what are some of these WORDS that have been thrust upon us as of late. You know them well, for they have been forced upon us like castor oil down the throat of a sick three-year-old in the forties. “Yuck! I can’t get the taste out of my mouth!” Try on some of these words for size and see if they fit your experience: Racism, Bigotry, Xenophobic, Transphobic, Antisemitic, and how about Islamophobic. Add to that short list any other word or words ending in “ism” or “ic”. Last week we learned about at least two other “groups” of individuals that have attempted to form a new way to divide our Nation along ideological lines. Did you hear about “White Dudes for ‘X’, or how about “Karens for ‘X’. Just another attempt to further divide our Nation, to bring more hatred and distrust among a people who have more in common than what divides.

We are ALL AMERICANS. We All currently enjoy our FREEDOM and LIBERTY, although more and more of that seems to be squeezed from our grasp like sand through our fingers. As we warned more than three years ago, we renew our same warnings today. Do not allow those who seek to divide to be successful. Do not allow those who want to separate us into separate groups to succeed. Do not allow those who want to control the masses by subjecting the same to oppressive measures, restrictive processes, and overbearing rules and regulations to win. We must all do our part to insure those currently in power never again have the same control that they have had over the last four years. Their thirst for wealth and power have diminished the lower classes, brought despair and frustration upon many, and have brought great harm to our Nation within and without her borders. As we have said before, so we say again now. If you want to retain and strengthen your FREEDOM and LIBERTY, then PUT FEET TO YOUR PRAYERS.