We all have to admit it. There are things that OFFEND us all, but not all the same things OFFEND us. Some of those things we addressed in our blog two weeks ago on September 8, 2024, titled, “THE SMELL OF PREJUDICE”. Over time, many of us have become accustomed to being OFFENDED, and we have been trained over and over again to just accept being OFFENDED, either because others tell us we deserve it, or maybe because we feel isolated and out of the mainstream and we feel the potential for ostracization. For decades now, the federal government and its multiplicity of three-letter agencies, of which few if any of them can be found in our Constitution and Bill of Rights, have slowly and methodically pealed from us, like layers of an onion, our FREEDOM and LIBERTY. Some make sense however as a function of the world in which we live today. Wear your seat belt, bicycle and motorcycle helmet, and take off your shoes when walking through screening devices at the airport. But many things that OFFEND us have little to do with our personal safety and health, and more to do with competing ideologies. Even so, we have been under constant pressure to not question those who are “in charge”, believing them to be purveyors of our best interests. We have become like goldfish in a small fishbowl totally dependent upon our daily sustenance from the feeding hand above. Many of us have found our lives to be somewhat comfortable allowing others to provide for our care, and with the potential loss of that care, we easily fold and willingly submit to whatever we are told to do. Get this injection or else! You have to wear a mask, and if you do not, you cannot go in or participate! Don’t you dare criticize your “betters”, because if you do, you might get a visit from the authorities, and even worse, you might be tried in a prejudicial court of law, convicted and sent to prison!

Well, at FREEDOMGOFORTH.COM, we are not goldfish, and we treasure our God given rights to FREEDOM and LIBERTY! We have been blogging now for several years bringing to your attention facts and documents supporting our selected topics. We do not fear the long arm of government, or elite industry censorship, or concern ourselves with potential ramifications. We know where we are headed after this life and feel secure in our beliefs to always do what is right, and fair, and just, and moral. To do otherwise is to diminish our faith and kowtow to moral-less, overbearing and controlling government, institutions, personalities, and ideologies. We have a right, and in fact a duty, to feel OFFENDED, and to not express our dismay and provide alternatives would be counter to our purposes in our many blogs through the years. With all of that in mind, we want to share with you many of the things that OFFEND us.

We are OFFENDED at “participation trophies”. We are OFFENDED that gay drag queens are in our schools and libraries, for they once were, and still belong, in over 21 clubs and venues. We are OFFENDED being told we are deplorable, bigoted, racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, and sexist. We are OFFENDED when we cannot speak our minds when “offending” someone else’s sensibility, for that’s the hallmark of our First Amendment to our United States Constitution. We are OFFENDED when the main-street media “memory holes” the assassination attempts on our former President. We are OFFENDED when thugs ransack businesses with no arrests or accountability. We are OFFENDED when religious people are surveilled and persecuted by government agencies for simply praying and trying to live a holy life. We are OFFENDED when our government continually spends more money than it takes in. We are OFFENDED by the countless number of politicians that move into lobbyist positions following their incubation period in Congress. We are OFFENDED when our government spends more time making weapons and less time making peace. We are OFFENDED that our Nation’s history is being re-written, and that books, statues, celebrations, and holidays are being supplanted and forgotten. We are OFFENDED that big government and big business is sucking the life out of personal ingenuity, incentive, small business, and commerce. We are OFFENDED that illegal aliens receive more support through housing, healthcare, transportation, money cards, schooling and jobs, than do our veterans and homeless citizens. We are OFFENDED that our FREEDOM to speak has become a threat and is often identified as mis, mal, or dis information. We are OFFENDED that our government and big business has allowed our manufacturing base to be given and sent away to foreign entities and governments. We are OFFENDED that our government leaders have allowed our citizens to become dependent upon foreign sources for our drugs and their materials. We are OFFENDED that the current government pushes and subsidizes wind and solar energy sources, that are totally dependent upon weather and earth rotation cycles and have depleted our base-load energy world dominance and have left our businesses and citizens crippled with exploding energy, transportation, and food costs. We are OFFENDED that many have forgotten 9-11. We are OFFENDED that our current government leaders and Congress seem willing to give up our Nation’s independence to the WHO (World Health Organization) and the WEF (World Economic Forum), entities that only wish to see the demise of our Nation as we will be burdened with the plan for subsidizing the costs for “developing” nations. We are OFFENDED at the lack of Democratic concern for non-citizens voting in our elections, and their unwillingness to ensure only legal, verifiable votes are cast on time. We are OFFENDED at the current government’s push to diminish our Second Amendment, the right to bear arms, the ONLY thing that keeps our current government from becoming another dictatorial British Crown. We are OFFENDED that “famous” people feel a need to influence their followers to vote a certain way, all the while alienating half of their following. We are OFFENDED that abortion rights continually are thrown into election debates as a primary concern when the question of abortion only impacts an extremely small fraction of our society. We are OFFENDED that parents are being excluded more and more from decisions made about their own children in the education and healthcare arenas. We are OFFENDED that our current government continues to allow foreign investors to own and control many of our manufacturing, food processing, and healthcare functions and facilities.

We suppose if we were to take several hours to review all those things that OFFEND us, we would find the list above to be only the tip of the proverbial ice burg. Our response to all of those things that OFFEND us is to not look like the baby in the picture at the beginning of our blog. Stand up, suck in your lower lip, and put some words and actions to your being OFFENDED. Our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY are dependent upon you, not just your words but also your actions. Speak as though your FREEDOM and LIBERTY depends upon it . . . because it does. Act as though your FREEDOM and LIBERTY depends upon it . . . because it does. Vote for a change at all levels in our next election, for if the status quo is maintained, our Republic will be lost and will join the list of failed nations in the dustbin of history.