On May 28, 2024, Anthony Blinken, our current National Secretary of State, made the following statement at a recent press conference. “Over the past few weeks, Ukraine came to us and asked for the authorization to use weapons that we’re providing to defend against this aggression, including against Russian forces that are massing on the Russian side of the border and then attacking into Ukraine.” “And that went right to the President, and as you’ve heard, he’s approved use of our weapons for that purpose. Going forward, we’ll continue to do what we’ve been doing, which is as necessary adapt and adjust.” The referenced article stated, “It is the second time this year that Biden has quietly relaxed his policy on weapons supplies for Ukraine. Earlier this year, he bent to calls to send long-range missiles known as ATACMS to Kyiv.” (usnews.com; May 31, 2024; By Reuters.) Another report said this, “While Washington ‘does not encourage nor enable’ Ukraine to use U.S.-supplied weapon systems outside of the country, it is ‘fundamentally’ Kyiv’s decision how to use those weapons, U.S State Secretary Antony Blinken said at a press conference. A journalist asked Blinken about the U.S.’s hesitation to provide Ukraine with long-range Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) allegedly caused by fears Kyiv would use them to strike Russian soil. ‘When it comes to how Ukrainians use these systems, the targeting decisions are theirs. They’re not ours,’ the official replied.” (yahoo.com; September 16, 2023; Dinara Khalilova, The Kyiv Independent news desk.)

Why our current occupant of the White House and his rouge minions feel it necessary to “poke the bear”, Russia, is beyond our ability to comprehend. Those in current leadership have made it clear, even before the start of conflict in Ukraine, that our Nation desired to see Ukraine join NATO. In the Bucharest Summit Declaration, issued April 3, 2008, it was made clear that eventually Ukraine will become a member of NATO (politifact.com; April 14, 2022; Bill McCarthy). Russian has the highest number of nuclear weapons (worldpopulationreview.com; 2024). WHAT CAN GO WRONG ON THE EDGE OF A CLIFF? Russia had considered a non-aligned Ukraine as a buffer between itself and NATO. The simple threat of removing that buffer has brought on this conflict.

It is hypocritical of our current government inept leaders to boast of weapons withheld from our ally Israel for use against Hamas terrorists in Gaza, their remaining fighters in Raffa who profess the annihilation of Israel and America, but seemingly in the same breath will provide long-range weapons to Ukraine who is NOT an ally OR a member of NATO. Our current tyrannical government leaders will dictate terms of use to Israel but will “wash our hands” if Ukraine uses our weapons against targets within Russia, by claiming Ukraine has the right to make their own decisions and targeting decisions. Duplicitous and conflicting National policy. It is obvious that those in current control of our National levers of power love Ukraine more than Israel and hate Russia more than Hamas. The “why this is” is yet to be determined, but we believe it to be over the potential financial benefit from the continued production of weapons, and those who manufacture them, and the expected billions of dollars to be skimmed off during any type of reconstruction of that which has been obliterated. Our feckless government now in control is the same fault-filled government that caused the death of military members in the failed retreat from Afghanistan, has abandoned ELEVEN of our U.S. Embassies around the world (dailysignal.com; March 18, 2024; Tony Kinnett) and continues to see conflicts and wars pop up all over the world while telling our citizens abroad to flee for their lives. Our citizens do not desire to inflict pain and suffering upon the Russian people, or anyone for that matter. Pompous, ego-filled men have found it very easy to send our citizen’s sons and daughters into war, offering up their life and limb to feed the empirical desires of these ruthless, amoral leaders. These types of leaders follow the three “Ps” of management, Piss Poor Planning. But we believe the driving force of the three “Ps” is Prestige, Profit, and Power.

The current occupant of the White House is now aiding the expansion of the Third World War by allowing China and the CCP to infiltrate our Nation by military-aged men coming across our Nation’s boarders, allowing the flooding of our Nation with fentanyl and other opiates killing thousands of our citizens every month, by allowing enemies to obtain our farmlands and food processing plants, and making us too dependent upon green energy-type skeptical projects like EVs, wind turbines, batteries and their materials. Now, another front is opened up on this war against our Nation, and that is our current National leadership pushing this war with Russia, using Ukraine as our proxy while using our weapons of war. The current of the occupant of the White House is injecting our Nation into another Mid-East war by building a pier supposedly to give humanitarian aid. What we learned over the last many days is that the pier was poorly conceived and has become, for the most part, a 300-million-dollar anchor pulling us into this war. “The Gaza pier mission got off to a troubled start after U.S. soldiers and sailors stabbed the floating pier into a Gaza beach earlier this month, with the flow of aid temporarily interrupted when delivery trucks were overran, resulting in the death of at least one individual, The Associated Press reported.” (armytimes.com; Sunday, May 26, 2024; Beth Sullivan.) Several of our soldiers and contractors have been injured (one critically) in this endeavor. More blood and treasure given by our Nation, financial treasure that only further inflates our National debt soon to be pushed beyond the point of recovery.

Do you think we are upset here at FREEDOMGOFORTH.COM? YOU BET! And now, the current occupant of the White House and his puppeteers have made every effort to take his leading opposition in the November election off the campaign trail by constructing zombie cases, in deeply blue areas of our Nation, finding him guilty of bogus claims, and soon will possibly have him imprisoned or placed into house arrest for months pending appeal. If all of this fails to stem his burgeoning pole leads, these same characters will potentially orchestrate his death. Our three letter rogue agencies have in the past been proven effective at taking out national leaders permanently. Already subpoenas are flying all over the Nation accusing anyone having anything to do with the previous president. The reckless actions of this current administration are attempting to alter the trajectory of National election by causing fear leading to inaction for anyone or group opposing the current administration. This is blatant election interference on multiple levels, and if not stopped, will be the cause of our Nation’s demise.

It is past time for our SCOTUS (Supreme Court Of The United States) to become proactive and go on offense to stem the abuse of our Constitution by these rouge judicial agencies and their obviously biased and conflicted jurists. Always only being reactive allows events to have negative impact before being reviewed and corrected. It is time for SCOTUS to be the thermostat, not simply a thermometer. We all know that once the toothpaste is out of the tube, you cannot put it back in. We all know that words or actions once taken, cannot be unspoken or undone. SCOTUS injected itself into the “Hanging Chad” issues in Florida in the 2000 election, because it was a “broad social issue”. It is time to consider this again. It is time to ask for a Writ of Certiorari, under the Act of 1925 by the same name. It is time to Grant Certiorari. The former president’s lawyers need to ask for it. Wake up Chief Justice. It’s time to act. WHAT CAN GO WRONG ON THE EDGE OF A CLIFF? Our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY can be lost forever.