Is Chicken Little stoking fears and creating alarmism?

Most of us are probably pretty familiar with the folk tale of Chicken Little. If not, then we are certain you have heard the phrase “THE SKY IS FALLING”, which comes from the tale of Chicken Little. In short summary, Chicken Little is walking in the woods, and she gets hit on the head by a falling acorn. She immediately surmises that the “SKY IS FALLING”. On her way to warn the king, she encounters other birds who believe her with no actual first-hand knowledge of the encounter with the acorn. On their way to the king to provide warning, they are met by a fox who cunningly leads them away from the king and to his den where the entourage is never heard from again. “We might [summarize] the moral messages of the story as follows: 1) don’t form incorrect conclusions from insufficient data; 2) don’t stoke fear in others without good cause to do so; and 3) don’t take other people’s word for things, especially when those other people are making extraordinary claims (which should require extraordinary evidence). (

There are many ways we can relate this tale to current world events. Anyone with a megaphone can espouse their beliefs without adequate proof or justification. Anyone willing to believe the user of the megaphone without first-hand knowledge or personal experience can be equally at fault for believing anything they may be told. Finally, believing a falsehood can lead to your destruction. The story of “the boy who cried ‘Wolf’!’ is a similar tale although in that telling the meaning is clearer. The Chicken Little tale dates back to the Danish folklorist and scholar, Just Mathias Thiele (1795-1874). In America the Chicken Little tale ” had already been [popularized] by John Green Chandler, with the help of Sarah Josepha Hale (1788-1879), who is best remembered for writing the rhyme ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb’ and for campaigning to have Thanksgiving recognized as a national holiday in the United States.”

“The Chicken Little story continued to enjoy popularity in the twentieth century, with Disney producing a short film in 1943 warning about mass hysteria, with specific reference to the Nazis. The 2005 Disney adaptation completely changes the plot by adding aliens whose spaceship, or parts of it, really do fall from the sky, and, in doing so, misses the moral message (or messages) of the fable: in this version, Chicken Little is right to spread mass fear among the townsfolk and is thus vindicated.” (Same reference as before.)

So, why are we talking about the Chicken Little tale? Chicken Little was falsely reporting a past event. In our blog today, we are prognosticating future events. While we do not have any actual proof of events that may transpire, nor do we possess a “crystal ball” telling all, and while we have no idea how to “read the tea leaves”, what we can do is lay forth possible events that, based upon past events, can only lead to potential outcomes. With less than three months until arguably the most important national election in our Nation’s history, we will predict two different outcomes depending upon the election results. The events will begin to occur in mid-September and will likely continue deep into 2025.

The current conservative opposition candidate for the office of President of the United States is due to be sentenced on September 18 following the fraudulent court case. It is likely that the biased judge will rule that some form of detention is warranted, either in prison or house arrest in state. This will prohibit the candidate’s ability to campaign throughout the Nation and any temporary release may only occur at the discretion of the judge. This is obviously election interference. Those on the political right will be incensed, although the outcome was predictable, and will undoubtedly bring animosity toward the left to a fever pitch. Outrage will be evident, but the current government and social media’s attempts to censor free speech will only exasperate the animosity and some violent acts will be orchestrated to further lockdown dissent by conservatives. This is only the beginning.

The election in November will be tight, and outcomes may not be known for days leading to the distrust of voting systems and numbers. Lawsuits will fly in both directions, and the predictable dismissal by courts will be “lack of standing”, as has happened since 2020. Few, if any, judges will be brave enough to risk their employment and futures by making courageous and constitutional decisions in favor of the political right. Historical precedence is already the determinative factor. Once the election results are made final, and Electoral votes established, there are only two outcomes possible.

OUTCOME NUMBER ONE: Should the conservative candidate win, the opposition will take to the streets in every major city to protest the election results. Riots will occur, and many cities, institutions, structures and statues will either burn, be ransacked, or defaced in ongoing street protests. Many citizens will be hurt, and many law enforcement officers will be harmed as well, some of both will die. National Guard forces will need to be federalized to quell the violence and destruction. Some conservative businesses and individuals will feel it necessary to use fire power to provide protection which will only further exasperate the lefts incessant efforts to bring down our democracy, for which they touted a need to protect just a few months earlier. The new year of 2025 will be one to forget, one filled with rebellion, destruction, and anarchy.

OUTCOME NUMBER TWO: Should the liberal candidate win, many protests from the right will be initiated. Several will be infused with members of the FBI and CIA, among others, to exacerbate the destruction and violence that will be encouraged. This is all the current administration needs to further crack down upon dissenting civilians. Force will be used to invaded private homes and businesses bringing many into custody, into courts, with convictions leading to years in federal penitentiaries throughout our Nation. Opposition to the current elected government will be forced underground, and fear will reign supreme among the conservatives. The “Two Party System” in America will cease to exist, and a new era of political rule will take its place, forcing all into compliance, and if not compliant, limiting the FREEDOM and LIBERTY of conservatives to participate in commerce, speech, participation, and travel anywhere in our Nation and even throughout the world. World conflicts will increase. Inflation will again rule the roost, and food and other material supplies will run short due to the diminishing of fossil fuels and the premature governmental push to non-supportable EV and other similar mandates. A counter insurgency will develop, and our Nation will fall prey to other world nation’s attacks, both with kinetic and “Non-Kinetic Threats” (for further clarification please read “444. Non-Kinetic Threats and the Threshold Spectrum of Strategic Endgame Warnings”) (; Robert McCreight; May 11, 2023).

Either way, the immediate future is not bright. We do not want to stoke fear, but we do want all to be prepared for possibilities. Before the election in November, stock up on food and water supplies. Provide for adequate defense for yourself, family, and friends. Do not succumb to “irrational exuberance” but be predictive and smart. Our FREEDOM and LIBERTY are at stake. We are not “Chicken Little”, but we are not stupid either.