THE OSCARS. Good luck finding a theater showing the winner of the best picture at this year’s OSCARS. Maybe you will find it on some streaming service or digital provider, for a fairly nominal fee. It opened up at around 1500 theaters when released on October 18, 2024. By early January it was showing in only around 100 theaters. It has generated almost 16 million dollars in revenue. As of February 28, 2025, it has been showing at 808 theaters, but earning only a paltry $331 per theater, now 20 weeks in distribution ( It has been one of the lowest grossing “best pictures” ever. The more recent “Wicked” has grossed so far around 461 million domestically and over 700 million worldwide at the box office (; January 19, 2025; Richard Nebens). The supporting cast of ANORA has names you would not recognize, let alone be able to pronounce, but since it has as the lead character, a New York stripper, marrying the son of a Russian oligarch, what else would one expect.
What is so “wonderful” about ANORA that makes this movie the pick of those who vote for winners of the OSCARS? That can be a very long discussion. We will do our best to summarize a few of the influences. In previous blogs we have proven that we live in a chemical soup. Our farmlands are polluted with “forever chemicals”, human and animal waste turned into sludge spread all over many of our Nation’s farmlands. We live on pills, from opioids to fentanyl, from vitamins to supplements. Our bodies are bombarded with energy from our phones to Bluetooth devices, from radio and TV waves, from X-rays to all forms of radiation. Consider the rise in transgenderism and the effects of DES (DiEthylStilbestrol) and Atrazine. It is truly amazing how well most of our bodies endure these unseen invasions. Maybe we do not endure them as well as we think. Autism, ADHD, Genderism, and all forms of dementia and Alzheimer’s, coupled with multiplicity of cancers, might signal these intrusions do have an impact. What are the causes of all these things? One thing is for certain. You cannot find what you do not look for. If we do not look for the source of these pollutions, we will never find the causes and potential subsequent solutions. The power of instant wealth overcomes the concern over future impacts. But there are also social and spiritual influences that affect our consciences and morality. Since the 1960’s, progressivism and liberality have worn away at more conservative limits and barriers, and most of us have all become more tolerant of perversions, depravity, and even sinfulness. Yes, we have polluted ourselves in multiple ways. So, we now come back to the movie, ANORA.
Many movies gaining more wide acceptance and popularity have been shunned by the OSCAR voting academy. Over the last many months, the academy will not consider nominations of films that do not adhere to DEI (Diversity Equity and Inclusion) standards, where quotas are mandated with respect to race, gender, and unfortunately the unspoken or unwritten acceptable ideology. Keep in mind that the Hollywood crowd loves to pass awards around to each other, for they live in a bubble created by their own narcissism. Wikipedia describes ANORA as a “black comedy-drama”. The movie centers around a prostitute stripper and strip clubs and follows sexual encounters. The “F” word, or derivatives thereof, are used around 500 times. One of the more evolving influences upon the OSCARS is that over the last few years a growing list of international voters have gravitated toward more independent films, those often debuting in the Cannes Film Festival in France, as did ANORA on May 21, 2024, where it received critical acclaim and won the Palme d’Or, or Golden Palm, the French word for the Best Feature Film.
We love hotdogs. At any barbeque we often give choices of hamburger patties or hotdogs. Each to his or her own. We do not mean to disparage OSCAR MAYER WIENERS in any way. They, or any competitor in that marketplace, are a National standard at many festivals and holidays. The point we want to make today is that the movie ANORA is truly a “wiener” of a movie. It may have won some passing award, but it will never win the hearts and minds of those who treasure conservative values, and those who truly love our great Nation built upon the foundation of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, all set in the pursuit of individual FREEDOM and LIBERTY, given to us not by any nation, or any person, or any awarded film, but only granted to each of us an “inalienable” right by our Creator. To Him be all glory, praise, and thanksgiving. Shun the movie ANORA for it is only one of many attempts to thrust us more deeply into the pit of smut and debauchery. Instead, cling tightly to Him who promises eternal life.