We’ve probably all played the trick on another adult or child where we tell the person to “look over there”, while we steal something from them “over here”. It could have been a piece of candy, a potato chip or French fry, or maybe we switch plates or drinks. When the person looks away, we quickly take possession of our prey of choice, or make the swap. Regardless of the item acquired or switched, when we are the instigator of this “practical joke”, we do so at the expense of another who is unsuspecting and maybe naive. One thing is for certain, the instigator uses verbal power, or words, at the expense the other. Words are a very powerful tool, to be used for good, or to be used for bad. If you are a believer in the Creation, then you know that it was not God’s hand that brought everything into existence, it was done by His spoken Word. Then God said . . .” (Genesis 1:3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26, and 29). Now that is REAL power. Created in His image, we too have power in our words, that can be used to His glory, or to our demise, or to the destruction of another. The “word” we want to focus on today is the word “DEMOCRACY”. Some are trying to pull a form of “bait and switch”, where what is promised is not what is given, or where that which is professed is not what is practiced.

Our “DEMOCRACY” is being corrupted. It is not the threat of future corruption; it is the act of current corruption. We have explained the concept of “PROJECTION” in a previous blog, but we need to review it once again for emphasis. In Psychology, it is “the tendency to ascribe to another person feelings, thoughts, or attitudes present in oneself . . .” ( In politics today, if I know I am doing something nefarious, I may use “PROJECTION” to accuse the other party of doing what I am doing in hopes of deflecting attention away from my own nefarious acts. When it comes to claiming the Republican party is going to destroy “DEMOCRACY”, we have only to look at what the Democrats are currently doing to destroy “DEMOCRACY”. While claiming that all votes should be counted, they deny that all legal votes should be counted. They have denied attempts to place a citizenship question on National census questionnaires, thus inflating the House of Representatives with bogus additional Representatives not based on legal citizens alone. They are encouraging illegal aliens to register to vote, knowing that it is illegal for them to do that without proper documentation. They continually deny attempts for voter I.D. (identification). They rebuff any and all attempts to prove the sanctity of election results, knowing full well that fraud will be found. If they were so sure that fraud was void in our elections, they would be first to step forward to prove it to be so.

Democrats have been so enraptured with their own definition of “democracy”, that they have been willing to subvert their own definition by throwing out over 14 million votes for the current occupant of the White House. Those elites in power have orchestrated a “soft coup” to replace him with one apparently less mentally compromised, who incidentally failed miserably and dropped out early in the democrat primary process. In the process of replacing their own candidate by their own power and design, they have negated those peon voters, like you and me, making their votes null and void. That is NOT “DEMOCRACY”. That is setting up an Oligarchy (government by a few), maybe even leading to an Autocracy (government by one).

So where does “GASLIGHTING” come into play. This is another word we have addressed before in an earlier blog post but will briefly review it now for your remembrance. It is the “psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one’s emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator.” ( It is a form of “Stockholm Syndrome”, where when you have been exposed to something for an extended period of time, you begin to sympathize with your captors and come into alignment with their cause. If everyone around you tells you the sky is really green, over time, you may become to believe it to be true, even though the sky is still blue.

Our “DEMOCRACY” is being corrupted. We have been told enough by the democrats that all other parties are a threat to democracy, that some may begin to believe it to be true, even though it is not true. We have been the victims of “GASLIGHTING”. We need to recognize that democrats are using “PROJECTION” accusing other parties of going to do what they themselves are doing now. We need to cut the strings corrupting our “DEMOCRACY”. Our FREEDOM and LIBERTY are in danger of being corrupted as well. Democrats will try to redefine those words, and attempt to expunge them from our founding documents, and even erase them from historical context and from memory itself. If you believe we as a Nation were better off four years ago, then there is only one candidate that can save “DEMOCRACY” within our REPUBLIC. You must vote for a change in the current leadership within Washington, D.C., not just for President, but for all Senators and Representatives, and all “down-ballot” candidates that desire a return to National sanity, to morality, to equal justice an accountability.