“Equal justice under the law is a phrase engraved on the West Pediment, above the front entrance of the United States Supreme Court building in Washington D.C.” (Wikipedia.) We have often viewed Lady Justice as a blindfolded figure holding the scale of justice in one hand and a sword in the other. The pros and cons, the good and bad, the right and wrong, weighing the innocence or guilt, are measured with the scale. Should the scales tilt toward the guilty, the sword is meant to execute the judgement. Unfortunately, sometimes the scale is not balanced properly, and inappropriate weight is applied to one side of the scale or the other, and Lady Justice is not wearing a blindfold. The unrighteous, those with evil intentions, often without fear of retribution and with severed conscience, will manipulate the levers of justice, and pervert the law to achieve their ideological agendas. Under our Constitution and Bill of Rights, this nefarious process was never intended by our Founding Fathers to be pursued in obtaining “equal justice”. However, over the last several decades, “equal justice” has in many situations and in many ways become “unequal justice”.
Most of us when we enter a courtroom expect those officiating to be unbiased in their proceedings. However, the reality is that though certain men and women have put on the black robe of judgeship, they cannot and often do not take off their mental robe of ideology. Even if they can disengage from the social influences surrounding them, depending upon their ruling, they can be susceptible to scorn, ridicule and persecution should they rule outside local or ideological expectations. If they serve in an elected position, they can be voted out of office and lose income and prestige when ignoring outside influences. It is unfortunate, but often the scales of justice are skewed and unfairly weighted to favor the vocal minority or ideological bent of the judge or Justice.
The newly elected President, along with many in support, have been unfairly targeted in prosecutions. They have been judged in areas where juries of their “piers” do not exist and where judges who rule have been proven to be ideologically aligned with the opposition. Lady Justice has been unblindfolded and the scales she holds have been unequally weighted, and she is merciless when unfairly wielding her sword of judgement. Can any of this injustice be undone? It becomes more difficult when the outgoing occupant of the White House has thrown out “preemptive pardons”, like rice at a wedding, to those who have no convictions. This form of pardon has never been tested in court proceedings, but we anticipate they may eventually make their way to the Supreme Court of the United States of America. They are federal pardons so state prosecutions and even civil prosecutions could be pursued should investigations reveal unlawful actions. There are ramifications for a person receiving a pardon. Even though that person may not have committed any fraudulent action, the stain of potential wrongdoing will hover about them for the duration of their life and beyond. Should they be brought into a court or other official proceeding, they cannot plead the Fifth Amendment, which under normal circumstances would claim that anything they might say could be used in their own prosecution. They will have to tell the truth and be expected to be forthright in their testimony. But do not hold your breath for any revelations of wrongdoing or admissions of guilt. Here is why.
There are many ways an individual can avoid telling the truth and making any kind of revelation that could lead to their prosecution, or to the prosecution of any other. Have you ever heard someone in a court of law or official proceeding, having been sworn in to tell the truth, say “I do not remember”, or “I do not recall”, or “I have no recollection of that”, or even “I have no memory of that”? There are probably many other iterations of these phrases that will be memorized and used. When you hear these phrases made in the coming months, be reminded that these people were in charge of our Nation. Their recollections are like those suffering from dementia. They will plead ignorance in areas in which they alone were accountable. They will be doing this as another way of avoiding accountability or prosecution. And let us not forget that should they be found to testify in courtrooms or other official proceedings where ideological sympathies reside, it is unlikely any justice leading to conviction will be forthcoming.
Do not despair. We do not base our National and individual FREEDOM and LIBERTY upon the outcome of any one person or group of individuals in any court or official proceeding. We base our FREEDOM and LIBERTY upon our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and upon our “unalienable Rights” “endowed” by our “Creator” (reference our Declaration of Independence). Put your trust and hope in Him. Give Him the thanks and praise due Him. “Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up” (James 4:10).