We’ve heard a lot about “THE GREAT REPLACEMENT THEORY”. Usually, it is referenced as a white anti-social conspiracy and has been used as a cudgel to demonize and build resentment against those who are conservative. However, there is much more to this than just a passing glance at a 30,000-foot level. The idea of “THE GREAT REPLACEMENT THEORY” dates back well before any political office aspiration by the previous President of the United States. It is said the theory was invented in 2011 by the French author Renaud Camus and had similarities to the “white genocide conspiracy theory”, popularized by the American terrorist David Lane in his 1995 White Genocide Manifesto. But that’s the view most modern-day liberals would like us to focus on. But the theory actually goes back to American nativism around 1900. “According to Erika Lee, in 1894 the old stock Yankee upper-class founders of the Immigration Restriction League were ‘convinced that Anglo-Saxon traditions, peoples, and culture were being drowned in a flood of racially inferior foreigners from Southern and Eastern Europe’.” (Wikipedia.)

To varying degrees, some of those philosophies hold true today. It is our aim in this blog to bring a greater focus on those things that exemplify “THE GREAT REPLACEMENT THEORY” in our Nation today. We challenge the reader to consider the idea of you being replaced as a citizen in our Nation today. When one looks deeply at all the various ways a citizen is being replaced in our society, we believe all honest readers will see the multitude of ways “THE GREAT REPLACEMENT THEORY” is alive and well and expanding in our Nation today. Consider, in no particular order, the ways you are being replaced in our Nation.

Gas vehicles are being replaced with electric vehicles (EVs). You as parents are being replaced by teacher associations, schoolboards, and city and county governments, supported by biased attorneys and judges. As a blue-collar worker, you are being replaced by illegal aliens who are glad to take your job at less pay. Your vote is being replaced by those not legal to vote and diminishes your voice in the direction of our government. Those seeking housing refuge have found illegal aliens occupying and replacing your spaces, often supported by our own government and NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) funding. God is being replaced in our nation by atheists preferring to consider big government to be their god. Our U.S. manufacturing base is being replaced by being sold to foreigners and even moved overseas. Our food exports are being replaced by the need to import food products. Foreign entities are replacing U.S. citizens as owners of land, food and manufacturing facilities within our borders. Many citizens are replacing criminals in jails for simply exercising their rights under our Constitution for FREEDOM of speech and rights to protest. Our Nation’s energy independence has been replaced with a need to import energy from nations unfriendly to us. Delusional government and industry leaders are trying to replace 24-hour base-load natural gas and coal energy with sources incapable of constant energy production, where solar only operates on an average of 7.5 hours per day and wind only 4 to 5 hours per day. Cheaper energy sources are being replaced by more costly solutions increasing energy costs. Transhumanism, replacing humans with Artificial Intelligence, is expanding out of control. The U.S. dollar is being replaced with agreements from the BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India, and China), among others, devaluing one of our Nation’s most vital commodities, the dollar as the world standard currency. Banking and cash transactions are in the process of being replaced with governmental controlled digital currency. The flood of illegal aliens across our Nation’s borders is outpacing natural born births because of decreasing marriage, lowering testosterone and sperm counts, infant mortality and miscarriages often associated with COVID-19 and the harmful effects of the often-mandated COVID-19 injections. National and world-wide peace is being replaced with growing wars and conflicts. World peace through strength is being replaced with weakness in our current government leadership. There is a push to replace our Electoral College with a popular vote where big metropolitan areas will dictate winners and losers. If the wrong party wins the election in November, one can be assured that the Supreme Court will be diluted, replacing the current count of nine, with four or more new Justices. In addition, at least two new states will be added to our union replacing the current balance by increasing the control of the winning party over any other. The current government leadership is laying the groundwork to replace our Nation’s independence with control dictated by world organizations and elite sociopaths in the WHO (World Health Organization) and the WEF (World Economic Forum). Our current cognitive compromised President is being replaced by one who had the lowest ever Vice-Presidential rating.

We are sure you could add to our short list. We will leave those additional areas in which you are being replaced to your own study and experience. One thing is for certain, “THE GREAT REPLACEMENT THEORY” is alive and well in our Nation today. The only way to ensure saving our FREEDOM and LIBERTY is to vote and make a change at all levels our government. Do not seek perfection in a President, for none are perfect. Do not be a “one-issue” voter. Remember King Saul was not perfect, nor was King David, who was an adulterer and murderer. Moses was also a murderer. The Apostle Paul escorted Christians to their death. God works His will through imperfect people. We are imperfect, and so are you. Make your vote based on issues of right and wrong, good versus evil. Ensure that you vote, and that those you know and have contact with vote as well, for the continuance of the greatest Nation ever upon this globe is at stake.