Buffering. That thing that everyone likes to see on their computer screen . . . . . . . . . or not. That endless circle of dots, dashes, or lines that seem to chase itself about, usually in a clockwise direction, like a dog chasing its tail. Is it a moment for self-reflection, a time to meditate upon your life, or is it designed to illicit dependence, frustration, anger and despair? Well, it may depend upon how patient you may or may not be. It is the device telling you that it is thinking about your request. It is trying to line-up its ones (1s) and zeros (0s) in an organized fashion to present to you that which you requested of it. It may be pausing your video while it attempts to load more video content. On occasion, it may continue seemingly indefinitely requiring you to start all over from the beginning, even to the point of unplugging your device, which by the way is a vastly better option than heaving the computer out your nearest window. By some, this infinite pattern has been referred to as “THE CIRCLE OF DEATH”, because what may or may not come up next, may or may not be what you had requested. In today’s ever-increasing internet speeds and with the development of more powerful computer chips, maybe just maybe you will see “THE CIRCLE OF DEATH” a little less frequently. We want to use this image and verbiage to illustrate the point of our blog today, and how our Nation, and in fact the world at large, seems to be stuck in “THE CIRCLE OF DEATH”, and that a BUFFER can serve a useful purpose.

Why do we often not learn from the past, and in turn end up repeating history? Why do we not look far enough ahead to more accurately predict outcomes and consequences? Maybe because too many in our society have become what we will call “microwave consumers”, wanting everything instantaneously, that any time we spend in waiting is a sin and an enormous waste of our precious time? Sometimes we fail to see results as we seek our power and wealth today. We may seek only for the betterment of ourselves, rather than for the benefit of our fellow man. If our world view is that our existence here on earth is only a chance happening, that our short life span is the sum total of our existence, then it is easy to see why so many seem to be in for all they can get now, not fearing the possibility of any kind of eternity for the soul. It is sad that for them their footprint in life is easily washed away as a rising tide wash away an imprint in the sand. For those who see the continuation of their soul after death, their imprint lingers long after, like a fossil imbedded in a rock, for many thereafter to remember, cherish and treasure.

Some BUFFERS are useful and should be encouraged. A border dividing nations provides security and stability for both sides. Our Nation’s southern border is like a sieve and acts like THE CIRCLE OF DEATH, bringing a continuous flow of illicit drugs, sex-trafficking, and grievous harm to many of our Nation’s legitimate citizens. The out-of-control spending habits of those currently in control of our Nation’s government bring with it THE CIRCLE OF DEATH to our economy by bankrupting our Nation. They have failed to provide a BUFFER, by spending only our income. We now spend more money paying interest on the debt our Nation has accrued, than what we spend on defense in our Nation. We invite THE CIRCLE OF DEATH as those who wield the levers of power within our Nation seek to steal the wealth from other nations, using other nation’s money for our own illicit purposes. The consequences of these actions will certainly undermine our dollar as the world’s dominate currency, forcing our dollar into an inflationary spiral for which escape may not be possible. The current occupant of the White House has allowed our Nation to be drawn into international conflicts which could lead to the Third World War. By not recognizing Ukraine as a BUFFER between Russia and NATO, those currently in charge of our Nation have not only failed to remember history but have also failed to predict future outcomes. By making our Nation once again dependent upon energy from other nations, we have lost the BUFFER that keeps rouge nations in check by allowing them to finance their efforts at world dominance, often at our expense, to our destruction. By shipping much of our manufacturing base overseas, we have lost our Nation’s BUFFER to be self-reliant and to insulate ourselves from nation-ending world events. By allowing social elites to dictate terms of FREEDOM and LIBERTY to our Nation through entities like the WHO (World Health Organization) and the WEF (World Economic Forum), we as a Nation have been led into subjugation by those currently in control of the levers of power within our Nation. By breaking down the natural BUFFER between many of our Nation’s news and social media conglomerates, and our current government leaders, we have allowed rouge agencies like the FBI and CIA, and other non-elected governmental administrators, to spread falsehoods, allowing them to squash the FREEDOM of speech guaranteed to our citizens by the First Amendment to our Nation’s Constitution. By allowing collusion between the Executive and Judicial Branches of our government, we have removed the BUFFER between the two and have allowed a two-tiered judicial system to run amok, unfortunately proving that our Lady Justice is not blind after all, and that her scales of justice have been unfairly weighted against any and all opposition to those currently in control of our Nation’s government.

THE CIRCLE OF DEATH has got our Nation by its throat and is choking the FREEDOM and LIBERTY out of our Nation’s citizens. If we don’t recognize those natural and normal BUFFERS, and see to their re-establishment, our Nation will be lost. If we don’t break free of THE CIRCLE OF DEATH, our Nation will be lost to history and join many others in the dustbin of failed states. What will you do to help change the course our Nation is currently on? Will you vote, and will your vote be one for the vast change in our Nation’s current destructive leadership, or will you sit silently saying you can endure whatever may come? But what of your children and grandchildren, and all who follow after you? If you fail to speak and vote for the re-establishment of sane, moral, and just leadership, how will those who have fought and died to establish and protect this great Nation before us view us in the here-after? Will we be considered among the honored patriots who have done everything within our power to save, and cause to endure, the greatest Nation that has ever existed upon the face of the earth, for the betterment of all?