This is one reason why women live longer than men.

“There’s a sucker born every minute” is a phrase closely associated with P.T. Barnum, an American showman of the mid-19th century, although there is no evidence that he actually said it” (Wikipedia). We are going to write briefly about SUCKERS, but in a way not directly expressed either by the short video clip above or by the phrase just mentioned. We want to discuss those types of suckers that grow at the base of many fruit, nut, and other types of trees. They also frequently sprout from surface roots surrounding trees. We don’t know about you, but we find them very annoying. We are not going to give any kind of horticulture advice, because that is not our training, but we do want to draw an analogy between SUCKERS and our current political government.

There is nothing good about allowing SUCKERS to thrive on a tree. SUCKERS can form for several reasons. Sometimes SUCKERS form as a result of a sick tree, maybe infected with disease or an infestation of unwanted organisms. Whatever the cause, SUCKERS draw away moisture designed for the tree and take away strength for more normal growth and health of the tree. SUCKERS normally grow near or at the base of a tree or can form on the tree trunk. It is not uncommon that SUCKERS can also sprout from surface roots some distance from the tree trunk. Wherever SUCKERS form, they all have the same negative effect on the health of the tree, and in fact if not removed, can eventually cause the death of the tree.

Now to draw the analogy with our current government. Inattention of our general populace has allowed infestations of disease and organisms to infect our National government “tree”. Our National “tree” has been infected with foreign money, personal ideologies that are rewarded with power and prestige, and with big corporate greed and influence. There are even “organisms” that have snuck their way into the very bark of our National “tree” operations. Their influence has brought in anti-nationalistic themes including Islamic and Communistic ideas counter to the themes of our Judeo-Christian heritage formed by our Founding Fathers. Without much notice from inattentive citizens, we have found over time that our National “tree” is sick. Toxic liberalism and racism have taken residence in our National “tree”. We have failed to practice routine maintenance required to maintain a healthy National “tree”. SUCKERS have formed when we weren’t looking, and most of us assumed someone else, usually our elected and appointed local and National Representatives, would tend to the duties of care needed by our National “tree”. We were wrong to expect those we put in charge to carry out the needed maintenance without our constant observation and communication. For the most part, they have failed, and so have we. Most of our National citizens became disengaged from politics and the need for personal involvement. Many even failed to vote, being too busy with Facebook, TikTok, other social media points of contact, or being fascinated with our smart phones, and the multiplicity of apps and games that have consumed our hours, our lives, turning us into hypnotized drones.

Maybe, just maybe, many of us have in fact become SUCKERS. We have allowed our Nation to become sick with multiple infestations and dangerous organisms. Maybe a few of us have even aided in the infection of our once great Nation. But it is never too late to change course. We, ourselves, may never see the direction of our Nation reversed, once again becoming the Nation our Founding Fathers desired. It may take more than a generation or two to undo the damage that has infected our National “tree”. But our FREEDOM and LIBERTY are stake, and it will require action from all who are patriots believing in the founding principles described in our Constitution and Bill of Rights, to speak boldly, act proudly, defend against persecutions, support the defenseless, and uphold truth, morality, and justice. Pick up your sheers and start trimming down those SUCKERS that continually drain needed nutrients and energy from our National “tree”. Apply the needed salve to heal our National infections and begin to root out those organisms that have burrowed deeply into the bark of our National “tree”. This is not a job just for our elected or appointed Representatives. It is a job for you as well.