The progressive’s failure in the most recent National election does not represent the sum total of their existence. Their rise, the dangers they continue to present, and their eventual demise, can be traced through history and their future can even be foretold. The story of Medusa has many iterations, but the core of the story basically remains true in all versions. It is interesting to note that in this one story alone, abuse, deception, and the evil influence by Greek gods, reveal their many flaws also present in humans. In Greek mythology, Medusa was born beautiful, but was raped by Poseidon in Athena’s temple, and then cursed by Athena with ugliness and her hair became snakes. Thereafter, all that looked at Medusa would turn to stone. Persius, son of Zeus, was sent by Polydectes on what was believed to be a one-way-mission, to destroy Medusa, as well as Persius in the process. Persius, however, received help from Hades who provided a magic helmet providing invisibility, a bronze shield from Athena, which Persius used to slay Medusa by viewing her in the shield’s reflection, a sword from Hephaestus, and winged sandals from Hermes allowing his escape. We believe there are some analogies to be drawn between the story of Medusa and today’s modern progressives. Similar analogies have actually been made over the last many decades with other national leaders and movements throughout the world. While we readily confess that Greek mythology carries no weight in the reality of our spiritual world, to consider parallels helps to view political realities in an interesting light.
The Rise of Progressive Medusas. We would be among the first to admit that through the decades, women were often regarded less than men, often carrying values comparable to animals. Their abuse was wrong, demeaning, and sinful. As a consequence of the treatment of women, the road to parity has given women, often in a roundabout way, power which can also be destructive. As women have gotten stronger, many men have gotten weaker.
The Dangers of Progressive Medusas. Those who broadcast the progressive agendas have invoked fear among conservatives. Their desire and ability to create havoc in the lives of others cannot be disregarded. They have many allies within the legislative, legal, and social branches of our Nation’s systems. Conservatives are often prevented from speaking freely and engaging in opposing ideologies. They are demeaned in public with false accusations and pursued in courts with frivolous lawsuits. The stare of public ridicule, and the bite of snake-like actions will turn many conservatives to stone, making them ineffectual in the domestic and political arenas.
The Demise of Progressive Medusas. The defeat of progressives will not come without the aid of a supporting cast of characters. Those who aid in the destruction of progressives need to rely upon many with whom they would not normally be in alignment. It will take all the tools of numerous supporters to slay (metaphorically speaking) the progressive Medusas. The most important weapon that progressive Medusas have must be used against them for their demise. They often “project” upon others that which they do themselves. Defenders of FREEDOM and LIBERTY must “reflect” this weapon back upon them. Conservatives must expose this weakness using all available tools and processes. Once the progressive Medusa’s “evil power” is thwarted, and their ability to rule the lives of others is halted, only then can the evil influences within our Nation be diminished. But we warn conservatives, that evil effects and consequences can still remain. In Greek mythology, the story of Medusa says that after her head is severed from her body, the drops of blood turn into snakes on the ground when carried away by Persius. The head of Medusa, even after her death, still has the power to destroy and turn others into a “stony” silence or action. All of this is to be expected within our Nation and conservatives must be on guard and ever vigilant, for the forces of evil will remain. The war to retain our Nation’s Constitution and Bill of Rights continues. Only the first battle has been won. The war continues on, and your involvement to save our Nation is imperative. Never give up or give in. Never retreat. Never relax. Fight! Fight! Fight!