Last week we were shocked with the attack on the people of Israel. An INVASION took place. Thousands of rockets filled the skies. Border fences were breached. Israelites were pulled out of their houses and shot in the streets or taken captive, including children. This attack was on a proportional scale to the 9/11 attack on the U.S. in 2001. Hamas and Iran have called for the destruction of Israel for years and have routinely through the years supplied weapons and attacked Israel. They have considered themselves to be in a state of war. Immediately following the invasion of Israel, Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu stated, “Citizens of Israel, we are at WAR” ( War can be declared before kinetic retaliation. We want to prove this to be the case in our blog today.

“On June 6, 1944, more than 156,000 American, British and Canadian troops stormed 50 miles of Normandy’s fiercely defended beaches in northern France in an operation that proved to be a critical turning point in World War II.” (; March 12, 2019, updated June 27, 2023; Dave Roos.) This is shown in the short video clip above. As of this writing, “ICE admits record 5.7 million migrants in US – [current President] wants to provide ‘medical services, housing’ to all.” (; October 12, 2023; Diana Glebova.) The number of illegal immigrants being “tracked” in 2019 stood at 3.26 million, and was the same in 2020, but jumped to 4.7 million in 2022, and now stands at 5.7 million in 2023, and this year is not yet done. “Those held in ICE detention for processing at the border or in facilities awaiting deportation are not included in the 5.7 million figure.” “The services for ‘all RRM [Release and Reporting Management] participants’ would include ‘legal assistance; psychosocial services; therapeutic services; medical services; food and clothing banks; housing; public transportation information; parental information; education information; and repatriation and reintegration services,’ according to the RFI [Request For Information] form published Aug.17.” “These services are designed to increase participant compliance with immigration obligations through information, stabilization, and support. Services will be individualized to each participant’s needs and may range from basic referrals to intensive direct assistance, the RFI form reads.” “They’re going to give legal assistance to illegal aliens at the taxpayers’ expense to fight the government.” “All the services combined are a ‘massive giveaway that are going to cost billions of dollars’.” “When migrants are admitted to the US to pursue asylum claims, most have to check in with ICE on a regular basis at an office in the area where they are staying. Others have ankle monitors or have to check in via an app with facial recognition.” “Only 194,632 migrants are being tracked by GPS or other technology in the ATD [Alternatives to Detention] program, ICE estimated in fiscal year 2023, meaning millions of migrants are roaming the country untracked.” (Same reference as above.) The government previously admitted to losing track of 177,000 migrants after they were released into the US, according to a Department of Homeland Security report. (; September 11, 2023; Julia Ainsley.)

“Among the more than 8.6 million people who’ve illegally entered the U.S. since [the current President] took office, at least nearly 1.6 million are ‘gotaways’. Gotaways is the official term used by Border Patrol agents to describe foreign nationals who illegally enter the U.S. between ports of entry and don’t return to Mexico or Canada. They don‘t file asylum or other immigration-related claims – they intentionally illegally enter to avoid being caught. Many have criminal records. They often run when they are pursued by Border Patrol agents or others in law enforcement, . . . They do not want to be caught.” “The data is considered a ‘best estimate’, agents have explained . . .” “It doesn’t adequately portray how many foreign nationals illegally enter because they simply don’t know how many there are. The data excludes the unknown number coming through who are undetected, and therefore, aren’t reported.” (; August 26, 2023; Bethany Blankley.)

Let us now compare the 156,000 troops who stormed the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944, with the 177,000 “migrants” (we declare them to be illegal aliens) who have been lost within the U.S. by our own government. We know how effective our fighting forces were in Europe during WWII, with less ground personnel. Now, add in the suspected 1.6 million gotaways we know about, not to mention the number that slipped by our Nation’s detection. We will admit that many of the gotaways, or those who we have lost track of, have little intention of doing our Nation harm. They may only be here to find a better life. But what if only 1 percent of them came stealthily, illegally, through our porous borders with the intent to do our Nation harm? Out of probably 2 million or more unaccounted for invaders, that very small percentage would account to 20,000 who may have intent to do our Nation and populace harm. It only took 19 hijackers to destroy nearly 3,000 lives on September 11, 2001, not to mention the tremendous toll it took on our economic system and disrupting the FREEDOM and LIBERTY of all Americans. Do you feel safe today, or do you feel vulnerable? We do not desire to be the voice of doom and despair, but we do desire to be a voice of reason, caution, and preparedness. We call out a warning as a watchman (Ezekiel 33:2-6). You might enjoy reading again the summary of the book we intend to write at the end of our current decade. We published that blog back on January 16, 2022, titled, THE LOST DECADE. Pay particular attention to chapter 8 on Immigration.

We have spent the majority of our time in this blog dealing with illegal immigration, and even though our current government leadership has not declared WAR on this invasion, there are other ways our Nation is at WAR, perpetrated by nefarious forces, some within our borders, some outside our borders. Consider the attacks on our Nation’s digital culture through ransom hacks and subtle intrusion into our lives via social media, and even computer chips placed within our TVs, phones, and robotic aids. These intrusions are an act of WAR. Consider the unchecked flooding of harmful chemicals across our Nation’s borders, killing thousands each and every month, drugs like fentanyl and other illicit opiates. This intrusion impacting our Nation is an act of WAR. Consider the release of COVID-19 upon our Nation. It wreaked havoc upon our economic strength, further bloating our National debt, now to limits from which we may not be able to recover. The release of this bioweapon was an act of WAR.

But not all acts of WAR came from outside our Nation’s borders, some come from within our Nation’s borders. Under the misguided push for “green energy” before we were able to gradually shift from fossil fuels to new energy sources, developed over time by scientific advancements, we have eroded our Nation’s ability to be energy independent, which has left us vulnerable to Nations seeking our demise. Because of our current government, we have also become dependent upon foreign nations to supply us with nearly everything we need to survive, from medicines, to wind turbines and batteries, to nearly all forms of manufacturing. We have even seen the current government attacking others within our own Nation who only seek to speak freely as guaranteed by the First Amendment to our Constitution. Many are being prosecuted and imprisoned, actions further dividing our Nation’s citizens. The current government has over-spent our Nation’s income and placed us into a financial crisis, which gets worse each and every week, creating inflation and reducing the value of each dollar in circulation, and putting our Nation’s dollar-standard in world commerce in jeopardy. All of these actions within our Nation, perpetrated by our current government leaders, are in fact a WAR being imposed upon our own citizens.

Yes, we truly have a WAR on our Nation, coming from many fronts, being invaded in many ways. The erosion of our own economic and political FREEDOM by our current government is leaving our Nation weak and vulnerable. Our Nation’s LIBERTY is under attack by multiple nations who seek our Nation’s failure and subjugation. We are at WAR. Unfortunately, many within our Nation are either oblivious to our state of affairs, or feel they are insulated from the effects of WAR. If you feel that way now, maybe you should contact an Israeli and have them give you some counsel.


Will the Feds be able to do this to you?

If you have any kind of mobile phone device, we are sure you were notified last Wednesday at 2:20 PM EST of a test initiated by our government to check out a warning system. For many, it may have come as quite a surprise, and for a moment, may have caused a slight skip in your normal heartbeat. After the event, you probably put your device down having recognized what was happening. What you may not have noticed is that the government knows who you are, and where you are, at any given time of their choosing. Does that concern you even in the slightest? Maybe it should if it doesn’t concern you right now. Our blog today will gaze into a potential future that should make the hair stand up on the back of your neck, and bring an awareness to how vulnerable you may become to any government incursion into your private life. We already are aware that some cell phones are trackable by their inventors, even when your phone is off (; June 26, 2023; John Bogna).

Crypto currency has been around for a number of years, and most of us know little about it, and probably have not invested in it as it is highly speculative in nature. Its value can fluctuate wildly from day to day and week to week, and like any investment, “buyer beware” is always the appropriate warning. We will not be discussing crypto today, but we will be talking about digital currency. On March 9, 2022, the current government administration threw its support by executive order behind further study and development of what could become known as U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), (; Jason Abbruzzese and Kevin Collier). Potential uses, deployment options, and regulations were to be evaluated by a wide variety of agencies.

So, what does the emergency phone test and the development of digital currency have in common? Let us now take a quick look at a potential future that could become reality sooner than one might think. Consider possible implications involving banking, taxes, government sanctions, security risks, and cross coordination between multiple agencies, corporations and institutions. In the article referenced above, “. . . David Yermack, a professor and the chair of the finance department at New York University” said “. . . the functionality could be reasonably simple, with transactions flowing directly to and from the Fed, sidestepping banks and payment systems . . .” Does the Fed involvement give you pause? Yermack also said, “If the cash is electronic, the government can just erase 2 percent of your money every year.” SAY WHAT?

If you have gone to any bank recently and asked for a cash withdrawal of, say, $15,000, the chances are pretty good that you will walk home without the cash in hand. Even though you might have $100,000 in your account, they will not have your money in that bank. You must pre-coordinate with the bank any large withdrawal of cash so they can have time to go get it from somewhere else. “In the U.S. the Federal Reserve dictates the amount of cash, called the reserve ratio, that each bank must maintain. Historically, the reserve ratio has ranged from zero to 10% of bank deposits.” “Bank reserves may be kept in a vault on-site or sent to a bigger bank or a regional Federal Reserve bank facility.” (; March 14, 2023; Adam Barone.) If you ever want to shut a bank down, just have quite a few of its clients at that bank go in on the same day and withdraw all their funds. At any given time, the money you may have in any bank may not be available in cash. Some of your cash has been “. . . lent out by the bank in the form of a variety of loans and securities. (; March 16, 2023; Rene Bennett.) Do you remember the 1946 Christmas classic movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life”? That is why that bank almost went under.

Do you remember the hype created over “Vaccine Passports”? We blogged about the dangers of being so carded back on April 14, 2021. Imagine now that a digital currency has been established in our Nation. What would happen? All of your money currently in any bank will be converted to a digital card you would have in your possession, like a credit card. In fact, it would most likely replace all of your credit cards. Statements for use of your card would be found only online. For those of you who do not do on-line banking, or do not know much about computers or even have a cell phone, you will have a problem trying to figure out how to access your account. If you have cash stored under your mattress or maybe in a home safe, you will have to bring it in to convert it to a digital value, and it will not be at a rate of one-for-one. You may only get credit for 70% on the dollar, so your $1,000 may only convert to $700. Why? Because the government doesn’t trust you enough with cash that you may have gotten illicitly, like any cash transaction in which you may have been a part. What happens to the other $300 you had in cash? The government takes it of course. If you try to keep your cash, you will not be able to use it for any legitimate transaction at any store or business, because they will only be allowed to use the digital credit card. The Black Market in cash transactions will flourish beneath the digital currency. If you are caught in a cash transaction, by any of the additional 87,000-armed IRS agents, hired with the reported 80 billion dollars (; May 28, 2023; Robert W. Wood), you will be arrested, prosecuted, and imprisoned.

Okay. Let’s say you go along with converting your cash into digital currency. Are there any risks to allowing the Fed to ride watch over your expenses? You bet! Suppose you mis-gender someone online, even out of simple ignorance; you might find your ability to use your digital card to pay for attendance at certain venues or events of your choice restricted or prevented. Suppose you speak in opposition to the current government’s ideology; you might not be able to even buy groceries or gas with your digital card. Suppose someone who knows you is arrested for peacefully protesting, because of your association with that individual, you too may find your ability to use your digital card throttled down and limited. It would be like when you exceed your monthly hour limits on your cell phone; your service slows down or is restricted, and you might be charged higher rates. If the Feds do not like what you have done, maybe they will charge you a fine and reduce the value of your digital credit card, or further restrict its use, with limited and complicated recourse.

Not only are the above scenarios potentially possible, but the simple fact that the government will know EVERYTHING about you because of having issued you your digital currency card. Everything you are, or have, or do, will be an open book to the government, and also to anyone who has nefarious intent to hack the information and take away your credits, your identity, your life. If you value your FREEDOM and LIBERTY, you need to do everything within your power to do your part to resist the government intervention into your personal affairs. The government has no need and no right to dictate what we can buy, when we can buy, where we can go, and what we can do. If we live within the established laws of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and if they are respected, we should be able to inoculate ourselves from tyrannical government and corporation interference. Let’s hope so. But as we have said before, hope without action is inadequate.


The blue barrel is you. The steel grinders are the elite financial institutions.

At FREEDOMGOFORTH, we do not claim to be financial experts. We are average Americans, just like you. However, like you, we have noticed that there is in our Nation today a financial pressure not before seen in our lifetime. What is being forced upon all of us is THE GREAT CREDIT CRUNCH. Even though the rate of inflation has been coming down from its high of over 9% just a few short months ago, it has not been brought down to the current government’s targeted value of 2%, and in fact has once again been on the increase the last two months. Mortgage rates hit 7.23% last month, “. . . the highest rate in more than two decades, according to Freddie Mac.” (; September 25, 2023; Robin Rothstein.) “The average 30-year fixed increased slightly to 7.42 percent as of Sept. 20 . . .” (; September 20, 2023; Andrew Dehan). Earlier this week, we found loan rates varying from 8.6% up to 9.7% (

If you were looking to buy a house any time soon, you can expect to pay a lot more, not just each month, but in interest paid over the life of the loan. When the previous President left office, the inflation rate was 1.9%. Had you been able to obtain a loan at 3%, with no money down, your monthly loan payment (mortgage and interest on a 30-year fixed $400,000 loan) would have been $1,686.42. At today’s rates, using 7.42% referenced above, with the same constraints, your monthly payment will be $2,774.98, a monthly increase of $1,088.56, or $13,062.72 per year! Over the length of a 30 mortgage, you will have paid an additional $391,882.54 in interest ($598,992.35 – $207,109.81; Can you afford that with your current pay, with the increasing cost of fuel and food, with local taxes continuing to rise, with the value of the dollar in your pocket or purse worth less and less each and every month? In the last 50 years, the value of the dollar “. . . has declined by a whopping 86% to $0.14.” (; March 21, 2022.) The value of the dollar has declined 16% since 2020 (

Last week, our Nation past 33 TRILLION Dollar in Debt! Our National expenses this year will top 7 TRILLION Dollars, but only gathers through taxes 5 TRILLION Dollars per year. If we don’t put a stop to our out-of-control spending, our Nation will add an additional 2 TRILLION Dollars to our debt each and every year going forward. How much is your share? Try over $97,000 per person, and over $251,000 per household. If you consider total U.S. obligations, “unfunded liabilities”, you can increase those values to over $361,000 per person, and over $935,000 per household. What are “unfunded liabilities”? “Unfunded liabilities are debt obligations that do not have sufficient funds set aside to pay them. These liabilities generally refer to the U.S. government’s debts or pension plans and their impact on savings and investment securities.” ( Are you prepared to pay this debt off? Could you even pay this off in the next 5 or 10 years? Chances are your answer is, “No”. Are you prepared and willing to entrust this debt to your children and the prodigy of all current citizens? If you are, then we will be frank, you are morally bankrupt and irresponsible.

What really got us started thinking about THE GREAT CREDIT CRUNCH, was the simple fact that over the last couple of months, we have stopped getting mailings from credit agencies wanting us to get their cards. What’s up with the credit agencies? Well, they are in trouble. If you haven’t noticed, many citizens and businesses are finding their credit limits being drastically reduced. They will spout their standard mantra that your card may not have been used recently, or maybe your good credit got mixed up with someone with bad credit, or maybe your credit score was reduced because you have gotten into financial difficulty. The reality is that the credit card companies are trying to mitigate their risk, especially during a downturn in the economy. Inflation has driven up credit card debt by billions of dollars recently. “Newly released data from WalletHub says U.S. consumers took on $43 billion in additional credit card debt during the second quarter of this year, ending in June. That’s more than triple the average amount of new debt households have taken on in that period since after the Great Recession of 2007-08. Total credit card debt and debt per household grew by about 8% from the year before, according to WalletHub, a personal finance website.” (; September 12, 2023; Marley Jay.) “Credit card losses are rising at the fastest pace since the Great Financial Crisis.” (; September 24, 2023; Michelle Fox.) “With interest rates going up, more consumers have missed payments on household debt.” “The increase in delinquencies and defaults is symptomatic of the tough decisions that these households are having to make right now – whether to pay their credit card bills, their rent or buy groceries . . .” The average credit card interest has now gone above 20% and will undoubtedly go higher. Auto loan delinquencies have increased from 2% to 3.5%, credit cards from 2% to nearly 4%, and consumer loans from 3 % to 5.5%. (; “Delinquencies rise for credit cards and auto loans, and it could get worse; August 30, 2023; Tory Newmyer, Aaron Gregg and Jaclyn Peiser.) It’s no wonder THE GREAT CREDIT CRUNCH is upon us. Credit card companies are facing losing billions of dollars due to delinquencies and defaults. “Almost 80% of Americans say they’re living paycheck to paycheck, according to a new survey by PayrollOrg.” “That’s 6% more than last year.” “More than a third of Americans have said they couldn’t afford to cover a $400 emergency . . .” “The PayrollOrg survey also shows that 34% of people would like to be able to access their wages earlier than their regular payday, an increase of 13% from 2022.” “. . . two-thirds of employees noting they’d have difficulty making ends meet if their next paycheck was delayed one week . . .” (; September 18, 2023; Erica Sweeney.)

Now, you have read the facts about THE GREAT CREDIT CRUNCH. You are in the middle of it. Only you can put a stop to it. Our FREEDOM and LIBERTY are on the precipice of being destroyed forever in our Nation. Contact your Congress Representatives and tell them to put a stop to their budget-busting, muscle-memory, automatic reflex, knee-jerk, lobbyist driven desire to spend more, be less accountable, and wallow in the filth of the lure of power and wealth in Washington D.C. Enough is enough! These who represent us in Congress are not spending their money, they’re spending OUR money, often on programs we did not ask for and do not want! It’s way too easy to spend someone else’s money, especially when one is not held accountable. Protect this land for those who follow us in life and stand with those who have gone on before us to set our Nation on a moral quest to be true patriots and defenders of the principals that have made our Nation and world a better place, where we serve our Creator, not any tyrannical government.

What Is Happening to America? “PLANNED-DEMICS”

Okay. We get it. We understand that throwing too many new words at you can be a confusing thing. “Just speak English”, is what we can hear. So, let’s make the word “PLANDEMICS”. Does that help? Probably not, because this is a new “word” too, and it is not a real word either, it is a word we have coined to help explain “What is Happening to America”. One little letter makes all the difference in the world to change one word into another. We have added the letter “L”, because it helps to explain the attempted destruction of our Nation. We will go back to the election of the last President, in 2016. Many things were PLANNED that has led our Nation to its current precipice. Let us explain.

Before that President’s oath of office was given, those who had lost the election declared it had been stolen, and to support their claim, a process was begun and a plan set in motion to claim that Russia had interfered in our election, and that the new elected President was in fact acting in concert with that foreign nation. The drive toward impeachments had begun. Simultaneously, the planned job of the administrative state, those permanent government officials, was to slow-walk and thwart as many of the elected leadership’s policies and programs as possible. The courts had to get involved. If you believe that all judges and justices are void of political bias, then we have some land to sell you, but you will have to wait until the tide goes out before we can show it to you. Those who wear black robes to officiate matters of law are as prone to influence and political sway as any other human. From before their tenure of service, many were appointed based upon bias, often in opposition to matters of the Constitution, it’s Amendments, and Bill of Rights, so began the plan to stack our courts with the judiciary unblindfolded with the scales of justice weighted in their favor.

In 2019 there were too many things going right in our Nation. Interest rates were low, home ownership was increasing, and those in poverty were being lifted out of its grasp. Those who wanted a job could find one, and it paid acceptably. Companies and jobs were returning to the U.S.A. Those nations in opposition, who taxed our products unfairly, were themselves made to suffer the consequences and were subjected to tariffs. Our Nation had finally become energy independent, no longer subjected to the oil cartels of the world. Illegal aliens crossing our southern border were subjected to our established laws and regulations, lowering their influx into our Nation. Minority unemployment numbers were decreasing to levels never before seen in our Nation. Those unfairly jailed were given second chances. Employment by women increase. The Taliban had been defeated; the caliphate crushed. Troops were coming home. For the first time in recent memory, our Nation was not starting another war.

The opposing political party had seen enough and were losing their grip on power, and ultimately, their source of wealth. So multiple plans were begun reaching into the core of our Nation’s enemies. Assisted by entities within our own Nation, a pandemic was allowed to spread around the world bringing our Nation to a grinding halt. Simultaneously, under the disguise of EUAs (Emergency Use Authorizations), and executive orders by multiple governing authorities, plans were developed to set the stage for the manipulation of election practices and methods. Without the authority of our Nation’s Constitution, governors and judges altered election protocols bypassing the authority of legislatures. Entities in opposition to the elected government officials, poured in millions of dollars favoring the opposition to the elected authority. Hackable voting machines and tabulators, previously admitted by multiple Democrats, those electronics containing “proprietary software” seemingly untouchable, were relied upon for election results. Challenges to potential election fraud, supported by hundreds of witness affidavits, videos and Geo tracking, were ignored by multiple courts as “not having standing”. The violation of our First Amendment, the right to freedom of speech, was throttled down by social media at the behest of government intervention, not to mention “THE EPHEMERAL EFFECT” which we covered in our last blog published September 17, 2023. The “PLANDEMIC” was working flawlessly. However, it was never imagined that the previous President, having apparently lost the Presidential election in 2020, would announce his bid to run for a second term starting in 2025.

Plans had to be once again brought into full operation. With the new leadership in Washington D.C., things began to disintegrate in our Nation. Inflation ran amok, the invasion of illegal aliens at our Nation’s southern border increased, a war in Ukraine became more important than protecting our own Nation’s borders and solving our Nation’s crime sprees, homelessness and addiction epidemic. The devaluation of our dollar and ever-increasing National debt continued. Add to the deterioration, the upheaval of multiple country’s governments around the world, and the growing threat of a Taiwan invasion by China, a belligerent North Korea continuing to fire missiles and further develop nuclear deployment, and Iran on the precipice of developing nuclear weapons, what else could go wrong? It was therefore necessary to make every plan a reality to prevent a return of the previous President.

“PLANDEMIC” had more to be thrust upon our Nation and its citizens. Those opposing the current government were hounded by government agencies. Parents, protesters, attorneys, podcasters, TV personalities, and even church goers were spied upon, harassed, some even arrested and incarcerated, and some were killed. Fear was part of the government’s plan. Indictments were forced upon the opposing party by biased grand juries, district attorneys, and the Department of Justice, and the prosecuting attorneys they had chosen. Election interference be damned, the previous President was targeted in hopes of preventing his return to the White House. Even now, the use of the 14th amendment is being used to prevent his name from appearing on state’s ballots. Efforts continue in an attempt to contrive a charge of insurrection, even though he asked his followers to protest “peacefully and patriotically”. However, the “PLANDEMIC” will continue to evolve. Should all efforts of the current government fail to prevent the possible return of the previous President, one cannot dismiss the potential for an assassination attempt. We have already seen others attempting harm upon Congressmen, Justices, and even opposing Democratic candidates. Unfortunately, it is likely that nothing will be left “off the table”.

“PLANDEMICS” are contrived to bring power and money to those who seek both power and wealth. As citizens of this Nation, we must always be aware of those attempts to limit our FREEDOM and LIBERTY. We must stand strong and be prepared to overcome the fear of retaliation, retribution, and attacks on multiple fronts. Be reminded that we are not alone. The majority of our Nation’s citizens stand with you. Speak the truth boldly. Avoid supporting those individuals, businesses and corporations that aim to do us harm. Let your voices be heard in Washington D.C. through your representatives. Trust in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. “What is Happening in America” can be determined by YOU! Never give up. Never surrender. We are not submissive to a tyrannical government, but only to our Creator and Savior. Serve Him with thanksgiving, bringing your life into His Will.


What you will be viewing below is a very short 5 second clip from the “Selective Attention Test” developed by Daniel Simons and Christopher Chabris, copyrighted in 1999. We do not want to give away the punch line, but if you have not viewed the full video of just over a minute and a half, we encourage you to do so now. You can find it on YouTube. For those of you who do not know how to access this short video, or who do not want to take the time, we believe we can make our point in this abbreviated video clip below. So, stop reading now and go view that video on YouTube, otherwise, view the short video clip below and count how many times the players in white pass the basketball to each other, then read the paragraphs following. The video is on a 5 second loop, so it keeps repeating. Only count for the first 5 seconds, or you will be counting all day.

Now that you have counted, did you come up with 2 passes? That is the correct answer. Did you happen to notice the ape walking in from the right of the screen? About one-half of all who view the full video fail to see the ape walking across the screen. In the long version, he even stops in the middle of the group and beats his chest. Some of the versions of this video even have the background changing color, and one of the members wearing black walking off the screen, usually unnoticed.

The point of this short exercise is to prove that we all can be subjected to “Selective Attention”. Sometimes that is by our own fault, simply being easily distracted and inattentive. Sometimes, it is because we have been manipulated by devious entities. This is where we derive our topic of “THE EPHEMERAL EFFECT”. Most have no clue as to what “EPHEMERAL” means, so let’s first define the word. EPHEMERAL means, “Lasting for a markedly brief time.” (Wordnik.) Synonyms would include “flash, temporary, brief, transient, fleeting, passing . . .” (

We are going to explain “THE EPHEMERAL EFFECT” by referencing a study conducted by Dr. Robert Epstein, an American psychologist, professor, author, and journalist (Wikipedia). He is a senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology. You will probably have a very difficult time finding the following article by “Googling” it. There is a reason for that which will become evident by reading the article below published November 6, 2022, in the Daily Caller. We repost the article in full below.

EPSTEIN: Google Is Shifting Votes On A Massive Scale, But A Solution Is At Hand


(Photo by FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP via Getty Images)

“My research team is currently monitoring online political content being sent to voters in swing states through more than 2,500 computers owned by a politically-diverse group of registered voters (our “field agents”), and we are concerned about what we’re seeing.

We are aggregating and analyzing search results on the Google and Bing search engines, messages displayed on Google’s home page, autoplay videos suggested on YouTube, tweets sent to users by the Twitter [now known as “X”] company (as opposed to tweets sent by other users), email suppression on Gmail, and more.

We have so far preserved more than 1.9 million “ephemeral experiences” – exposure to short-lived content that impacts people and then disappears, leaving no trace – that Google and other companies are able to use to shift opinions and voting preferences, and we expect to have captured more than 2.5 million by Election Day. 

In emails leaked from Google to The Wall Street Journal in 2018, Googlers (that’s what they call themselves) discussed how they might be able to use “ephemeral experiences” to change people’s views about Trump’s travel ban. The company later denied that this plan was ever implemented, but leaked content (including multiple blacklists) and startling revelations by Tristan Harris, Zach Vorhies, and other whistleblowers show that Google is indeed out to remake the world in its own image. As the company’s CFO, Ruth Porat, said in a November 11th, 2016 video that leaked in 2018, “we will use the great strength and resources and reach we have” to advance Google’s values.

Since early 2016, my team has been developing and improving Neilsen-type monitoring systems that allow us to do to Google-and-the-Gang what they do to us and our children 24/7: to track their activity, and, specifically, to preserve that very dangerous and persuasive ephemeral content.

Since 2013, I have been conducting rigorous controlled experiments to quantify how persuasive that kind of content can be. I’ve so far identified about a dozen new forms of online manipulation that make use of ephemeral experiences, and nearly all these techniques are controlled exclusively by Google and, to a lesser extent, other tech companies

These new forms of influence are stunning in their impact. Search results that favor one candidate (in other words, that lead people who click on high-ranking results to web pages that glorify that candidate) can shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by up to 80 percent in some demographic groups after a single search. Carefully crafted search suggestions that flash at you while you are typing a search term can turn a 50/50 split among undecided voters into a 90/10 split with no one knowing they have been manipulated. A single question-and-answer interaction on a digital personal assistant can shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by more than 40 percent.

In 2020, the 1.5 million ephemeral experiences we aggregated from the computers of our 1,735 field agents showed us manipulations that were sufficient, in theory, to have shifted more than six million votes to Joe Biden (whom I supported) – again, without people knowing they were being manipulated. Among other findings: Google was sending more go-vote reminders to liberals and moderates than to conservatives; that’s a brazen and powerful manipulation that would go completely undetected unless someone was monitoring. 

Our preliminary analyses of the data we have collected so far in 2022 are equally disturbing. In swing states, and especially in Wisconsin, Arizona, and Florida, we are finding a high level of liberal bias in Google search results, but not in search results on Bing (the same pattern we have found in every election since 2016). In several swing states, 92 percent of the autoplay videos being fed to YouTube users are coming from liberal news sources (YouTube is owned by Google). Unless Google backs down, it will shift hundreds of thousands of votes on Election Day itself with those brazen targeted go-vote reminders – and we will catch them doing so.

That brings me to some surprisingly hopeful news. Just before the November 3, 2020 Presidential election, I was so unnerved by the extreme bias we were seeing in our data that I decided to go public. Ebony Bowden at the New York Post wrote a powerful story about election rigging that might have made the front page, but on October 30, after a phone call between an editor and a Google official, the piece was killed – no doubt because the Post was getting 45 percent of its online traffic from the company in question. 

On November 5, however, three U.S. Senators sent an intimidating letter to the CEO of Google summarizing my preliminary findings, and the company instantly turned off all manipulations in the Georgia Senate races.

We were monitoring those races through more than a thousand computers owned by a diverse and undetectable pool of real voters in Georgia, and not one received a go-vote reminder. Even more striking, political bias in Google search results dropped to zero. I had thought that such a feat would be impossible, but Vorhies explained that Google can turn bias on and off “like flipping a light switch.” He also pointed me to leaked company documents such as the manual for the company’s Twiddler software, used for “re-ranking” search results. 

Will the article you are now reading change the course of history? Will it cause Google to take its digital thumb off the scales in our midterm elections? Whatever Mr. Pichai, its CEO, decides to do, we will know, and we will preserve the evidence.

And this time, we will continue to expand the monitoring system, and we will be monitoring content going not just to voters but also to America’s children. By late 2023, we will have a digital shield in place – a panel of more than 20,000 field agents in all 50 states – and we will shame Big Tech into staying clear of our elections and our kids for many years to come.”

Epstein has admitted that many, either on the right or left of a particular topic, are not influenced by much of “THE EPHEMERAL EFFECT”. However, those in the middle, those who are undecided, like many independents and moderates, can be heavily influenced by how “the deck of cards” can be stacked against them, or stacked in a way favoring one way of thinking or another.

So, why do many always “Google” something? When you say, “I am going to get something out of the fridge, do you really own a Frigidaire refrigerator, or do you own a Kenmore, KitchenAid, GE, or Amana, just to name a few. For those geeks out there, the term fridge” applies to a 15th century word meaning to “make cool again”. The word refrigerator was shortened to “fridge”, just as we shortened the word telephone to “phone”. Refrigerators have freezers in them, and so are distinguished from simple fridges ( When we tell someone “I’ll Google that”, we are falling prey to an entity that dominates about 90% of all searches ( There are alternative search engines, and we highly recommend everyone to avoid using the term “Google it”, and the Google search engine more specifically. Using DuckDuckGo is what we currently recommend. Your previous searches are not kept, which could allow a malevolent entity to use them for their nefarious purposes, and to front-load content favoring the corporate elite’s views. We are pretty confident that the vast majority of readers of our blogs have had no inkling that our Nation’s citizens are being so influenced by Google, but it doesn’t stop there. Yahoo, Siri, Hound, Alexa, Robin, Extreme, Jarvis, and DataBot are other search engines which can be easily manipulated either by human induced algorithms or simply with a flip of a switch. Sure, many see the main-street media as being biased toward the Democratic left, and many know that Washington D.C. is comprised of voters who vote Democrat over 90% of the time, but the real entities, operating covertly, having “THE EPHEMERAL EFFECT” on our FREEDOM and LIBERTY are often slithering under our doors undetected while we are unaware. Do not allow “Selective Attention” to distract you from total awareness. Be smart when searching for information, as too often the truth is buried in deception and lies or is simply vanished in the vast black hole of cyber space.


In less than two months from now, it will be quite normal to see many people wearing masks. It will be Halloween time and you may be attending parties leading up to October 31, 2023. The masks you may wear for this day, or these events are not the masks of which we speak today. Just like our blog from last week, we need to review a previous blog posted over two years ago dealing with the dangers of wearing masks. Last week we once again revealed how ineffective masks are in preventing the transmission of COVID. Already there are now schools and learning institutions mandating jabs and masks. Those who submit to these mandates are either illiterate of the facts about both mask use and the dangers of the COVID injections, or they are weak willed and are too easily persuaded to sacrifice their personal FREEDOM and LIBERTY. If you count yourselves among this group, we will not apologize to you for describing your ignorance or lack of National patriotism. You need to wake up and realize you are living in the United States of America, not some Communistic or Marxist oligarchy, under tyrannical dictators. Should you feel wearing a mask is your duty to others, we need for you to become aware of the facts surrounding the forced compliance of wearing masks, especially upon our young citizens. We will repost our blog from July 25, 2021, to reveal the facts for you so that you can make a better-informed decision when it comes to allowing others to force masks upon your children.


Why our government seems to always be a day late and a dollar short in responding to a crisis is not just frustrating, it is downright dangerous. Our government’s response to the CCP bioweapon has been atrocious as of late. Yes, we do call it a bioweapon, for why else manipulate and create a virus which has the intent of killing humans? The excuse of creating a killer virus so that we can have ready an antidote is only a conspiracy to keep funding unelected organizations which have the primary function of stuffing their pockets full of cash and boosting their egos along the way, mean while unleashing deadly pathogens that will never improve the human condition, either upon those who have damned their moral core when creating it, to those who suffer needlessly from its effects.

It has been proven for months now that our young people have little risk of suffering consequences from this virus. When it was clear early on that the elderly were the ones at risk, what did a couple of our governors do? They sent COVID positive hospital patients back to nursing homes and elderly care centers, who were not prepared to receive them, allowing the returning patients to infect others, increasing the death toll. Now that several of our government’s officials have brought about essentially the genocide of many of those from our Greatest Generation, they seem now committed to destroying the newest one. We blogged about the draconian mask mandates on March 21, “Masks vs COVID-19 – The Facts.” Requiring our children to mask up when going back to school, from pre-school to college, is not only pretty much useless against this virus, but now we are learning about the hazards of forcing our children to wear masks.

Here are just a few of the things we are forcing upon our children. Rational Ground reported that a group of parents in Gainesville, FL, sent 6 face masks to a lab at the University of Florida, requesting an analysis of contaminants found on the [kids] masks after they had been worn . . . . [they found] five masks with dangerous pathogenic and pneumonia-causing bacteria . . . . . The analysis detected the following dangerous pathogens on the masks.” Pneumonia, tuberculosis, meningitis, sepsis, keratitis and granulomatous amebic encephalitis, blood stream infections, UTIs – resistant to antibiotics, food poisoning, the cause of Lyme disease, diphtheria, Legionnaires’ disease, and that which causes severe infections – [with] high morbidity rates. “It’s amazing how nobody found COVID-19 on these masks . . . . (, Missy Crane, June 18, 2021).

An article by Dylan Housman, in The DC, July 1, 2021 titled “The Children Should Not Be Forced To Wear Masks Due To CO2 Levels, New Study Suggests.” This study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics section, found unhealthy levels of carbon dioxide after only wearing the masks for three minutes. Results found over 13,000 parts per million of carbon dioxide. The German law, under which the study was conducted, dictates carbon dioxide levels in a closed room cannot exceed 2,000 ppm, six times less than what the children experienced. There were 45 kids, ages 6 to 17, in this study. The levels increased the younger the child. One 7-year-old’s level was measured at 25,000 ppm!

It is a fallacy, and a crime, to mandate masks for our children as they return to school in the fall. To use the phrase: “IF WE CAN SAVE JUST ONE . . . . WE SHOULD mask up our children”, is a statement void of science and common sense. As of July 21, 2021, the CDC’s own website lists COVID-19 deaths since its release upon our Nation. In the ages from 0 to 17, there are 337 deaths listed that are attributed to COVID-19, that were confirmed “OR PRESUMED”. We still have questions whether “PRESUMED” means the same thing to all people. Of those 337, were there comorbidities? Some have argued that all of them had comorbidities. We also need to know if the tests done were conclusive to the diagnosis. In addition, we learned that a biker killed on his motorcycle in Florida was initially claimed as a COVID-19 casualty, until forced to retract that diagnosis after media questioning.

So let’s assume that there were actually 337 young people, who were completely healthy by all standards, who died because of COVID-19. How does this compare with other causes of death in our children? Using NSC (National Safety Council) statistics for 2019 (statistics for 2020 and following may not be available until 2022), for children aged 0 to 14, the numbers following are for each event causing death: Motor vehicle deaths – 1,282; Mechanical Suffocation – 1,240; Drowning – 920. Add in those up to the age of 24 and the numbers jump to 7,313 for motor vehicle deaths, and 1,660 for drowning deaths. If you add poisoning for ages 0 to 24, there were 5,190 deaths! So, unless you are willing to keep your kids out of or off of vehicles, keep them clear of all bodies of water (including sinks and toilets), take away from them anything that can be placed over their nose and mouth at the same time, and remove all pills and chemicals from your kids regardless of where they are, you are accepting risks for them much worse than COVID-19. If you want to make the fear over COVID-19 even more silly, let’s add in those aged from 10 to 24 who died in 2019 from suicide – 6,488, homicide – 4,965, Malignant Neoplasms – 1,792, heart disease – 959, or even unintentional injury – 12,535 (National Institute of Health information from the CDC). Unfortunately, you cannot always keep your child away from these risks, no matter how hard you may try.

By ignoring all of the risks your children face every day, why would you place them in situations where they are actually exposed to other diseases and infections, and force oxygen deprivation upon them by making them wear masks, knowing that the chance of them dying from COVID-19 is around 0.004 percent (337/100,000,000). They are not super-spreaders. They deserve better from us! TO ALL PARENTS: YOU NEED TO TAKE BACK CONTROL OF YOUR KIDS FROM THE GOVERNMENT AND TEACHER’S UNIONS. Do not allow them to be victims of tyrannical mask mandates, which are of dubious benefit, and in fact are harmful.



We’ve all heard this saying before: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!” There seems to be something about the human nature to forget the past and end up repeating it. How about this saying: “Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” Another way of saying it would be, “Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it.” Well, here we go again. Within the last week or so it has been revealed that our current government leaders, and those elite institutions who support it, have been quietly and subversively for the last several months laying out a plan to force “compliance” masks and jabs back on the weak, uneducated and fearful public. They may not be able to force complete lockdowns, but what they will be able to do is to force compliance by not allowing entrance into critical social and economic venues without demonstrating compliance. Many of these institutions and venues will bow to the will of the government for the simple reason they fear a government lawsuit being thrown upon them. This is not surprising since so many have already come under the judicial onset of late creating that fear by threatening and even forcing incarceration on so many current individuals. We covered the ineffectiveness of COVID-19 injections and mask mandates more than two years ago in several of our blogs. We cited the facts about the COVID aerosol and how masks were ineffective in prevention. So, for those who have forgotten, or for those who failed to read our previous enlightenments, we shall once again state the facts, the truth, in hopes of educating, or re-educating, our National citizens about the ineptitude and fallacious attempts that will undoubtedly be on our doorsteps within a few short weeks. Please read this carefully and share with your family, friends, and neighbors. All of our continued FREEDOM and LIBERTY are dependent upon your knowing and sharing the facts. We now re-blog our post from March 21, 2021.

We do not want to be alarmists, but we do want to expose the total risks presented by COVID-19. Masks do not cover the eyes. Remember when flu season was a big deal? We always heard, “Don’t rub your eyes with your hands”. The reason was that the flu bug could be transmitted to your eyes by your hand touching fomites (surrounding objects), bringing your hand in contact with your eyes, then potentially giving you the flu. We have been told to disinfect our hands often, but little to no mention has been made of the potential danger of contracting COVID-19 through the eyes.

Joseph Fair (urologist and epidemiologist, an NBC news contributor) claimed he got COVID through his eyes (NBC Today show; AARP June 10, 2020; and Web MD on May 26, 2020). Jon Brook, MD (Chief Medical Officer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) said, “The virus could enter the body through mucous membranes that cover the white parts of our eyes”. Dr. Thomas Steinemann (a clinical spokesperson, American Academy of Ophthalmology) said it is certainly possible that a person could get COVID-19 through the eyes. There is “emerging evidence” that people are catching the virus from droplets floating in the air (reported by CNN health; confirmed by the WHO). These are just a few examples. While the chances are greater contracting the virus through the nose and mouth, contracting it through the eyes cannot be dismissed. That is why the guy in the picture above is completely safe from the virus. He has eye protection.

Our eyes, nose and throat are connected by the nasolacrimal duct system. It carries tears from the ocular surface to the nasal cavity and down the back of the throat. We know this to be true, because when we cry, our nose runs. When medicine is placed in your eyes or nose, you will often feel and taste it in the back of your throat. Why have we not been so informed? Probably because the science on this is still evolving. After all, we were initially told to not wear masks, and now look at us!

When one sneezes, coughs, or is vociferous in speech, respiratory droplets are expelled, the larger ones are 5 to 10 microns in size. Some you can see, and they are heavier and fall down quickly. Anything smaller than 5 microns is too small to see with the naked eye. A micron is 1000th of a millimeter. For perspective, a human hair is typically 50 to 80 microns wide. Most masks do a pretty good job of catching these larger droplets. What about those microscopic particles called aerosols that can stay afloat in still air for long periods of time? The COVID-19 measures between .06 to .14 microns. Think of the virus as smoke or dust. The N-95 mask (so called because it is 95% effective in filtration) filters down to .3 microns. Do you see a potential problem here? To be fair, it is not like a mosquito going through a chain link fence. The virus is often bonded to something else, making it larger. Also, irregular thread filaments, reaching into the spaces between the woven materials, can snag the smaller aerosols, and not all aerosols travel straight through the mask, but may take an angular path, called diffusion. Still, one cannot guaranty 100% protection.

Considering that most cloth masks have holes between the weaves measuring 5 to 200 microns, some have suggested wearing multiple masks. However, being able to breath through a mattress of material is very hard, and the fear of self-induced hypoxia is real. Two perfect solutions exist. You can either goggle and mask up like the fellow above, or close your eyes and hold your breath. Last we checked, continuing to be able to breath was a good thing. Bottom line, masks are no guaranty of protection. There are risks in everything we do, but in our Country we must be free to decide what risks are acceptable.

At FREEDOMGOFORTH.COM we intend to eschew all venues, institutions, and facilities that try to force compliance at entrances. This will present many challenges. Some may have to forgo attending events you routinely attend, and for which you may have already paid. You may be ostracized by friends and family. You may have to alter how you buy groceries and products, using pick up services or deliveries. Your healthcare may become more difficult to obtain as hospitals, clinics, and practicing doctors may not allow your entrance for care, as they treasure their certifications and revenue more than they do our FREEDOM and LIBERTY. Our intention is not to harm businesses that support our FREEDOM and LIBERTY movement, but to throttle back the nefarious institutions that treasure their bottom dollar more than they do our Constitution and Bill of Rights. We have the power of the purse! Do not enable weak and woke entities through your commerce. We do NOT live in a dictatorship! We will not allow billionaires and major corporate elite entities to determine our FREEDOM and LIBERTY. They are a gift and right from our Creator, not from a tyrannical government!


“COGNITIVE DISSONANCE”, big words that most people cannot clearly define. Obviously, we are speaking of issues that determine how and why the brain works. There is much we do not know about the brain. If we did, we could prevent Alzheimer, and cure dementia. How and why “COGNITIVE DISSONANCE” exists is a mystery. We can define it. We can recognize it. But finding a cure is illusive. We’ll start first with simple definitions. “COGNITIVE” “. . . means of or relating to the mental processes of perception, memory, judgment, and reasoning . . .” ( This sounds like a very positive state of being. “DISSONANCE” “Lack of agreement, consistency, or harmony; conflict.” (Wikipedia.) This sounds like a very negative state of being. When the two words are put together, they seem to be somewhat opposing. Like two posts on a car battery, one negative, one positive. If you touch both of them together sparks will fly and you’re likely to get quite a jolt. Together, they function if used properly. It’s the Yin and Yang, “. . . a Chinese philosophical concept that describes opposite but interconnected forces.” (Wikipedia.) It can be similar to right and wrong, good and bad, love and hate. While not similar in meaning, they define opposing ends of the same spectrum.

For years we have wondered why some people feel strongly about one end of a particular spectrum, while others feel strongly about the opposing end. Is it brain chemistry or composition? Is it a brain defect or anomaly? While this may be true in some cases. as we explored in our series of blog posts on “TRANSPHOBIA” (April 3 – June 5, 2022), we believe that this may have to do more with early childhood development, teaching, training, experiences, and influence. We are more convinced each and every day that what we experience when viewing people on opposite sides of issues is more a form of the Stockholm Syndrome, where a hostage develops feelings and sympathy toward their captor. At first glance, this may seem to be quite a stretch, but let us explain. For example, if you are a student in a class, you are basically a “hostage” to the one who is teaching who has “captured” you for that class. If you are being taught a hard subject like calculus, over time you develop the same understanding as that of the one teaching you. You have learned calculus, and it becomes part of your mental makeup. You may or may not have chosen to take the calculus class, but the end result is the same, you have learned calculus. For a person who never had to learn calculus, but who was taught psychology, there undoubtedly will be issues they may not agree with the one trained on calculus, because how they were trained makes them approach issues differently. Much of what we believe has been part of our lived experience through many years. Some of that by choice, and some not. Our brains have retained those experiences, and we act and react to stimuli based on what we have mentally retained.

With a little background now as to why some people may not agree with your beliefs, we can now attempt to delve more deeply into the concept of “COGNITIVE DISSONANCE”. More examples are in order. People who smoke are, almost universally, aware of the dangers of smoking. You run the risk of personal lung and throat cancer, and if pregnant, smoking can have an impact on the developing fetus. Smoking can impact those around you in a negative way as well. The smoker KNOWS all of this and of the potential harms, but the pleasure derived from smoking outweighs the knowledge of the harmful effects. Similarly, a drug addict usually KNOWS of the harmful consequences of this habit, but for the perceived joy, pleasure, and respite from reality, they go against what they KNOW to be true, that doing drugs is harmful, not only personally, but to those with whom they come in contact. You don’t have to smoke or be a drug addict to experience “COGNITIVE DISSONANCE”. If your cholesterol is high, and measures to reduce it are directed by your doctor, you KNOW you should follow the doctor’s orders, but you may deny the professionally trained, reasoned advice since you love greasy, fatty foods. If you covertly slip some company pens into your pocket or purse at work for personal use at home, you KNOW this is stealing, but you rationalize this as maybe something the company owes you. Maybe you tell a lie. You KNOW this is not the truth, but in order to save face, or win your argument, you proceed anyway with your lie. You may have been told by so many of your social media contacts that something is true, that when you encounter opposing facts, even though you KNOW those facts to be true, you dismiss them as being false so as to not be shunned by your acquaintances. Jesus once said, “Keep watching and praying that you may not enter temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:41, NASB.)

Do you believe that you cannot teach an old dog new tricks? It is so much easier to stay in your “rut in life” once in it. Why take the effort to get out? It’s so much more comfortable in your “rut”. You are aware of your boundaries on your left and right. The road ahead has already been chosen for you. Besides, so many have gone before you in the same “rut”, so it must be the only way to go. When it comes to facts, truth, or even simple ideas contrary to your lived experiences, to not explore outside your “rut” is to be a “mental sloth”.

Our great Nation is in danger of collapse. There are those among us who inwardly KNOW the correct road ahead, but who have become accustomed to “COGNITIVE DISSONANCEand find it easy to ignore options beyond their lived experiences. They have been so indoctrinated, that ingrained within them is their “rut”, dug out for them by elitists, oligarchs, Marxists, socialists and Communists. We believe there are some 34 percent of our Nation’s voters who have severe “COGNITIVE DISSONANCE”. We may never be able to dislodge them from the “rut” in which they find comfort, solace, and social acceptance. The only sure way to counter those who have “mental sloth”, is to out vote them, out work them, out fund them, and stop supporting them in any way possible. If we are successful in overcoming those with extreme “COGNITIVE DISSONANCE”, we can expect their anger, hostility, destructive behaviors, and aggressive conflict. Our Founding Fathers put everything on the line to establish our Nation, their fortunes, their reputations, their very lives. If you treasure your FREEDOM and LIBERTY, it is incumbent upon each one of us to do our part, to be counted among them as National Patriots, FREEDOM and LIBERTY warriors, to boldly and unabashedly proclaim truth, practice justice, and live accountable lives.

What has happened to our FREEDOM and LIBERTY?

Most of our Nation’s citizens have become desensitized to the multiple ways we are hemorrhaging our FREEDOM and LIBERTY. This has not just occurred in the last two and a half years, but our FREEDOM and LIBERTY has been bleeding out for decades, and most of us have not a clue because it has happened so slowly over such a long period of time. We would like to wind the clock back several decades to see what life was like not so long ago.

Let’s take a historical trip back to the old west. Most of us can recall movies depicting life during the days of old. Maybe you have even seen pictures from that era. In order to see how far our FREEDOM and LIBERTY have slid away, we want to ask you a few simple questions. We’ll set the stage for our questions by allowing your imagination to take a trip back in time to the old west. You are viewing a scene where there is lots of open space, occupied only by some scattered sage brush, with nothing but a lot of dry dirt and revealing only what appears to be two parallel tracks on the ground about four feet apart. As you scan forward, this is what you see on those tracks.

An old wagon is headed west ahead of you. On the left rear quarter panel is a small wooden plank with some numbers and letters burned into it. This plank indicates where the wagon is from and shows the year and month proving the legality of this wagon to operate on those dirt tracks. The plank is proof that the wagon is properly owned, titled, registered, and of course that the appropriate fees have been tendered to the various government agencies authorizing the driver of the wagon to operate within his current area. Do you remember seeing in your movies, or pictures you may have viewed, these wooden planks on all wagons, coaches, stages or Conestogas? Probably not. Have you ever wondered why?

Still in your imagination, you see a man riding on a horse quickly approaching the wagon from the side. You know instantly that this must be a horse used by law enforcement. You know this because the horse has painted numbers and letters on the horse’s rear indicating it is an official horse. Being a method of transportation, the horse obviously has been properly titled, registered, and insured, naturally having paid the appropriate fees to the governmental agencies mandating such compliance. Insurance is required since there is always a chance two horses and riders could collide and significant injury or damage could result. As you draw near to the wagon, now stopped at the horse rider’s command, you notice the rider on the horse is actually a local sheriff. You know this because he is bearing a silver star on his breast pocket. The silver star assures you that he is the duly authorized authority, having completed and passed all course work in law enforcement at a prestigious college. He has a paper document hanging on his wall back at the jail, indicating he has paid all appropriate fees required by the higher governmental authorities who set those standards for becoming authorized to wear the silver star and conduct activities associated with law enforcement. Is what we have described so far been what you have customarily assumed when viewing what life was like back in the old west? Probably not. Do you wonder why?

You continue to observe the actions transpiring before you. The sheriff gets off his horse and struts over to the now stopped wagon. You notice the sheriff has a leather belt around his waist and suspended from it is clearly visible a shiny revolver. Your first thought is that he has been properly trained and certified, having passed his Concealed Carry course in case he has to wear his long coat covering his weapon during bad weather. Of course, he has paid the appropriate fees for his permit and has had his character image scratched into the documents at the government controlling agency. You also notice he has 10 bullets on his belt because he can carry no more than that at any one time. The regional authority has dictated that policy. Naturally, all of this makes sense to you because that is how it has always been. Right?

Still observing the interaction of the sheriff with the wagon driver, you notice the conversation becomes rather heated. It seems, from what you can hear, that the man on the wagon is carrying goods from a store that has not been properly obtained. The store in the city from which the goods were obtained failed to collect the prescribed city, county and state taxes. The wagon driver is attempting to explain to the sheriff that he traded his farm produce for the goods he is now carrying in his wagon. The sheriff draws his weapon and demands the wagon driver to disembark. The sheriff demands that the taxes be paid immediately, or he will be taken to jail. Those taxes are what keep the local and regional authorities flush with cash so that they can maintain a staff to administer all of the regulations. How else can mayors, commissioners and governors, along with their staffs, function unless the tax is collected to pay all of their salaries, fund all of their programs, and pay for the ongoing deliberations for additional governmental expansion? There is no doubt in your mind that this is entirely normal and expected, or is it?

We’ll take a respite from our story to consider for a moment what else you might witness in this old west from our Nation’s history. Do you think schools required shots and masks for admission? Do you think they paid for the water they drank? Do you think the oil for their lamps at work and at home were regulated to ensure each paid the appropriate amount so that no one could use more than was authorized or directed by the higher authorities? Do you think each person needed a special document in order to travel long distance from one place to another using the available, but highly regulated and controlled transportation? Do you think attendance at the annual barn dance needed a special document in order to enter, and that each person had to be searched? Do you think General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna’s forces were defeated at the Alamo in 1836, and that the drive of Mexicans into Texas and beyond were halted? Do you realize that our Nation was secured by the Foreign Benevolent Institution (FBI), the Cultural Interaction Administration (CIA), and the Dual Operation of Justice (DOJ), so that WE THE PEOPLE had limited power and control over our National affairs? If you thought, believed, and realized all of the above, then you are nuts!

Of course, none of the above story was ever widespread, or even contemplated, in the old west. On nearly every fictious part of the above story, we have over the years allowed our FREEDOM and LIBERTY to be slowly and persistently drained from the initial plan laid out by our Founding Fathers. Most of our current Nation’s citizenry have been so desensitized to the erosion of our FREEDOM and LIBERTY that they hardly notice at all what has taken place. This cancer eating away at our FREEDOM and LIBERTY must be stopped and eradicated. Will you get a ROUND TO IT, or will you rely on SOMEBODY ELSE to do the work? Review our blog posted July 23, 2023.


What is your breaking point? When have you had enough? Will you ever get to the point where you can take no more? If you can answer in affirmative the question, “ARE YOU TIRED OF THIS?”, what are you prepared to do to remedy the situation? Are you content to let the incoming waves of national destruction overwhelm you and destroy you? Do you care enough to take action, to stand in the breech, to take the incoming personal and professional attacks, to stand out in the crowd and let all know exactly where you stand? If not, maybe a review of some of the triggers over the last two and one-half years may chip away the ice that has kept you frozen in inaction. Following are some three-dozen remembrances that should rekindle a level of frustration and anger that should move you to action.

Do you care that millions of illegal aliens are breeching our southern border and avoiding the consequences of our established laws?

Do you care that these illegals are flooding our schools, hospitals and institutions, and consuming our tax-payer dollars?

Do you care that thousands of criminals are evading capture at our borders and have only the intent to do our Nation harm?

Do you care that it does more harm to our environment to harvest grain for gas ethanol additives and mine to extract minerals used in batteries in the push for electric vehicles, than to continue the use of fossil fuels?

Do you care that we have to buy oil from failing or failed nations, many who would welcome the demise of our Nation?

Do you care that radical religious nations are close to developing their own nuclear bombs having already publicly called for the destruction of our Nation?

Do you care that our Nation’s oil reserves, set aside for times of war, have been depleted to the lowest levels in decades, with no current efforts to refill it at increasing costs?

Do you care that many of our public schools fail to teach our Nation’s history from before its inception, and instead favor socialistic, Marxist, communistic doctrines?

Do you care that many in government have flaunted our established laws and are protected from prosecution and incarceration?

Do you care that the value of your dollar has diminished greatly in the past two-plus years as our Nation has chosen to print more and more money to expand more and more governmental programs?

Do you care that high inflation has made all commodities and services more expensive, and that those higher prices will most likely be here to stay?

Do you care that our inexcusable and untimely retreat from Afghanistan not only killed and wounded dozens of our Nation’s elite armed forces (as well as Afghan citizens), but also left billions of dollars of military hardware and equipment in the hands of and under the control of terrorists?

Do you care that thousands of Ukrainian and Russian soldiers and civilians are being killed in a war that could have been prevented by U.S. involved negotiations?

Do you care that many of our Nation’s highest offices are staffed not by those most qualified, but too often by those reflecting the application of quotas?

Do you care that those of religious affiliation are being targeted, arrested, and prosecuted at higher proportional rates than those who ransacked stores, participated in violent attacks on innocent citizens, and who destroyed hundreds of businesses and livelihoods?

Do you care that our current government is willing to prosecute those who oppose their agendas, and who run as opposing candidates?

Do you care that our current government disdains a balanced energy approach and is restricting fossil fuels, including natural gas and nuclear applications?

Do you care that the majority of our medicines and their ingredients are dependent upon a nation that has declared a war on our Nation?

Do you care that those who claimed the rising of sea levels are inevitable have chosen to live in expensive houses by the beaches at sea level?

Do you care that many who rail against gun ownership have security protection from those who carry weapons?

Do you care that our ability to speak freely, even if what we say is wrong or counter to the current government’s narrative, is restricted, banned, throttled, and censured?

Do you care that there is a greater push for college attendance than trade school attendance?

Do you care that some college students will have loans forgiven while others will not, and that colleges overflowing with cash do little to ease a college student’s financial burden while stuffing the pockets of tenured professors and their pet projects with cash?

Do you care that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is so advanced now that one cannot be sure of anything online is actually true, or is it simply an electronic concoction by an AI algorithm?

Do you care that governments are developing biological weapons that can target specific genetic qualities capable of killing up to 90% of those so infected?

Do you care that China will eventually take total control of the Panama Canal, and eventually Taiwan as well?

Do you care that nations that seek our demise have hypersonic weapons against which we cannot defend?

Do you care that billionaires (domestic and foreign) are allowed to contribute unlimited amounts of cash to fund political organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)?

Do you care that voting machines and tabulators are hackable?

Do you care that billions of more dollars are being spent in a never-ending effort to defend the national border of a non-affiliated protectorate, than what is spent to protect the borders of our Nation?

Do you care that in an effort to produce products and chemicals to supposedly aid humanity, that we have created a chemical soup environment that over time has caused cancers and yet unknown impacts on fetal development and brain chemistry?

Do you care that foreign nations are allowed to buy our land, enterprises, and even infrastructures?

Do you care that foreign nations have compromised our political process through bribes, gifts, and quid pro quo, more often than not involving millions in cash?

Do you care that many of our age laws are preventing our youth from gaining job experience and that too often entry-level jobs pay exorbitant rates as though they were life-long employment jobs?

Do you care that the emphasis on global warming denies historical geology showing multiple heating and cooling cycles of the earth through the ages?

Do you care that there is too much emphasis taking the homeless off the streets instead of breaking their cycle of chemical dependency?

Do you care that many of our police forces have been decimated due to courts favoring the criminal instead of the victim?

Do you care that our Nation’s armed forces are having to lower standards to maintain recruitment goals?

Do you care that high interest rates make selling and buying houses more difficult and less likely?

Do you care that morality, facts, and truth mean less than doing whatever it takes to accomplish your personal agenda and goals?

Do you care that the belief in a Creator is taking a back seat to the belief that the created’s will is supreme?

Do you care that global elites are making attempts to make our Nation subservient to their will?

Do you care that the rich are getting richer as the poor are getting poorer?

Do you care that many of our Nation’s courts and their judges and justices seem to make greater effort in establishing new laws and precedence over correctly interpreting our established Constitution and Bill of Rights laws?

Do you care blah blah blah . . . . we could go on and on, but we are sure you get the point of our blog by now! ARE YOU TIRED OF THIS? What will it take to make you get up off your couch or recliner and get into the fight of our Nation’s life! Your FREEDOM and LIBERTY are at stake! Do not shirk your responsibility to do your part, however small it may seem to you. Any journey always starts with one step forward. Talk openly with your family, friends and neighbors. Get involved in school, city, county and state boards, and election processes. Do not be cowered into silence by fear of rejection or attack. Our Founding Fathers were not so timid. We stand on their shoulders to do the work they cannot. Those who follow us in life in this greatest Nation that has ever existed on this planet are depending upon your efforts and can only rest in our victories.