Out of many, one

E Pluribus Unum” is Latin in origin. It is found on much of our currency. It was the traditional motto of the United States, appearing on the Great Seal along with “Annuit Coeptis (He approves things undertaken) and “Novus Ordo Seclorum” (New order of the ages), approved by an Act of Congress in 1782. “In God We Trust” became the official motto by an Act of Congress in 1956.

So what’s the big deal? For much of the life of the United States, we were affectionately known as “The Melting Pot of the World”. Is this still true? If not, what has happened? Basically, we have lost focus on one of the great principles that formed this great Union. In the last few decades, we have allowed the political, corporate, and elite interests in the U.S. to slowly erode our common interests, goals, and purpose. We have become like that proverbial frog in the pot of water on the stove. At first, we were happy in our naivete, but as the heat slowly increases, we can find ourselves lost in the raging boils around us. Fortunately for us, it is not too late to recapture what once was. We do not have to accept a “new normal” imposed on us by those who would suppress our freedoms to their own benefit.

We need to re-weave the beautiful tapestry of our Nation’s composition. Our heritage is from all over the world, joining in a common purpose of freedom. We have allowed powerful forces to pour us out of our Melting Pot into individual cupcake holes, separated and divided from each other. We need to get out of our individual niches and reform into the beautiful mixture as our founding fathers intended. We are a strong people in this Nation, not because we have been molded into one thought or belief, but because of our diversity which gives us strength beyond our individual ideas, talents and actions. Think in terms of Unity, not Uniformity.

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12

Regardless of your race, creed, gender, or political leanings, we are all being divided and conquered by those political, corporate, and elite entities. When we are divided, we are easily controlled and conquered. Fear of being singled out due to non-compliance, even being arrested, or even having our business shut down, has made us all susceptible to being controlled, to losing our freedoms. Do not let one, or a few, people or businesses try to fight these powerful forces alone. With all of us together, there is strength in numbers. We are not just a three cord strand, we are a multiple-stranded steel cable! Join hands with all of us and let us all plan to reclaim our freedom on July 4, 2021, by going mask free and opening up all businesses for all usual hours and numbers starting on that day, and going forward. We all need to become one again!


“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately”. Benjamin Franklin

Take a good look at the picture above. Each wearing a mask, each maintaining separation, but each very much alone. No touching, no hugging, no laughing, no playing or enjoying life. The COVID scare has put us into our own little bubble world, separated from most of those we love and cherish. This has real potential ramifications far beyond the potential risk of getting COVID. Let us count the ways, or just a few of them: Depression, Suicide, Abuse (spousal and child), Delayed Health Screenings or Procedures, Dying Alone. We are innately social creatures. A baby will not survive without the constant nurturing of a parent. We all grew up that way, having the need for physical and emotional contact is deeply engrained within each of us. To be removed from that environment is destructive to our species. We need to get back together. Yes, there are risks, but we accept so many risks each day. Do you evaluate the risk of driving when going to get groceries? You could be hurt in a crash. Do you worry about going down stairs, or up a ladder? You could trip and fall. Do you eat a week-old chicken salad in your fridge? You could get food poisoning. Not wearing a mask, and hugging someone could give you COVID. Fortunately, the death rates are plummeting, and have always been extremely low for healthy younger people. Daily COVID cases in the United States dropped from nearly 275,000 cases on January 8, to under 47,000 cases on March 1 of this year (CDC statistics). You may choose to continue wearing your mask for the rest of your life, and live in a protected, isolated bubble, but that is a personal life choice, and you have the freedom to make that choice. However, the government, at any level, does not have the right to make that choice for anyone. Not in this country. We urge all citizens to stop wearing masks, and for all business to fully open, on July 4, 2021. This is the day we will begin to reclaim our freedom. Please join us. If we do it together, the government cannot arrest and ticket all of us, and I do not believe our folks in blue would intervene. What do you think Benjamin Franklin would say?


It is time to reclaim our freedom

This is a new website designed to gather momentum throughout the United States, including all races, creeds, genders, and social or political affiliations, to make plans to come out from under draconian dictates that have shuttered many in place, muzzled and controlled communications and actions, to the detriment of freedom-loving patriots.

Why are we doing this? The answer has to be “Why not?” If we don’t, who will? It is always easier to let someone else do it, but unfortunately “someone else” isn’t really a person, it is an excuse. We are reminded that the founding fathers of the United States were willing to risk everything of value, including their lives, to break free of tyranny. We are reminded of the young men on D-day that stormed the beaches of Normandy. Many 18 to 20 year old’s gave their lives that day for world freedom. We have heard it said “They gave up their tomorrows for our todays”. We live in freedom today because they were willing to die that day. What are we willing to do to insure that those who follow us in life enjoy the freedoms offered to us by our United States Constitution and our Bill of Rights?

Today, we are being repressed, controlled, and stymied under the guise of statements like “follow the science”, and under the outlandish use of “executive orders” at all levels. As this site is further developed and refined, we will list our reasons and justifications for the actions we are asking all of you to participate in. On July 4, 2021, we are calling on all to set those masks aside, open up all businesses and regular activities, and resume what once was a normal life. There will be exceptions, but there will also be resistance. Big tech, business monopolies, and governmental dictates will want to control and retain their supposed power, but they have no power if we do not give it to them.

Mark your calendars for JULY 4, 2021. This is the day we begin to reclaim our freedom.

Our Blog will be posted each Wednesday and Sunday evenings. Soon, you will be able to respond as this site continues to develop. Thank you for reading, and for joining hands with us in the great endeavor.