This is a very difficult subject to discuss. We know there are those that found last year to be quite rewarding. Those that were wealthy, or who lived in the bubble in the Washington, D.C. area, were shielded from the effects of tyrannical lockdowns and illegal executive actions at all levels of government. They alone could afford to put their offspring into private institutions of learning. They never had to deal with a reduction in incomes or complete loss of jobs. They could afford to have someone else buy or deliver their food. They could gather at their leisure, with others so enriched, behind closed doors or in gated communities, and in homes protected and defended against violence and destruction. From their glass houses they could spout words of condemnation, division and deceit to those truly humbled and humiliated by the authors of COVID-19, and those who were visionless in their quest to wrestle away freedoms from the masses. But even those who found some solace in the ever increasing stock market must beware. Buoyed by a lot of injected capital, much of it because of our government’s insatiable desire to print money, an inflationary process throwing our Nation into ever increasing debt, the stock market is in a dangerous place, and much of what provided some sense of solace could be lost. Consider what caused The Great Depression, people borrowing money from banks and pulling cash out of mortgaged homes to buy over-valued stock were prime factors. Most of the masses within our Nation suffered due to the virus and over-bearing government control. The damage is clear, and the toll of destruction has not yet reached its sum.

We do not want to dwell on the negatives, but one cannot fully appreciate the mountain tops until they can be viewed from the valleys. Devastation reigned in millions of lives in the last year. There was much destruction of the human condition, both corporeal and incorporeal, both the measurable and the unmeasurable, both in the tangible, and in the ethereal. Millions of lives were turned upside down. Many who owned businesses, lost them. Many who had life sustaining jobs, lost them, becoming wards of the government. Many who had wonderful physical connections with others, had them short-circuited. Many look back on last year and wish it had not happened . . . . . . but it did. We cannot, and will not, allow this to continue, or to ever happen again. In our complacency, we have been lulled into a deadly slumber. This is why we are encouraging all citizens to go mask free, and to fully open up all businesses and institutions beginning JULY 4, 2021

We want to point out just one of the many ways we suffered last year, and can only wonder, “What if?” Most adults have learned through the years how to cope or adjust to some challenges in life that come our way. However, even though children are pretty resilient, the last year has left a huge hole in the hearts of many American families, because many of our children have suffered greatly, or have even been lost. Our children lost connections with their friends and mentors. They became connected to their laptops and notebooks. Many missed graduations, sporting events, proms, and field trips. Many suffered depression to the point of suicide. Here are a few quotes: “As hospitals see more severe child abuse injuries during coronavirus, ‘the worst is yet to come'” (USA Today, May 13, 2020); “Opioid overdoses 29% higher in 2020 than before the pandemic: Study” (ABC News, Feb 10, 2021); “Depression was at 8% in February 2020, was already at record highs for us, but August it was at 28%, which is just horrifying that something which is the world’s most expensive illness, depression, world-wide, cost more money, tripled in just a matter of months. We saw suicide, suicidal behaviors unlike anything I’ve seen in my 40 year career.” (Dr. Daniel Amen, April 10, 2021, On The Road Forward, Real America’s Voice).”Nobody Has Openings” (Mental Health Providers Struggle to Met Demand, NY Times, Feb 17, 2021). Many of our Nation’s schools remain at best in a hybrid learning environment, even though the science has told us that children of school age are the least likely to be affected by the virus, and even though the CDC said schools can be opened up safely with spacing reduced to only 3 feet. You can blame the government for dragging feet to reopen, or the teacher’s unions, but it really falls on parents and citizens to take back your children’s freedoms. You can no longer sit idly by and hope that some day it will all get better by relying upon others. It will only get better when we demand and take ACTION in UNITY to make it happen! How many more weeks, months, or years are you willing to allow your children to suffer, and how many more may die? It is time to stop this insanity and get back to being the free society we once were. Join with all of us as we go mask free if possible, and fully open up all businesses and institutions beginning JULY 4, 2021.


We have mentioned before in a previous blog how acting in unison prevents any single person or entity from being separated from the whole, and individually singled out for punitive enforcement. For this reason alone, it is vital to the success of reclaiming our freedom for all citizens to participate together. We must be united in our action. The two key words are UNITED and ACTION. In being UNITED, we are stronger than the sum of the whole. In ACTION, we are moving forward doing what must be done.

How can we diminish your fear of going mask free and fully opening up all businesses and institutions beginning JULY 4, 2021? How does one motivate another to do anything? Granted, most of us are like sheep, and do not want to lead to do anything. Let the shepherd do the leading. It is simply much easier to follow someone else. There is less stress, less having to be responsible, less chance of failure (at least having it be our fault). However, are you willing to wander aimlessly with no chance of ever escaping from the tyranny of those who choose what you can or cannot do, slowly but surely draining from you your Constitutionally given freedoms? If you are of retirement age, you are probably predisposed to say, “I won’t be around long enough for any of these tyrannical policies to effect me, so I’ll just hide my head in the sand, bide my time, plug my ears, and mumble ‘blah, blah, blah’.” We challenge each of you to consider what we will be leaving behind to our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Where would we be today if our forefathers (who sacrificed their money, time and lives to establish this Nation) had acquiesced to the abuses thrust upon them? Where would we be now had our Nation’s citizenry not taken personal unified action in two World Wars? So many before us refused to hide and cower in fear, but chose to move forward in ACTION and UNITY! What will our posterity say about this generation?

We do believe most in the U. S. would agree with the following quote: “I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my Country . . . corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the Country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.” The author must have made this quote very recently. That depends on your definition of the word “recently”. The quote is in a letter sent to Col. William F. Elkins, November 21, 1864, by Abraham Lincoln. Here are two other quotes from Abraham Lincoln. “The money power preys on the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes.” “Our popular government has often been called an experiment. Two points in it our people have already settled, the successful establishing and the successful administering of it. One still remains, its successful maintenance against a formidable internal attempt to overthrow it.” Let these quotes be a catalyst to motivate us to ACTION in UNITY.



In 1933, in the depths of The Great Depression in the U. S., Franklin D. Roosevelt, in his inaugural address on March 4, made this statement: “This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself – nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”

Most surveys through the years indicate that Abraham Lincoln has been the best President of the U. S. so far. To help us overcome the fear of participating beginning JULY 4, 2021, below are just a few of Lincoln’s sayings: “It is a sin to be silent when it is your duty to protest.” “Those who are ready to sacrifice freedom for security ultimately will lose both.” “To stand in silence when they should be protesting makes cowards of men.” “I appeal to all loyal citizens to favor, facilitate and aid this effort to maintain the honor, the integrity, and the existence of our National Union, and the perpetuity of popular government; and to redress wrongs already long enough endured.” “The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just.” “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”

Here are some suggestions to overcome your fear of participation in beginning to reclaim our freedoms on JULY 4, 2021: 1) Take ownership of your life. Take purposeful action rather than simply reacting to events. Plan to be like a thermostat and set the temperature, rather than like a thermometer, only reacting to the temperature. 2) Believe at your very core that this can be done, not just for others, but for you, and for those that live on after you. 3) Have a well thought out plan. You do not have to do this alone. Go with others, or a group, who share your plan. 4) Do not do it for just one day. Do it every day following, and it will get easier as the days go by. 5) Think long-term. Do you really want to wear a mask for the rest of your life? When will it ever be risk free to do anything? Setting a date to cross over the line will help put an end to the fear, and restart the normalcy of our freedoms. 6) Do not just think of what bad might happen, but think of all the good that can happen, like being able to see the smile of others. 7) Realize that each of us has a purpose in our society, and that you are an integral part of the whole. Without your involvement, the strength of unity with others is diminished.



The Unanimous Re-Declaration of the 50 United States of America

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to alter the political bands which have empowered one entity to subjugate another, and to re-assume among the government, equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitled them, a decent respect to the opinions of people requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the re-declaration.

We hold these truths to be self evident, that all people are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among people, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any term of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to re-establish the foundation and principles upon which the government was established to effect their safety and happiness. Experience has shown that people are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right that which is wrong. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such encumbrances, and to re-establish founded guards for their future security. The recent history of this government and it cohorts of the elites, is replete with injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid nation.

^There is a constant threat to disarm the nation, and make the people’s militia impotent. ^The current administration constantly seeks to provide the nation’s resources to the benefit of irresponsible states, at the expense of those responsible. ^There is a never ending desire to burden citizens with the ever increasing burden of taxation, making the government grow beyond the founding ideals, even to the point of squandering away the financial interests in the death of a paternal. ^The current government is ill equipped, and lacks forethought, concerning the invasion into this nation of those who are not citizens, who bring with them burdensome problems now heaped upon those who are citizens. ^There is a never ending stream of additional restriction placed upon all states and their people, and often times supplants the individual rights of each state as originally founded. ^The current government takes of the proceeds of taxation to the benefit of the unethical termination of procreation, against the will of the majority of citizens. ^The current government makes mockery of honesty and truth, by often speaking to the favor of one way, but then acting in favor of the other. ^In this government, there is unhindered force bringing edicts forward, apart from the proper exercise of the citizens voice, as presented by those who represent them. ^There is a seeming disregard to consider future results, that may follow decisions made in haste, in consideration of only results in the present. ^ There have been efforts to provide favor to one enterprise over another, often for favored value in return. ^The present government has demeaned our citizens in the eyes of other world nations by projecting weakness and affability, thusly allowing other world nations to prosper above our own and to become a greater threat to our nation’s security. ^The government has failed to ensure the freedom of speech by allowing their favorable elites and entities to enforce a form of speech censure. ^There has been an abundance of policy preventing established agencies from fully exercising the established rules of law. ^Through words and actions, the government has taken pleasure in dividing our citizens, faction against faction. ^The government, with it’s favored elites, have been influential in promoting, in all levels of government, those who either ignore or alter established laws. ^The government, with it’s favored elites, has established policy favoring one sect of society over another, allowing those less endowed with knowledge, wisdom, or ability, to advance above those more deserving because of same. ^The government, with it’s favored elites, have conspired with those in other world nations, to frustrate the truth, and to demean and injure falsely those who pursue the course of truth and freedom in our nation. ^The government continues to purge from political and militia service those who may not simply appear to share all of the current government’s common interests. ^Many in the service of our government have benefited financially, either directly or otherwise, from other world nations or it’s citizens, often having counter values to our own. ^The government, with it’s favored elites, have consistently pursued actions that frustrate citizen freedom, in their right to practice religion. ^The government has sat idle by, often aided by ill conceived decisions, while a few enterprises have been allowed to fully consume and supplant others. ^The government has assisted, and certainly not prevented, the waning of the basic familial institution. ^The government has not encouraged many citizens to become secure through their own enterprises, thus leading them into the darkness of dependency, insecurity, depression, purposelessness and worthlessness. ^Through many of this government’s policies and actions, our citizens have often become dependent upon other world nations for many of the basic necessities of life.

Make plans to go mask free if possible, and to fully open up all businesses and institutions on JULY 4, 2021


As we talked about in “The People’s House – Part 1”, the image above is not the People’s House. That phrase belongs only to the White House, where the President lives. However, many people continue to think of the Capitol building as the People’s House. There seems to be an unhealthy view of these buildings, especially of those who reside in the Washington D. C. area. We want to point out what these buildings represent, a manifestation of the entire country.

The People’s House foundation: The foundation is actually laid by the architects of our Founding Fathers. It was not laid on fear or weakness, nor with ease or comfort. It was laid upon the wisdom of ancients. The foundation is secured by those who defend its solid footings, which were set in moral principles, unmovable arguments, and unwavering beliefs in truth and justice for all.

The People’s House construction: It is constructed of the determined steel of those who traveled the depths of the earth in search of that which fueled the industrial revolution, and of those who walked the beams of our high rises. It is constructed of those who pressed forward to victory even after great losses, to those who never gave up on their offspring, and to those who would not be forever relegated to the back of a bus. It is constructed by those who overcame the odds and created jobs for those who found purpose, wealth, and satisfaction in a daily task done well.

The People’s House engravings: It is engraved with native sayings and a proud shared heritage. It is engraved with the axe marks on those cabin logs made by frontier men and women. It is engraved with the fleshly scars of those who laid the rail lines, built ships and planes of war, and who sacrificed personal time and benefits to secure a better future for their posterity. It is engraved with sayings that cannot always be remembered, or figures that cannot always be seen. It is engraved with sweat which cannot be measured, with the unfathomable depths of loving hearts.

The People’s House paint: It is covered with the blood of those who sacrificed their tomorrows for our todays, from the hallowed fields of Gettysburg, to the walls of The Alamo, from the shores of Normandy, to the jungles of Vietnam, and to the mountains of Afghanistan. It is covered with the boldness and blood of those who marched from Selma to Montgomery, It is covered in the blood of defenders, of those overcome by rioters, looters, thugs, and murderers. It is colored with the melting pot of ethnicities, ideas, talents, and efforts of many sharing a common gift and purpose.

The People’s House in Washington D. C. is only a representation of the true “People’s House”, for the true “People’s House” stretches from shore-to-shore, from border-to-border. We live in the plains, mountains, valleys, and in the cities. We all live in “E Pluribus Unum”, Out Of Many, One. Please join with us as one Country together as we begin to take back our freedoms and go mask free if possible, and fully open up all businesses and institutions on JULY 4, 2021.


Most who are Citizens of the U. S. have never personally visited the “People’s House”. The White House is called the “People’s House”. It has that name because the American people own it, pay for it, and permit the President to live there. The Capitol Building, which hosts the Senate and the House of Representatives, is not the “People’s House”. In fact, the Capitol Building is no longer even the geographical center of the federal district, even though it forms the origin point for the district’s street-numbering system. It is certainly not the center of the known universe.

Recently, it was claimed that the “People’s House” was stormed by a violent, Trump-supporting mob. This is not true on a number of fronts. It was actually the Capitol Building that was entered. Yes, there was some damage done, but not even equaling one percent of the damage done over the last couple of years in many cities throughout the U. S., damage done by rioters, looters, criminals, thugs, and murderers. Ask those business owners throughout our Country who had their lives turned upside down when their businesses were ransacked, burned, or completely destroyed during the last couple of years. They can tell you what a mob looks like. The vast majority did so in the dark of night, were dressed all in black, wore helmets and other forms of body armor, and used a variety of weapons. Many Citizens were killed, more were injured, few criminals were prosecuted.

There were deaths at the Capitol Building, but of the 5 deaths, 4 were Trump supporters, including an unarmed veteran who was shot and killed by the Capitol Police. The one Capitol Police officer who died, was not killed at the Capitol Building, and he was not hit on the head by a fire extinguisher. The officer, Brian Sicknick, died elsewhere. Why have we not heard the details? Where is the toxicology report from the autopsy? Why was there a hurried cremation? In addition to the exaggeration of the mob rhetoric, no firearms were found. Why do those who work at the Capitol Building consider themselves to be more important than any other U. S. Citizen? The increased security measures are proof of their belief, and that they value themselves, and a concrete structure in Washington D. C., to be of much more value than any other U. S. Citizen’s property, life, or freedom?

Did you know that the incursion of the Capitol Building was planned weeks before by groups not associated with those who were peacefully gathered far from there? In fact, the incursion of the Capitol Building started before President Trump had completed his remarks, which encouraged those who intended to march to the Capitol Building to do so “peacefully and patriotically”. Why do you suppose much of the federal district is now surrounded by a tall fence with Constantine wire on top? Such fencing was not even erected after 9-11, when around 3,000 Americans were killed by terrorists. Why is it okay to fence out Americans from our White House and Capitol Building, but it is not okay to build a fence along our southern boarder to keep out those who are not Citizens of the U. S., many who traffic in humans, cartels who funnel in drugs, who may be terrorists (several apprehended recently), and those who are streaming across our border seeking free medical, food, schooling, and jobs? Most of those jobs taken will be done so at the expense of Hispanic, Black, and other Citizens who are struggling to survive COVID-19 and the seemingly arbitrarily enforced COVID restrictions.

We want to share with you another way to look at the “People’s House” in our next post. We are asking all to go mask free if possible, and to fully open up all businesses and institutions starting JULY 4, 2021.

MASKS vs COVID-19 – The Facts

We do not want to be alarmists, but we do want to expose the total risks presented by COVID-19. Masks do not cover the eyes. Remember when flu season was a big deal? We always heard, “Don’t rub your eyes with your hands”. The reason was that the flu bug could be transmitted to your eyes by your hand touching fomites (surrounding objects), bringing your hand in contact with your eyes, then potentially giving you the flu. We have been told to disinfect our hands often, but little to no mention has been made of the potential danger of contracting COVID-19 through the eyes.

Joseph Fair (urologist and epidemiologist, an NBC news contributor) claimed he got COVID through his eyes (NBC Today show; AARP June 10, 2020; and Web MD on May 26, 2020). Jon Brook, MD (Chief Medical Officer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) said, “The virus could enter the body through mucous membranes that cover the white parts of our eyes”. Dr. Thomas Steinemann (a clinical spokesperson, American Academy of Ophthalmology) said it is certainly possible that a person could get COVID-19 through the eyes. There is “emerging evidence” that people are catching the virus from droplets floating in the air (reported by CNN health; confirmed by the WHO). These are just a few examples. While the chances are greater contracting the virus through the nose and mouth, contracting it through the eyes cannot be dismissed. That is why the guy in the picture above is completely safe from the virus. He has eye protection.

Our eyes, nose and throat are connected by the nasolacrimal duct system. It carries tears from the ocular surface to the nasal cavity and down the back of the throat. We know this to be true, because when we cry, our nose runs. When medicine is placed in your eyes or nose, you will often feel and taste it in the back of your throat. Why have we not been so informed? Probably because the science on this is still evolving. After all, we were initially told to not wear masks, and now look at us!

When one sneezes, coughs, or is vociferous in speech, respiratory droplets are expelled, the larger ones are 5 to 10 microns in size. Some you can see, and they are heavier and fall down quickly. Anything smaller than 5 microns is too small to see with the naked eye. A micron is 1000th of a millimeter. For perspective, a human hair is typically 50 to 80 microns wide. Most masks do a pretty good job of catching these larger droplets. What about those microscopic particles called aerosols that can stay afloat in still air for long periods of time? The COVID-19 measures between .06 to .14 microns. Think of the virus as smoke or dust. The N-95 mask (so called because it is 95% effective in filtration) filters down to .3 microns. Do you see a potential problem here? To be fair, it is not like a mosquito going through a chain link fence. The virus is often bonded to something else, making it larger. Also, irregular thread filaments, reaching into the spaces between the woven materials, can snag the smaller aerosols, and not all aerosols travel straight through the mask, but may take an angular path, called diffusion. Still, one cannot guaranty 100% protection.

Considering that most cloth masks have holes between the weaves measuring 5 to 200 microns, some have suggested wearing multiple masks. However, being able to breath through a mattress of material is very hard, and the fear of self-induced hypoxia is real. Two perfect solutions exist. You can either goggle and mask up like the fellow above, or close your eyes and hold your breath. Last we checked, continuing to be able to breath was a good thing. Bottom line, masks are no guaranty of protection. There are risks in everything we do, but in our Country we must be free to decide what risks are acceptable. We encourage everyone to go mask free if you can, and for all businesses and institutions to fully open up on JULY 4, 2021.

Metaphorically “GO FORTH” With Your Sword

As in the opening blog on this website, we are continuing to encourage all U. S. citizens to Go Out, Proceed Ahead, and Become Active in reclaiming our freedoms granted to us by our Declaration of Independence. We want everyone able to go mask free, and to have all businesses and institutions open up fully on JULY 4, 2021, as we GO FORTH.

Showing a picture of a sword in this blog in no way represents to anyone that we encourage any kind of violence upon person or property. We are a peaceful people, but we do encourage active participation. Talk without action is wasted breath. There are three aspects we want to share in relationship to the concept of picking up your metaphorical sword and to GO FORTH as to war.

The first is fairly obvious in that to reclaim our liberty, our freedom to do as we please in the U. S., requires us to become actively involved in the process of re-establishing the course of our country as set FORTH in our founding documents. This requires all of us to “Walk the Talk”, to be bold enough to back up our speech with our actions. If you love freedom, then act like you do! Do not simply sit around and Skype to your family and friends your displeasure with the direction of our Country. Pick up your metaphorical sword and GO FORTH as to war.

Most U. S. citizens believe in a Higher Power, and we are not talking about our government. A vast number believe that we are not accidents of nature, that simply crawled out of some gooey slime to miraculously become thinking individuals containing a soul or spirit. If you believe there is an intelligent design involved, then you should be free to share that feeling or belief with others. To be able to speak of this freely, without the fear of having your voice cancelled, is also a freedom that was given to us by our Founding Fathers. It is interesting to note that in the King James Version of the Bible, the term “GO FORTH” is listed well over 100 times, often referencing going to war to achieve a victory. If you are religious, you should have the right to pick up your metaphorical sword and GO FORTH in our Country to share your belief or faith. If you do not believe in a God, then you are also free to not listen. We have the freedom in our Country to choose our own pathway. We can choose to speak, and we can choose to listen, but our Country was not founded upon the principle of some entity picking and choosing what can or cannot be spoken or heard.

Finally, we need to point out the meaning of the phrase “Double Edged Sword”. Most agree that its origin comes from the Arabic phrase “sayf zou hadayn”, which when translated means “Double Edged Sword”. It started to be used as an English metaphor sometime during the 15th century. The idiom means a choice you make can have both a positive and negative result. When we speak, we must remember the power of our words. Look at the picture below. For those who believe God created this world, you must be reminded that it was done not with a wave of His hand, or done with a magic wand, for God SPOKE the creation into existence. Now THAT is POWER. Please speak carefully.

Noah vs COVID & the Bureaucracy

In the year of our Lord 2020, the Lord told Noah “I want you to build an Ark because I am going to destroy the earth by a flood. You have one year to get it done!” At the beginning of 2021, the Lord re-visited Noah to check on his progress, but found Noah in a deep funky depression. The Lord asked, “Why are you sitting on your duff, and haven’t completed work on the Ark?”

Noah asked the Lord for forgiveness, explaining he had encountered many unforeseen obstacles. “First, everywhere I wanted to build was restricted by city planners and other developers. The next place found was in a 500 year flood plain, and no construction was permitted. Then I found another place, but the EPA needed an extensive environmental impact study. Following that process, I learned that a tiny endangered fish was in my creek, and I had to relocate. Then I learned that the wood you wanted me to use came from federal land, and all harvesting there was prohibited, something about ‘old growth forest’. When I started gathering the animals, I was sued by PETA for confining animals against their will, and that the housing for them was too confining. The permits required to obtain certain species was either too extensive or even prohibited.”

“COVID showed up and it was nearly impossible to find workers, and when I did, the Ark Building Union, local, state, and federal agencies shut me down for not hiring union workers, and for not being diverse enough in my hiring process. No more than half of my workers could be men, and three-quarters had to be other than white. When I needed more tools or materials, most local stores were either closed, or had very restrictive business hours. Do you know how many masks a person has to use each day in and around saw dust and dirt? The federal government didn’t recognize me as what they called ‘an essential business’, so I couldn’t get the numbers of masks I needed, and often had to halt construction. I was forced to use alternative energy sources, as I often exceeded something called ‘my carbon emissions quota’. Please forgive me, Lord, but I don’t think I’ll ever get the Ark built.”

The darkened skies began to clear, and a great rainbow stretched from one horizon to the other. Noah asked, “Lord, are you not going to destroy the earth?” The Lord responded to Noah, “No, the government has already beat me to it.”

(adopted from an earlier story, author unknown)

Plan to go mask free and open up all businesses fully on July 4, 2021


The reason we can all take off our masks and open up all our businesses on JULY 4, 2021

Here is a good definition of Herd Immunity. “The resistance to the spread of a contagious disease within a population that results if a sufficiently high proportion of individuals are immune to the disease, especially through vaccination.”

We have been constantly bombarded with the phrase “Follow The Science”. So let us do just that, and show why we can safely reclaim our freedom this coming JULY 4. Let us start with the assumption that there are 335 million people in the United States. We don’t really know the exact number. The U. S. Census Bureau estimated just under 330 million in 2019. Many have said we have 11 million illegal aliens living in our country, but the same number was quoted a decade ago, and it could be more than double that number today. We also do not know if the U. S. Census includes some or all of them.

Here are numbers that have been reported by the CDC in the U. S. as of March 1, 2021. 24 million people had been vaccinated with a COVID vaccine. 29 million had recovered from having had COVID, and presumably safe from re-infection. 47 million children under the age of 12 live in the U. S. and are rarely affected by COVID.

The low estimate of the number of people being vaccinated each day is 1.5 million, some say as many as 2 million, but we will be conservative and stick with the 1.5 million. There are 124 days from March 1 to July 4 of this year. You can check our math, but that equates to 186 million more people getting the shot in those 124 days. Add this number to the numbers in the paragraph above, and you get 286 million people safe from getting or giving COVID, as safe as one can be from anything else lurking about like the flu, cancer, and heart attacks, just to name a few.

We have been told that HERD IMMUNITY can be achieved above 50% of the population, although we believe that to be too low a threshold. We have heard some want 90%, but we believe that will never happen as there will probably be a fair percentage of our population that will refuse to get the vaccine, which is their choice in a free society. Some of those may have natural immunity to COVID anyway. Using the numbers given above, by JULY 4, 2021, we will have achieved 85% HERD IMMUNITY in the United States.

Please join all of us together to take our masks off and open up all our businesses on JULY 4, 2021.