Father Pardons Son

“I hope Americans will understand why a father and a President would come to this decision.” This is how the current President of the United States ended his statement concerning his pardon of his convicted son. Certainly, almost every father in this country would relish the opportunity to pardon their son and to wipe away any conviction imposed upon their son. However, there is only ONE father in this country that has the opportunity to do that, and that is the current President of the United States of America. Sorry, fathers, 99.9999999999999% of all of you do not have that power or option. For the current President to stroke the heart strings of fathers imploring that they must understand because they would do the same, is beyond the scope of reality. We are offended that such a statement would be made.

Under Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 of our Constitution, the President does have this “. . . Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States . . .” It is interesting to note that this is buried within a section addressing the President’s power as Commander in Chief for those in ” . . . actual Service of the United States . . .” Few pardons have ever been challenged in the United States Supreme Court. More broadly, pardons covering an extended time for any crimes committed, or may be revealed during the time-boundaries of the pardon, have never been tested in the Supreme Court. The only pardon covering an extended period of time, rather than specific charges or offenses, was one given by then President Ford to President Nixon, which covered a five-year period of time covering his time in United States service. There is much to be questioned about the current President’s pardon of his son, who was neither currently in the armed forces service or the United States service in general, and which covered a time frame of nearly 11 years, over twice the timeframe granted to President Nixion.

Let us also note that Presidential pardons ONLY cover Federal charges, violations, or convictions, they do not cover state charges, violations, or convictions. Any state pardons are a function of the governor of that state. Also note that they do not cover any charges, violations, or convictions that extend beyond the end date of the granted pardon. To the current President’s son, we would recommend a life of purity from the end date of his pardon forward, for any charge, violation, or conviction going forward would leave him vulnerable to potential prosecution, conviction and incarceration.

A very concerning and troubling development is that the current President is considering pardons covering people who have not been charged or convicted of any crime, and who may not have committed any violation of National law. These potentially extensive pardons have not been tested in our court systems, and will undoubtedly, if they become reality, consume our Nation for months and years, extending into Presidential terms for years to come. Pardons offered where no crimes have been charged or convicted, only open the door for speculation that nefarious activities during those years covered by those pardons are suspected or actual in reality.

For those who treasure our FREEDOM and LIBERTY, we must be vigilant to pardon actions taken by the current President to be prepared to make our voices heard in the halls of Congress, so that those who may have wronged our Nation will be held accountable if they are found to have violated laws, committed crimes, or have conspired in treasonous fashion, to achieve for themselves power and wealth at the expense of “WE THE PEOPLE”.


We admit, the short video clip above doesn’t seem to fit with our blog topic for today but give us a few minutes to bring the two into full circle. Many of us have become so dependent upon our government, that we have lost a sense of independence and self-sufficiency. For the last several decades, most of us have become accustomed to the growth of our government to take from us a level of responsibility and accountability for doing things ourselves. We have blogged on a couple of occasions about how bloated our National government has become, and how we have relied upon NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) to provide for the needs of many within our Nation, whether they be citizens or not. Please review the following blogs for clarification: November 7, 2021, titled, “BELTWAY BANDITS”, and November 28, 2021, titled, “SHADOW GOVERNMENT – What? Who? Why?”. Following review of these two blogs alone, you cannot disagree that the growth of our National and its requisite spending is out of control, currently unmanageable and unauditable.

“The era of big government is over.” The results of November’s National election has made this statement loud and clear. It is long past time to start peeling away the layers of government that are wasteful, unneeded, and unnecessary, often duplicating efforts and staffing. Through the many years, it has become crystal clear that once a new government program is funded, removing that program is next to impossible, even beyond its intended life expectancy. Tentacles of its formation run deep and spread wide making extraction complex. Beyond that, often those hired to work in given programs often have some sort of immunity from transfers, lay-offs, dismissal or firing. This lunacy has to stop! Any legitimate capitalistic commercial enterprise cannot thrive without the ability to weed out deadwood, alter plans, or shift course. But then again, who ever said our National government is operated in a rational, responsible, accountable way? Certainly, many of those who get caught up in the web of financial influence within “The Beltway” by lobbyists, loyalists, and even by those entities that wield search, seizer, and the power of prosecution, fear loss of support or worse and succumb to the hypnotic-like forces that surround them.

We said we wanted to come full circle with the short video clip above. We believe at FREEDOMGOFORTH.COM that the core of our Nation is built upon the family unit. It is there that the next generation of voting and politically involved citizens and leaders learn about honesty, trust and loyalty, and it is there that life’s lessons are refined through leadership, education, and experience. We are sure that during the Thanksgiving holiday, you have spent some time with your family, or those who you consider to be your family in life. We hope your Thanksgiving was a pleasant one. It is during these times that often our batteries are recharged, important relationships are refined, bolstered, energized, and fortified. All of this helps to prepare us for life ahead, days, months and years. Those closest to us sharpen us and support us for our future tasks and opportunities. Without these close, personal relationships, we would be left with dependence upon others who do not know us, may not care about us, and who often only seek their personal ideology or welfare, and often at our own expense. This is what big government has done over the past few decades. The little government, the core family unit, supersedes big government. The closer the government gets to the individual, the more responsible, reactive, and supportive it becomes to the greater Nation.

So, is “The era of big government over?” This statement should be the theme of the newly elected incoming administration. Did the newly elected President make this statement? He very well could have said it. Maybe he said it in slightly a different way, like saying “Drain the Swamp”. But do you realize the saying, “The era of big government is over”, was not made by him, any conservative, or any Republican, but by the Democrat President Bill Clinton in his 1996 State of the Union Address. He had a big push helping him to make this claim. This decision was made because the Republican Party took control of Congress for the first time since the Eisenhower era. It was Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America” that provided the boost necessary ( “DOES THE SIZE OF GOVERNMENT MATTER?” Yes, it does. It is time once again to revive history and make it alive once again. Our Nation’s very existence and continuance depends upon us returning to the core values, principles, policies, and structure originally intended by our Founding Fathers. Our FREEDOM and LIBERTY depend upon making sure that not only is “The era of big government is over”, but more importantly, that “BIG government” is dead! Continue to speak and act the truth. Resist the urge to lie down and rest. Forge forward with boldness, fortitude, and patriotism.

PROGRESSIVE MEDUSAS – Their Rise, Their Danger, and Their Demise


The progressive’s failure in the most recent National election does not represent the sum total of their existence. Their rise, the dangers they continue to present, and their eventual demise, can be traced through history and their future can even be foretold. The story of Medusa has many iterations, but the core of the story basically remains true in all versions. It is interesting to note that in this one story alone, abuse, deception, and the evil influence by Greek gods, reveal their many flaws also present in humans. In Greek mythology, Medusa was born beautiful, but was raped by Poseidon in Athena’s temple, and then cursed by Athena with ugliness and her hair became snakes. Thereafter, all that looked at Medusa would turn to stone. Persius, son of Zeus, was sent by Polydectes on what was believed to be a one-way-mission, to destroy Medusa, as well as Persius in the process. Persius, however, received help from Hades who provided a magic helmet providing invisibility, a bronze shield from Athena, which Persius used to slay Medusa by viewing her in the shield’s reflection, a sword from Hephaestus, and winged sandals from Hermes allowing his escape. We believe there are some analogies to be drawn between the story of Medusa and today’s modern progressives. Similar analogies have actually been made over the last many decades with other national leaders and movements throughout the world. While we readily confess that Greek mythology carries no weight in the reality of our spiritual world, to consider parallels helps to view political realities in an interesting light.

The Rise of Progressive Medusas. We would be among the first to admit that through the decades, women were often regarded less than men, often carrying values comparable to animals. Their abuse was wrong, demeaning, and sinful. As a consequence of the treatment of women, the road to parity has given women, often in a roundabout way, power which can also be destructive. As women have gotten stronger, many men have gotten weaker.

The Dangers of Progressive Medusas. Those who broadcast the progressive agendas have invoked fear among conservatives. Their desire and ability to create havoc in the lives of others cannot be disregarded. They have many allies within the legislative, legal, and social branches of our Nation’s systems. Conservatives are often prevented from speaking freely and engaging in opposing ideologies. They are demeaned in public with false accusations and pursued in courts with frivolous lawsuits. The stare of public ridicule, and the bite of snake-like actions will turn many conservatives to stone, making them ineffectual in the domestic and political arenas.

The Demise of Progressive Medusas. The defeat of progressives will not come without the aid of a supporting cast of characters. Those who aid in the destruction of progressives need to rely upon many with whom they would not normally be in alignment. It will take all the tools of numerous supporters to slay (metaphorically speaking) the progressive Medusas. The most important weapon that progressive Medusas have must be used against them for their demise. They often “project” upon others that which they do themselves. Defenders of FREEDOM and LIBERTY must “reflect” this weapon back upon them. Conservatives must expose this weakness using all available tools and processes. Once the progressive Medusa’s “evil power” is thwarted, and their ability to rule the lives of others is halted, only then can the evil influences within our Nation be diminished. But we warn conservatives, that evil effects and consequences can still remain. In Greek mythology, the story of Medusa says that after her head is severed from her body, the drops of blood turn into snakes on the ground when carried away by Persius. The head of Medusa, even after her death, still has the power to destroy and turn others into a “stony” silence or action. All of this is to be expected within our Nation and conservatives must be on guard and ever vigilant, for the forces of evil will remain. The war to retain our Nation’s Constitution and Bill of Rights continues. Only the first battle has been won. The war continues on, and your involvement to save our Nation is imperative. Never give up or give in. Never retreat. Never relax. Fight! Fight! Fight!


What has happened to the opposition to the President elect? We have had personal contact with several of those who were hoping to retain the power levers of our National government. We will liken the answer to the question above to the classic movie “Run Silent, Run Deep”. Many have run away to hide. We know this because most of the main cable channel news organizations that have dominated opposition coverage of the elected President, have seen their ratings plummet. We know of friends that have gone silent in reference to watching news, and we even know of others that have quit jobs in an attempt to recover from their heart-breaking loss. In the movie mentioned above, “Run Silent, Run Deep”, a 1958 American black-and-white film that started Clark Gable and Burt Lancaster, adapted from the 1955 novel of the same name, “the story describes World War II submarine warfare in the Pacific Ocean, and deals with themes of vengeance, endurance, courage, loyalty, and honor, and how these can be tested during wartime.” (Wikipedia.) The sub crew often went deep into the ocean and ran silent to avoid the sub-hunters on the ocean surface. While much of this can be mimicked by those who lost the current Presidential election, we believe another movie will be more in-line with the course ahead for those of the losing party.

Let’s now talk about another submarine film titled, “Das Boot”. This is a 1981 West German war film adapted from a 1973 German novel based on Lothar-Gunther Buchheim’s experiences aboard German submarine U-96 in World War II in the “Battle of the Atlantic”. “It depicts both the excitement of battle and the tedium of the fruitless hunt, and shows the men serving aboard U-boats as ordinary individuals with a desire to do their best for their comrades and their country.” The sub endures “relentless North Atlantic gales”, “attacked with depth charges”, and is forced “to dive below test depth, the submarine’s rated limit.” (Wikipedia.) To make the story shorter for you, let’s just say the sub suffers major damage with multiple conflicts and limps to port, seemingly reaching safety, only to be bombed and strafed by the Royal Air Force while tied to the dock, where several of the crew are killed or wounded and the captain collapses and dies watching his U-boat sink. This is the last scene in the movie, seen in the short video clip below.

Now for the life application. Those who failed in the recent Presidential election are not entirely defeated. They will continue to fight for what they believe in, will have some victories, and will have some losses. Ultimately, if our analogy holds true, they will eventually be overcome. The following months and years will require fortitude, loyalty, patriotism, transparency, and a willingness to forge ahead, even in the face of setbacks, and “battle” loses, but these will not define the “war’s” conclusion. If your FREEDOM and LIBERTY are to be saved and retained, current celebrations are to be avoided, believing the battle for the “soul” of our Nation has been saved. What happened last November 5 was only the beginning. The end to the “conflict” cannot yet be seen, so vigilance and personal involvement must continue. Only then, when our bloated National government has been trimmed down to the levels originally intended by our Founding Fathers, can we rest on our laurels, and will those who rest in countless National Cemetaries, be proud of our efforts.


Lord, make us instruments of Your peace

The elections are nearly over. The next President of the United States of America has been voted into office, both with the Electoral College, and with the popular vote. Not all are happy with the results. Many are in distress, angry, frustrated, and filled with despair. For those who voted for the current leadership change, we only need to remind you of how you felt four years ago. With a change in leadership within the powers of authority in our great Nation, many course changes will occur. Many individuals and groups will fight these changes from within and from without our government. Many will make it their goal in life to return the power levers of our Nation to the elite, powerful, and wealthy, those with an ideology seeking goals outside the acceptable boundaries of “We the People”. They will continue to attempt to move the Overton Window to policies, procedures, and social norms to the far left. There will be conflicts, not only in acts of lawfare, but the strong potential remains for even kinetic violence that could engulf many of our cities. We marvel at what drives this ideology. We suspect it originates in the philosophy that one needs to do all they can in this life to achieve all that they can, for when they die, that is the end.

We at FREEDOMGOFORTH.COM feel differently, as do the majority within our Nation. We see death as only a transition to a new beginning. One that lasts forever, and it is based upon the belief and faith in our Creator. Without this hope, it is obvious that some would seek preeminence and ultimate power within this life, and when losing their current foothold in achieving their purposes, finding their way forward thwarted by those who do their best to live honest, moral lives, it is understandable why hostility, accompanied by corruption, would continue by many within our Nation.

For those who believe in the Creator, we see this life differently, one where this existence is more like a proving ground, where we try and spend more time giving thanks for God’s created, praising His Glory and thanking Him for the opportunity to step with Him into the next life. We are thankful that we have been given this opportunity through our birth, blessed with a special soul given for our use, to each one of us, having the choice to do good or ill. We implore those who are spiritual, to continue to seek His Will for your life. In the aftermath of our National elections, we humbly ask all to seek PEACE. In consideration of our response to this National election, we were reminded of a poem by Saint Francis of Assisi written around 1200 A.D. The words have been made into various versions of song. In conclusion of today’s blog, we quote the text from one of these songs to encourage all to seek His PEACE.

YouTube; Instruments of Your Peace // Sounds Like Reign.

Lord, make us instruments of Your PEACE. Where there is hatred, let Your love increase. Lord, make us instruments of Your PEACE. Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease, when we are Your instruments of PEACE. Where there is hatred, we will sow His love. Where there is injury, we will never judge. Where there is striving, we will speak His PEACE, to the people crying for release. We will be His instruments of PEACE. Lord, make us instruments of Your PEACE. Where there is hatred, let Your love increase. Lord, make us instruments, of Your PEACE. Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease, when we are Your instruments of PEACE. Where there is blindness, we will pray for sight. Where there is darkness, we will shine His light. Where there is sadness, we will bear their grief, to the millions crying for release. We will be His instruments of PEACE. Lord, make us instruments of Your PEACE. Where there is hatred, let Your love increase. Lord, make us instruments of Your PEACE. Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease. When we are Your instruments of PEACE. Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease, when we are Your instruments of PEACE.



NOTHING is more important right now than for you to VOTE!

NOTHING is more important right now than for you to VOTE soon!

NOTHING is more important than for you to stay in line to VOTE!

NOTHING is more important than for you to VOTE for change!

NOTHING is more important than to remain peaceful when you VOTE!

NOTHING is more important than to encourage others to VOTE!

NOTHING is more important than remaining vigilant when you VOTE!

NOTHING is more important than to report VOTE irregularities!

NOTHING is more important than to VOTE for your FREEDOM!

NOTHING is more important than to VOTE for your LIBERTY!

NOTHING is more important than to VOTE as your God demands!

NOTHING is more important right now than for you to VOTE!!!!



This will be a very short blog today. Succinct and to the point. Last week we were privileged to assist a blind person in voting. It was wonderful to see her participating in one of our Nation’s most sacred rights, the right and privilege to cast one’s vote for the candidates and issues a citizen chooses. We didn’t agree with all of her choices, but that’s not the point. The point was she took the time out of her day, and made her way to the elections office, to cast her votes. Her journey there was not an easy one, not by our standards, for without personal sight, an easy trip for you or us, becomes much more complicated.

The very next day we were once again privileged to assist a handicapped individual to vote. She was incumbered with a motorized wheelchair, big and bulky, not easily maneuvered around the obstacles, doors and stanchions making her trek to vote more like an obstacle course. She could not read the ballot or mark it, so two individuals assisted her by one reading the list of candidates and measures, while the other marked on her ballot her choice. She left with a “I VOTED” sticker!

The point we want to make today is that for those who feel voting is too much of a chore, or that your vote will not make any difference, or that you don’t have the time to make any effort to vote, all we want to say is SHAME ON YOU! While others take voting seriously, even those with tremendous handicap issues, for you to sit idly by, eating your bon-bons, reading your magazines and watching your TV shows, to not make the effort or take the time to vote is a disgrace and you should be ashamed and embarrassed. We are speaking to those who are religious and who do not vote, to those who hunt and own guns who do not vote, to those who feel isolated and unaffected by national issues and do not vote, we implore your better nature to prevail. Your FREEDOM and LIBERTY are on the ballot next week. If a change in the current government leadership is not achieved, mark our words, you will regret your inaction, and your FREEDOM and LIBERTY will be gone from this earth for the duration of your life time, and potentially for the lifetime of all those who follow you in life in this, the greatest Nation that has ever existed on the face of this earth, The United States of America.


One of the shortest books in the whole Bible, is the Old Testament book of Jonah. Four little chapters, an easy read in 5 minutes. It tells of the story of the prophet Jonah, who was tasked by God to go preach God’s message of destruction to the evil city of Nineveh, a city so large, it would eventually take Jonah 3 days just to walk from one end of the city to the other. Jonah didn’t want to go. He feared for his life, and in the true prophetic reality, he knew a compassionate God would relent and prevent Ninevah’s destruction if they repented, which would destroy his reputation of his prophesies coming true. So, Jonah ran away from God, or so he thought. Escaping on a boat, he hid and slept in the bowels of the ship while a storm threatened the safety of the crew, cargo, and ship itself. After casting lots, which pointed to Jonah, the sailors eventually threw Jonah over the edge into the sea. God had prepared a great fish (we really don’t know if it was or was not a whale) which swallowed Jonah. He spent three days, with seaweed wrapped around his head, repenting to God for his actions. After the three days, the great fish upchucked Jonah onto dry land and Jonah went to Ninevah and did what God had commanded. Ninevah, all the way up to the king, dressing in sackcloth and sitting in ashes, humbled themselves in repentance and submission to God. There is more to the story, but this part of the story is what we want to focus on in our blog today, and draw some comparisons to our daily lives.

As we pointed out in our blog on September 29, 2024, titled, “NOTICE TO CHRISTIANS – Your Silence is Consent”, Christians have a unique opportunity to direct the course of this Nation, since “WE THE PEOPLE”, act as “kings” within our Nation. We do this with our votes. We also do this with our words and actions. If we deny our responsibilities within our Nation, we in effect are running away from our God. We don’t want to suffer the consequences of what evil might do to us. And just maybe, a small part of us would have to agree that with God anything is possible, and those who are against us just might repent and submit to God, if only we would speak His Will as we walk through our cities and communities.

It is time to do the Will of God. We must speak and act within our Nation with the responsibility He has given us and vote to change the course of our great Nation. Do not hide in the depths of our homes, ignoring the storms raging around us. Do not allow others to perish because of our inactions. God may not prepare a great fish to bring us back to our senses, and the story of Jonah serves as our own warning today. If you cherish your FREEDOM and LIBERTY, then use your freedom of speech, and act with the conviction and boldness granted to you by God. Remember that God uses imperfect people to carry out His perfect Will. Who is to say that you are not that one person to swing the course of this Nation back into the Will of God?



We’ve heard a lot about “THE GREAT REPLACEMENT THEORY”. Usually, it is referenced as a white anti-social conspiracy and has been used as a cudgel to demonize and build resentment against those who are conservative. However, there is much more to this than just a passing glance at a 30,000-foot level. The idea of “THE GREAT REPLACEMENT THEORY” dates back well before any political office aspiration by the previous President of the United States. It is said the theory was invented in 2011 by the French author Renaud Camus and had similarities to the “white genocide conspiracy theory”, popularized by the American terrorist David Lane in his 1995 White Genocide Manifesto. But that’s the view most modern-day liberals would like us to focus on. But the theory actually goes back to American nativism around 1900. “According to Erika Lee, in 1894 the old stock Yankee upper-class founders of the Immigration Restriction League were ‘convinced that Anglo-Saxon traditions, peoples, and culture were being drowned in a flood of racially inferior foreigners from Southern and Eastern Europe’.” (Wikipedia.)

To varying degrees, some of those philosophies hold true today. It is our aim in this blog to bring a greater focus on those things that exemplify “THE GREAT REPLACEMENT THEORY” in our Nation today. We challenge the reader to consider the idea of you being replaced as a citizen in our Nation today. When one looks deeply at all the various ways a citizen is being replaced in our society, we believe all honest readers will see the multitude of ways “THE GREAT REPLACEMENT THEORY” is alive and well and expanding in our Nation today. Consider, in no particular order, the ways you are being replaced in our Nation.

Gas vehicles are being replaced with electric vehicles (EVs). You as parents are being replaced by teacher associations, schoolboards, and city and county governments, supported by biased attorneys and judges. As a blue-collar worker, you are being replaced by illegal aliens who are glad to take your job at less pay. Your vote is being replaced by those not legal to vote and diminishes your voice in the direction of our government. Those seeking housing refuge have found illegal aliens occupying and replacing your spaces, often supported by our own government and NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) funding. God is being replaced in our nation by atheists preferring to consider big government to be their god. Our U.S. manufacturing base is being replaced by being sold to foreigners and even moved overseas. Our food exports are being replaced by the need to import food products. Foreign entities are replacing U.S. citizens as owners of land, food and manufacturing facilities within our borders. Many citizens are replacing criminals in jails for simply exercising their rights under our Constitution for FREEDOM of speech and rights to protest. Our Nation’s energy independence has been replaced with a need to import energy from nations unfriendly to us. Delusional government and industry leaders are trying to replace 24-hour base-load natural gas and coal energy with sources incapable of constant energy production, where solar only operates on an average of 7.5 hours per day and wind only 4 to 5 hours per day. Cheaper energy sources are being replaced by more costly solutions increasing energy costs. Transhumanism, replacing humans with Artificial Intelligence, is expanding out of control. The U.S. dollar is being replaced with agreements from the BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India, and China), among others, devaluing one of our Nation’s most vital commodities, the dollar as the world standard currency. Banking and cash transactions are in the process of being replaced with governmental controlled digital currency. The flood of illegal aliens across our Nation’s borders is outpacing natural born births because of decreasing marriage, lowering testosterone and sperm counts, infant mortality and miscarriages often associated with COVID-19 and the harmful effects of the often-mandated COVID-19 injections. National and world-wide peace is being replaced with growing wars and conflicts. World peace through strength is being replaced with weakness in our current government leadership. There is a push to replace our Electoral College with a popular vote where big metropolitan areas will dictate winners and losers. If the wrong party wins the election in November, one can be assured that the Supreme Court will be diluted, replacing the current count of nine, with four or more new Justices. In addition, at least two new states will be added to our union replacing the current balance by increasing the control of the winning party over any other. The current government leadership is laying the groundwork to replace our Nation’s independence with control dictated by world organizations and elite sociopaths in the WHO (World Health Organization) and the WEF (World Economic Forum). Our current cognitive compromised President is being replaced by one who had the lowest ever Vice-Presidential rating.

We are sure you could add to our short list. We will leave those additional areas in which you are being replaced to your own study and experience. One thing is for certain, “THE GREAT REPLACEMENT THEORY” is alive and well in our Nation today. The only way to ensure saving our FREEDOM and LIBERTY is to vote and make a change at all levels our government. Do not seek perfection in a President, for none are perfect. Do not be a “one-issue” voter. Remember King Saul was not perfect, nor was King David, who was an adulterer and murderer. Moses was also a murderer. The Apostle Paul escorted Christians to their death. God works His will through imperfect people. We are imperfect, and so are you. Make your vote based on issues of right and wrong, good versus evil. Ensure that you vote, and that those you know and have contact with vote as well, for the continuance of the greatest Nation ever upon this globe is at stake.

Hoisted With Their Own Petard

The evil genius Wile E. Coyote fails once again to overcome the Road Runner

Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet: Act 3, Scene 4.

“There’s letters sealed; and my two schoolfellows, Whom I will trust as I will adders fanged, They bear the mandate; they must sweep my way And marshal me to knavery. Let it work, For ’tis the sport to have the engineer Hoist with his own petard; and ‘t shall go hard But I will delve one yard below their mines And blow them at the moon. O, ’tis most sweet When in one line two crafts directly meet.”

The “engineers” are those who have been devising plots against Hamlet. They assemble and wish to use lethal weapons upon him, but in fact will succumb to their own destructive devices. To use the word “hoist” is to suggest being tied up, strung up, as in hoisting a flag up a flagpole. And the “petard” can be construed to represent an explosive device, and in Shakespear’s joking way, could have derived its use and meaning from the French word “petarade”, or “breaking wind”, or as we might call it, a fart.

How in the world does this have anything at all to do with our Nation? Let us explain. The term “hoisted upon his own petard” is often used to describe situations where a scheme by one upon another has backfired and has in fact become detrimental to the schemer. The Looney Tunes character, Wily E. Coyote, depicted in the short video clip above, exemplifies this phrase in action, for all of his scheming always ends up backfiring to his demise. In our Nation today, events are being planned and executed in hopes of bringing success, reward, victory, and supremacy. Those who currently hold the levers of power within our National government have planned and executed multiple schemes to prevent a change in governmental leadership. They have secretly spied upon their opponent. They have used impeachment unsuccessfully to derail and thwart their opponent. They have orchestrated and conducted raids, lawsuits, court filings, censorships, threats, intimidations, lies, and invasions to bring down their opposition at all costs.

We would find it hard to believe that citizens of our Nation are unaware of any of these efforts put forth by the current government leadership. All of these actions are being perpetrated by the scheming “Coyote” in hopes of destroying the “Road Runner”. However, the “Coyote” does not look far enough ahead to predict his own demise. This is also true of those who currently wield the levers of power within our Nation’s government. We shout from the rooftop, warnings of their own demise.

Are those who are currently in governmental power unaware of the dangers of our Nation’s burgeoning national debt? How do they intend to stem its growth and bring about its reduction? Do they really believe that opening our Nation’s borders to illegal aliens, including more than 435,000 convicted criminals now roaming free within our own borders, will not have long-term consequences? And we are not counting the over 226,000 who have criminal charges pending! Do they not worry about the some 320,000 unaccounted for the illegal alien children they have escorted across our borders? Do they not fear that sending our hard-earned tax dollars overseas to our adversaries will eventually come back to harm us? How much of the over 85 billion dollars of equipment and armament left in our retreat from Afghanistan be used against our own soldiers and allies? How can one believe in “moving our Nation forward”, when prices of energy and food are high and getting higher. Will they move us “forward” to our Nation’s destruction and demise? The current President’s campaign theme in July was “Let’s Finish the Job”. How much worse could our Nation get, where the rich get richer while the poor get poorer? Is the desire to “Finish our Nation for good”? The current Vice President’s theme talks about “A New Way Forward”. Was the old one wrong for them? If so, why wait for an election to start changing things now? They also speak of “Freedom”. How do they define “Freedom”. Is it their “Freedom” to alter our Constitution? Is it their “Freedom” to restrict our access to certain guns? Is it their “Freedom” to alter the makeup of the Supreme Court of the United States? Is it their “Freedom” to restrict your speech and actions when in contrast to their ideology? Is it their “Freedom” to spend more of our tax dollars through more governmental programs? Is it their “Freedom” to add new states, Senators and Representatives from liberal enclaves? Is it their “Freedom” to monitor your income and spending habits, and even your medical decisions? Is it their “Freedom” to allow citizenship to whomever and whenever they want? Is it their “Freedom” to alter policing practices while favoring criminals over victims? Their “Freedom” is NOT the same FREEDOM or LIBERTY which we declare each week in our blogs.

All of these things we have mentioned are issues pursued by the current occupants of our White House. They will spare no effort to obtain their desired outcomes. However, even if they succeed in the November elections, their victories will be short lived. As with the “Coyote”, their efforts and actions before the election will eventually come back to bite them. Their “Roosters Will Come Home to Roost”. They will not be immune from the destructive forces they have unleashed. They will be consumed by their own schemes. Chaos will consume our cities and states. Acts of violence and destruction will increase. They will fail and be “HOISTED WITH THEIR OWN PETARD”.

There is nothing more important right now to ensure and sustain our Nation than to vote for a change at all levels within our government. Our FREEDOM and LIBERTY are at stake, not just for ourselves, but for our prodigy as well. Pray with all fervor. Act with all diligence. Vote with conviction and patriotism.