WE ARE PUBLISHING THIS BLOG EARLY AS THE INFORMATION IS TIME SENSITIVE. WE URGE EVERYONE TO READ THIS AS SOON AS IT IS PUBLISHED, AND ACT UPON IT ACCORDINGLY. Unless catastrophe rears it’s ugly head, we will resume our regular blog posts on Sunday, October 10, 2021.
We wonder how many of you have a $100 bill in you wallet or purse? Maybe a few of you have never even seen one? Those bills are not exactly what you would take with you to buy a few groceries. Besides, most people today use credit or debit cards. Few think of how much cash actually is transferred with each purchase. When it comes time to pay those monthly credit card bills, there really is no concept of the cash exchanging hands at that time, since either it is done automatically through a bank transfer you set up, or maybe you still write a check. Maybe a few of you actually pay cash for everything you can. Still, it is unavoidable to realize that the cost of everything is going up, and that the value of each dollar you have is worth less and less each passing week.
How many of you know a millionaire personally? Maybe a few do, but we are sure the vast majority of you do not. Some of you may have assets and bank or stock holdings that if cashed out might put you in that category of being a millionaire, but even at that, most of what you say is yours is not easily liquidated, turned into readily available cash. You might be considered a millionaire on paper only, certainly not exemplified in lifestyle. Do any of you know a billionaire personally? Highly unlikely if you are spending your time to read these blogs, because they don’t wallow in minutia like do the majority of the citizens within our Nation. They are above the fray and isolated from any effects of rising costs, inflation, or the daily grind of simply trying to get by. Do you realize you would have to know 1,000 millionaires to equal the market value of only one billionaire? That is a stretch of our mind to even comprehend that much wealth. Now, here is where it gets really difficult. Do you realize it would take 1,000 billionaires to equal the value of only one trillion dollars? That blows our mind! It is simply incomprehensible to try and relate that to our everyday existence.
Considering what one trillion dollars is, our current government has been pushing for a 3.5 trillion dollar “Human Infrastructure Bill”. This “Voting Rights” bill will strip away many of the voting safeguards placed in law by individual states, making voter fraud not simply possible, but likely. Just to make sure that the “woke” minority can steal and seal away their most coveted dreams, they have lumped the one-plus trillion dollar “infrastructure” bill into this process bloating the over all bill to nearly 5 trillion dollars! Around one-half of the “infrastructure” bill has nothing to do with roads and bridges, and at least one-quarter of it has no way of being funded. Much of what is provided for true infrastructure is riddled with threshold quotas for diversity and equity. The current government claims this is part of their “Build Back Better” plan, which we have renamed in a previous blog “BILLIONS BUNGLED BADLY” (September 5, 2021), which we now need to call “TRILLIONS TERRIFYINGLY THREATENED.” The only way that the current government can pass and fund any of these dream giveaways, is to raise the debt ceiling on our government spending. It will be an orgy of spending, and most of it will be frittered away on administrative fees, pet projects, and will be provided to NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) who are not elected and for which there is limited, if any, accountability. If they need more time to twist the arms of congress men and women, by offering pet project funding, a Continuing Resolution (CR) will be passed to “kick the can” down the road one more time. We want to point out, if it is not yet evident to you, that the money they want to spend is not their money, but your money! They intend to get it anyway they can. They will print more money, which will destabilize the dollar on the world market and lead to the potential of its demise as the standard vehicle for world-wide transactions (meaning we could no longer print our own way out of financial ruin), not to mention how it will devalue each dollar you hold in your hand. They will also increase taxes on everyone. Do not fall into the trap of believing what they say, for their words are lies. If you buy groceries or gas for your vehicle, you will be paying more in taxes, not to mention the increase in what you will have to fork over to the IRS each year. Many have stated that this bill being pushed is much more than 5 trillion dollars. Our Nation is already in debt 27 trillion dollars, and they want to add more. To put that in prospective for you, if our whole Nation got together and decided to pay off that debt, each family’s share would be well over $200,000! If this bill is pushed through, you will be leaving a debt upon the families of your children and grandchildren of over $300,000! We want each one of you to look at what 5 trillion dollars looks like.
Look at this number from a different perspective. Bill Gates, was the richest person on earth in 2017 according to the Forbes rich list. He was worth only 86 billion dollars (that’s billions, not the bigger trillions). If at that time he was to take all of his money out in $100 bills, and stack them all up, it would reach to a height of 55 miles above the earth. nearly 6 times higher than where jets normally fly. One trillion dollars would reach around 631 miles, two and one-half times higher than the International Space Station. (the Calculator site, Becky Kleanthous, 15 February 2021.) That would be just for 1 trillion dollars. Are your eyes watering yet? Has your head exploded yet? But here we are in our Nation considering adding yet more debt to our already struggling economy. Why? What are they thinking in Washington D.C.? So we come to the title of our blog, “JUST SAY NO”. This was a saying made famous by the Nation’s First Lady, Nancy Reagan, in the 1980’s and early 1990’s as part of the U.S. “War on Drugs”. We are adapting this saying to fit a different kind of drug, the drug of money. We are encouraging all to “JUST SAY NO” when it comes to increasing our National debt ceiling, pushing the decision to a later date with a CR (Continuing Resolution), and the two “infrastructure” bills being rammed through by our Representatives and Senators in Washington D.C.
Each one of us must live within a budget. If we do not, we will go bankrupt, or be put in jail. Why do we allow our government to so recklessly plod forward throwing our money away on many useless grants and dreams, most becoming sources of revenue for those who really do become millionaires or even billionaires. We have allowed this to continue on for way too long. It is time to put a stop to this dangerous and damaging policy of always increasing our Nation’s debt limit. We simply need to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! “JUST SAY NO”. Are we alone in the belief that our Nation’s funding is out of control? No. A Rasmussen pole came out on September 27, 2021 with the following numbers in their poling. Should the debt ceiling be raised? 40% in favor, 52% oppose. Do you want the 3.5 trillion dollar spending package to be passed? 36% in favor, 53% oppose. Is the spending package a “Trojan Horse” (hiding devastation disguised in a package of free gifts)? 33% say no, 59% believe it is. We are not alone. As we wrote in a previous blog on June 20, 2021, “THERE ARE MORE OF US, THAN OF THEM”. We simply need to tell all who will hear us, “JUST SAY NO”.
Our Nation is at a crisis point where bureaucracy has bloated to the point of explosion. When it explodes, the infectious puss will be everywhere, and there will be no ability to save the failing patient . . . . . our Nation. We need to reign in the out of control spending and streamline our government back to the intentions our Founding Fathers had for it. The states, being closer to the people, were to be the innovators and inventers of policies and procedures best suited to each region, to each state. It was never intended that the government in Washington D.C. was to be the overlord and dictator of one-size-fits-all mandates. We need to have a cleaning of the house in our Nation’s Capitol. Too many are living lavishly off the dole of our uncontrollable government spending. We can emphasize how out of control our bureaucracy has become by pointing out only a couple ways this has happened.
Consider for a moment the bureaucracy being created within our national education system. From 1975 to 2008, the number of faculty increased 10%, while the administration increased 221% . For schools between 1950 to 2009, students increased 96%, while teachers increased 252% and administration increased 702%. (Tucker Carlson Tonight, September 24, 2021, Sumantra Maitra, Senior Contributor to The Federalist and a National Fellow at the Center For National Interest.) Consider also what the current government bills include. The “infrastructure” bill is 2700 pages thick. The “Human Infrastructure” bill is still being written (but they still want to vote on it), and it could exceed 8,000 pages in length. It is planned for an increase to the IRS budget of 79 billion dollars. This will allow them to increase from 75,000 to 125,000 employees. The additional 50,000 will not all be going after the few billionaires in our Nation, because they will instead be going after you. Not yet in the bill, but expected to be included by all in the know, is a provision for the IRS to be informed of, by all banking institutions, any personal transaction over $600. The government will be looking at all of your finances, and they will be wanting more than what you currently give. You can expect more audits, more rulings against you, and you will be paying more to pay to the IRS in taxes due, penalties, and interest. We are sure there will be substantial increases in Capital Gains and Death Taxes. Aren’t we having fun giving more and more of our hard earned money to the wasteful bureaucrats in Washington D.C.? If you don’t think that is fun or a good idea . . . . . . “JUST SAY NO”.
If you feel as we do that our current government needs to work within a budget, that there should be no raising of the debt ceiling, no Continuing Resolutions (CRs), and no to the 5 trillion in “infrastructure” spending, you need to call and email your Representatives in the House, and your Senators. Be kind but forceful. Tell them to “JUST SAY NO”. It is time to take back our FREEDOM and LIBERTY.