In the picture above, Dr. Anthony Fauci is on the left, and Bill Gates is on the right, shaking each other’s hand. To begin with, we want to state that in many ways, these two men have used their positions, power, and money to pursue ways and avenues in an attempt to better the human condition. However, not all efforts are always done with the spoken or apparent intentions. Nature itself teaches us that what is above the surface is not representative of what lies beneath. How far do roots of a tree extend beneath it? How much of an iceberg extends above the water line? The current below the sea is not always indicated by the waves above. The real intent or purpose of any human activity is not always as it seems. Some activities have unintended consequences, not always previously considered. All humans have flaws, and not all human actions are done with selfless intent. Much of ones character and purpose can be determined by one’s actions and words. For the two men above, we want to share statements made by both for your consideration. These statements may not be familiar to you, but they have been out there for some time. Many have attempted to explain away what has been said, but we ask you to put these statements in context with current events. Do your own research. Look for any potential for “HIDDEN AGENDAS.”
The following statement was made on video in January 2017 by Dr. Fauci. Note that it was made in the same month that then President Donald Trump took office of the Presidency of the United States of America. We have added Caps for emphasis within the statement. “There is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases, both chronic infectious diseases in the sense of already on-going disease, and we have certainly a large burden of that, BUT ALSO THERE WILL BE A SURPRISE OUTBREAK.” We only want to remind you that COVID-19 was a “surprise outbreak”. What did Dr. Fauci know? After all, he had a hand in the Gain Of Function research (virus manipulation) being conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan China. Has Dr. Fauci been completely honest with the American citizens during the course of this virus? Has he communicated outside of the public view, to government and corporate entities, building consensus for a joint public narrative, exclusive of all facts and points of view? Has he contributed in any way to “HIDDEN AGENDAS?” Hmmmm?
If you own or have used a computer, or if you have conducted any kind of transaction, you have undoubtedly been touched by Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft. He has evolved in his pursuits of late, and over the past few years he has been involved in helping to develop gene-based delivery strategies, which involves vaccines, for use world-wide. Much of this work has been, and is being done, in concert with the National Institute of Health (NIH), under the direction of Francis Collins, the man in the middle in the picture above. Not surprising that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), headed by Dr. Fauci, is also working in concert with Bill Gates.
In February 2011, in a TED video presentation, Bill Gates said the following (we have added Caps for emphasis): “First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. NOW, IF WE DO A REALLY GREAT JOB ON NEW VACCINES, HEALTH CARE, REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES, WE COULD LOWER THAT BY PERHAPS 10 OR 15 PERCENT.” One would think that doing a “great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services”, many who might die from preventable diseases would be saved, and the population would grow, not decrease. Apparently Bill Gates believes that parents progenitor many offspring believing many of them will die prematurely, and by keeping more of those children alive, parents will need fewer children. What is evident to us is that some parents have many kids for many different reasons. Catholic and Mormon faiths have often traditionally encouraged larger families. Some parents simply love to have kids. Some parents who live on farms believe “many hands make light work.” Some parents do not believe in contraception or abortion. Some believe in Genesis 1:28, repeated again in Genesis 9:1, where God said “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth”(NASB). As far as we can tell, that commandment has not been rescinded by God. Does Bill Gates have any “HIDDEN AGENDAS?” Hmmmm?
There are several reasons for reducing the population in the eyes of Bill Gates. Fewer people on the earth mean more food for those who remain. The “carbon footprint” of mankind would be reduced, believing it to lead to a more sustainable world existence. Technology (read this as vaccines, medicines, and transhumanism advances) would allow better healthcare and reproductive control, and would therefore extend life. We believe that the light of transparency will reveal all “HIDDEN AGENDAS”. Not all believe as Bill Gates does, and not all feel compelled to cast their will upon others. Many do not desire to live dependent upon vaccines, or to allow abortion to be the norm, We are all mortal beings, and none of us will get out of this world alive. Many look forward to a better life after death. While we are here, we will treasure our progenitors, and wish them long, healthy, and fruitful lives, surrounded by those who love them and care for them. We will treasure the traditional family, and not vilify our fathers to weaken them. We will stand firmly against abortion, euthanasia, and gynecide. We did not set this earth on is axis, and we can never, no matter how hard we may try, make one day longer or one day shorter by our own will. What we can do is to treasure our FREEDOM and LIBERTY, and wish the same for as many as who will seek it. We will defend it for ourselves, and will defend the right of others to achieve it. Will you?
We cannot say for certain if the two men mentioned above have “HIDDEN AGENDAS?”. Only they know in their heart, soul, conscience, or moral center if they are seeking only the benefit of others. This question, ARE THERE ANY “HIDDEN AGENDAS?”, needs to be asked of all who are in positions of power and authority. To believe and follow them without question, or without a measure of healthy skepticism, and by rejecting everything that is contrary without proper examination, is dangerous and can lead to ruin. “And if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit” (Matthew 15:14 NASB). Seek out transparency in all things to expose, confront, and defeat “HIDDEN AGENDAS.”