What is your breaking point? When have you had enough? Will you ever get to the point where you can take no more? If you can answer in affirmative the question, “ARE YOU TIRED OF THIS?”, what are you prepared to do to remedy the situation? Are you content to let the incoming waves of national destruction overwhelm you and destroy you? Do you care enough to take action, to stand in the breech, to take the incoming personal and professional attacks, to stand out in the crowd and let all know exactly where you stand? If not, maybe a review of some of the triggers over the last two and one-half years may chip away the ice that has kept you frozen in inaction. Following are some three-dozen remembrances that should rekindle a level of frustration and anger that should move you to action.

Do you care that millions of illegal aliens are breeching our southern border and avoiding the consequences of our established laws?

Do you care that these illegals are flooding our schools, hospitals and institutions, and consuming our tax-payer dollars?

Do you care that thousands of criminals are evading capture at our borders and have only the intent to do our Nation harm?

Do you care that it does more harm to our environment to harvest grain for gas ethanol additives and mine to extract minerals used in batteries in the push for electric vehicles, than to continue the use of fossil fuels?

Do you care that we have to buy oil from failing or failed nations, many who would welcome the demise of our Nation?

Do you care that radical religious nations are close to developing their own nuclear bombs having already publicly called for the destruction of our Nation?

Do you care that our Nation’s oil reserves, set aside for times of war, have been depleted to the lowest levels in decades, with no current efforts to refill it at increasing costs?

Do you care that many of our public schools fail to teach our Nation’s history from before its inception, and instead favor socialistic, Marxist, communistic doctrines?

Do you care that many in government have flaunted our established laws and are protected from prosecution and incarceration?

Do you care that the value of your dollar has diminished greatly in the past two-plus years as our Nation has chosen to print more and more money to expand more and more governmental programs?

Do you care that high inflation has made all commodities and services more expensive, and that those higher prices will most likely be here to stay?

Do you care that our inexcusable and untimely retreat from Afghanistan not only killed and wounded dozens of our Nation’s elite armed forces (as well as Afghan citizens), but also left billions of dollars of military hardware and equipment in the hands of and under the control of terrorists?

Do you care that thousands of Ukrainian and Russian soldiers and civilians are being killed in a war that could have been prevented by U.S. involved negotiations?

Do you care that many of our Nation’s highest offices are staffed not by those most qualified, but too often by those reflecting the application of quotas?

Do you care that those of religious affiliation are being targeted, arrested, and prosecuted at higher proportional rates than those who ransacked stores, participated in violent attacks on innocent citizens, and who destroyed hundreds of businesses and livelihoods?

Do you care that our current government is willing to prosecute those who oppose their agendas, and who run as opposing candidates?

Do you care that our current government disdains a balanced energy approach and is restricting fossil fuels, including natural gas and nuclear applications?

Do you care that the majority of our medicines and their ingredients are dependent upon a nation that has declared a war on our Nation?

Do you care that those who claimed the rising of sea levels are inevitable have chosen to live in expensive houses by the beaches at sea level?

Do you care that many who rail against gun ownership have security protection from those who carry weapons?

Do you care that our ability to speak freely, even if what we say is wrong or counter to the current government’s narrative, is restricted, banned, throttled, and censured?

Do you care that there is a greater push for college attendance than trade school attendance?

Do you care that some college students will have loans forgiven while others will not, and that colleges overflowing with cash do little to ease a college student’s financial burden while stuffing the pockets of tenured professors and their pet projects with cash?

Do you care that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is so advanced now that one cannot be sure of anything online is actually true, or is it simply an electronic concoction by an AI algorithm?

Do you care that governments are developing biological weapons that can target specific genetic qualities capable of killing up to 90% of those so infected?

Do you care that China will eventually take total control of the Panama Canal, and eventually Taiwan as well?

Do you care that nations that seek our demise have hypersonic weapons against which we cannot defend?

Do you care that billionaires (domestic and foreign) are allowed to contribute unlimited amounts of cash to fund political organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)?

Do you care that voting machines and tabulators are hackable?

Do you care that billions of more dollars are being spent in a never-ending effort to defend the national border of a non-affiliated protectorate, than what is spent to protect the borders of our Nation?

Do you care that in an effort to produce products and chemicals to supposedly aid humanity, that we have created a chemical soup environment that over time has caused cancers and yet unknown impacts on fetal development and brain chemistry?

Do you care that foreign nations are allowed to buy our land, enterprises, and even infrastructures?

Do you care that foreign nations have compromised our political process through bribes, gifts, and quid pro quo, more often than not involving millions in cash?

Do you care that many of our age laws are preventing our youth from gaining job experience and that too often entry-level jobs pay exorbitant rates as though they were life-long employment jobs?

Do you care that the emphasis on global warming denies historical geology showing multiple heating and cooling cycles of the earth through the ages?

Do you care that there is too much emphasis taking the homeless off the streets instead of breaking their cycle of chemical dependency?

Do you care that many of our police forces have been decimated due to courts favoring the criminal instead of the victim?

Do you care that our Nation’s armed forces are having to lower standards to maintain recruitment goals?

Do you care that high interest rates make selling and buying houses more difficult and less likely?

Do you care that morality, facts, and truth mean less than doing whatever it takes to accomplish your personal agenda and goals?

Do you care that the belief in a Creator is taking a back seat to the belief that the created’s will is supreme?

Do you care that global elites are making attempts to make our Nation subservient to their will?

Do you care that the rich are getting richer as the poor are getting poorer?

Do you care that many of our Nation’s courts and their judges and justices seem to make greater effort in establishing new laws and precedence over correctly interpreting our established Constitution and Bill of Rights laws?

Do you care blah blah blah . . . . we could go on and on, but we are sure you get the point of our blog by now! ARE YOU TIRED OF THIS? What will it take to make you get up off your couch or recliner and get into the fight of our Nation’s life! Your FREEDOM and LIBERTY are at stake! Do not shirk your responsibility to do your part, however small it may seem to you. Any journey always starts with one step forward. Talk openly with your family, friends and neighbors. Get involved in school, city, county and state boards, and election processes. Do not be cowered into silence by fear of rejection or attack. Our Founding Fathers were not so timid. We stand on their shoulders to do the work they cannot. Those who follow us in life in this greatest Nation that has ever existed on this planet are depending upon your efforts and can only rest in our victories.


Picture representing the fall of Jericho, done not by the power of man, but by the power of the Lord.

We often try to not get too “preachy” in our blog, but unfortunately conditions within this great Nation of ours dictates that we stay true to who we are as a Nation, and to Whom we are ultimately accountable. Of late, we have become a nation with an identity crisis. Proponents on both sides of the political aisle claim that “the Lord is on our side”, however each chooses to define who really is their “Lord”. Is it the Creator of the universe, or is it the thirst for power? Is it the Savior who did what any human cannot do, or is it the alluring power of riches and wealth? Maybe each side claims the same “Lord”, but maybe both sides are confused about how they are supported by that “Lord”. How does one determine if the “Lord” is on your side? Is it determined by the outcome of a particular court case? Is it determined by which side won a particular election? Is it even determined by a sports figure making a game-saving basket or touchdown? We have reason to suggest that most “believers” are often confused about “WHOSE SIDE IS THE LORD ON?”

Speaking for ourselves as well, humans are basically an arrogant species. We are too often mostly concerned with our own welfare and security. We have a deep desire for self-preservation and personal advancement. True, there are those few, and sometimes we find ourselves lumped in that category, who put others first and care more for them than ourselves. Unfortunately, there are many who never submit to sacrificial service. For those few, in everything it is always about them. For most of us, when times go south and the road ahead is difficult, only then do we seek refuge in a higher power and ask the question, “WHOSE SIDE IS THE LORD ON?” If we are fortunate enough to emerge safely on the other side of trials, we gladly and proudly claim that the “Lord was on our side.” But was He? We do believe in the power of supplicant prayer, but to assume the result of our trial was because the “Lord was on our side”, may surmise beyond our right to expect the “Lord” jumped across the fence and fought on our behalf. We are not saying that He did not intervene, but what we are saying is that expecting the “Lord” to play on our side of the field is to bring Him under our control and authority. We might be able to make our point a little clearer by looking at an event that happened around 1500BC.

We have recorded history found in the Bible book of Joshua. The “Lord’s” chosen people had fled Egyptian bondage by His power, and because of the insolence of His people, they wandered for years until all the doubters, troublemakers, and arrogant adults had passed away. The new generation, under Joshua’s leadership, were ready to enter the land promised to their father Moses. The formidable city of Jericho was their first obstacle preventing them from occupying their promised land. Joshua went out to the city to survey what it would take to overcome the city and came upon a man standing opposite him with his sword drawn (Joshua 5:13-14). Joshua did not recognize the man as either friend or foe and he asked, “Are you for us or for our adversaries”. Now listen closely to what the representative of the Lord said. He said, “No, rather I indeed come now as captain of the host of the Lord.” This apparent representative of the Lord, the same Lord that had fed and clothed them for 40 years in wandering, the same Lord who brought them out of Egypt through the many plaques Pharoah could finally not endure, the same Lord that is faithful to the promises He makes, now, all of a sudden is changing sides? What are we to think of this response?

Have you ever seen a horse pushing a cart? We haven’t either, but sometimes we as humans tend to get the cart before the horse. When we claim that “The Lord is on our side”, we are getting the cart before the horse. As the created beings, when we ask the question, “WHOSE SIDE IS THE LORD ON”, we must be willing to recognize that “The Lord is always on His side!” We must be willing and able to submit to His Will and jump the fence to His side in order to claim His intervention.

We believe that those believers who knew the Lord, or knew of Him and His Message, often prayed fervently for relief from persecution under the reign of Nero, who burned many of those Christians as they hung on his crosses as he drove his chariot through his garden. We believe they prayed fervently to avoid being thrown into the Roman entertainment ring to be killed by lions. We believe they prayed fervently to avoid retribution, persecution, and annihilation. But for those who were killed, there came no relief. Not in this life. We must understand that however this life ends, it has no bearing on eternal life. The Lord did not heal all the sick in His short 33 years on this earth. He did not raise all the dead. He did not end slavery. He did not relieve all the poverty. His reign was not about the temporal existence, but about eternal existence. No matter what state we may find ourselves in, we must always strive “to be on the Lord’s side”, and not expect things to always go our way. For the ways of the Lord are far above our ways.

When we are striving to protect, defend and sustain our FREEDOM and LIBERTY, we must not be so naive as to believe we are always in the right, and even if we are, that it will always turn out in this life to be to our human advantage. Our race we run today is not for a better place in this temporary earthly form, but for a better home following death in this life. Do not mistake what we say to mean we should all simply recline in our comfy chairs and watch the world spin out of control, for we are all here for a purpose, not only to be redeemed from our faults, but to reclaim those around us who are teetering on the edge of unbelief. Yes, we need to continue to pray, but understand we need to put our feet to our prayers. We are His instruments for good, to make our very best efforts to overcome evil. If we are on “THE LORD’S SIDE”, whatever may befall us for good or ill, we will be able to say we did our best, and those that follow us in life will echo this in our heritage.


“For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers . . . : Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for FILTHY LUCRE’s sake.” (Titus 1:10-11; KJV; BOLD PRINT added for emphasis.)

More than two years ago we had another blog with an identical title, but this one is focused differently. Please review the previous blog dated June 2, 2021. We believe and are convinced that the alure of financial wealth, and the temporal security so many rely upon, is an intoxicating elixir that clouds the reality of our mortal existence and belies our eternal soul. To be ensnared in the trap of never-ending quest for wealth is a dangerous place in which to be found. We have been warned of the dangers of wealth, but being mesmerized by the temporary comforts it may provide leaves many so entrapped in a hypnotic state and unable to see beyond its momentary pleasures. Many remain addicted to the influence of money and can only survive from one fix to another. The snares of wealth are many and can lead to the wounding of one’s soul. “For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith, and pierced themselves with many a pang.” (I Timothy 6:10; NASB.)

We believe our great Nation is currently under the control of many who not only wield the levers of power and influence, but who have also succumbed to the hypnotic attraction of wealth, this “FILTHY LUCRE”, and what it allows one to do. Through the years, those who represent our citizens in Congress have allowed through laws enacted, and through inaction, many who have become “Rich beyond the dream of avarice” to have an inordinate amount of political control over our Nation. “Avarice” is defined as “Having more money than one could imagine, hope for, or spend the entirety of.”( “The riches of avarice” are defined as “excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain. A more formal synonym for greed.” (Merriam-Webster.) The desire to be associated with, or to have the support of, the wealthy have infected many of our politicians with the disease of cooperation, collaboration and partnership. This has allowed the wealthy to have an exorbitant amount of control over our Nation’s affairs, including those affecting our politics.

It is extremely unfortunate that our Nation’s politics have devolved into a thirst for money to spend. More often than not, we find that TV or internet ads focus not upon a candidate’s goals, the platform upon which the candidate will run and potentially govern, but upon mudslinging accusations that may only have part of the truth shown. Sometimes outright lies and misrepresentations are aired in hopes of diminishing the opponent’s appeal. The old game of trying to make yourself look good by making the other person look bad. The whole process of bringing a candidate into the attention of a Nation is often assisted by organizations not directly aligned with the candidate, but who support the candidate in ways the candidate cannot. These organizations are known as Political Action Committees (PACs). “A Political Action Committee (PAC) is an organization that receives and disburses financial contributions to political campaigns in support of or against candidates, ballot measures, or proposed bills.” (; Claire Miller; February 1, 2022.) PACs are tax exempt. “The first PAC was created in 1944 by the Congress of Industrial Organizations, which sought to raise funds to assist the reelection of Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt.” ( There are limits to what individuals can contribute to a PAC, and how much a PAC can contribute. Large corporations and organizations can often contribute larger shares of their contributions since they can use corporate money for advertising and administrative costs. Millions of dollars are routinely thrown into campaigns by PACs. So, how does the $20 or $50 you contributed stack up to these millions of “FILTHY LUCRE” contributed by these large entities? Pathetically small.

There are other forms of contributions that directly impact our political races. Let’s talk about DARK MONEY. Groups that specialize in this form of financing use “. . . millions to shape our elections without revealing where their money comes from.” “Politically active nonprofits such as 501(c)(4)s [“social welfare” organizations] are generally under no legal obligation to disclose their donors even if they spend to influence elections.” “Opaque nonprofits and shell companies may give unlimited amounts of money to super PACs. While super PACs are legally required to disclose their donors, some of these groups are effectively dark money outlets when the bulk of their funding cannot be traced back to the original donor.” “Dark money groups have spent roughly $1 billion – mainly on television and online ads and mailers – to influence elections in the decade since the 2010 Citizens United v. FEC Supreme Court ruling that gave rise to politically active nonprofits.” “Citizens who are barraged with political messages paid for with money from undisclosed sources may not be able to consider the credibility and possible motives of the wealthy corporate or individual funders behind those messages.” (opensecrets.) So, how does your $20 or $50 contribution stack up against these groups and their “FILTHY LUCRE”? Pathetically small.

While “Hard Money”, the traditional political spending, has tightly controlled limits, “Soft Money” spending does not. “Outside spending – sometimes referred to as independent or non-coordinated spending – refers to political spending made by organizations and individuals other than the candidate campaigns themselves. All outside groups that aren’t political parties – except for a few traditional PACs that make independent expenditures – are allowed to accept unlimited sums of money from individuals, corporations or unions. With these donations, groups may engage in a number of direct political activities, including buying advertising that advocates for or against a candidate, going door to door, or running phone banks. However, these organizations are not allowed to coordinate their spending with political candidates or parties. While some outside groups – like super PACs – are required to disclose their donors, other are not. These nondisclosing organizations are referred to as dark money groups.” (opensecrets.) So, how does your $20 or $50 contribution stack up to “Soft Money” groups and their “FILTHY LUCRE”? Pathetically small.

One more group we need to mention. Political Nonprofit groups. “Nonprofit, tax-exempt groups organized under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code may engage in varying amounts of political activity. Because they are not technically political organizations, they are generally not required to disclose their donors to the public. These groups, like super PACs, cannot coordinate spending with political parties or candidates, and therefore are allowed to raise unlimited sums of money from individuals, organizations and corporations.” “There are a number of types of 501(c) organizations with different structures, uses and capabilities. None of these organizations are required to publicly disclose the identity of their donors or sources of money . . . “ (opensecrets; following the money in politics.) So, how does your $20 or $50 contribution stack up against these unknown donors and their “FILTHY LUCRE”? Pathetically small.

The FREEDOM and LIBERTY our National citizens treasure is greatly impacted by these organizations and entities who often give huge sums of money, going undeclared and undisclosed. Until our leaders in Congress decide to put an end to unlimited contributions, this “FILTHY LUCRE”, from undisclosed sources, through willing organizations, we will be hard-pressed to overcome the financial benefits so many of the tyrannical, elite, oligarchs currently use to their nefarious benefit to control and undermine our great country.


“No one ever made a difference being like everybody else.” Phineas Taylor (P. T.) Barnum

This is a little story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.

There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.

Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.

Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody’s job.

Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it.

It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.

Have you ever heard ANYBODY saying, “It’s beating a dead horse!” Sometimes we feel like we are “beating a dead horse.” It seems at times like there are thousands (maybe millions) of “dead horses” out there. The question we want to ask, “Is the horse really dead, or is it just sleeping, or is it simply pretending to be asleep?” After all, if it pretends to be asleep, it could be a sound strategy to avoid a potential beating, as why would ANYBODY beat a “dead” horse? Why would the “horse” pretend to be “dead”? We would surmise that it is afraid and fearful, and willing to let SOMEBODY ELSE be the focus of any potential beatings. Unfortunately too often we would suspect that NOBODY, no horse, will stay standing to be the target of any beating. We would dare say that EVERYBODY, every horse, will pretend to be asleep. After all, it’s the safest way to insure avoidance of any possible attack. Will any horse, ANYBODY, stand proudly to defend and protect FREEDOM and LIBERTY?

We once attended an organization where EVERYBODY in attendance was handed a ROUND wooden coin-like token. On each token were two words, “TO” and “IT“. The organization was having problems getting things done. Projects needed to be accomplished. Tasks needed to be carried out. Programs needed to be managed. Plans needed to be developed. Efforts needed to be put forth. It seemed as though ANYBODY could assist in these efforts, but NOBODY wanted to step forward. Surely SOMEBODY would stand tall to assist in any way possible. But alas, NOBODY did. So, it was determined by the few group leaders, in an attempt to shake the organization’s tree of potential talents, to pass out these tokens. It didn’t take too long before the message was received by the members of the organization. EVERYBODY cannot expect ANYBODY to always do the work, because always relying upon SOMEBODY ELSE to do the work will in reality mean that NOBODY will do the work. What each member received was a “ROUND TO IT“, because for too long the standard response to any member’s involvement was always “Someday I will get a “ROUND TO IT.” So, on that day, they all received a “ROUND TO IT“, so there was no longer a need to delay involvement.

We have been shouting from the rooftop for several years warning that our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY were under attack from within our own government. Ineptitude, woke ideology, deception and corruption run rampant. Too many of our Nation’s patriots are living undercover, playing “dead”. Too many are pretending to be asleep to avoid detection from a tyrannical government and political and judicial assault. It is long past time to stand up for truth, equal justice, morality, transparency and accountability. Many of our Nation’s true patriots are currently under attack by a government’s plan to drive fear into the hearts of other patriots, forcing many National patriots to pretend to be asleep, and play “dead”.

We quoted in one of our early blogs many months ago, what Edmund Burke (eighteenth-century Irish philosopher and statesman) said. Although there is disagreement with it being one of his quotes, and although it is not the end-all reason for allowing evil to prosper, it is worthy of note. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” We will add notable attributions of the quote to Burke by President John F. Kennedy in a speech before Canadian lawmakers in Ottawa, on May 17, 1961. “Burke was sometimes exorbitant, but he was never silly; and the thing that strikes you about this saying, on a moment’s reflection, is how little sense it makes: the silence of good men isn’t the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil. The persons advancing the evil, whether in command or the rank-and-file, must be strong and determined; and the lukewarm must be either cowed into submission or willing to go along because the evil seems to prosper.” (Reuters; August 9, 2021.)

We will once again implore all true patriots, those who treasure our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY, to rise up, get involved, and make your voice heard to help save and preserve our Nation, and the Constitution and Bill of Rights, the foundations laid by our Founding Fathers and those true patriots who have followed in their footsteps through the decades. Do not be like so many “sunshine patriots” who thrive when the going is good but hide when the going gets tough. Do not believe and hope that SOMEBODY ELSE WILL DO IT! Do not wait to receive your own personal “ROUND TO IT”, for the time of action is at hand. We will end our blog quoting from the Old Testament book of the Bible. It is both a warning to those who see the danger coming to make it known, but also to those who hear the call and how they may choose to respond to it.

“If I bring a sword upon a land, and the people of the land take one man from among them and make him their watchman; and he sees the sword coming upon the land, and he blows on the trumpet and warns the people, then he who hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, and a sword comes and takes him away, his blood will be on his own head. He heard the sound of the trumpet, but did not take warning; his blood will be on himself. But had he taken warning, he would have delivered his life. But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require from the watchman’s hand.” (Ezekiel 33:2-6 NASB)


We’ve come a long way from the days when the proverbial caveman would drag his woman back into the cave by her hair . . . . or have we? Male dominance has been prevalent throughout the ages. This dominance by males has been and continue to be largely due to testosterone. Males are typically bigger, stronger, and more reliant upon the testosterone innate in varying amounts to all human males. Fortunately, as the human species has evolved, so has decorum, respect, and a greater understanding of how each individual, regardless of gender, contributes to the collective being blessed with differing talents. Without this evolving wisdom through knowledge, we might still be back in the stone age. So, what is TOXIC MASCULINITY and how is this a problem in society today?

The current definition of TOXIC MASCULINITY as defined by Wikipedia is as follows: “Toxic masculinity is a set of certain male behaviors associated with harm to society and men themselves. Stereotypical aspects of traditional masculinity, such as social dominance, misogyny, and homophobia, can be considered “toxic” due in part to their promotion of violence, including sexual assault and domestic violence. Socialization of boys often normalizes violence, such as in the saying “boys will be boys” about bullying and aggression. Self-reliance and emotional repression are correlated with increased psychological problems in men such as depression, increased stress, and substance use disorders.” “Other traditionally masculine traits such as devotion to work, pride in excelling at sports, and providing for one’s family, are not considered to be “toxic”. Masculinity is not a bad thing. A taller, more masculine frame can ward off potential nighttime attackers. Strong hands can open a stuck jar lid and hold tightly to a lifesaving rope line. If something is toxic, that is not necessarily a bad thing. If you are killing bugs, harmful crop bacteria, or cancer, toxicity is the healer’s friend to make sure the destructive force is mitigated. TOXIC MASCULINITY is needed in kinetic warfare. Sometimes strength, aggression and a killer instinct is needed in order to obtain or maintain a nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY.

Old fashioned boxing use to be the primary form of entertainment pitting one strong, masculine, testosterone-filled man against another. The advent of venues such as the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment), NXT (a brand of WWE), AEW (All Elite Wrestling), NJPW (New Japan Pro-Wrestling; a result of Sumo Wrestling, we don’t know), TNA (Total Non-stop Action), and AEW (All Elite Wrestling), among probably a host of others, have given rise to the worship of testosterone-emanating fight-club warriors. In the last decade plus, cage fights have become the rage, where just about anything goes. Most of us thought it cute and non-threatening when The Village People released their song, “Macho Man” in 1979, but some took it to heart. Randy Savage, a WWE professional wrestler, used it as his ring name. Movies are filled with “macho-like” personalities, like Jason Borne or James Bond (007). Video games for kids have been replete with scenes whose characters exhibit non-human testosterone-saturated acts. TV has become inundated with characters distributing copious amounts of testosterone-like behaviors, both inside and outside the law. Has TOXIC MASCULINITY reached its peak?

It seems like TOXIC MASCULINITY (read that as TOXIC TESTOSTERONE) has been around for quite a while. We are reminded of the 1998 movie “Lost in Space”, a remake from the original 1965-1968 CBS TV series with the same name. In the more recent movie, the scientist and wife of one of the two men arguing (one being her husband) had this to say, “Not another word. Better. Now if you’ve finished hosing down the decks with testosterone, I suggest you come with me. I may have found a way to get us off this planet.” A strong woman who didn’t need to throw around what little testosterone she may have had in order to get things done.

Recently in politics, we have noticed a disturbing trend among some candidates. The current occupant of the White House declared during the runup to the last presidential election that “If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him”. (CNN; March 21, 2018; Veronica Stracqualursi.) First of all, we are not sure that “the hell” can be beaten out of anybody. Secondly, hell is a place reserved for those to occupy after passing from this life into the next who have acted outside of societal norms, and more importantly, outside of God’s reign. More recently, another presidential candidate is making similar claims, strangely enough about the same individual, the last President of the United States, who is also a current candidate for the same office held just a few short years ago. The man making these claims is the once governor of New Jersey (2010-2018), Chris Christie. He recently said, “I’ll fight . . . anywhere he wants, in any arena he wants – whether it’s on a debate stage or in the octagon.” “The former New Jersey governor told Fox News host Piers Morgan in a recent interview that he would no doubt emerge victorious in a head-to-head fight with the former president.” “Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie says he’s ready to beat GOP opponent . . . – including in the ring.” “Come on,” Mr. Christie said with a smile in response to the question. “Guy is 78 years old. I’d kick his ass.” (The Washington Times; July 14, 2023; Ramsey Touchberry.) Recently, Mark Zuckerburg (founder of Facebook/META) and Elon Musk (of SpaceX fame, and the richest man in the world) also have been touting a hypothetical cage fight.

We have already documented in our blog series titled, TRANSPHOBIA, published April 3, 2022, through June 5, 2022, that the average male testosterone level has been dropping for years. We suspect much of what we are currently witnessing is a simple case of certain men compensating for what they lack. If one cannot do it, watch it. If one cannot exhibit it, talk about it as though you have it. False bravado only accentuates true weakness. We are reminded of a saying by Sun Tzu, a Chinese military general and strategist who wrote the book, The Art of War. In his book he said, “Tactics before strategy is the noise before defeat.” When this saying is applied to politicians who throw around “testosterone-like hyperbole”, it’s akin to “counting your chickens before they hatch”. It is like throwing mud on a wall to see what will stick, not realizing that you will have to clean up the mess, and to what would be the ultimate purpose of the endeavor, or the “strategy” anyway.

We are all flawed humans. TOXIC MASCULINITY is not the cause, the symptom, or the solution. These are simple words thrown around in a world that has lost its way. Too often our actions and words are toxic, and this only erodes our humanity as created by our Creator. We become respected and show moral character when we do not elevate ourselves by demeaning others. We have given away much of our Nation’s character in the last several years, and in the process have seen our LIBERTY and FREEDOM diminished. We will end this blog quoting from a familiar passage in the Bible, found in the book written by Luke, in the 14th chapter. Jesus is speaking. We will begin in verse 8.

“When you are invited by someone to a wedding feast, do not take the place of honor, lest someone more distinguished than you may have been invited by hm, and he who invited you both shall come and say to you, ‘Give place to this man,’ and then in disgrace you proceed to occupy the last place. But when you are invited, go and recline at the last place so that when the one who has invited you comes, he may say to you, ‘Friend, move up higher’; then you will have honor in the sight of all who are at the table with you. For everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled, and he who humbles himself shall be exalted.”

KOWTOW? What will be next?

We do not know if you were able to view the recent video of our Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, meeting China’s President Xi. If you did, did you notice how Xi stood still in one place as Blinken briskly walked over to Xi to shake his hand. Were you able to view our U. S. Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, as she walked off the plane upon her arrival in China. If you did, did you notice how she shook the first two gentlemen’s hands, nodding and bowing slightly as she shook their hands. Did it dawn on you that we, the United States of America, had to travel to China to meet, not the other way around? Did it dawn on you that the imagery is obvious to all who will take note? China, through these actions by our current government leaders, is declaring its nation as being the world’s predominant nation. Our current government leaders are showing our Nation to be supplicant to China.

KOWTOW. “In Sinospheric [East Asian] culture, the kowtow is the highest sign of reverence. It was widely used to show reverence for one’s elders, superiors, and especially the Emperor of China . . .” (Wikipedia.) To KOWTOW is the act of deep respect and supplication, often shown by commoners bowing to superiors.

Why is our Nation so willing to KOWTOW in so many different ways to the nation of China? There is a mountain of evidence growing against the current occupant of the White House. What will be next? Will it ever end? The current occupant of the White House has taken millions of dollars from China, the greatest threat to our National sovereignty, in apparent “pay-for-play” national policy actions. This is the greatest scandal in our Nation’s history. The latest whistleblower surfaces in a 14-minute video provided by The New York Post, Miranda Devine, July 5, 2023. You can find the entire video online. Below is only part of the article reference in the preceding sentence:

“The “missing witness” from the Biden corruption investigation, Israeli professor Dr. Gal Luft, has laid out his bribery allegations against the president’s family in an extraordinary video filmed in an undisclosed location while he’s on the run. 

In the 14-minute recording, obtained exclusively by The Post, the fugitive former Israeli army officer claims he was arrested in Cyprus to stop him from testifying to the House Oversight Committee that the Biden family received payments from individuals with alleged ties to Chinese military intelligence and that they had an FBI mole who shared classified information with their benefactors from the China-controlled energy company CEFC. 

The self-proclaimed fall guy says he provided the incriminating evidence to six officials from the FBI and the Department of Justice in a secret meeting in Brussels in March 2019 — but alleges that it was covered up.” 

“I, who volunteered to inform the US government about a potential security breach and about compromising information about a man vying to be the next president, am now being hunted by the very same people who I informed — and may have to live on the run for the rest of my life on the run …” 

“I’m not a Republican. I’m not a Democrat. I have no political motive or agenda … I did it out of deep concern that if the Bidens were to come to power, the country would be facing the same traumatic Russia collusion scandal — only this time with China. Sadly, because of the DOJ’s cover-up, this is exactly what happened …” 

Dr. Gal Luft
Israeli professor Dr. Gal Luft laid out his bribery allegations against President Biden’s family in an extraordinary video filmed in an undisclosed location while he’s on the run.

“Luft claims he was arrested in Cyprus to stop him from testifying to the House Oversight Committee that the Biden family received payments from individuals with alleged ties to Chinese military intelligence.”

“I warned the government about potential risk to the integrity of the 2020 elections … Ask yourself, who is the real criminal in this story?” 

“The House Oversight chairman, Republican James Comer, who was preparing to interview Luft before Luft disappeared, says the Israeli remains a “potential witness” in the Biden family probe, despite his fugitive status.” 

“It remains to be seen whether Luft is the man who will bring down the Bidens, but he is not going quietly into the sunset.”

“He is determined to tell the American public his version of the truth.” 

The center of our National government is obviously KOWTOWING to China in multiple ways. We sit idly by why China establishes a base of military operations in Cuba, 90 miles from our National shores, where it can launch biological and cyber ops against our Nation. We have aided China in its Belt and Road initiatives, allowing nations in our own hemisphere to cozy up to China’s “funding with conditions”, actions leading to the control of deep-water ports, infrastructure captures, and now the apparent escape from the dollar standard, one of our Nation’s most important assets. “In May of 2019, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) principal propaganda outlet declared a “People’s War” against the United States – a fact that is unknown by most Americans. Unfortunately, this is hardly the only indications of CCP belligerence towards this country.” (; August 17, 2022.) What did the current occupant of the White House do as soon as he took over the presidency, he ended the China Initiative, “. . . a national security program intended to thwart China’s intelligence activities in the US . . .” (; February 24, 2022.) He has failed to pressure China to reveal the source of the COVID-19 pandemic and hold them accountable for the lives lost and the destruction of our booming economy in 2019. He has not expedited support to Taiwan in the face of China’s threat to consume that nation. He has allowed the invasion of many Chinese citizens, having intentions unknown, flowing across our southern border, being allowed to enter freely, while even providing them support and transportation, often through the use of government funded NGOs. He has allowed our Nation to remain dependent upon Chinese medications and ingredients. He is making our Nation more and more dependent upon China for batteries and their materials to quench his thirst for a “green” America. He allows most turbines and parts supplying his “green energy” to be manufactured in China. He allows China to financially support NGOs, buy our land, control food processing plants, and flood our institutions and corporations with Chinese citizens who are obligated to steal our intellectual property and National secrets. Is it any wonder why we blogged on December 4, 2022, “THE UNITED STATES OF CHINA”?

We are losing our Nation. It is being given away by ineptitude, corruption, and treason. Our great Nation, and those who represent it, should KOWTOW to no one or no nation, except only to our Savior and God in humble thanksgiving with supplication. If you treasure your FREEDOM and LIBERTY, then it is incumbent upon you to do something to retain and preserve our Constitution and Bill of Rights. If they are violated, those who do so MUST be held accountable and pay a heavy price. Without accountability, the erosion of our sacred documents will only continue, and before you know it, we will have not only lost our FREEDOM and LIBERTY for ourselves, but we will have lost it for all who follow us in life. What would those who occupy the graves of our National cemeteries say knowing they gave all for what we enjoy today, as we reside in uncaring indifference and inactivity, void of personal sacrifice and commitment to sacred patriotism?

THE MONROE DOCTRINE. A Relic of the Past?

“Squirl”. That’s the very comic reaction of a well-meaning dog in the hit movie “Up” (2009 Disney film). The dog (named “Dug”, a golden retriever) is easily distracted by an innate urge to chase a squirrel. Not unlike Dug, too many Americans are easily distracted by the new “shiny” new object. As our eyes are attracted to a flash of light at the corner of our view, so too are many in our Nation easily distracted by the hot new news item. It could be a lost submarine, the flash of open breasts on the White House lawn, the death of a long-incarcerated criminal, or even the weak indictment of a President’s son. When one takes one’s eye off the ball, you are likely to miss the catch, drop the ball, and could potentially lose the game, the series, the season, or even eventually lose the team. What does this have to do with THE MONROE DOCTRINE? Everything!

First, a review of what is THE MONROE DOCTINE. “The Monroe Doctrine is a United States foreign policy position that opposes European colonialism in the Western Hemisphere. It holds that any intervention in the political affairs of the Americas by foreign powers is a potentially hostile act against the United States.” “President James Monroe first articulated the doctrine on December 2, 1823, during his seventh annual State of the Union Address to Congress (though it would not be named after him until 1850).(Wikipedia.) Just revealed in the news within the last two weeks was the revelation that China is establishing a presence in Cuba. The worry is that it will become a CCP military base capable of conducting espionage activity, spying, eves-dropping, and hacking critical parts of our Nation’s infrastructure, including economic, political, and military assets, and lest we forget, a new potential location for the distribution of a biological weapon. The broad nature of this threat is called “unrestricted warfare.” “What’s a mother to do when a neighbor’s child comes into your yard, damages your property, and is a bad influence on your children?” Do you sit idly by, or do you take action to prevent the unwanted incursions? Our Nation’s history recalls the events of “The Cuban Missile Crisis” of 1962. The event brought our Nation and the Soviet Union to the brink of nuclear war. The Soviet Union intended to install nuclear weapons in Cuba, just 90 miles from the shores of the United States.

Of late, our National government has allowed an opposing nation to make inroads into our once sacred policy of THE MONROE DOCTRINE. What happened? When we peal back the veneer of the series of events in 1962, the actions of the Soviet Union were not really surprising. Our Nation had deployed nuclear weapons to Italy and Turkey, just a geographical “stone’s throw” from the Soviet Union. Fortunately, a catastrophic war was averted when the deployment of nuclear weapons never materialized in Cuba as our Nation withdrew our nuclear weapons from Italy and turkey ( We don’t often speak negatively of our Nation, but it was hypocritical of our Nation to have a doctrine telling nations to the east to remain clear of the west, while we in-turn chose to encroach upon them. The isolationist policies of our Nation were really cemented in the 1930’s, but the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 made it clear that isolation could never overcome the global reach of evolving technologies and nations.

We now live an era where “the cat is out of the bag”. Not only does it appear that we cannot catch the “cat”, but having a plan to put the “cat” back into “the bag” seems to be a policy furthest down on the current government’s list, lagging well behind the push for equity, concern for global warming, and the anti-fossil fuel movement. While our Nation speaks out of both sides of our mouth, we worry about the CCP incursions while talking tough about protecting Tiawan and funding a proxy war in Ukraine. “. . . the old imperial age is over. As America denounces spheres of influence abroad, it is more difficult to flaunt the Monroe Doctrine at home.” (CATO Institute, October 27, 2021; Doug Bandow.) The Western Hemisphere is already being captured by the CCP. Brazil and Venezuela have developed close economic and security ties with China ( Panama, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, and Costa Rica have switched diplomatic recognition away from Taiwan to Beijing ( Plans are being developed to move those countries off the dollar standard, greatly diminishing the influence and power of the United States. “Today, China is South America’s top trading partner. In 2019, Chinese companies invested $12.8 billion in Latin America, up 16.5% from 2018, concentrating on regional infrastructure such as ports, roads, dams and railways.” “Already, 19 governments across Latin America and the Caribbean have joined XI Jinping’s signature Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a $1 trillion transcontinental trade and infrastructure network.” (; Ciara Nugent/London and Charlie Campell/Beijing/ February 4, 2021.)

Ever hear the term, “Physician, heal thyself”? Do you not understand how our Nation has moved away from THE MONROE DOCTRINE, not simply worrying about how other nations are encroaching upon our Nation’s borders, or upon the Western Hemisphere, but how we have allowed this incursion within our own Nation’s borders. For decades, our greedy elite corporations have farmed out many of our Nation’s jobs to the cheapest bidder, to China’s slave labor, to enrich themselves by stuffing their proverbial pockets with immoral riches. We have allowed China to buy our land, food processing plants, and they have made our Nation dependent upon materials and products to support our current government leader’s thirst for “green energy” alternatives. Our Nation depends upon China for many of our drugs, and even the ingredients for many other medicines and products. Even as we write this blog, an unknown number of Chinese military-age men are flooding in across our borders, and their intent is unknown as well. Even worse, many of our Congress men and women have financial ties to China, and some have recently been alleged to have profited from bribes. One has to wonder, what does China receive in return of their investments. If you doubt the influence China has upon our consumer society, check out our blog titled, “THE UNITED STATES OF CHINA” (December 4, 2021). Even you, wittingly or unwittingly, have been a supporter of the China investment in our Nation through your insatiable desire for more stuff, regardless of who made it or from whence it came.

So, now what do we do as a Nation? Do we allow nations around us to continue to squeeze the United States until our Constitution and Bill of Rights finally implode, and we are consumed with those who despise us? Are there steps we can take and solutions available allowing us to defend and retain the FREEDOM and LIBERTY guaranteed to us by our Creator, and reflected in our Constitution and Bill of Rights? We’ll be frank. What took decades to develop will undoubtedly take years to unravel, but that is not a reason to give up hope and askew corrective efforts. Start with what you can do.

Recognize that when you by an item made in China, you are contributing to the potential demise of our Nation, so stop it! Teach and instruct your children the dangers of buying goods made in China. Encourage your extended family and friends, even your neighbors, of the dangerous path our Nation is on. Call and write your representatives in Congress and forcefully but respectfully make your demands for action. When you are given opportunity to vote, do so for those candidates who support reclaiming a free and prosperous United States. Recently a certain beer company, retailer, and sports team got into a downward financial spiral because of a woke ideology. Many Americans chose to shun the use of or purchase from these wayward entities. Eschew those media and investment conglomerates who act counter to our Nation’s best interests. When we act in concert, we have great power, and can make our choices quite clear to those who believe they are immune to the average consumer. Use your feet and your well-earned dollars to peacefully protest those agencies who favor profit and ideology over our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY. Understand that you, WE THE PEOPLE, have the power in our hands to effect change. Only then will we be able to say we have saved our FREEDOM and LIBERTY from those who would seek our destruction.


What you need to know and share!

We are revealing in this blog post part of the actual transcript of the IRS Whistleblower concerning information about the fraudulent, illegal, and traitorous actions of Hunter Biden and his father, the current occupant of the White House. What we are printing, word for word, are only 5 out of the 212 pages of the entire transcript. It is important that every American reads this transcript to become aware of the corruption that infects the current leadership of our Nation. We urge everyone who reads this to share it with two other people, and to have them commit to share it with two other people as well. The ONLY way that citizens of our Nation will become informed is not through disclosure by our current government leaders, not through media, not through corporations, but only through your sharing. If you treasure your FREEDOM and LIBERTY, this is something EVERYONE can and should do. We have heard a lot of talk from the liberal side of our politics in the last few years telling us to believe Whistleblowers. It is time to take them up on their word and listen to those who actually have no axe to grind, only truth to tell. We will begin at the end of page 10. We will underline the important parts that are critical to understand the importance of the Whistleblowers testimony. The entire transcript can be found online.

(End of Page 10) I am alleging, with evidence, that DOJ provided preferential treatment,

(Page 11)
slow-walked the investigation, did nothing to avoid obvious conflicts of interest in this
investigation. I have absolutely no political activities in my past. I vote in the general election and recently voted in the midterms because of an interest in the process for my children, who I took to witness one of the pillars of this Nation, the right to vote.
I have never given a dollar to any campaign, never attended a campaign event at
any level of government, never had a campaign sign on my car, lawn, et cetera. I do not
own and have never owned a tee shirt or hat with any election topic. I vote for the
candidate, not the party. I have voted for Presidents with both an R and/or a D in front
of their names. I speak on this topic so I can try to head off time that might be spent on it. In the end, a fact is a fact, regardless of the political affiliation of the person who brought it to you. I am hoping the whistleblower process will allow me to give this protected
disclosure and leave it to you to make your determinations based on what my testimony
and the documents say about the investigation. I respect this institution and have faith that the issues I raise will be considered appropriately. I beg of you to protect me from the coming retaliatory storm. You are my only hope, and your actions send a message to all those out there that see wrongdoing but are terrified to bring it to light.
In this country, we believe in the rule of law, and that applies to everyone. There
is not a two-track justice system depending on who you are and who you’re connected to.
But the criminal tax investigation of Hunter Biden, led by the United States
Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware, has been handled differently than any
investigation I’ve ever been a part of for the past 14 years of my IRS service.

(Page 12)
Some of the decisions seem to be influenced by politics. But whatever the
motivations, at every stage decisions were made that had the effect of benefiting the
subject of the investigation. These decisions included slow-walking investigative steps,
not allowing enforcement actions to be executed, limiting investigators’ line of
questioning for witnesses, misleading investigators on charging authority, delaying any
and all actions months before elections to ensure the investigation did not go overt well
before policy memorandum mandated the pause. These are just only a few examples.
The investigation into Hunter Biden, code name Sportsman, was first opened in
November 2018 as an offshoot of an investigation the IRS was conducting into a
foreign-based amateur online pornography platform. Special Agent
developed the investigative lead and was assigned to be the original case agent.
In October 2019, the FBI became aware that a repair shop had a laptop allegedly
belonging to Hunter Biden and that the laptop might contain evidence of a crime. The
FBI verified its authenticity in November of 2019 by matching the device number against
Hunter Biden’s Apple iCloud ID. When the FBI took possession of the device in December 2019, they notified the IRS that it likely contained evidence of tax crimes. Thus, Special Agent drafted an affidavit for a Title 26 search warrant, which a magistrate judge approved that month. In January 2020, I became the supervisor of the Sportsman case. The group, known as the International Tax and Financial Crimes group, or the ITFC, is comprised of 12 elite agents who were selected based on their experience and performance in the area of complex high-dollar international tax investigations. The IRS direct investigative team, including the co-case agent, case agent, and me, were working closely with the FBI and the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office and Department of Justice Tax in biweekly prosecution team meetings, or pros meetings.

(Page 13)
Yet, it soon became clear to me this case was being handled differently than any I’d seen
before. As early as March 6th, 2020, I sent a sensitive case report up through my chain of
command at IRS reporting that by mid-March the IRS would be ready to seek approval for
physical search warrants in California, Arkansas, New York, and Washington, D.C.
Special Agent drafted an April 1st, 2020, affidavit establishing probable
cause for these physical search warrants. We also planned to conduct approximately 15
contemporaneous interviews at that time. Yet, after former Vice President Joseph Biden became the presumptive Democratic nominee for President in early April 2020, career DOJ officials dragged their feet on the IRS taking these investigative steps.
By June 2020, those same career officials were already delaying overt investigative
actions. This was well before the typical 60- to 90-day period when DOJ would
historically stand down before an election. It was apparent that DOJ was purposely
slow-walking investigative actions in this matter. On a June 16th, 2020, call Special Agent and I had with our chain of command up to the Director of Field Operations, I pointed out that if normal procedures had been followed we already would have executed search warrants, conducted interviews, and served document requests. Nevertheless, my IRS chain of command decided we would defer to DOJ. Thus, I became the highest-ranking IRS CI leader to participate in our prosecution team calls, be up to date on specific case strategies, to discuss the investigation with DOJ and the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office, and to address concerns as they arose. From around October 2020 through October 2022, I was the IRS CI manager who interacted directly with the United States Attorney, David Weiss, and individuals at DOJ

(Page 14)
Tax Division the most. Even after investigative steps were denied, enforcement operations were rejected by DOJ, leading to the election in November 2020, we continued to obtain further leads in the Sportsman’s case and prepared for when we could go overt. For example, in August 2020, we got the results back from an iCloud search warrant. Unlike the laptop, these came to the investigative team from a third-party record keeper and included a set of messages. The messages included material we
clearly needed to follow up on. Nevertheless, prosecutors denied investigators’ requests to develop a strategy to look into the messages and denied investigators’ suggestion to obtain location information to see where the texts were sent from. For example, we obtained a July 30th, 2017, WhatsApp message from Hunter Biden to Henry Zhao, where Hunter Biden wrote: “I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.” Communications like these made it clear we needed to search the guest house at the Bidens’ Delaware residence where Hunter Biden stayed for a time. In a September 3rd, 2023 [2020], pros meeting, the Assistant United States Attorney, Lesley Wolf, told us there was more than enough probable cause for the
physical search warrant there, but the question was whether the juice was worth the
squeeze. She continued that optics were a driving factor in the decision on whether to

(Page 15)
execute a search warrant. She said a lot of evidence in our investigation would be found
in the guest house of former Vice President Biden, but said there is no way we will get
that approved. The prosecutors even wanted to remove Hunter Biden’s name from electronic search warrants, 2703(d) orders, and document requests. Special Agent said on the call he felt uncomfortable with removing the subject’s name from those documents just based on what might or might not be approved, as that seemed unethical. But his concerns were ignored. And Department of Justice Tax Line Attorney Jack Morgan said, doing it without Hunter Biden’s name would probably still get us, in quote, “most” of the data we sought. I have never been part of an investigation where only getting most of the data was considered sufficient. On September 3rd, 2020, the slow-walking of process continued when AUSA Wolf stated that a search warrant for the emails for Blue Star Strategies was being sat on by OEO. That’s the Department of Justice Office — actually, I’m sorry. I don’t know what it means, the acronym.
She indicated it would likely not get approved. This was a significant blow to the
Foreign Agents Registration Act piece of the investigation. On September 4th, 2020, Deputy Attorney General Donoghue issued a cease and desist of all overt investigative activities due to the coming election. AUSA Wolf made several odd statements, to include that DOJ was under fire and it was self-inflicted. She stated that DOJ needed to repair their reputation.”

Heed the statement made by the Democrat leader of the Senate. It is evident from this Whistleblowers testimony that the Whistleblower had no axe to grind, no dog in the fight, no political agenda other than seeking the truth, favoring no one, but wanting to apply the law equally without bias. What is even more shocking is that the current occupant of the White House has obviously been lying about his involvement in the “pay for play” scheme. Not only has he compromised our Nation’s integrity, but he has taken actions that conflict with his oath of office, all for the sake of the almighty dollars stuffed into his and his family’s corrupt, treasonous pockets. If you treasure the integrity of our Nation, it is incumbent upon each one of you to make your voices heard, to make “overt” the truth of the corruption within our White House, to all you know. Our Nation’s citizen’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY are at stake.



We are going to do something we have not done before. Over the last two years we have blogged about many things. What astounds us is that so many of the things we have talked about in the past have remained as apropos today as they did when first written. In fact, sadly, we could just put a loop in our blog posts to keep repeating over and over again all the research we have done in creating each and every blog. Of late, we have noted even a more pronounced threat upon our Nation. It would seem many of the “alphabet” agencies have tried to usurp the Constitutional structure of power and control. Several agencies have baulked at being accountable to those bodies that have derived their power and authority from the Constitution and Bill of Rights. This has left us with a governmental structure that is out of balance, and out of step, with the original intent of our Founding Fathers. So, today, we tell one more time, the story of the ANIMAL FARM INSURRECTION (July 18, 2021). As the story is told once again, note that not only have the characters in the story remained the same, but note also that in comparison to what is happening within our Nation today, the level of insurrection has deepened its grip upon our Nation.

“Not long ago, there was this one farm, only one among many, but it had a uniqueness about it. Many of the other farms only had one type of animal, but this farm had many different kinds. Some lived mostly outside and had a lot of free reigns. Others were kept mostly inside, in smaller confined areas. What made this farm so special was that all the animals seemed to get along, each animal contributed to the success of the farm. Outside the barn the horses provided riding experiences, the cows gave milk, the sheep provided wool, and the goats kept the grasses and shrubs under control. Inside the barn, the chickens laid their eggs, the rabbits provided fur, and the peacocks provided beautiful feathers. The mice in the barn provided nothing for the benefit of the farm. They often ate the food of all the other animals, and left their droppings wherever they pleased, such was the nature of mice. The one trait that mice excelled in was that they were very cunning and devious. They usually worked under the cloak of darkness. The mice considered themselves to be the preeminent animal. They often spent their time watching over their realm from high above in the barn’s rafters. It would seem they had the best of everything . . . . . but they were not satisfied. They viewed the outside animals with disdain and deplored their ability to roam outside in the free range and wanted to look down on them from their lofty barn beams.

There had always been a structure set up, an organized process, to maintain a functioning, productive farm. All the animals got to choose who would be in the lead for a certain period of time. Things seemed to be going the way the mice preferred. They made sure that certain animals were demeaned by whispering and spreading falsehoods, and this allowed the mice to ensure those leading would always favor the mice. But something unexpected happened during one of the choosing processes. The animal favored by the mice to lead, was not chosen, but in fact, the worst of all animals was chosen to lead, a horse from the free-range pasture. The mice vowed that this would not stand, so a plan was hatched so the mice could reclaim their dominance. Before the horse could even begin to lead, the mice gathered together important animals from each of the barn groups. A plan to regain the leadership role was initiated that included eight layers, each layer following the one before. This would surely hamper the horse’s ability to lead, but it was hoped this would bring about a replacement leader even before the next choosing process.

The first step was to question the horse’s loyalty to the farm, claiming collusion with dangerous bears outside the farm’s fencing. For each of the first 100 days of the horse’s lead, falsehoods would be leaked each day by well-placed sources, claiming the horse had no loyalty to the farm, but was in fact a threat to the well-being of the farm and all farm animals. Drip by drip, the wildly concocted lies were leaked. Even though the horse continued to lead, the leadership effectiveness was greatly hampered. The second step was to take everything the horse whinnied and twist it around so that it would appear the horse was in cahoots with the wolves outside the farm fencing. Many began to doubt the leadership ability of the horse. The mice only smiled. The third step was for the mice to contact the gophers and moles under the cover of darkness. It was agreed that the gophers and moles would create many holes in the free-range pasture. This cause a number of the free-range animals to be injured when stepping into these holes. Fence posts were also brought down which allowed attacks by many bears and wolves. Because of the surge in holes and fence failures, animal leaders in the barn, and even some from the free-range, were able to convince all free-range animals to be brought into the barn and be isolated in their own stalls. Once this happened, the weeds and thorny bushes took over the free-range areas, and much of the areas outside the barn came into disrepair. Almost all of the farm animals became discouraged . . . . . except for the mice. This was their fourth layer of the plan, to create discontent. The fifth layer of the plan was put in place to add to the discontent. The peacocks were tasked by the mice to scream about all the unfairness. This was extremely effective, and it added to the stress of all the animals, as the peacocks honked and trumpeted. Fighting among the animals on the barn floor areas intensified, and some were even killed. Damage to the inside of the barn became evident, and only increased.

Soon, it was nearing time to choose a new leader, and so the sixth layer of the plan was put into motion. Without most of the farm animals knowing, with only a few aware of the plan, strange animals from outside the farm fences were secretly given the right to choose, and sometimes their choices were counted multiple times. Even animals who had already lived out their lives, somehow were enabled to choose, and not surprisingly, all of these choices were made in favor of, you guessed it, the chief mouse. Following the chief mouse being made leader, it was necessary to put into practice the seventh layer of the plan. That plan was to hide from all the farm animals all of the methods and procedures the mice, along with their cohorts, had used to swing the choice to their favor. No one would ever know what really happened, for the power of the mice, and those in league with them, had now achieved just what they wanted.

The freedom of all the animals to roam in the free-range, as they once had, was now gone. The mice were in control, and they could not care less about the condition of the farm, as the areas outside the barn were nearly unrecoverable, and even the interior of the barn was falling apart. There was still discontent with what had occurred, mostly from within the free-range animals, and an extensive search was begun to find out what was causing so much destruction at the farm. However, there was one final layer of the plan hatched by the mice. As part of the eighth layer of the plan, many false tales, accusations, and processes were inspired by the mice to counter the search for truth. Fighting again flared up, as had not been seen before. The destruction of the farm and its valuable products continued. The mice firmly believed this will surely now convince all animals to understand that only the mice can resolve their conflicts and bring prosperity to the farm. This is what the mice reasoned as they viewed from the rafters above the destruction spiraling out of control beneath them. They only pondered where they would get their next meal, stolen from any animal below.

This story will have an ending, but it will be up to the animals to decide. Will they choose FREEDOM and LIBERTY, or tyranny and subjugation?

The story is yours to finish. WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE?

Can you tell who the characters are in this story? Do you not understand that the very core of our Nation is under attack, that there are attempts on many fronts to change our Nation into something it was never intended to be? Values, morality, Christianity, traditions, family, parenting, justice, accountability, equality, and truth are all under attack. When will you get involved like never before in every possible way you can to restore and defend the greatest Nation that has ever existed on the face of this earth? We challenge each one of you to do your part. Our Nation is at stake. Our future is at stake. Our posterities lives are at stake. Will you be remembered as one who stood proudly and strongly to defend our FREEDOM and LIBERTY, or will you and your Nation be swept into the dustbin of failed peoples and nations?


It’s time to put on your thinking caps. Your job in today’s blog is to try and guess in the next few of paragraphs WHO OR WHAT AM I ? I could be a person, or I could be a thing, or I could even be an idea. Good luck. May the best guesser win!

I am a red-blooded American just like many of you. Many would consider me to be the very center of what makes things tick. I reach deeply into the very sinews of the American life. When it comes to having one’s thumb on the very pulse of what makes an American, no one thing (or no one) can do it better than I can.

But life is tough. Many things can go wrong. As I have gotten older, I have become subject to more and more influences that have a direct impact upon my effectiveness at what I do, and have done, for so many years. In some respects, I have become weaker under the onslaught of so many threats that make my efforts at sustaining the way things were so difficult, that at times I simply want to give up and quit.

Ever since the beginning of my work, I have felt that I have only one purpose, and that is to maintain the way things were at the very start. I have worked tirelessly, under some of the most stressful and challenging circumstances. I have continually beat the odds of my survival, sometimes of my own strength, but also sometimes with the aid of outside forces that help to re-energize my sometimes-fainting spirit.

Of late, I fear my time is at hand to complete my mission in life. At times I feel as though that which once was ever-present, that which supported and sustained me, has become less available and when it is nearby, it has become less effective.

Where has my support gone? It seems to have been chased away into the shadows by opposing forces whose only aim is to see my destruction. From whence will come my salvation. Will anything arise to rekindle my once vibrant character? Have those opposing me finally beat me? Have I finally bled the last drop of blood in trying to save the America I once knew?

Have you figured out WHO OR WHAT I AM ? Here are some word clues found in the paragraphs above: Red Blooded, Tick, Sinews, Life, American, Pulse, Beat, Re-energize, Bled, and Blood. If you are still a little stumped, maybe the pictures below will help.



If you enjoy your FREEDOM and LIBERTY, then it is past time to rekindle YOUR PATRIOT’S HEART. Your Nation’s viability, and your posterity are depending upon your action.