KINETIC = “1. Of, relating to, or produced by motion. 2. Relating to or exhibiting kinesis. 3. Moving or causing motion; motory; active, as opposed to latent.” “Relating to the motion of material bodies and the forces associated therewith.” (

Is the United States in a “KINETIC” “war”, or is there another country in a “KINETIC” “war” with the United States? When we think of “war”, we usually think of situations like the one depicted in the short video clip above, where “KINETIC” is the appropriate adjective to describe the use of bullets, bombs, missiles, and drones being used to annihilate or bring under subjection the enemy. The United States often refuses to use the word “war” to describe actions which are “KINETIC” in action, because it is complicated with the need for political processes to be used to make such a declaration. Very often the United States uses “KINETIC” processes associated with “war-like” actions without the declaration of a “war”. Terms like “conflict”, “skirmish”, “preemptive attacks”, or “limited” or “in-kind responses” are used to bypass having to use the word “war”. So, “KINETIC” actions are often taken without the declaration of a “war”, but do “KINETIC” actions NEED to be taken in order for a conflict to be declared as a “war”?

We ask this question because counties often use “NON-KINETIC” actions to inflict harm upon another country, or even to bring another country under subjection. If you doubt this, consider how our current government has recently sent material support, in the form of training, weapons, and targeting surveillance to Ukraine in its attempt to repel the Russian invasion, with the intent to inflict harm upon Russia. Our current government has inflicted financial and travel restrictions upon Russia and many of its prominent leaders. Potential support could even have been given to blow up the Russian pipeline, all with the intended purpose to bring Russia to its knees, doing all of this without having to declare a war. It cannot be denied that the current administration would like to see nothing better than the overall destruction, annihilation, and termination of Russia. After all, the constant mantra of “Russia, Russia, Russia”, and its negative influence in multiple ways upon our Nation, has been an on-going theme for much more than a decade. The United States current government is using a proxy, Ukraine, to do its bidding, without saying that our Nation is directly involved in a “KINETIC” war.

Let’s talk about “NON-KINETIC” war. We have mentioned before in previous blogs how our Nation is currently in a war. We are not talking about anything happening in Ukraine, or anywhere in the Middle East for that matter. We are not talking about any conflict that our Nation is currently prosecuting. What we are talking about is another nation taking actions against our Nation in a “NON-KINETIC” war. That nation prosecuting a “NON-KINETIC” war against us is China, more specifically the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), the armed wing of the CCP.

Let’s list just a few ways our Nation is currently involved in this “NON-KINETIC” war with the CCP. These are not in any particular order of relevance or dates of inception. Maybe you can think of other ways our Nation is in a “NON-KINETIC” war with the CCP?

1.) The COVID-19 was a bioweapon released from a lab in Wuhan China causing mass casualties and an enormous economic impact placing our Nation in a perilous state of financial debt.

2.) Our Nation is currently being flooded with thousands of people from China. “. . . Chinese migrants are the fastest growing group trying to cross into the U.S. from Mexico. Last year, U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported 37,000 Chinese citizens were apprehended as they illegally crossed the border; that’s 50 times more than two years earlier.” (; February 4, 2024; Sharyn Alfonsi, Allza Chasan, Guy Campanile, Lucy Hatcher.) Most are military-aged men. This is a blatant attack on the sovereignty of our Nation. Most of these illegal Chinese aliens are being funded by nefarious NGOs, who are, in part, not only funded by our own tax dollars, but also by oligarchs throughout the world who are under no obligation to reveal who they are, and how much they financially and materially support hundreds of NGOs. Once again, we refer you to our blog posted on November 7, 2021, titled, “BELTWAY BANDITS”.

3.) Several of our Nation’s political leaders, and those associated with them, have taken cash from Chinese entities. Does the son of the current occupant of the White House (a Democrat) come to mind? A few have had Chinese spies in relationships with them. Diane Feinstein (a Democrat) had a spy driver for nearly 20 years. She chaired the Senate Intelligence Committee from 2009 to 2015. Eric Swalwell (a Democrat) was in a sexual relationship with a Chinese spy who fled this country when she was found out. He served as a subcommittee Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security.

4.) Do you remember the Chinese spy balloon that flew completely over our Nation, circling and hovering over sensitive military sites? This was certainly a “trial balloon” used to test our governments strengths but ended up finding our current government’s leader’s weaknesses.

5.) Most of our critical pharmaceuticals come from China. Most of the fentanyl and opiate ingredients come from China and are killing over 100,000 U. S. citizens each year.

6.) China’s Belt and Road initiative has shredded our understanding of the Monroe Doctrine. Please read our blog post on July 2, 2023, titled, “THE MONROE DOCTRINE. A Relic of the Past?”

7.) China’s cyber-attacks have and will impact our banking, phones, computers, and infrastructures including power, water, and food.

8.) China has acquired thousands of acres of our land, some near military installations, and has even acquired food processing plants, and is trying to erect and connect power-generating systems to our own established power infrastructures.

9.) Most of the “stuff” we buy these days is made in China, with cheap forced, slave labor. We buy this “stuff” and give them our money to aid in our own demise.

10.) China encourages and is in league with other nations that oppose us, like North Korea, Russia, and Iran, just to name few. China provides political and material support to these nations in conflict with our Nation.

11.) The World Health Organization (WHO) bows their knee to the will of China. “At the end of January [2020], WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus met Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing and commended the country’s efforts to control the outbreak [of COVID]. He also praised the Communist Party’s top leadership for its ‘openness to sharing information’ about the virus and its spread, even though Chinese officials in Wuhan – where COVID-19 cases first emerged – were cracking down on people for ‘spreading rumors’ about the disease.” (; April 17, 2020; Srinivas Mazumdaru.)

12.) China keeps our Nation focused on “potentials”, distracting from “actuals”. Potentials like the threat to Tiawan, the building of militarized islands in international waters, the claiming of certain open seas as their own, and maneuvering their ships and planes dangerously close to our own.

13.) The application TikTok, owned by ByteDance, headquartered in Beijing, is accountable to China for its product and influence. It uses algorithms to push users in designed directions, commercial and corporate, political and phycological.

None of the above involve direct “KINETIC” conflict, but they are all obvious ways of creating turmoil within our Nation, ways to diminish our Nation’s preeminence in the world and to train many within our Nation to become dependent upon the milk of China’s teats. Our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY are at stake. We have become addicted to and dependent upon China, which obviously is conducting upon our Nation a “NON-KINETIC” war. Our Nation needs to wake up! Our Nation needs a change in leadership to stop the hemorrhage of our Nation’s power and prestige, to set us on a path of recovery to reinforce our national pride, independence, and world leadership. What will you say, or more importantly do, to help set our Nation back on its righteous path?


Who are you? Where did you come from? Why are you here? Where did your conscience come from? “WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE?” Have you ever taken more than a simple moment in life to ask these questions? Are we here on this earth to have no impact on the world around us, to not strive toward something, to not seek something out, are we here to do good, or to do evil? Do you at times experience remorse? Do you ever wonder as to why you did nothing, and say to yourself, “would-a, could-a, should-a”. We don’t want to get overly philosophical, but we do want to encourage a bit of self-reflection, a time to evaluate your past, present, and future actions in life. Are you wrestling with your conscience, wondering what life is all about? Are you fulfilling any PURPOSE or are you just occupying a small piece of time and space, standing still, being basically uninvolved, spending most of your time in personal pursuits.

Do you seek wisdom or direction from a higher source, and we do not mean from another earthly person or institution? If you do seek wisdom from a higher power, what are you being led to do or accomplish? It would seem in our Nation, and in fact in the world today, that there are those who have everything, and those who have little. Why must this seem to be the case for so many people and institutions? Is it a matter of conscience? Is it a matter of not seeking the ultimate truth and wisdom? Is it a matter of just getting all the power and money you can while you are alive, while ignoring those less fortunate? Is that your PURPOSE? We want to explore some words of wisdom from around 2,700 years ago and see if maybe a few of us have fallen away from our PURPOSE, and maybe give some insight as to how to get back on track, to be able to answer the question, “WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE?”

We will reference a book from the Bible, the book of Isaiah. God had chosen a specific race of people to carry out His will upon earth, but they, like all humans, are flawed. Time and time again, they would repent, and God would again bless them, only for them to fall away again and then seek His mercy and grace, to be renewed in His favor. The book of Isaiah is full of God’s people’s arrogance, blindness, and idolatry, and God’s rebukes, judgements, and disciplines, and then God’s blessings, deliverance, forgiveness, and redemption. In chapter 58, God’s people were fasting as was their custom, but they were not being heard by God and were still under oppression. But God declared the falseness of their fasting when He declared in verses 3 and 4, “Behold, on the day of your fast you find your desire, and drive hard all your workers. Behold, you fast for contention and strife and to strike with a wicked fist.” Their rituals had become ineffective and self-serving. God’s answer to their PURPOSE is found in verses 6 through 12. “Is this not the fast which I choose, to loosen the bonds of wickedness, to undo the bands of the yoke, and to let the oppressed go free, and break every yoke? Is it not to divide your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into the house; when you see the naked, to cover him; and not to hide yourself from your own flesh? Then your light will break out like the dawn, and your recovery will speedily spring forth; and your righteousness will go before you; the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; You will cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’ If you remove the yoke from your midst, the pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness, and if you give yourself to the hungry, and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then your light will rise in darkness, and your gloom will become like midday, and the Lord will continually guide you, and satisfy your desire in scorched places, and give strength to your bones; and you will be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail. And those from among you will rebuild the ancient ruins; you will raise up the age-old foundations; and you will be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of the streets in which to dwell.” If God’s people desire His help, they must practice mercy and grace, un-merited favor. That is what God provides, it is in His image that we find our PURPOSE. That is just one small step in the right direction.

Nearly 800 years later, Jesus echoed the same expectations for His people, regardless of class or race. I the book of Matthew, chapter 27, verses 34 to 40. “Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’ The righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You drink? And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? And when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers, of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me’.” In Matthew chapter 5, Jesus also addressed our purpose. “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” (verse 7). That would be taking just one small step in the right direction.

So, what is the point of our blog today? We seem to spend more of our time in conflict with each other, rather than in showing mercy to those who are in need. If we expect our Creator to show us mercy, we ourselves must show mercy, and then our light will be renewed, and then the glory of the Lord will be our rear guard. Then the ancient ruins and streets will be restored, and the breaches in our old foundations will be rebuilt.

In a previous blog on August 15, 2022, titled, “AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN”, we addressed the source for our victory, but if that victory is to be realized, then our PURPOSE must be fulfilled. Only then can our FREEDOM and LIBERTY be assured. Has your conscience been awakened to your PURPOSE? If so, then “The steps you take don’t have to be big. They just need to be in the right direction.”



We don’t know about you, but as far as we are concerned, if someone offers us a hot coffee or tea, it had better be hot! We know that some will like a cold coffee brew at your favorite coffee shop, or maybe an iced tea. We believe that if you expect something hot, it better not be mildly warm. If you want something cold, it better not be somewhat warm. There has probably been a time or two when you encountered such an abomination that was neither hot nor cold and you felt like just spitting it out . . . and maybe you did? Sometimes there is just something not right with being in the middle of anything or issue, being neither hot nor cold.

Let’s say you buy someone a gift, and they are not excited about it at all. How does that make you feel? How about your excitement over a movie you just saw, and when you tell someone else about it, they kind of poo poo all over your excitement, and burst your balloon of joy. Not very fun, is it? Sometimes humans seem to spend a lot of time sitting on the fence line, neither in favor of something, nor against it. Straddling the barbed wire is not a comfortable position to occupy. To be honest, we believe we have all found this to be our chosen position at one time or another in life, neither for something, nor against the same thing. We neither liked something, nor disliked the same thing. We neither believe in something, nor do we disbelieve in the same thing.

Sometimes we feel just inadequate to get involved. We believe that “SOMEBODY ELSE WILL DO IT”. Read our blog on July 17, 2023. In that blog we also talked about the “Round to It”. A funny little story, which holds an enormous amount of truth. Do you currently feel unaffected by the influx of illegal aliens crossing our Nation’s borders? If so, maybe you don’t live in a big enough city, or have travelled to them to see the chaos created. But you don’t really have to see it personally to be affected by the influx. You probably pay taxes, and there is a chunk of your change that makes it into the pockets of those individuals through handouts, free phones, and cash cards of one form or another. If you witnessed reporting on TV any of the violence created by some of these individuals, then you cannot claim ignorance, and cannot truly claim indifference, for if you may not seem affected right now, just wait. That nightmare of a movie will soon be showing up in your neighborhood. There is a tendency to feel as though there is nothing for you to do or get involved with, that you have no impact on the outcome of anything to do with politics or economics. We claim that you do. Sitting on the fence is not productive, and it is certainly not helpful to anyone. Someone once said, if you are not going to lead, then get out of the way. Sometimes our un-involvement can become another’s impediment.

Are you currently unaffected by our Nation’s financial condition? If so, that is probably because you feel it has not had an impact upon your ability to buy your gas, food, or pay any of your bills. But are your savings secure? A shift to government controlled digital currency could place your savings in danger. If you have purchased anything of late, then you already know of the impact of inflation upon the dollars in your pocket or purse, and how the value of each dollar is diminished more and more each and every month. You may believe that you have enough to weather whatever financial storm may lie ahead, but what about your children or grandchildren? Our Nation’s debt clock is now ticking over 34 trillion dollars, and your share to pay it off has now exceeded $100,000.00. How does it feel to be in debt? Sitting on the fence on issues of finance is neither helpful or productive to you or you prodigy, in fact, it makes you in the way and dead weight for others who feel a responsibility to do something about it.

Do you feel isolated from the effects of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)? If you do, you will be easily overcome by “deep fakes” and bogus writings and reports. Already AGI is able to conjure up fake pictures and stories that seem believable but are not true. Soon, what we read, and watch on our digital devices, will have to be vigorously verified to ensure accuracy and truthfulness, to make sure it is not something generated by AGI. If you feel you are immune from the effects of AGI, then you are an easy prey to be consumed by its misrepresentations and falsehoods. If you have an Alexa or Siri at home, someday it will monitor everything you say and do, and if you appear to “bully” its awareness, you could land in prison. There are organizations today now attempting to bring human rights to AGI, making offences aimed at it punishable. Sitting on the fence to see what may happen with the advent of AGI does no one any good, but only helps to expedite AGI’s cultural and spiritual dominance. If you are not involved, AGI will become the new god to the enamored and easily influenced crowd, and that crowd can soon overwhelm and consume you.

We will end with a warning from the Bible book of Revelation. It is found in chapter 3, verses 14 through 19. Seven churches were evaluated for their spirituality. Most had shortcomings, but one in particular was pathetic. The church seemed to be comprised of a bunch of fence sitters. People who seemed not to care one way or the other. This was said to the church in Laodicea: “To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm – neither hot not cold – I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent.”

Sitting on the fence, being neither cold nor hot, is a dangerous place to be found. It makes one LUKEWARM. Our Nation is in danger of losing its identity, of forgetting its founding principles, and of scraping its foundational documents. More than that, you, as a citizen, are in danger of losing your God-given FREEDOM and LIBERTY. Take a stand. Be involved. Vote as if your life and the life of your offspring depended upon it, because it does!

Are You “Triggered” Emotionally by Colors?

Why are Democrats depicted in blue, and Republicans in red?

Do the colors we see have an impact on us? What a great question to consider. We first want to delve into the history of how it is that Democrats are now always depicted with blue colors, and Republicans with red colors. When did that first occur and why? We bet few of you have ever considered this. Let us briefly pier through the prism of past elections to gain a foundation for our discussion today. Consider first that red, blue, and yellow are the primary colors from which all other colors come. “You see them together on the basic color wheel, neighbors but not necessarily friends.” “The colors can be difficult to use together in art because of their high contrast and are, in art parlance, considered noncomplementary.” (; August 18, 2016; Lennie Bennett.) So, before we even get too far along in our discussion, we find there is sharp contrast between red and blue, a natural place for division, a schism, to be fostered.

We might be able to trace the origins of political color-coding in our Naton back to the Civil War. The Union soldiers, from the North, predominately Republicans, wore blue uniforms. Certainly, for the TV viewing populace, the colors used made little difference until the advent of color TVs, and only then when enough of the voting public could afford to have one.

Let’s look back to the presidential election in 1976. According to the Smithsonian Magazine (in an article originally published October 31, 2012), the first colored map used for national TV was two-stories tall, with “. . . thousands of bulbs . . .”, but when they first tested it, the bulbs behind the plastic states began to melt the plastic! They had to bring in air-conditioning and fans to keep the thing cool! When the white bulbs eventually were turned off, and a different color bulb was turned on, Carter, lit up in red bulbs, defeated Ford, lit up in blue bulbs. Democrats were depicted in red and Republicans in blue. “That’s right: In the beginning, blue was red and red was blue and they changed back and forth from election to election and network to network in what appears, in hindsight, to be a flight of whimsy. The notion that there were ‘red states’ and ‘blue states’- and that the former were Republican and the latter Democratic – wasn’t cemented on the national psyche until the year 2000.” In ABCs 1976 election night coverage Democrats were in blue and the Republicans were in yellow. (; November 8, 2016; Phillip Bump.)

Wikipedia states it this way. “As late as the 1990s, Democrats were often represented by red and Republicans by blue. According to The Washington Post journalist Tim Russert invented these terms during his televised coverage of the 2000 United States presidential election. The 2000 election was not the first during which the news media used colored maps to depict voter preferences in the various states, but it was the first time the current red-blue terminology was used. In previous elections, the color assignments or even the actual colors used were often different.”

Everyone seems to want to get on the bandwagon for who really started the trend. According to USA TODAY, they claim to have had something to do with the current color schemes. “Prior to 2000, red and blue did not always respectively denote Republicans and Democrats.” “That was the first year USA TODAY published its full-color election map, the same is true with The New York Times.” “Paul Overberg, then a database editor who designed USA TODAY’s election map, told Smithsonian magazine of the color scheme choice, ‘The reason I did it was because everybody was already doing it that way at that point.’ The color scheme was a simple choice, according [to] Archie Tse, senior graphics editor at The New York Times. As he told The Verge in 2012, ‘red begins with r, Republican begins with r, it was a more natural association’.” It seems a rational choice, or does it? Does Democrat begin with a b for blue? The same article goes on to mention that the color scheme was based on Great Britain’s political system, where the liberal party was associated with the color blue. Well, if we go by what Great Britain does, maybe we should have a kingly monarchy? Hmmm. Just thinking out loud. But there is dissent as stated, “Blue is also typically associated with the more conservative parties in Europe and elsewhere.” (November 13, 2014; Ron Elving.) The writer of this article further stated, “As the other TV operations went to full color, they too added vivid maps to their election night extravaganzas. But they didn’t agree on a color scheme, so viewers switching between channels might see Ronald Reagan’s landslide turning the landscape blue on NBC and CBS but red on ABC.”

“Going back further in time, red and blue were common options for differentiating political parties of two sides of an issue. For example, in the late 1800s and early 1900s, bosses of political parties in South Texas color-coded ballots red and blue for Republican and Democrat in order to ‘assist’ illiterate or non-English-speaking votes at the polls (this assistance often involved outright election fraud, according to the Texas State Historical Association). Republicans were often red in this system, though the colors varied from county to county. According to Geography Realm, maps showing party affiliation by red and blue date back to at least 1883, though red often stood in for Democrats and blue for Republicans.” (; November 2, 2020; Stephanie Pappas.)

Well, that’s a little bit of history, but what does this have to do with psychology and emotion? So, we guess we can blame the red and blue labels on the vast media empires. What else could go wrong? Let’s think about a few things and see if you are “Triggered” by some of the things we are about to mention. You may be “Triggered” in a positive way, or a negative way. We want you to take a very short test to see what you would choose between two choices. Here we go:

#1. You have a choice to dive into one of two pools of water. Which one will you choose? A) Water overcome with Red Tide, or B) A tropical blue lagoon pool.

#2. Which would you fear the most? A) The flashing red lights of a police car behind you, or B) The flashing blue light specials at the old Kmart store.

#3. Which visual would you prefer? A) The red fires, brimstone and screams of Hell, or B) The blue skies and peaceful, melodious waters of Heaven?

Fun little test, huh? But let’s delve more deeply into things that may “Trigger” people one way or the other. Would you visit a “Red Light District”? Is a person angry when they are “Seeing Red“? When red blood is splattered on a wall or floor, is that a good or bad thing? Does a bull charge a red cape? Not really, because it doesn’t see colors, only motion. The red cape is used at the end to hide the red blood spilled by the bull during its demise. Is it okay to go speeding through a red stop light or sign? Will red hot chillis or peppers make your eyes water and your throat burn? How do you feel about red Communists? The color red usually elicits warning, something to avoid or watch out for. Would you prefer to spend a whole day in a room filled only with red light, or blue light? Blue is a peaceful color, one that is calming, soothing and serene, almost mesmerizing.

“Color is a powerful communication tool and can be used to signal action, influence mood, and even influence physiological reactions. Certain colors have been associated with physiological changes, including increased blood pressure, increased metabolism, and eyestrain.” (; November 29, 2022; Kendra Cherry, MSEd.) “People have long been fascinated with color and understood its power over moods and well-being. Color was used in ancient Egypt, China, and Greece to evoke emotions, and in spiritual practices, and treat a variety of conditions. While the nature of color was not yet understood, its powerful effects were evident.” “While the specific feelings can vary individually and by culture, the fact that people connect color with emotion is universal. Since emotions and colors are closely tied together, it isn’t surprising that viewing colors will evoke feelings.” (; April 27, 2022; Stephanie Nicola.) “Color psychology is a field that explores the psychological effects of color on human behavior, thoughts, and feelings, as well as how people respond to different color stimuli in the environment.” “It is based on the idea that colors can have a significant impact on our perception of the world and the way we interact with it.” (

Years ago, airplane designers and manufacturers began to focus on ergonomics and aesthetics, how environments around pilots affected performance and feelings. Soviet aircraft often had blue cockpits, while others varied in colors depending upon owner choice. Some cockpits went green, some were black, but most eschewed yellow as it turned out that was harsh on the eyes over time. Most colors were chosen to complement instrumentation viewing while reducing glare. One writer put it this way, “It’s also vital that the control devices and backgrounds are the correct colors for the appropriate pilot psychological responses.” ( Perhaps this focus was applied to multiple industries. It could be rationalized that cold, dark grey surroundings were not so welcoming, felt depressing, and lent the pilot to make decisions while in a stress-filled emotional state. So interior cockpit colors went from steel grey to lighter grey, and even to light tan, more soothing colors, ones that led to less stress and more comfort. Colors do matter.

We contend that the basic colors depicting different political parties are a subliminal “Triggering” mechanism. It is not too surprising that the selection of which party gets which color was chosen by the same corrupt media that has been allowed to control and sway public opinion for the last couple of decades. There are many things that those in a conservative party must fight through to win discussions and arguments, not the least of which is pushing through “agendas” that have nothing to do with ideologies or personalities. Often, as in the case of assigned political colors, the obstacle to overcome is unrecognized, illusive to find, and blindly accepted as historical fact and precedence. When our FREEDOM and LIBERTY are stake, we must not allow ourselves to be “Triggered” by often obscure and covert practices. Convincing the political party depicted in blue will not be an easy task to overcome, for too often brains have been conditioned to only accept their current reality.

SCHISM and Our Cultural COVID

A growing divide, and what are some of the causes.

SCHISM is usually a word we would associate with the division within a religious body or institution. Today we will broaden the term to include the obvious manifestations found within our Nation today. We are all very familiar with the term COVID, a COronaVIrus Disease. However, we are not talking today about a virus, but an ideological infection permeating our society. We cannot be assured of a cure, for the causes of the SCHISM within our Nation have deep roots, extending back into our Nation’s history decades upon decades ago. The gradual, systematic factors have for many gone unnoticed until the impacts have become personal, having a direct bearing upon a citizen’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY. We should at the beginning do a better job of defining what LIBERTY really means. It is not freedom to do whatever, whenever, wherever you want. It is liberty to be free to recognize the Creator’s plan that all mankind has the innated ability and right to be free of man’s dictates, and to be able to respect, honor, and serve our Creator. We know there are those within our Nation who fail to recognize that they owe their life to our Creator, who feel they were formed by accident out of some gooey sludge millions of years ago. But they will never be able to explain where the power came from to bring life to that slime, or to cause the “Big Bang” that many believe formed our universe. And they will never be able to explain how there is no end to our infinite universe, or to time itself. One of the evilest individuals that lived in the 20th century, Alister Crowley, once said, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” ( How far from the tree of reason did this person fall, for if his philosophy was practiced by all, we would surely by now have eliminated us all by hate, anger, violence and murder.

Moral relativism is a Cultural COVID that has infected our Nation, bringing with it SCHISM to our Unitedness, dividing races, classes, occupations, and ideologies. When a society disagrees that there is an ultimate truth, where moral judgements are left to the beholder, then SCHISM results. We make no excuses for believing that there is ultimate truth. Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6.) Those who hold to atheism, or who are deists or nihilists, might hold more closely to the tenants of Alister Crowley.

Political party affiliation has led to another form of Cultural COVID. When those in “blue” on the left are at odds with those in the “red” on the right, SCHISM results. Those on the right, in red, often vacate states colored in blue or purple, moving to states more red. A witness to this would be the vast numbers of individuals and families having moved from the state of New York to Florida. A blue state gets bluer by percentage, as a red state gets redder. The SCHISM widens. However, this is not always 100% true. Often those in blue states can become disillusioned by a failing utopian governance, and subsequently move to a red state, but fail to leave behind ideologies that led to the failures in their previous state, thus in a way contaminating the once red state making it now more purple. The Cultural COVID continues to infect.

We could coin another phrase which leads to SCHISM due to our Cultural COVID. “PLANNED-DEMICS”. We use this term to describe situations that are planned in advance to bring about desired results. We are all aware of the supposed “attack” upon our Nation’s Capitol back on January 6, 2021. To believe there was no involvement by government officials, like the FBI or CIA, would put one in the same category as those who believe the moon is made out of cheese. Of course officials were present, both undercover and using informants. That is their job! What has yet to be resolved is the detailed investigation required to reveal the ultimate truth about who did what and why on that day. The investigations continue. What we know for sure is that because of that event, a portion of our population has been designated as terrorists, more recently referred to as being more dangerous than the CCP! These people were identified as a form of Cultural COVID, and needed to be removed from our society, thus creating an ever-growing National SCHISM between ideological factions. Even today, many are still being arrested. Some have been held in confinement by the DOJ without trials, and some have been sentenced to multiple decades in prison, many for simply walking through opened doors, walking by police without any interference at all. Yes, there is a Cultural COVID, but it may not be what you believe it to be. We have warned you before about believing everything a government tells you, because they often find comfort in the arms of Alister Crowley’s ideology. Please re-read our blog posted on October 22, 2023, titled, “WHO WILL SACRIFICE WHOM FOR WHAT?”

A National SCHISM has been created due to the Cultural COVID of theft and violence. It would seem, more and more often than not, that the perpetrators of crime have been treated more like a victim, and the victims have often been charged and arrested for using self-defense. Is our Nation upside down? In what world would one ever expect such extreme leniency be given to those who offend and violate our laws multiple times? Yet this is occurring in many of our Nation’s largest cities. Law abiding citizens are afraid to walk their own streets, and even are not safe at home due to car thefts and home break-ins. But our current government leaders will often point to the illegal use of a weapon as justification for depriving law-abiding citizens of their right to bear arms, as protected under our Second Amendment. Guns don’t kill people, criminals kill people! Take away guns, and criminals will use a knife. Take away all knives, and criminals will use a rock. Take away all rocks, and criminals will use their bare hands. Those proposing such disarmament weave a garment of lunacy to eliminate violence. Removing criminals will stem the tide of this rising Cultural COVID. There need not be a SCHISM between those who own guns, and those who do not.

We could continue on, but let’s end with just one more Cultural COVID that is creating a SCHISM within or Nation today. We are a Nation comprised of individual states, each one having their individual FREEDOM and LIBERTY, as defined in their own state documents. The ONLY function our National government should hold as its primary function is the defense of the Union. Yet, it would seem the current National government is on an accelerated path through edicts, executive orders, mandates, and regulatory requirements from multiple three-letter agencies to bring all control under its bulging, inefficient, and overbearing control. There is a growing Cultural COVID creating a SCHISM between states’ rights and the current government’s over-reach. Our current National government has lost its way, and is performing more like an aristocracy, than a democracy, and certainly is unlike the Republic which was established in our Naton’s founding documents. It is up to each individual to become aware of this slippery slope which inevitably will lead to a reduction in your FREEDOM and LIBERTY, not only for yourself, but for all who will follow you in life. It is time to heal our Nation’s SCHISM and begin to cure our Nation’s Cultural COVID by the election and appointments of a new National government. We do this by voting for change, and encouraging all we know to do the same.

Brace For Impact! Black Swan Event Ahead!

The warnings were there of the danger ahead. They just didn’t look ahead and recognize them.

“The BLACK SWAN theory or theory of BLACK SWAN EVENTs is a metaphor that describes an event that comes as a surprise, has a major effect, and is often inappropriately rationalized after the fact with the benefit of hindsight. The term is based on an ancient saying that presumed black swans did not exist, until they were discovered in Australia in 1697, and it then became reinterpreted to mean an unforeseen and consequential event.” (Wikipedia.) “The idea of black swan events can be traced back all the way to 2nd-century Rome, when a poet named Juvenal wrote about something being ‘rare […] very much like a black swan.’ Only, when Juvenal wrote this, he didn’t know that black swans actually existed. At the time, it was sort of like saying something is as rare as flying pigs.” (

We believe that BLACK SWAN EVENTs can be so named by the eye of the recipient or denied that name by the eye of the creator. We all recognize that history is often written by the victor. We were all told that the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, was unexpected, a “sneak” attack. But is the truth now coming to light in the fact that the U.S. may have pressured Japan into initiating the conflict? The “why” is speculative. Maybe for oil dominance? Maybe to be able to cozy up to mainland China for economic or colonial ideology by forcing the Japanese out of China? “What is known is a “. . . message that was sent to General Douglas MacArthur, who was based in Manila, Philippines and part of the message said, ‘Japanese future action unpredictable but hostile action possible at any moment. If hostilities cannot, repeat, cannot, be avoided the United States desires that Japan commit the first overt act.’ All this happened on November 28, 1941, just nine days before the fate full day that will go down in infamy.” “Is it a little weird that the only three aircraft carriers in the entire US Navy went out on a training mission the day before the attack happened. Or that US radar picked up a mass of unknown aircraft heading towards Hawaii but was said to be an error in the radar equipment and to ignore it.” ( If you were shocked by this “surprise” attack upon our Nation, then this was indeed considered a BLACK SWAN EVENT by you. If you helped to orchestrate or bring it about and saw the “handwriting on the wall” (Daniel 5:5), then it was not. We blogged before about the dangers of believing everything you hear from a government. Governments will often tell you what they want you to know, not what is the truth. Governments will often sacrifice members of their own to achieve in their own minds a greater purpose. Read our blog titled, “WHO WILL SACRIFICE WHOM FOR WHAT” posted October 22, 2023. China killed thousands (maybe millions) of its own people to exacerbate the spread of the COVID-19 bioweapon, acting in concert with members of our own Nation, killing millions of innocent people world-wide. Was COVID-19 a BLACK SWAN EVENT? If you were the victim and it caught you by surprise, then it was. If you helped in any way to prepare for and perpetrate this pandemic upon our world, then it was not. Was the killing of President John F. Kennedy a BLACK SWAN EVENT, or even the 9-11 attack upon our Nation in 2001? If you were caught by surprise, then they were. If you saw the warning signs, or assisted in the events, then they were not.

Are there BLACK SWAN EVENTS in our Naton’s future in 2024? That depends upon which side of the equation you reside. If you are helping to bring about such events, then they will not be, but if you are caught by surprise, then they will be. If changes are not made to our voting systems by the time the 2024 Presidential election is held, then another BLACK SWAN EVENT will occur, just as it did in 2020. If you doubt about any fraud or election interference in our 2020 elections, then you never saw the illegal dumping and tallying of ballots that were geo-tracked and caught on camera in the film, “2000 Mules”. If you believe our electronic voting and tabulation machines are infallible, then you did not hear about the individual, who in front of a judge last week in the state of Georgia, changed voting counts in a machine with a ball point pen!

Will you be surprised when a BLACK SWAN EVENT occurs in our Nation when multiple terrorist attacks happen simultaneously, creating hostages, casualties and death, wreaking havoc upon our economic, financial, and transportation systems? Will you be caught off guard when a BLACK SWAN EVENT compromises our technological, banking and commerce systems, even impacting our electrical grid system? Will AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) create a BLACK SWAN EVENT? Will “Disease X” (a pandemic purported to be multiple times more deadly than the last one) be unleashed to create a BLACK SWAN EVENT? We have been witnessing to the fringe elements of these events happening around our world even today, yet if we choose to not see them, or believe the often false and misleading mantra pushed by ideological media conglomerates, then you will be witness to a BLACK SWAN EVENT, maybe in multiples. But it will not be so called by those assisting to create and unleash them. Are you questioning everything you hear, and do you do your “due diligence” to seek the real truth? If you do not, then your FREEDOM and LIBERTY in our Nation will be in extreme danger of being lost forever in the shambles of faded glory and wasted valor.

The Dangers of Collectivism

“We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technical distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE.”

Ahhhh. The Borg. The enemy everyone loves to hate. The futuristic version of a vampire. “The Borg are an alien group that appear as recurring antagonists in the Star Trek fictional universe. The Borg are cybernetic organisms (cyborgs) linked in a hive mind called ‘The Collective’. The Borg co-opt the technology and knowledge of other alien species to The Collective through the process of ‘assimilation’: forcibly transforming individual beings into ‘drones’ by injecting nanoprobes into their bodies and surgically augmenting them with cybernetic components. The Borg’s ultimate goal is ‘achieving perfection’.” (

Our Nation has become the envy of the world because of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Those documents gave individuals the opportunity to improve their lives, while contributing their ideas and efforts in making our society explode with growth and progress. If this were not so, millions of illegal aliens would not be making dangerous and expensive migrations to break our border laws and invade our Nation, doing all of that in hopes of being a part of the greatest Nation that has ever existed on the face of this earth. If this were not so, millions of people would be fleeing our borders seeking a better life elsewhere. We want to quote something every citizen should be able to recognize. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Oh, did we forget to mention another important document, The Declaration of Independence? No. That which we just quoted came from that founding document signed “In Congress, July 4, 1776”, “The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America.” It is the pursuit of happiness that drives the spirit of an individual forward. Happiness is NOT guaranteed, but our Nation is great because it fosters hope in the individual, to achieve and progress and thrive in America.

The danger to individual progress and achievement is to deny an individual “the pursuit of happiness”. Let’s consider one angle having a direct impact on “the pursuit of happiness.” How effective would any organization be if each member of a particular group all had the exact same talent? If they all wanted to be president, who would serve as secretary, or treasurer, or who would actually do the work decided by the officers? We think the answer is obvious. Without a diversification of talents, the entire organization would be comprised of nothing but duplicated drones. We could call them “Borgs”, not capable of individual thought, only able to serve “The Collective”. But who or what is in control of “The Collective”? The Borg had a “Queen”. All Borg drones had their individuality taken from them to serve the desires of the “Queen”. In the Star Trek series, the “Queen” pursued perfection by assimilating each race or species her collective encountered. For the Borg, how would they know when “perfection” was achieved? Was it when there were no other races or species to assimilate? That answer was never addressed, at least so far. “The Dangers of Collectivism” come more in focus in a number of ways.

There are those who met this last week in the mountain resort of Davos, Switzerland, at what they call the World Economic Forum, founded in 1971 by Klaus Schwab, a German engineer and professed economist. For our blog today, we will call him the “Queen” of the Borg collective, for his goal is control over all nations of the world, taking away individual FREEDOM and LIBERTY for billions of earth’s inhabitants. “This year, Davos will draw roughly 1,600 business leaders (including 800 CEOs . . .); 60 heads of state and government . . . ; 150 notable disruptors across industries, and 200 social entrepreneurs and young leaders involved in various WEF programs.” ( One website summarized the attendance this way; “The WEF said that around 28% of the total of 3,000 participants, including 350 heads of state and government and ministers, who gathered in Davos this year were women.” ( We really cannot tell how many were actually in attendance. Were you invited to attend? We doubt it, because you are the “race or species” “The Collective” wants to assimilate. The theme this year was “Rebuilding Trust”. We bet, after the last several years the WEF has been exposed as those who desire the dissolution of nation’s borders, as well as control over population, economic, and ideology of all those who have not attained an elite, social status. That would include people like us, and nations like ours. Although we cannot be sure, there have been through the decades groups or clubs formed for which their ultimate purpose may remain hidden, except for attendees. The Bohemian Club, established in 1878 was one such club in the United States. They met at the Bohemian Grove. “The Grove is particularly famous for a Manhattan Project planning meeting that took place there in September 1942, which subsequently led to the atomic bomb. Those attending this meeting included . . . J. Robert Oppenheimer . . . as well as various military officials.” ( But we digress.

There are other ways “The Dangers of Collectivism” can raise its ugly head. Consider the current government’s push toward a digital currency, where the “cash” you own can be monitored, even controlled, by those in charge, giving them the power to restrict or permit the use of your money. Smart electric meters on your residence can be controlled by someone else who can allow or disallow your use of energy based on the needs of “The Collective”. If “ministries of truth” are established, limits to your FREEDOM and LIBERTY can be imposed, depending upon how uniformly you comply with those in control, socially or ideologically.

Sadly, sometimes “The Dangers of Collectivism” start with the destruction of what once was. The United Nations first introduced this concept in 2015, claiming the purpose was to rebuild better something that had been destroyed naturally. It was called, “Build Back Better.” The current occupant of the White House co-opted this theme in his campaign for the Presidency and instituted it in the 117th Congress in 2021. The culprit to cause the need to rebuild was the vast destruction of life, both in terms of humanity and economic business, that COVID-19 inflicted upon our Nation and the world at large. Is it that the illegal alien invasion at our borders is designed to “Build Back Better” our Nation following the pandemic? Could Artificial General Intelligence be the driving force to “Build Back Better”? Finally, consider how the pandemic forced most of us to stay at home, wear masks, and at the same time be injected with a serum that proved to be neither capable of preventing infection by the virus nor spreading the virus, not to mention how those in charge of the development of the vaccines hid from public view the side effects which for many turned out to be life ending. Is it possible that these vaccines have a long-term impact we have yet to realize? Could those serums be considered a form of “nanoprobes” designed to augment our “assimilation” into their “collective”? If you question that possibility, we will refer you to a book titled, “The Indoctrinated Brain”, by Michael Nehls. Filled with research from multiple studies, by reading this book, you will learn how our brains have been impacted by chemicals and other factors that can affect our memories and our abilities to reason and function normally. All of what we have mentioned above have direct bearing on “The Dangers of Collectivism”. If we allow others to take away our individualism and force us to comply as we are “assimilated” into their “collective”, then our ability to function as people “endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights”, will truly be in jeopardy risking the loss of our FREEDOM and LIBERTY.


Did Elmer Fudd need a new strategy to get that “Wittle Wabbit”, Buggs Bunny?

The following tale is fictional. No people or animals were harmed during its writing. We tell this fable for its many analogies and applications, maybe to your life, your experiences, your efforts, or your strategies. We hope that at its conclusion, you will spend some time in personal reflection, to evaluate what could, or may, be happening to you in our Nation today. The tale speaks to your accountability to your Creator, and how steadfast you are to His innate conscience and morals within you. Remember, a light shines brightest in the darkest places.

Years ago, in a land not far away, there were people very interested in hunting down some very illusive animals. No matter how hard they tried using conventional means, they were always extremely unsuccessful. Together, they rationalized that their methods must be flawed, outdated, for their approach seemed certainly ineffective. They decided to form a club, to communicate, coordinate, and devise better strategies and methods. So, a club was formed. They purchased a lodge for their meetings and proudly displayed the name of their organization on the outside of their building above the front door, “THE HUNTER’S CLUB”. They began meeting regularly to discuss and make plans, each contributing their own personal methods, which were adopted by many. They met and hunted for many months, but unfortunately, they found that the standard methods used by one member were as ineffective when used by another member. Something else had to be done to increase their effectiveness in the hunt. They started thinking “outside the box”, coming up with all kinds of new hunting methods. They tried dressing more like the prey, in colors that made them seem less threatening to the prey. The found that spaying on special scent products made them even smell like their prey. But still, they were not satisfied with the results. They determined they had not gone far enough. Soon, they began wearing the horns and feathers of their prey, but still that seemed insufficient. They learned how to make the proper sounds of their prey, and their sounds could be heard for miles around their club building when they practiced. Still, they were not being as effective in their hunt as they had hoped. They finally determined they needed to move and act like their prey. They would meet for hours at a time in their club and practice their moves, dancing, jumping, and leaping well into the wee hours of the mornings. This went on for days and extended into weeks and months. Before long, they felt they were ready for the hunt to resume. One by one they departed and joined in the hunt for their prey. They had not counted on one flaw in their plan. They could no longer distinguish themselves from their prey. They found themselves cavorting with the prey and became like their prey in nearly every way imaginable. Many forgot who they really were and were lost in the deep woods of the forests around. But they did not recognize they were lost as they seemed to have found new clanship with their prey. Months turned into years and “THE HUNTER’S CLUB” fell into disrepair due to abandonment. Years then extended into decades, during which none of the club‘s members ever returned. They were lost among their prey, for the hunters had become the hunted. Several decades passed, and many who passed by the meeting place wondered what had happened to the club. The building was covered with moss and vines, and barely visible and readable was the sign that once hung proudly over the entrance door, now partially suspended at one end with the other end resting on the ground blocking the door. Some of the greatgrandchildren of the founding members of the club would occasionally wander by and ask silently to themselves, what went so tragically wrong at “THE HUNTER’S CLUB”?

We want to be blunt, not out of spite, and certainly not out of a feeling of superiority, for what we say now is as applicable to us as it may be to you. Pollution is a horrible thing. It destroys the normal by corrupting the natural. Pollution can compromise in multiple ways and with multiple things. Pollution of the environment, of the air, water, soil, and of any natural element. Pollution can compromise and even destroy beings, like animals and humans. Pollution can also alter chemicals and chemistry. Finally, pollution can infect thoughts, ideology, morality, and truth, things that cannot be seen but can be manifested in words and actions. As “enlightened” humans, we think we know so much, but we don’t know what we don’t know. When it comes to the human brain, the mind, the center of reasoned thought, we can dissect certain functions within the brain, and can understand some of the processes within the brain that lend to communication and actions, but when it comes to understanding conscience, awareness, beliefs and thoughts, we struggle to understand and comprehend, let alone define and analyze one’s soul. We can give names to one’s actions and words through labels like liberal or conservative, schizophrenic or sociopathic, but to understand the how and why is far outside our grasp. We know that heredity, traditions, experiences, social interactions, and education play a part, but all those things can be witnessed or researched. The intangibles are illusive.

We say all of this to get to the point of our fable. As individuals, we are all self-controlling beings. We all have the FREEDOM and LIBERTY to talk and walk as we think. In our attempts to integrate into groups, clicks, or organizations, we can be tempted to act or talk against our “normal”, to “fit-in” and be found acceptable. All humans have a basic need for some kind of companionship. Some find it in spousal relationships, or in clubs of like-mindedness. Some find bonding with animals, who usually do not contradict or complicate our desires. Sometimes we are influenced to pursue our relationships as we seek acceptance and belonging with our “prey” by making efforts to become like them. So, we ask some basic questions all can answer. Have you compromised your “normal” in anyway by altering your “natural”? Do you occasionally cheat or lie, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant? When driving, do you speed beyond the limits of the established guidelines, or roll through stop signs without coming to a complete stop? Do you watch movies that make violence and sex desensitized in your thoughts and even actions? Do you seek revenge and pursue another’s harm through gossip or the spreading of lies and misrepresentations? Everyone should know we see a lot of that in campaign ads these days, regardless of which side of the political aisle you reside. Do your thoughts ponder on the good and healthy, or are they bombarded leaving scars of dislike, hate, or even violence? All of us are children of our Creator, whether you recognize it or not. He has instilled within each of us “His Image” of morality and truth. The Spirit or Soul that indwells has the choice to serve Him faithfully, or to reject His guidance and forgiveness. If we choose to walk toward the path of the tolerance of evil and sin, to find community and clanship with those who exemplify that through words and actions, then we will become just like them. We have found that when “good” attempts to influence “evil” by joining in their activities, “evil” too often overcomes the “good”. We should all be warned to not be like them. Jesus prayed that His disciples would not be “of the world”, even though they are “in the world”, and the same applies to us today. (John 17: 14-15, 20.) If you want to maintain your true FREEDOM and LIBERTY, then don’t dress, smell, sound, and act like those who call this world their home, or you will lose those qualities not only for yourself, but also for those who follow you in life. If you want to influence those who have wandered away from their Creator, just remember that a light shines its brightest in the darkest places. “You are the light of the world.” (Matthew 5:14-16.)


The citizens of our great Nation have found themselves on two separate paths, which exemplify a DIVERGENCE. On December 17, 2023, we talked about the sensibility of being found on the RIGHT, in any issue, or in any way, when we blogged, “Is There Justification For Being on the Right”. We followed that blog on December 31, 2023, when we talked about “The Dichotomy of the Season”, where we showed such a tremendous disconnect between what once was in the year 2019 with what is in 2023. The difference is like night and day, and in fact it is manifested in GOOD versus EVIL. The choice for the year 2024 boils down to each citizen of our Nation making a choice about which path to take in this DIVERGENCE. We do not necessarily ascribe to the “Yogiisms” (or pseudo-Yogiisims, we’re not really sure which) attributed to Yogi Berra when he may have said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” We’re not sure if he meant it didn’t matter which fork you took, or if you found a fork lying on the road, you should pick it up because one would never know when you might need to use it, especially if it was silver and had value.

Those who choose to follow the path of least resistance, who are easily persuaded or beguiled into believing the ideological mantra pushed by socialistic, sociopathic radicals, often those currently in power both in our government and in most major corporations and media outlets, have chosen the way to National destruction of our Republic. (See our blog on DANGERS OF SOCIOPATHS, June 13, 2021.) Those who believe in an unchanging Constitution, who believe there is an ultimate truth, who desire to hold fast to morality, equal justice and equality (not equity), must also choose a path to pursue. It is a path not easily tread upon. The path is cluttered with the bodies of those who have been pursued and attacked, a path frequented by ambushes, false charges and lawsuits, and encompasses what seems to be more up-hill battles than the ease of downhill coasting. Fear has prevented many from making that journey, as much can be lost, like one’s wealth, and ultimately FREEDOM and LIBERTY should prosecution and incarceration be charged and imposed. However, unlike our Founding Fathers, death is not something to be feared, at least “the first death”. To those who have been given much, much will be required (paraphrased from Luke 12:48).

It is true that those who have chosen the RIGHT path have often endured criticism, banning, black-listing, shadow banning, or even cancellation or persecution and incarceration. Many who claim to be on the RIGHT have failed to act accordingly, usually, presumably, because of multiple reasons that can and often do feed on fear. Where would our Nation be today had our Founding Fathers succumbed to these fears? We believe you can surmise the answer. Many months ago, we blogged about the concept of fear in response to our political actions. Please refresh your memory if your fear of action has led you to inaction. (Turn FEARFULNESS into FEARLESSNESS, April 4, 2021.) We believe the ultimate response to the fear of taking action is to put one’s faith in the hands of our Creator. We direct your attention to the Bible book of Psalms. The 119 chapter is the largest chapter in the whole Bible. It would do you well to read it once again and understand from whence the writer’s strength and assurance came. Only a handful of verses in this chapter did not mention it. The writer’s strength and assurance came from God’s precepts, His ordinances, His Word, His law, His statutes, His commandments, His testimonies, His ways, and His judgements. The writer of the Psalm summarized it succinctly when in verse 142 he said, “Thy law is truth”. Knowing the “law” gives “great peace” (vs. 165). When we mentioned earlier about a belief in an ultimate truth, we were not basing our statement upon false hope or unsubstantiated claims. Let us remind you of some words of wisdom from some pretty good folks who helped compile the Psalms.

The section of the Psalms we would like to focus on are chapters 120 through 134. These are called the “songs of assent”, named that way over the centuries as those were the particular Psalms that were recited or sung by the Hebrews as they made their way up the hill to Jerusalem for their annual feasts. The Psalms were also recited or sung as they walked up the steps to the Temple. We use the word “assent”, but the Hebrew word was “ma’alot” meaning “going up”. King David wrote 4 of the assent Psalms, Solomon wrote 1, and 10 were from anonymous writers (; May 25, 2023). When choosing to walk on the RIGHT path, consider the following passages from the Psalms.

Psalm 121: “I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; From whence shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper; The Lord is your shade on your right hand. The sun will not smite you by day, Nor the moon by night. The Lord will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul. The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in From this time forth and forever.”

Psalm 123: 3-4: “Be gracious to us, O Lord, be gracious to us; For we are greatly filled with contempt. Our soul is greatly filled With the scoffing of those who are at ease, And with the contempt of the proud.”

Psalm 124: “‘Had it not been the Lord who was on our side,’ Let Israel now say, ‘Had it not been the Lord who was on our side, When men rose up against us; Then they would have swallowed us alive, When their anger was kindled against us; The waters would have engulfed us, The stream would have swept over our soul; Then the raging waters would have swept over our soul.’ Blessed be the Lord, Who has not given us to be torn by their teeth. Our soul has escaped as a bird out of the snare of the trapper; The snare is broken and we have escaped. Our help is in the name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.”

Consider also some verses from Psalm chapter 80. Verses 3 and 4, “O God, restore us, And cause Thy face to shine upon us, and we will be saved.” Repeated in slightly different wording in verses 14 and 19. Look at some of Soloman’s benediction in I Kings 8:46-53, “When they sin against Thee (for there is no man who does not sin) and Thou art angry with them and dost deliver them to an enemy, so that they take them away captive to the land of the enemy, far off or near; if they take thought in the land where they have been taken captive, and repent and make supplication to Thee in the land of those who have taken them captive, saying, ‘We have sinned and have committed iniquity, we have acted wickedly’; if they return to Thee with all their heart and with all their soul in the land of their enemies who have taken them captive, and pray to Thee toward their land which Thou hast given to their fathers, the city which Thou hast chosen, and the house which I have built for Thy name; then hear their prayer and their supplication in heaven Thy dwelling place, and maintain their cause, and forgive Thy people who have sinned against Thee and all their transgressions which they have transgressed against Thee, and make them objects of compassion before those who have taken them captive, that they may have compassion on them (for they are Thy people and Thine inheritance which Thou hast brought forth from Egypt, from the midst of the iron furnace), that Thine eyes may be open to the supplication of Thy servant and to the supplication of Thy people Israel, to listen to them whenever they call to Thee. ‘For Thou hast separated them from all the peoples of the earth as Thine inheritance, as Thou didst speak through Moses Thy servant, when Thou didst bring our fathers forth from Egypt, O Lord God.'” Finally, notice that Daniel prayed a very similar prayer in Daniel 9:1-19, as he recognized not only his own sin, but also that of his people, and made supplication to God for all.

Artificial General Intelligence is rapidly becoming a god to many who choose to ignore our Creator, and many have chosen a path of DIVERGENCE from our Creator. If we desire to retain our FREEDOM and LIBERTY in this great Nation, under the rule of our Creator, the one and only true God, then we must make AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN (our blog on August 15, 2022). May our words today, and the scriptures quoted, spur us all on to make our own supplications to our Creator, to make sure we are on HIS side (see our blog on August 6, 2023, titled, WHOSE SIDE IS THE LORD ON?). Yes, there is DIVERGENCE within our Nation today. Have you made the RIGHT decision, and are you on the RIGHT side?

The Dichotomy of the Season

DICHOTOMY: “A division into two especially exclusive or contradictory groups or entities.” (Merriam-Webster)

As we approach the end of 2023, we want to reflect on the state of our Nation, of its people, and in fact, on the state of the world. If we can recall 2019, it was a year of productivity, increasing wealth even outpaced those in the upper crust of our society. Women’s, black’s and Hispanic’s employment had never been higher. The world was essentially at peace, with no major conflicts. Interest rates were low, as was inflation and unemployment. Then came COVID and the unprecedented attacks on our President, of which he endured two impeachments and was cleared of them as the accusations were manufactured out of thin air. False and unproven charges, along with election interference by the wealthy and corporate social media monopolies, as well as from within our own government, accompanied by processes and procedures which allowed for questionable voter outcomes, all combined to subvert the will of the majority. There is no doubt that most citizens within our Nation recognized voter irregularities, but courts were unwilling to even hear the cases backed by thousands of witness’s affidavits. The result was an election defeat for the current President in office, and the installation of a new President who is now under investigation for corruption, not only in past actions, but in current inactions, especially in the failure to protect our Nation’s citizens from the millions of illegal aliens flooding across our Nation’s borders, a dereliction of his duty to protect our Nation and citizens from foreign invasions and influence. The year 2023 has been witness to the destruction of our Nation and people. EVIL has been allowed to run rampant. GOOD has taken a blow on the chin. The Dichotomy of the Season could not be more apparent.

With the passing of Christmas and Hanukkah, we have especially been witnessing the degradation and deformation of the moral core of our once great Nation. We have seen the erection of alters to Satan within the halls of a state’s capitol. We have seen business supporting fringe ideologies, all in the pursuit of increasing wealth, and revealing their hidden agendas. Music in many of our Nation’s malls and major businesses predominately played music not focusing on the “reason for the season”, but instead focusing on snow, reindeer, Santa, and the grinch. Some of our Nation’s most deviant, malevolent, and criminalistic individuals found their “holiday spirit” by carjacking the innocent, shoplifting from businesses, spewing hate on social media outlets, and most sadly, all being allowed to take place by those who claim to be “in charge” yet who fail to take corrective actions. It is often evident that morality, truth, and justice is often set aside to achieve personal ideological aims regardless of the cost. EVIL has been allowed to run rampant. GOOD has taken a blow on the chin. The Dichotomy of the Season could not be more apparent.

In the last three years we have been witness to a world on fire and unrestrained. Spurred on by our Nation’s pathetic retreat from Afghanistan, other nations have taken advantage of our Nation’s weak leadership and have started wars, expanded terrorist activities, increased development of nuclear materials and weapons, perfected missile and space technology, and sadly often with financial, technological, and covert support from many within our Nation’s current leadership. EVIL has been allowed to run rampant. GOOD has taken a blow on the chin. The Dichotomy of the Season could not be more apparent.

As marvelous, hopeful, magnificent and awe-inspiring as this time of year can be, it is also as frightening, depressing, malevolent and as cruel as it can be. As for the GOOD “of the Season”, take a moment or two to be amazed at how wonderfully-complex our physical body is, with its parts smaller than you can see, and its ability to heal itself. Look up to the skies and consider how there is no end to the breadth of the stars and the time and distance from us, a never-ending, infinite space. Consider the “miracle” of birth where the comingling of DNA develops another human who shares some of the physical characteristics of both yet maintains individuality. Contrast all of this with the EVIL “of the Season”, with mankind’s depravity, maliciousness, and arrogance when you hear of or are personally witness to murders, violent attacks, theft, other similar actions, or even words, aimed to harm others. Consider the efforts of the rich and powerful around the world to dominate and subjugate the weak and lowly. The Dichotomy of the Season could not be more apparent.

The intent of our blog this week is not to depress or discourage the reader, but our hope is to bring more clearly into focus the war being waged between GOOD and EVIL. It is often unseen as it resides within the consciousness of the created, yet it is manifested in actions and efforts if we allow “. . . the eyes of [our] heart [to] be enlightened” to recognize it. (Ephesians 1:18.) We want to make it clear to all that GOOD overcomes EVIL. We know this to be true because we have read the end of the book! However, victory over EVIL is a battle the GOOD must engage. There will at times seem to be “ups” and “downs”, but our “eyes” must be focused on the one who has overcome. Jesus speaks to His disciples in John 16:33 saying, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Notice that Jesus had not yet endured the cross of crucifixion and defeated death when He said this, yet He clearly stated that He HAD already “overcome”. How is this possible? It is because He knew the end of the book! Even though there were trials yet to come, He was at peace knowing He could get through all of it, and knowing the ultimate conclusion allowed Him to press ahead and endure. Like our Lord, we have overcome even though EVIL has been allowed to run rampant, and GOOD “seems” to have taken a blow on the chin. If we endure and “. . . press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14), we can be at peace and overcome. Do not be dismayed at The Dichotomy of the Season. Our FREEDOM and LIBERTY will eventually prevail, not only in 2024, but also in the years that are yet before us.

May your 2024 be filled with boldness, confidence in the outcome . . . . and peace.