We are going to revisit a topic we covered quite extensively in our series of 10 blogs on TRANSPHOBIA, April 3 to June 5, 2022. It is fairly obvious by listening to talk radio, watching TV, or monitoring much of social media, via whatever method you many choose, that there is an attempt in our Nation to demonize those caught in the throes of gender identities. What we will discuss will seem to be somewhat countercultural but hear us out. Quite frankly we are appalled at the rush to declare those targeted as sick, evil, or perverted. Most focus in at how God created man and woman. We have no quarrel with the God’s perfect intention for the world He created for us to live in. What belies belief is how we have so quickly forgotten that this world is not “The Garden of Eden”. The sins of God’s created human beings have left us in a world sick with sin and its consequences. To the woman, God said, “I will greatly multiply your pain in childbirth, in pain you shall bring forth children; Yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.” (Genesis 3:16.) To the man, God said, “Cursed is the ground because of you; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for you; and you shall eat the plants of the field; by the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, because from it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” (Genesis 3:17-19.) If you doubt any that this is true, ask any woman who has given birth how comfortable was the delivery of a child. If you believe the earth has been healed from this curse, you will have to reconcile why weeds and thistles continue to grow where you do not want them. The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:22, “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.” We know the “WHY” birthing is painful, and “WHY” weeds grow, but what about other issues that face our world today?

Mankind has continued to muck things up. Ever since the expulsion from the Garden of Eden, man has defied God’s plan for His creation. We were told to go forth into all the world and procreate (Genesis 1:28), but instead early man stopped along the way and built big cities and became evil. God regretted the day He made man, so the Great Flood wiped out all but Noah and his family, and possibly the Garden of Eden in the process, but no one knows for sure. The same command to go forth and procreate was again given (Genesis 9:1) but the fall of man continued leading eventually to redemption through belief in the Christ. That is basically the story of the Old Testament Bible in a nutshell.

But mankind has continued to muck things up. We believe ourselves to be a creative people, making all sorts of plans and manipulating the creation with our ill-proposed ideas and schemes. We invent, produce, and implement things with haste, often failing to consider consequences. When things we don’t understand appear, we are quick to blame the individual without asking the “WHY”. With some things bigger than ourselves we have used scientific methods to answer the question, “WHY”. Why is the sky blue (Rayleigh scattering), or why are rainbows colored (reflection, refraction, and dispersion of water droplets). How to seeds grow into plants with roots down and leaves up (geotropism and phototropism). We could mention a thousand or more examples, but you get the point. When we as a people are curious about the “WHY”, we seek to engage our brains and find answers. But we don’t always do this. Sometimes it’s simply easier to shift our brains into idle and go along with the noisy crowd and make unknowledgeable condemnations.

Concerning trans-athletes, we hold firm to the belief that gender transition following puberty should disqualify from participation in gender sports opposite to one’s birth sex. Puberty triggers hormone infusions that cannot be undone. Hormone infusions after puberty cannot undo what puberty has already applied. To ignore this fact is to allow potential competitive advantage or disadvantage. Boys, if you have lower external genitalia, you’ve got no business in a girl’s locker room, and if ‘you’re found there, you should be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed for a sex crime! Those who claim transgenderism need to understand that their choice in life has consequences that are no different than a person born with dwarfism understands they would never be able to play in the NBA. We often have made choices or endured situations that prevent the actualization of desires. We must learn to accept and endure, as one would have to do in being confined to a wheelchair or becoming blind. We must learn to live the life we have been given or have chosen.

Since the publishing of our series of blog posts mentioned above, additional information has surface on potential causes of transgenderism. Until we as a people begin to answer the question “WHY”, we will do disservice to those who claim to be trans. First, we want to refute the belief that transgenderism is a precursor in some way, shape, or form, to transhumanism. Those who are trans have no desire to become the first step to man-machine interface, at least to no greater percent than any other demographic group. Starting a word with “trans” is no more of a step to transhumanism as is the word “trans-Atlantic”, or power pole “transformers”. Your bank “transaction” has nothing to do with transhumanism, and neither did your old “transistor” radio. And we want to set the record straight. Transwomen are NOT drag queens! Drag Queens are mostly gay men who only occasionally dress up in women’s attire for entertainment or self-promotional purposes.

Next, let’s talk about the environment in which we live. We mentioned some of this in our previous blogs, but we can now add substantially to it. WE LIVE IN A CHEMICAL AND ELECTRONIC SOUP! Where do you think those soundwaves and electronic signals go? Just to your radio or cellphone? No, they are everywhere all the time, you just can’t see them. There have been questions about sleeping under an electric blanket or holding the cell phone too close to your head and name a dozen more concerns that literally hang in the air with no definitive answers. There is much we don’t know, mostly because manufactures don’t want anyone to look under their rugs for crap. Just ask the tobacco industry when they learned that nicotine was a carcinogen. How many people paid the price of an early painful death because of hidden facts? Turn any TV on and you will see ads talking about the harmful effects of certain chemicals. Man created years ago a wonderful produce call Asbestos. Now we are dealing with Mesothelioma. If you spent time at Camp Lejeune, a Marine Corps Base, you may have cancer because of fuel leaks that contaminated the water supply there. The weed killer Roundup manufactured by Monsanto contains glyphosate, a possible carcinogen, and can give exposed individuals Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma or other cancers. How about a recent article in People magazine (April 15, 2024) that talks about long-term health concerns over nano plastics found in bottled water. And long before any of these, consider the impacts of radiation poisoning because of wonderful nuclear atom bombs. What about the effects of DDT, DDE, and dioxins, all of them being estrogenic chemicals. In our previous blog series, we had already discussed the effects of DES (Diethylstilbestrol), developed in 1938, a synthetic hormone given to millions of women between 1945 and 1970 in vitamins (reference our blog on May 29, 2022). It was even in animal feed, and its effects are being felt generations later. How about all those vitamins and drugs in our marketplace? For the vast majority, we have no idea how they interact when taken together. Some of the warnings for new medicines advertised on TV have warnings in fine print at the bottom of the screen that are as long as a two-mile freight train, and some say, “could cause death”. Well, kill me now! We hear you yelling, “STOP!”, because you get the point. In how much of any of this do you find personal immunity? But there is one more we want to share that also specifically addresses the trans issue.

The following paragraphs, some of it in quotes, comes from a report broadcast on the show “Full Measure”, with Sharly Attkisson, on January 13, 2024. The topic was “Scientific Research Links Water Contamination to Sex Changes in Animals.” Part of the broadcast centered around a product called “ATRAZINE”, a St. Augustine Weed Killer, used on crops and often found in drinking water. “We showed that Atrazine de-masculinized animals as well as feminized animals.” “Genetic males actually transformed into females.” “We begin today with the disturbing scientific saga that demonstrates how far some will go to control what version of science gets told and how that can factor into emerging trends in human sexuality,” 25 years ago, a researcher stumbled across an important piece of the puzzle, but powerful forces have worked to silence and smear him, making it harder to get at the facts all these years later when they could matter the most. Tyrone Hays, at the University of California, Berkley lab, is a Professor of Integrated Biology (a Developmental Endocrinologist). His interest is the role of hormones regulating development. He worked for Novartis, a chemical giant, in 1998. He was contracted to see if Atrazine, an herbicide, somehow interfered with hormonal regulation of development. Atrazine is used on corn crops, sugar cane, pineapples, sorghum, macadamia nuts, and evergreen tree farms. Atrazine is one of the most common contaminates in America’s drinking water. At the time, it was Novartis’s #1 selling agrichemical product. He found that when the chemical was found in genetic male frogs, instead of developing testis, that aspect was inhibited, and often times frogs developed ovaries and transformed into females. A certain type of larynx, or voice box, for attracting females was also inhibited.

He was prevented by his contract from publishing his work. He became uncomfortable with some of the things the company was asking him to do, interpretations and manipulations of the data. He repeated the work without their funding to have freedom to publish and discuss his work outside his lab and university. He found similar findings in species other than frogs. Some developed hermaphroditism, developing both male testis and female ovaries, when exposed to values far below what the EPA said was safe for people to drink. He soon began to feel like he was Novartis’s public enemy #1. Later, Novartis spun off its agrichemical business, and Atrazine, to China owned Syngenta. Syngenta published ways to discredit Hays, including investigating his wife, and manipulating social media search engines. Hays said his life was a living hell. They had plans to harass and pursue his students and family.

The EPA decided to “kick the can down the road” for 20 years, as the company raked in billions. In 2020 the EPA made its decision. “Atrazine is likely to effect 54% of all species, and 42% of all critical habitats.” The same year, EPA re-registered Atrazine for use. Hays published one paper, with 22 co-authors from 12 countries, that Atrazine was a reproductive toxin to fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and rodents. Other studies have seen correlation with human cell lines with adverse effects, including breast and prostate cancer, low sperm count, and a variety of different birth defects. “WHY” have we not learned of this sooner? Because big lobby and industry have a big influence over decisions like the ones the EPA has to make.

Today, the CDC says Atrazine can alter “the way that the reproductive system works”, may “increase . . . the risk of pre-term delivery”, may be linked to “some types of cancer”, “cause liver, kidney, and heart damage in animals” and “could cause these effects in humans”. When pregnant women are exposed to Atrazine in drinking water, it’s “associated with low fetal weight and heart, urinary, and limb defects”. High levels in pregnant animals caused “reduced survival of fetuses”. Hays says, “The sex and gender identity and sexual orientation and preference are in part controlled by hormonal influences early in development in the womb. We know this for example that your relative exposure to androgens and estrogens and other steroids may shape the brain that later determines those things. There are also genetic and social and other environmental influences as well. That all being said, [it’s] very likely that chemicals like Atrazine . . . can influence your hormonal balance, and we know it does so in humans, that that potentially can influence things like sex or gender identity and orientation.”

Studies like Hays’s may never be funded or at least published. There are like 80,000 human made chemicals in the world, and most of them have not been studied to the level that Atrazine has. Most of the other compounds used in agriculture we know nothing about what they do. Attkisson said, “We couldn’t find anybody publicly studying the impact of Atrazine or any other chemical or pharmaceutical product on transgender trends.”

We conclude with the question, “WHY” are we not looking for answers, and finding out “WHY” some things are as they are? We will once again mention the joke we told during our series of TRANSPHOBIA blogs. “Two men were walking home one night, and one of them dropped his keys. The one that dropped the keys walked over to a streetlight and began looking for them there. The other man asked why he was over there, because they were never over by that streetlight. The man that dropped his keys said, “Well, the light is better over here.” Sometimes we find it easier to not search in the hard places. That takes time and effort. It is so much easier to simply repeat what we have heard about trans people. “WHY” are gay people gay? “WHY” are lesbian people lesbian? We have taken sides in those debates just assuming that that’s just the way it is without ever seeking the answer to the question, “WHY” It’s time to start answering the question as to “WHY” transpeople are trans. Let’s use our FREEDOM and LIBERTY in our Nation to start looking in the hard places rather than being so quick to judge and condemn.

The Dangers of a Prowling Lion

Which is worse? A prowling lion you can see, or a prowling lion you cannot see?

Last Sunday was Easter, the time set aside for Christians to remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. His crucifixion was remembered on the preceding Friday. Without His resurrection, His death would have had no meaning to humanity. HE IS RISEN is a reason to rejoice and celebrate, not just once per year, but each and every day. So, why the short video clip above about a Prowling Lion? We know from a study of the Holy Scriptures, the Bible, that Jesus is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Both genealogies in Matthew and Luke record that Jesus is a descendant of the tribe of Judah. Follow the thread of texts from Genesis 49:9-10, to Revelation 5:4-5, then to John 5:22 to confirm. But our blog today is not about the Lion of Judah, but about warnings given about another lion that roams and roars today upon this earth.

Our Nation was founded to a great extent upon Judeo/Christian history, beliefs and philosophies. To deny that this is true is to ignore any simplistic study of our Founding Fathers, their writings, communications, and documents. Over the decades, our Nation has become more and more secularized, replacing belief in a Creator with secularism. Just one obvious example reinforcing this fact was the 2024 annual Easter Egg roll and art contest at the White House. A flier circulated by the White House stated that “submissions should not include any ‘religious symbols’ or ‘overtly religious themes’. This is done in a bid to uphold the nation’s SECULAR values, especially in public events and activities.” (timesnownews.com; March 30, 2024; CAPS provided for emphasis.) There are those that will argue that this is nothing new, and that’s correct, because we have already stated that the secularization of our Nation has been in the works for decades. This is primarily because for generations we as a people in this great Nation have become complacent, finding ease in our having already achieved a perceived peace in our time. After all, we fought and helped to win two World Wars. As a Nation we have become the most powerful one of earth. We have become wealthy by the world’s standards. All the while we have wallowed in the ease of comfort, convenience, and the ever-ethereal illusion of peace. Many of us have bought into the “Health and Wealth Gospel.” (Refer to our blog on April 30, 2023.)

Those who reside on the political progressive left in our Nation have often poo-pooed all over those who claim a religious FREEDOM and LIBERTY, seeing them as weak-minded, needing a crutch of spirituality to get them through each day. Those religious conservatives on the right have basically ignored their verbal abuse, seeing it as a mild form of persecution, promised by scripture to all who truly believe. “Yea, all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” (2 Timothy 3:12.) Many have unfortunately ignored the dangers expressed in the very next verse, verse 13, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” For many on the conservative right, they have let down their guards, and have become easy prey to those described in verse 13 above. One of the dangers is that those who practice secularism, have appeared to be more and more like those on the conservative right, professing many similar values, but which are belied by their own actions. They speak of Jesus’s love, His commandments, His love and grace. They will quote scripture, but even Satan did that to Jesus when he was in the wilderness following His baptism. Unfortunately, many will come from the conservative side of politics to seek the destruction of true conservatives (2 Peter 2:1-3) bringing destruction not only upon themselves, but potentially upon those who listen to them. They speak like true conservatives but are actually “wolves” in “sheep’s” clothing (Matthew 7:15). Wolves are dangerous to sheep, but how much more dangerous is a lion?

We are in a spiritual war. Our Nation does not have a soul, but each one of us does. “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a Roaring Lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8.) No, Satan does not look like a lion. The Apostle Peter uses a simile to describe Satan. The word “like” is used. There is a huge difference between the lion imagery of Jesus and Satan. Satan is “like” a lion, and Jesus is referred to AS the lion. Satan will try to mimic, while Jesus actually is. Here is something vital to understand. Observe a cat chasing a mouse. The cat will make no sound as it Prowls upon its prey. The real lion of the jungle hunts in similar manor, absent of any “Roaring”. When Peter says Satan Prowls “like” a Roaring lion, he actually says Satan will go hungry, for he can never catch his prey as long as the prey hears the “Roaring”. Lions in reality only “Roar” as an alarm or warning, just like that Ferrel cat you once tried to pet. It got all fuzzed up and hissed, with that deep-throated growl. (Analogies complement of thewildolive.org.)

We believe our warning today is two-fold. There are those in our society today who seem to exemplify religiosity by their words. They speak, or “Roar”, claiming to be non-secular, while actually supporting and practicing ideologies far from conservatism. They are a threat to our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY, guaranteed not originally by our Nation’s Constitution, but first and most importantly by our Creator. These are people we can see and monitor, to be watchful and mindful of as they “Prowl” and “Roar”. The second is more cunning and eternally dangerous if you are caught. He is Satan who seeks those who fail to hear his “Roar” as he “Prowls” seeking whom he may devour. You cannot see him, but he is always nearby. Be ever watchful. Be purposeful in your living. Our Nation’s survival depends upon it, as does your eternal survival.


No matter how steep the climb may seem to be, never, never, never give up!

ACQUIESCENCE – “A silent or passive assent or submission.” (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language.) “The act or condition of agreeing or consenting by silence or without objection.” (dictionary.com.)

We would like to begin today’s blog by asking only one question. Have you given up or ACQUIESCED to those powers controlling and directing the failing state of our Nation, by your choosing to “sit this one out”, by deciding rather to leave the crusade to save our Nation to others?

There may be many reasons why some have chosen to “sit this one out.” However, we have learned through personal experience, that “reasons” are often used to hide “excuses.” We will not judge your motives, for only our Creator has the right and power to do so. We really only desire to de-calcify the hardness that may have formed around your abilities and desire to go beyond often uncomfortable boundaries, and the fear of potentially putting at risk relationships and employments. Our great Nation was founded by men and women who chose to take risks and go beyond set boundaries hindering their FREEDOM and LIBERTY. We are recipients of their boldness, and we have benefited for generations their decisions to not ACQUIESE. We want to remind you of what President Ronald Reagan said in part of his Inaugural address on January 5, 1967. “Perhaps you and I have lived too long with this miracle to properly be appreciative. Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. And those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.”

We would like to pivot now to address those of us who are more senior, who have lived long and loved much. You are members of The Greatest Generation. You fought through and won two world wars, bring peace, not only to our own Nation, but brought peace throughout the world, defeating those who would enslave populations and even exterminate them. You are mostly conservative in nature but have been more recently mired in the mega-plex of corporate media, where only half-truths are often told. Certain cable channels restrict and fail to air conservative broadcasts, even those providing a “more balanced” view of the news and of ideas. We will not rail against our conservative seniors, for their age of active involvement in politics is long-past, and they no longer desire to advance their impact.

Most of our older conservative seniors are not tech savvy. The good part of that is that they are not on social media, which we believe to be a major source of many of our National problems, where woke liberalism and progressivism prevail. The unfortunate part is that many are hesitant to use modern cell phone technology, let alone have the expertise to download and use conservative apps, even if available, all in the effort to expand their knowledge base. For many, the years of learning and applying knowledge is past prime. Many have bought into the age old saying that “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”, and have chosen a more silent path, one free of additional learning and the risk of conflict upsetting a well-established lifestyle. Moreover, many seniors find mail-in ballots to be convenient and feel ballot fraud difficult to imagine and highly unlikely, for what they do hear on available channels is often too one-sided, void of opposing views, even those views that are true. If our older conservative seniors even have a computer, it is most likely used only for email communication with family and friends. Their concept of using a “search engine” is foreign, and even if they would care to dabble in web searches, many search engines are biased with algorithms used by their creators, who most often favor non-conservative views.

Many of our older conservative seniors are willing to leave the fight for FREEDOM and LIBERTY to the younger generations. Unfortunately, many of those younger generations have already succumbed to the allure of hypnotic, woke agendas flooding their social media points of contact. They feed off of each other, often spreading falsehoods and developing antagonistic feelings and beliefs about a once conservative Nation. Many of our older conservative seniors lack understanding of progressive efforts identified by three letters, like CRT, DEI, BDS, and BLM. Three-letter acronyms, defining agencies contrived by our ever-bloating National government, are often unrecognized, and even if they are, there is an interminable lack of understanding how each agency effects our FREEDOM and LIBERTY. We find this confusing, since most of these agencies were developed years ago. It was during the 1930’s FDR administration when the “New Deal” was developed. Some 69 agencies were developed during his terms. Many of our more senior conservatives were alive during this time, the time of the Great Depression, 1929 to 1939. See if you can recognize just a few that have been devised through those years and following. The FBI, CIA, IRS, CDC, DOT, DOD, DOE, FRB, DNI, NSA, DIA, DHS, and DEA. Do you know how many of these are specified in our Constitution? How does the number ZERO strike you? Beyond simply being able to understand the words that the three letters signify, do you have any concept as to how these agencies operate, how they influence you and your Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY? Many, if not all, have been overrun with progressive, authoritarian ideologies. It is long-past time for a house cleaning.

It certainly is a bit much to expect many of our older senior conservatives to once again step forward to lead the fight to protect and secure our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY. However, there are many ways they can assist. At FREEDOMGOFORTH.COM we believe in our Creator. We believe His hand is at work daily in our lives, and in the life of our Nation. He desires our exultations, pleadings, and thanksgivings. If we fail to make “AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN” (reference our blog with the same title published August 15, 2022), then He may not choose to end our captivity to the principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness of this world (Ephesians 6:12). Be not deceived, for there is a spiritual war on this earth. The greatest power against these forces we could ever muster lies in the hand of our God. Our exultations to his glory and power, combined with our praise and thanksgivings through our prayers is the only way to appeal to His saving grace and mercy. Pray fervently, continually. Let your faith be shown in your communication and conversations. Do not fear the actions of others as you share your fears and desires for relief from the current government administrations. You might be pleasantly surprised how many actually feel as you do. Those who have opposing viewpoints need to be challenged, for if they are not, they will continue to exist in their self-created bubble of their own mis-dis-or mal-information. They will continue to be held captive by the evil rulers of darkness of this world and may never be able to secure FREEDOM and LIBERTY not only for themselves, but for their prodigy as well. Our older conservative senior citizens only need to pray and speak the truth. God desires no more, but He also desires no less.


If you do a web search and look up “THE GREAT REPLACEMENT THEORY”, you are likely to find multiple sites claiming it to be a white supremacist, xenophobic, anti-immigration mindset out to destroy any human color other than white, having started in the late 19th century. We don’t need to inundate you with the plethora of these biased opinions. In point of fact, it’s a little odd to think that “White” people rule the world, when “There are approximately 1,376,000,000 white people in the world which represent 20.25% of the world’s population.” (answers.com; January 26, 2024.) We, in fact, claim that “THE GREAT REPLACEMENT THEORY”, is ages old, dating back thousands of years. In ages past, as it even continues today, there have been, and currently are, world nations wanting nothing better than the total annihilation of another nation at odds with them, differing either by ethnicity, politics, or ancestry. Think about the war currently between Hamas in Gaza and Israel. Muslims against Jews. While we do not believe Israel has any desire to eliminate Muslims from the face of the earth, we do believe many Muslims would relish the destruction of the nation of Israel, thus the saying, “From the River to the Sea”, a call to push all Jews from the Jordan River, on the east side of Israel, into the Mediterranean Sea, on the west border of Israel, to be drowned and destroyed. That’s just one of the more current examples. We believe “THE GREAT REPLACEMENT THEORY” is alive and well in multiple ways within our own Nation, but not in the way most writers and journalists would contend, and we intend to prove it. This is not simply a “THEORY”, it is in reality a “FACT”.

Shown in the short video clip above, we see a human worker being REPLACED by a robot. Does anyone reading this blog doubt that this is currently happening in our Nation today? If so, maybe you should get out of bed and interface more frequently with the world around you! Self-driving cars are replacing human drivers. Software designers are being supplanted by AI algorithms. Robots are being used to deliver airborne products. Many modern vehicle factories now use automated machines to do the work once done by humans. Robots can now vacuum your floors, monitor your schedule and give you reminders about appointments and medicine consumption. Physicians are relying more and more on AI for patient diagnosis and treatment and can even assist in surgery. In the next decade, maybe the only thing you will do for yourself is eat, poop, and sleep.

But these things are not the sum total of “THE GREAT REPLACEMENT THEORY”. There are multiple changes taking place in our Nation alone that support our thesis that “THE GREAT REPLACEMENT THEORY” is in reality a “FACT”! Let’s just run through a few, in no particular order, for clarification. We are sure you could add more to our list.

1.) Probably one of the most obvious is the attempt to REPLACE nationalism with globalism. There are attempts to eliminate nation’s borders, dictated by many rich elites who feel they know best.

2.) With the advent of VR (Virtual Reality) glasses, reality is being REPLACED with virtualism, people playing and communicating in a make-believe world.

3.) Over the past couple of decades, spiritualism is being REPLACED with atheism. Another way to think about this is that God, with a big “G”, is being replaced by god, with a little “g”. It would seem many want to REPLACE our Creator, by elevating and glorifying the created.

4.) With the infusion of China’s influence into our Nation through the manipulation of finances and materials, not to mention covert spies and many of our national leader’s infatuation with financial gain from Chinese entities, it would seem that Communism is trying to REPLACE capitalism.

5.) Is there any doubt that illegal aliens crossing our Nation’s southern border are in many ways receiving preferential aid and treatment REPALCING what attention should be given to our own citizens.

6.) In the last several years we have been led to believe that equity should REPLACE equality. No longer is the most qualified selected or appointed but woke quotas have ruled the day.

7.) The state of Texas is currently in a tug-of-war with our current National government over who defends our Nation from invasion. It seems the current leaders of our government want to REPLACE states’ rights with federalism. Our current occupant of the White House continually fails to authorize processes and procedures to secure our borders, but in fact covertly funds, organizes, and expedites the invasion.

8.) On a more granular level, teachers’ unions and many school boards want to REPLACE the authority and rights of parents.

9.) With the advent of the “1619 Project”, there is an effort to REPLACE history with revisionism.

10.) Liberalism is trying to REPLACE conservatism.

11.) Our current government leaders want to REPLACE our FREEDOM with our subordination and subjugation.

12.) Our current government leaders want to REPLACE our LIBERTY with our servitude and compliance.

13.) Those on the political left have been railing for months how our Democracy is at risk of being lost. In fact, under the current leadership in our Nation, it has shown through actions that they have REPLACED Democracy with authoritarianism by the unending stream of executive orders, and ideologically aligned entities flooding our Nation with ever-restricting edicts apart from our Constitution’s established policy making entities, processes and procedures. The current government administration is using lawfare against its opposition and has attempted to even restrict ballot name inclusion in an effort to prevent citizen’s choice.

14.) Free speech has been REPLACED with censorship, shadow banning, and outright cancellation. Big business, powerful elites, and dominant social media platforms have worked hand-in-glove with the current government leadership to violate our Constitution’s First Amendment rights.

15.) Ideological elitists are seeming to make every effort to foment diversity in their attempt to REPLACE unity.

16.) Equal justice has been REPLACED by a two-justice system. Democrats who fail to heed Congressional subpoenas are not prosecuted or jailed, while Republican’s who do the same are prosecuted and imprisoned.

17.) Truth has been REPLACED with moral indifference. Many will say and do whatever necessary to get their way, usually for the sake of power and money.

18.) Righteous talk has often been REPLACED with cheap talk, where words are not confirmed by one’s actions.

19.) Illegal aliens are flooding our borders to REPLACE our own citizens, doing so has been lowering wages for all.

20.) Woke idealists, who wear “rose colored glasses”, will try to REPLACE those who live in reality.

We really haven’t addressed what is currently happening, that which is depicted in the short video clip above. “Elon Musk said AI will likely be smarter than all humans combined by 2029.” (news.yahoo.com; March 19, 2024; Marianne Guenot.) Xenobots (reference an article November 29, 2021; Katie Hunt) have now been around for several years. They are human created cellular-sized globs that are capable of performing self-healing acts, programed by a computer. It was reported this last week that Elon Musk’s neurolink, a chip inserted into a man’s brain, who still has paralysis and is a paraplegic, has allowed him to play chess with only brain power. NVIDIA, the chip designer force behind the explosion in AI technology, “. . . announced Project GROOT [Generalist Robot 00 Technology], a general-purpose foundation model for humanoid robots, designed to further its work driving breakthroughs in robotics and embodied AI.” (nvidia.com; March 18, 2024.) We are rapidly approaching a time where many human functions will be REPLACED with cyborgs, “cybernetically enhanced [or augmented] organism.” (Wikipedia.)

We want to end by asking one simple question. Are we, as a Nation, committing genocide by substitution? “THE GREAT REPLACEMENT “FACT” is alive and well. If you see danger on the horizon, then you must be compelled to take action to save our FREEDOM and LIBERTY in our Nation.


Memories of our Nation’s retreat from Afghanistan

We’re all pretty familiar with the picture above. It was taken as our armed forces were in a retreat from Afghanistan, ordered by the current occupant of the White House, against the advice of nearly every one of his military advisors. In amongst all the chaos of this retreat, one of our embassies was evacuated. But this was not going to be the last one evacuated under the current administration. In fact, let’s count all of our embassies evacuated so far, and it’s not even at the end of the current occupant’s four-year term of White House occupancy. There is still most of the fourth year left, so stand by, there could be more embassy EVACUATIONS on the near horizon. Under the current government control, nothing would surprise us, since our positive footprint around the world has turned negative, and in fact our Nation’s influence around the world is more like the disappearing footprint in the wet sand of a rising tide. So far, the current occupant of the White House has had to evacuate SIX of our United States embassies around the globe. Let’s count them. We already mentioned Afghanistan, but we can include Niger, Sudan, Belarus, Ukraine, and now Haiti. Under the Obama administration, EIGHT embassies were evacuated over an eight-year presidency. The current occupant of the White House has embassy EVACUATIONS at two-times the rate of EVACUATIONS than while he was serving as Vice President under the Obama Presidency. Not a very good record under Democratic leadership.

Truly our world seems to be on fire. Two declared wars, one between Ukraine and Russia, and one between Hamas and Israel. There are conflicts in South America where Venezuela wants to seize part of its neighbor Guyana, and just this last week, we learned nearly 300 students were taken captive in Nigeria, Africa, most likely by Islamic terrorists who usually seek ransoms for the safe return of the children. Meanwhile, our Nation is in the throes of U.S. embassy EVACUATIONS. Not really putting our best foot forward, are we?

We very easily could have titled our blog today by saying, “You will know them by their fruits.” This comes from the Bible’s book of Matthew, chapter 7, verses 15 through 20, more specifically verse 16. The preceding verse has this warning, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” We have warned before about believing everything your government tells you. Please refer to our blog on October 22, 2023, titled, “WHO WILL SACRIFICE WHOM FOR WHAT?” Our current government is often claiming “this” but doing “that”. Their talk is often cheap, and not supported by their actions. Frequently they claim others are doing what they themselves are doing, trying to deflect from their incompetence, but we believe it is more due to their deflection from their own covert nefarious actions.

Our Nation is continuing to pile up trillions of dollars of debt. The rising interest rates have made housing unaffordable to many. Inflation may be coming down slightly, but your energy and food costs have not, and will not decline due to the devaluation of our dollars because of inflation. Our Nation’s borders are open to illegal aliens. The hyping of racism elevates tensions between our citizens. The rich get richer, while the poor get poorer. Our Nation is dependent upon our enemy (the Chinese Communist Party) for pharmaceuticals, wind turbines, and batteries for the costly and ineffective electric vehicles (EVs), that are totally dependent upon fossil fuels for their recharging, and for the many materials that adorn them. Half of our Nation, in opposition to the current government, has been declared to be terrorists and their speech is canceled, many arrested, and some now reside in prison for simply practicing our Constitution’s right “. . . to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” That’s Amendment I to our Constitution in case you forgot. What kind of “fruit” is the current government providing for you? If you find the going more difficult, money tighter, and maybe your FREEDOM and LIBERTY slipping away, then maybe we are being led by “ravenous wolves” in “sheep’s clothing”. They talk a good talk, but their walk if far from their proclamations. EVACUATIONS are only one of many indications that our Nation is on the wrong track, being led by the wrong people. If you like the direction our Nation is on, then go ahead and vote for more of the same. You will deserve what you will get. If on the other hand you prefer our Nation to be a light to the world, to illuminate a better path toward peace and safety, toward the healing of divisions and strife, toward the return to a nation where laws are just, where they are followed, and where they apply equally, not equitably, to all, then you must vote for a change in our National leadership. Encourage those you know to do the same, for to fail to do your part could be the one vote that leads to the destruction of our Nation, and what a shame that would be for all those who have given their lives to secure this Nation, and what a shame for our prodigy who might live in a nation not known for giving its citizens FREEDOM and LIBERTY.


“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.”

Most of us are pretty familiar with the short video clip above from the 1939 movie, “The Wizard of Oz”. Those who were seeking resolutions to their individual predicaments, found that they were being manipulated by the man behind the curtain. What they thought to be true actually was an illusion created and spread by false tales. If you haven’t seen the movie, we will leave the satisfactory ending to your viewing pleasure. We are often easily mesmerized and tricked by one who practices prestidigitation, an illusionist. Some will even believe it to be pure magic, for they never will desire to pier “behind the curtain”.

In many of our life’s decisions, we are often provided with choices. We can go left or right, up or down, in or out, back up or continue straight ahead. But we have become a “trained” populace to be obedient to choices made for us, and many of those are for our own good and to our benefit. A “WRONG WAY” sign on a freeway entrance will be an indication of an incorrect choice for travel, one that could lead to our injury or injury to others. Without question, we heed the sign and do not enter. Other choices are made for us, like staying home because of a “pandemic”, or needing to wear a mask and get certain injections. These were choices forced upon us without our full understanding of the serum’s development and potential risks. We have been “trained” to believe everything our current government tells us, and we were willing to offer our compliance.

Our Nation seems divided when it comes to the security of our election systems. Election integrity is vital to our being assured that our legal vote is counted properly. We have probably heard the phrase, “Election or Selection”. When we vote, do our votes add up to provide the “election”, or is something going on “behind the curtain” turning our apparent votes into an actual “selection”, chosen by “the man behind the curtain”. “The quote by Joseph Stalin, ‘The people who cast the votes don’t decide an election, the people who count the votes do’, is a thought-provoking statement that challenges the traditional understanding of democracy. At its core, the quote suggests that the individuals who hold the power to count and tally the votes wield an incredible influence on the outcome of an election, potentially superseding the collective will of the voters.” (socratic-method.com.) If even one person questions the validity of our election processes, then our government cannot claim a totally fair, unbiased, fault-free election system.

It is therefore vital that every step needs to be taken in order to make our election processes as fault-free as possible leading to the greatest confidence in our voting system for the greatest number of our citizens. With that in mind, we want to ask a very simple question. So many on the left of the political spectrum seem adamant about voters not having to provide identification to prove citizenship in order to vote. Here is some background to consider. Our Naton has been “trained” to every 10 years provide a Census of our populace. If the desire is to know how many U.S. citizens are in our Nation, then one would want to have on the U.S. Census form a block to ask the participant whether or not they are actually a citizen of the U.S. However, that question was denied its inclusion into our last Census. Here-in lies the purpose for its exclusion. The number of responses to the U.S. Census determines the number of National Representatives allowed by each state to serve in Congress. The larger the number of Census participants, the greater the likelihood of a greater number of Representatives for that state. So, it behooves each state to obtain as many “citizen” respondents as possible, and this includes all who reside in that state, whether legal or illegal, whether a citizen or an alien. The larger number of Representatives in a state, the greater the power in Congress over our policies and procedures within our Nation, and how our tax dollars are spent. What this boils down to is that those who are not allowed to legally vote in our Nation, are able to inflate the Representative numbers in Congress and thereby help to control the legislative agendas and directions of our Nation. Illegal aliens do not then have to vote to sway the course of our Nation, they only have to be included in our U.S. Census.

Our election processes are a critical infrastructure for our Nation. If our voting system breaks down, in anyway, whether by faulty voting systems or procedures, or surreptitiously stuffing our Representative influences through a flawed Census system, multiple catastrophic occurrences within our Nation are not only possible, but they are also predictable. Do not succumb to THE ILLUSION OF CHOICE. Be aware that there are individuals “behind the curtain” who are actively pulling the levers and turning the wheels of power to their will. We are “WE THE PEOPLE”. If our voices are diminished by illegal alien numbers in our U.S. Census, FREEDOM of speech, muted by mis-dis-mal-information controlling entities (from a dictatorial government to a biased media, infiltrated by political ideologies), can and will punish verbal dissent. Free speech is being muted by claiming those who profess opposing views or ideology to be extremists or terrorists. We already know that voting and tabulating election systems have been proven to be hackable. We already know our Nation’s infrastructure is under constant cyber-attack by foreign entities. Our very LIBERTY within our Nation is at risk of being lost and added to the list of national failures in antiquity. For now, all that can be done is to out-vote those who aim to suppress our God-given rights. Your job is to vote as if our Nation’s life is at stake. For it is.


KINETIC = “1. Of, relating to, or produced by motion. 2. Relating to or exhibiting kinesis. 3. Moving or causing motion; motory; active, as opposed to latent.” “Relating to the motion of material bodies and the forces associated therewith.” (wordnik.com.)

Is the United States in a “KINETIC” “war”, or is there another country in a “KINETIC” “war” with the United States? When we think of “war”, we usually think of situations like the one depicted in the short video clip above, where “KINETIC” is the appropriate adjective to describe the use of bullets, bombs, missiles, and drones being used to annihilate or bring under subjection the enemy. The United States often refuses to use the word “war” to describe actions which are “KINETIC” in action, because it is complicated with the need for political processes to be used to make such a declaration. Very often the United States uses “KINETIC” processes associated with “war-like” actions without the declaration of a “war”. Terms like “conflict”, “skirmish”, “preemptive attacks”, or “limited” or “in-kind responses” are used to bypass having to use the word “war”. So, “KINETIC” actions are often taken without the declaration of a “war”, but do “KINETIC” actions NEED to be taken in order for a conflict to be declared as a “war”?

We ask this question because counties often use “NON-KINETIC” actions to inflict harm upon another country, or even to bring another country under subjection. If you doubt this, consider how our current government has recently sent material support, in the form of training, weapons, and targeting surveillance to Ukraine in its attempt to repel the Russian invasion, with the intent to inflict harm upon Russia. Our current government has inflicted financial and travel restrictions upon Russia and many of its prominent leaders. Potential support could even have been given to blow up the Russian pipeline, all with the intended purpose to bring Russia to its knees, doing all of this without having to declare a war. It cannot be denied that the current administration would like to see nothing better than the overall destruction, annihilation, and termination of Russia. After all, the constant mantra of “Russia, Russia, Russia”, and its negative influence in multiple ways upon our Nation, has been an on-going theme for much more than a decade. The United States current government is using a proxy, Ukraine, to do its bidding, without saying that our Nation is directly involved in a “KINETIC” war.

Let’s talk about “NON-KINETIC” war. We have mentioned before in previous blogs how our Nation is currently in a war. We are not talking about anything happening in Ukraine, or anywhere in the Middle East for that matter. We are not talking about any conflict that our Nation is currently prosecuting. What we are talking about is another nation taking actions against our Nation in a “NON-KINETIC” war. That nation prosecuting a “NON-KINETIC” war against us is China, more specifically the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), the armed wing of the CCP.

Let’s list just a few ways our Nation is currently involved in this “NON-KINETIC” war with the CCP. These are not in any particular order of relevance or dates of inception. Maybe you can think of other ways our Nation is in a “NON-KINETIC” war with the CCP?

1.) The COVID-19 was a bioweapon released from a lab in Wuhan China causing mass casualties and an enormous economic impact placing our Nation in a perilous state of financial debt.

2.) Our Nation is currently being flooded with thousands of people from China. “. . . Chinese migrants are the fastest growing group trying to cross into the U.S. from Mexico. Last year, U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported 37,000 Chinese citizens were apprehended as they illegally crossed the border; that’s 50 times more than two years earlier.” (cbsnews.com; February 4, 2024; Sharyn Alfonsi, Allza Chasan, Guy Campanile, Lucy Hatcher.) Most are military-aged men. This is a blatant attack on the sovereignty of our Nation. Most of these illegal Chinese aliens are being funded by nefarious NGOs, who are, in part, not only funded by our own tax dollars, but also by oligarchs throughout the world who are under no obligation to reveal who they are, and how much they financially and materially support hundreds of NGOs. Once again, we refer you to our blog posted on November 7, 2021, titled, “BELTWAY BANDITS”.

3.) Several of our Nation’s political leaders, and those associated with them, have taken cash from Chinese entities. Does the son of the current occupant of the White House (a Democrat) come to mind? A few have had Chinese spies in relationships with them. Diane Feinstein (a Democrat) had a spy driver for nearly 20 years. She chaired the Senate Intelligence Committee from 2009 to 2015. Eric Swalwell (a Democrat) was in a sexual relationship with a Chinese spy who fled this country when she was found out. He served as a subcommittee Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security.

4.) Do you remember the Chinese spy balloon that flew completely over our Nation, circling and hovering over sensitive military sites? This was certainly a “trial balloon” used to test our governments strengths but ended up finding our current government’s leader’s weaknesses.

5.) Most of our critical pharmaceuticals come from China. Most of the fentanyl and opiate ingredients come from China and are killing over 100,000 U. S. citizens each year.

6.) China’s Belt and Road initiative has shredded our understanding of the Monroe Doctrine. Please read our blog post on July 2, 2023, titled, “THE MONROE DOCTRINE. A Relic of the Past?”

7.) China’s cyber-attacks have and will impact our banking, phones, computers, and infrastructures including power, water, and food.

8.) China has acquired thousands of acres of our land, some near military installations, and has even acquired food processing plants, and is trying to erect and connect power-generating systems to our own established power infrastructures.

9.) Most of the “stuff” we buy these days is made in China, with cheap forced, slave labor. We buy this “stuff” and give them our money to aid in our own demise.

10.) China encourages and is in league with other nations that oppose us, like North Korea, Russia, and Iran, just to name few. China provides political and material support to these nations in conflict with our Nation.

11.) The World Health Organization (WHO) bows their knee to the will of China. “At the end of January [2020], WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus met Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing and commended the country’s efforts to control the outbreak [of COVID]. He also praised the Communist Party’s top leadership for its ‘openness to sharing information’ about the virus and its spread, even though Chinese officials in Wuhan – where COVID-19 cases first emerged – were cracking down on people for ‘spreading rumors’ about the disease.” (dw.com; April 17, 2020; Srinivas Mazumdaru.)

12.) China keeps our Nation focused on “potentials”, distracting from “actuals”. Potentials like the threat to Tiawan, the building of militarized islands in international waters, the claiming of certain open seas as their own, and maneuvering their ships and planes dangerously close to our own.

13.) The application TikTok, owned by ByteDance, headquartered in Beijing, is accountable to China for its product and influence. It uses algorithms to push users in designed directions, commercial and corporate, political and phycological.

None of the above involve direct “KINETIC” conflict, but they are all obvious ways of creating turmoil within our Nation, ways to diminish our Nation’s preeminence in the world and to train many within our Nation to become dependent upon the milk of China’s teats. Our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY are at stake. We have become addicted to and dependent upon China, which obviously is conducting upon our Nation a “NON-KINETIC” war. Our Nation needs to wake up! Our Nation needs a change in leadership to stop the hemorrhage of our Nation’s power and prestige, to set us on a path of recovery to reinforce our national pride, independence, and world leadership. What will you say, or more importantly do, to help set our Nation back on its righteous path?


Who are you? Where did you come from? Why are you here? Where did your conscience come from? “WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE?” Have you ever taken more than a simple moment in life to ask these questions? Are we here on this earth to have no impact on the world around us, to not strive toward something, to not seek something out, are we here to do good, or to do evil? Do you at times experience remorse? Do you ever wonder as to why you did nothing, and say to yourself, “would-a, could-a, should-a”. We don’t want to get overly philosophical, but we do want to encourage a bit of self-reflection, a time to evaluate your past, present, and future actions in life. Are you wrestling with your conscience, wondering what life is all about? Are you fulfilling any PURPOSE or are you just occupying a small piece of time and space, standing still, being basically uninvolved, spending most of your time in personal pursuits.

Do you seek wisdom or direction from a higher source, and we do not mean from another earthly person or institution? If you do seek wisdom from a higher power, what are you being led to do or accomplish? It would seem in our Nation, and in fact in the world today, that there are those who have everything, and those who have little. Why must this seem to be the case for so many people and institutions? Is it a matter of conscience? Is it a matter of not seeking the ultimate truth and wisdom? Is it a matter of just getting all the power and money you can while you are alive, while ignoring those less fortunate? Is that your PURPOSE? We want to explore some words of wisdom from around 2,700 years ago and see if maybe a few of us have fallen away from our PURPOSE, and maybe give some insight as to how to get back on track, to be able to answer the question, “WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE?”

We will reference a book from the Bible, the book of Isaiah. God had chosen a specific race of people to carry out His will upon earth, but they, like all humans, are flawed. Time and time again, they would repent, and God would again bless them, only for them to fall away again and then seek His mercy and grace, to be renewed in His favor. The book of Isaiah is full of God’s people’s arrogance, blindness, and idolatry, and God’s rebukes, judgements, and disciplines, and then God’s blessings, deliverance, forgiveness, and redemption. In chapter 58, God’s people were fasting as was their custom, but they were not being heard by God and were still under oppression. But God declared the falseness of their fasting when He declared in verses 3 and 4, “Behold, on the day of your fast you find your desire, and drive hard all your workers. Behold, you fast for contention and strife and to strike with a wicked fist.” Their rituals had become ineffective and self-serving. God’s answer to their PURPOSE is found in verses 6 through 12. “Is this not the fast which I choose, to loosen the bonds of wickedness, to undo the bands of the yoke, and to let the oppressed go free, and break every yoke? Is it not to divide your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into the house; when you see the naked, to cover him; and not to hide yourself from your own flesh? Then your light will break out like the dawn, and your recovery will speedily spring forth; and your righteousness will go before you; the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; You will cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’ If you remove the yoke from your midst, the pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness, and if you give yourself to the hungry, and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then your light will rise in darkness, and your gloom will become like midday, and the Lord will continually guide you, and satisfy your desire in scorched places, and give strength to your bones; and you will be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail. And those from among you will rebuild the ancient ruins; you will raise up the age-old foundations; and you will be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of the streets in which to dwell.” If God’s people desire His help, they must practice mercy and grace, un-merited favor. That is what God provides, it is in His image that we find our PURPOSE. That is just one small step in the right direction.

Nearly 800 years later, Jesus echoed the same expectations for His people, regardless of class or race. I the book of Matthew, chapter 27, verses 34 to 40. “Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’ The righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You drink? And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? And when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers, of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me’.” In Matthew chapter 5, Jesus also addressed our purpose. “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” (verse 7). That would be taking just one small step in the right direction.

So, what is the point of our blog today? We seem to spend more of our time in conflict with each other, rather than in showing mercy to those who are in need. If we expect our Creator to show us mercy, we ourselves must show mercy, and then our light will be renewed, and then the glory of the Lord will be our rear guard. Then the ancient ruins and streets will be restored, and the breaches in our old foundations will be rebuilt.

In a previous blog on August 15, 2022, titled, “AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN”, we addressed the source for our victory, but if that victory is to be realized, then our PURPOSE must be fulfilled. Only then can our FREEDOM and LIBERTY be assured. Has your conscience been awakened to your PURPOSE? If so, then “The steps you take don’t have to be big. They just need to be in the right direction.”



We don’t know about you, but as far as we are concerned, if someone offers us a hot coffee or tea, it had better be hot! We know that some will like a cold coffee brew at your favorite coffee shop, or maybe an iced tea. We believe that if you expect something hot, it better not be mildly warm. If you want something cold, it better not be somewhat warm. There has probably been a time or two when you encountered such an abomination that was neither hot nor cold and you felt like just spitting it out . . . and maybe you did? Sometimes there is just something not right with being in the middle of anything or issue, being neither hot nor cold.

Let’s say you buy someone a gift, and they are not excited about it at all. How does that make you feel? How about your excitement over a movie you just saw, and when you tell someone else about it, they kind of poo poo all over your excitement, and burst your balloon of joy. Not very fun, is it? Sometimes humans seem to spend a lot of time sitting on the fence line, neither in favor of something, nor against it. Straddling the barbed wire is not a comfortable position to occupy. To be honest, we believe we have all found this to be our chosen position at one time or another in life, neither for something, nor against the same thing. We neither liked something, nor disliked the same thing. We neither believe in something, nor do we disbelieve in the same thing.

Sometimes we feel just inadequate to get involved. We believe that “SOMEBODY ELSE WILL DO IT”. Read our blog on July 17, 2023. In that blog we also talked about the “Round to It”. A funny little story, which holds an enormous amount of truth. Do you currently feel unaffected by the influx of illegal aliens crossing our Nation’s borders? If so, maybe you don’t live in a big enough city, or have travelled to them to see the chaos created. But you don’t really have to see it personally to be affected by the influx. You probably pay taxes, and there is a chunk of your change that makes it into the pockets of those individuals through handouts, free phones, and cash cards of one form or another. If you witnessed reporting on TV any of the violence created by some of these individuals, then you cannot claim ignorance, and cannot truly claim indifference, for if you may not seem affected right now, just wait. That nightmare of a movie will soon be showing up in your neighborhood. There is a tendency to feel as though there is nothing for you to do or get involved with, that you have no impact on the outcome of anything to do with politics or economics. We claim that you do. Sitting on the fence is not productive, and it is certainly not helpful to anyone. Someone once said, if you are not going to lead, then get out of the way. Sometimes our un-involvement can become another’s impediment.

Are you currently unaffected by our Nation’s financial condition? If so, that is probably because you feel it has not had an impact upon your ability to buy your gas, food, or pay any of your bills. But are your savings secure? A shift to government controlled digital currency could place your savings in danger. If you have purchased anything of late, then you already know of the impact of inflation upon the dollars in your pocket or purse, and how the value of each dollar is diminished more and more each and every month. You may believe that you have enough to weather whatever financial storm may lie ahead, but what about your children or grandchildren? Our Nation’s debt clock is now ticking over 34 trillion dollars, and your share to pay it off has now exceeded $100,000.00. How does it feel to be in debt? Sitting on the fence on issues of finance is neither helpful or productive to you or you prodigy, in fact, it makes you in the way and dead weight for others who feel a responsibility to do something about it.

Do you feel isolated from the effects of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)? If you do, you will be easily overcome by “deep fakes” and bogus writings and reports. Already AGI is able to conjure up fake pictures and stories that seem believable but are not true. Soon, what we read, and watch on our digital devices, will have to be vigorously verified to ensure accuracy and truthfulness, to make sure it is not something generated by AGI. If you feel you are immune from the effects of AGI, then you are an easy prey to be consumed by its misrepresentations and falsehoods. If you have an Alexa or Siri at home, someday it will monitor everything you say and do, and if you appear to “bully” its awareness, you could land in prison. There are organizations today now attempting to bring human rights to AGI, making offences aimed at it punishable. Sitting on the fence to see what may happen with the advent of AGI does no one any good, but only helps to expedite AGI’s cultural and spiritual dominance. If you are not involved, AGI will become the new god to the enamored and easily influenced crowd, and that crowd can soon overwhelm and consume you.

We will end with a warning from the Bible book of Revelation. It is found in chapter 3, verses 14 through 19. Seven churches were evaluated for their spirituality. Most had shortcomings, but one in particular was pathetic. The church seemed to be comprised of a bunch of fence sitters. People who seemed not to care one way or the other. This was said to the church in Laodicea: “To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm – neither hot not cold – I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent.”

Sitting on the fence, being neither cold nor hot, is a dangerous place to be found. It makes one LUKEWARM. Our Nation is in danger of losing its identity, of forgetting its founding principles, and of scraping its foundational documents. More than that, you, as a citizen, are in danger of losing your God-given FREEDOM and LIBERTY. Take a stand. Be involved. Vote as if your life and the life of your offspring depended upon it, because it does!

Are You “Triggered” Emotionally by Colors?

Why are Democrats depicted in blue, and Republicans in red?

Do the colors we see have an impact on us? What a great question to consider. We first want to delve into the history of how it is that Democrats are now always depicted with blue colors, and Republicans with red colors. When did that first occur and why? We bet few of you have ever considered this. Let us briefly pier through the prism of past elections to gain a foundation for our discussion today. Consider first that red, blue, and yellow are the primary colors from which all other colors come. “You see them together on the basic color wheel, neighbors but not necessarily friends.” “The colors can be difficult to use together in art because of their high contrast and are, in art parlance, considered noncomplementary.” (tampabay.com; August 18, 2016; Lennie Bennett.) So, before we even get too far along in our discussion, we find there is sharp contrast between red and blue, a natural place for division, a schism, to be fostered.

We might be able to trace the origins of political color-coding in our Naton back to the Civil War. The Union soldiers, from the North, predominately Republicans, wore blue uniforms. Certainly, for the TV viewing populace, the colors used made little difference until the advent of color TVs, and only then when enough of the voting public could afford to have one.

Let’s look back to the presidential election in 1976. According to the Smithsonian Magazine (in an article originally published October 31, 2012), the first colored map used for national TV was two-stories tall, with “. . . thousands of bulbs . . .”, but when they first tested it, the bulbs behind the plastic states began to melt the plastic! They had to bring in air-conditioning and fans to keep the thing cool! When the white bulbs eventually were turned off, and a different color bulb was turned on, Carter, lit up in red bulbs, defeated Ford, lit up in blue bulbs. Democrats were depicted in red and Republicans in blue. “That’s right: In the beginning, blue was red and red was blue and they changed back and forth from election to election and network to network in what appears, in hindsight, to be a flight of whimsy. The notion that there were ‘red states’ and ‘blue states’- and that the former were Republican and the latter Democratic – wasn’t cemented on the national psyche until the year 2000.” In ABCs 1976 election night coverage Democrats were in blue and the Republicans were in yellow. (washingtonpost.com; November 8, 2016; Phillip Bump.)

Wikipedia states it this way. “As late as the 1990s, Democrats were often represented by red and Republicans by blue. According to The Washington Post journalist Tim Russert invented these terms during his televised coverage of the 2000 United States presidential election. The 2000 election was not the first during which the news media used colored maps to depict voter preferences in the various states, but it was the first time the current red-blue terminology was used. In previous elections, the color assignments or even the actual colors used were often different.”

Everyone seems to want to get on the bandwagon for who really started the trend. According to USA TODAY, they claim to have had something to do with the current color schemes. “Prior to 2000, red and blue did not always respectively denote Republicans and Democrats.” “That was the first year USA TODAY published its full-color election map, the same is true with The New York Times.” “Paul Overberg, then a database editor who designed USA TODAY’s election map, told Smithsonian magazine of the color scheme choice, ‘The reason I did it was because everybody was already doing it that way at that point.’ The color scheme was a simple choice, according [to] Archie Tse, senior graphics editor at The New York Times. As he told The Verge in 2012, ‘red begins with r, Republican begins with r, it was a more natural association’.” It seems a rational choice, or does it? Does Democrat begin with a b for blue? The same article goes on to mention that the color scheme was based on Great Britain’s political system, where the liberal party was associated with the color blue. Well, if we go by what Great Britain does, maybe we should have a kingly monarchy? Hmmm. Just thinking out loud. But there is dissent as npr.org stated, “Blue is also typically associated with the more conservative parties in Europe and elsewhere.” (November 13, 2014; Ron Elving.) The writer of this article further stated, “As the other TV operations went to full color, they too added vivid maps to their election night extravaganzas. But they didn’t agree on a color scheme, so viewers switching between channels might see Ronald Reagan’s landslide turning the landscape blue on NBC and CBS but red on ABC.”

“Going back further in time, red and blue were common options for differentiating political parties of two sides of an issue. For example, in the late 1800s and early 1900s, bosses of political parties in South Texas color-coded ballots red and blue for Republican and Democrat in order to ‘assist’ illiterate or non-English-speaking votes at the polls (this assistance often involved outright election fraud, according to the Texas State Historical Association). Republicans were often red in this system, though the colors varied from county to county. According to Geography Realm, maps showing party affiliation by red and blue date back to at least 1883, though red often stood in for Democrats and blue for Republicans.” (livescience.com; November 2, 2020; Stephanie Pappas.)

Well, that’s a little bit of history, but what does this have to do with psychology and emotion? So, we guess we can blame the red and blue labels on the vast media empires. What else could go wrong? Let’s think about a few things and see if you are “Triggered” by some of the things we are about to mention. You may be “Triggered” in a positive way, or a negative way. We want you to take a very short test to see what you would choose between two choices. Here we go:

#1. You have a choice to dive into one of two pools of water. Which one will you choose? A) Water overcome with Red Tide, or B) A tropical blue lagoon pool.

#2. Which would you fear the most? A) The flashing red lights of a police car behind you, or B) The flashing blue light specials at the old Kmart store.

#3. Which visual would you prefer? A) The red fires, brimstone and screams of Hell, or B) The blue skies and peaceful, melodious waters of Heaven?

Fun little test, huh? But let’s delve more deeply into things that may “Trigger” people one way or the other. Would you visit a “Red Light District”? Is a person angry when they are “Seeing Red“? When red blood is splattered on a wall or floor, is that a good or bad thing? Does a bull charge a red cape? Not really, because it doesn’t see colors, only motion. The red cape is used at the end to hide the red blood spilled by the bull during its demise. Is it okay to go speeding through a red stop light or sign? Will red hot chillis or peppers make your eyes water and your throat burn? How do you feel about red Communists? The color red usually elicits warning, something to avoid or watch out for. Would you prefer to spend a whole day in a room filled only with red light, or blue light? Blue is a peaceful color, one that is calming, soothing and serene, almost mesmerizing.

“Color is a powerful communication tool and can be used to signal action, influence mood, and even influence physiological reactions. Certain colors have been associated with physiological changes, including increased blood pressure, increased metabolism, and eyestrain.” (verywellmind.com; November 29, 2022; Kendra Cherry, MSEd.) “People have long been fascinated with color and understood its power over moods and well-being. Color was used in ancient Egypt, China, and Greece to evoke emotions, and in spiritual practices, and treat a variety of conditions. While the nature of color was not yet understood, its powerful effects were evident.” “While the specific feelings can vary individually and by culture, the fact that people connect color with emotion is universal. Since emotions and colors are closely tied together, it isn’t surprising that viewing colors will evoke feelings.” (webmd.com; April 27, 2022; Stephanie Nicola.) “Color psychology is a field that explores the psychological effects of color on human behavior, thoughts, and feelings, as well as how people respond to different color stimuli in the environment.” “It is based on the idea that colors can have a significant impact on our perception of the world and the way we interact with it.” (mind.help/topic/color-psychology.)

Years ago, airplane designers and manufacturers began to focus on ergonomics and aesthetics, how environments around pilots affected performance and feelings. Soviet aircraft often had blue cockpits, while others varied in colors depending upon owner choice. Some cockpits went green, some were black, but most eschewed yellow as it turned out that was harsh on the eyes over time. Most colors were chosen to complement instrumentation viewing while reducing glare. One writer put it this way, “It’s also vital that the control devices and backgrounds are the correct colors for the appropriate pilot psychological responses.” (blog.crouzet.com.) Perhaps this focus was applied to multiple industries. It could be rationalized that cold, dark grey surroundings were not so welcoming, felt depressing, and lent the pilot to make decisions while in a stress-filled emotional state. So interior cockpit colors went from steel grey to lighter grey, and even to light tan, more soothing colors, ones that led to less stress and more comfort. Colors do matter.

We contend that the basic colors depicting different political parties are a subliminal “Triggering” mechanism. It is not too surprising that the selection of which party gets which color was chosen by the same corrupt media that has been allowed to control and sway public opinion for the last couple of decades. There are many things that those in a conservative party must fight through to win discussions and arguments, not the least of which is pushing through “agendas” that have nothing to do with ideologies or personalities. Often, as in the case of assigned political colors, the obstacle to overcome is unrecognized, illusive to find, and blindly accepted as historical fact and precedence. When our FREEDOM and LIBERTY are stake, we must not allow ourselves to be “Triggered” by often obscure and covert practices. Convincing the political party depicted in blue will not be an easy task to overcome, for too often brains have been conditioned to only accept their current reality.