JULY 4,2021, the day we have been looking forward to in this series of blogs for over four months! WE WANT ALL CITIZENS OF OUR NATION TO GO MASK FREE IF POSSIBLE, AND FOR ALL BUSINESSES AND INSTITUTIONS TO FULLY OPEN UP STARTING TODAY, JULY4, 2021!


Be bold. Be courageous. Stand united. Stand strong. Fight for liberty. Fight for FREEDOM!

Our forefathers fought an aristocracy in 1776. Today we are fighting another aristocracy!

Do not be swayed and do not be deceived, there will be continued attempts to curtail our FREEDOM in the days and weeks ahead. There will be calls for us to get booster shots, enriching big pharmaceuticals, and there will be tyrannical elites in businesses and in government who will attempt to make our citizenry conform to mask mandates, which have been proven ineffective and dangerous. There will be those in positions of government who will seek the destruction of the middle class by the institution of other lockdowns. There will be those who seek to identify those who are not compliant with the will of the elites by mandating vaccine passports, or its equivalent, allowing the unbridled control over what can be seen, said, or bought, and where one can go and what one can do. There will continue to be those who will use their power to harass and cancel those who choose FREEDOM over tyranny. By being “E PLURIBUS UNUM” (out of many, one), we honor those who have sacrificed so much for us in the past, and we will in turn leave a legacy of FREEDOM to be enjoyed by generations to follow.

Call and write to your elected officials and tell them to fight for your liberty, and to rebuff the power of the elites, and the worship of money. When they make themselves available for meetings, go to them and speak. If they hide in their ivory towers, then make appointments and go speak to them. Tell them that “We The People” determine and demand our FREEDOM, and that the elites in large corporations need to be reigned in and become accountable for their actions of control and censorship of our citizenry. Go to your school board meetings and speak of the dangers of Critical Race Theory and the various woke agendas and how these nefarious programs are driving wedges between our citizens, the melting pot of the world, the only place in the world where all can become one, united as Americans. Tell them to teach the full of our Nation’s history, and how far we have come in making this Nation the beacon of hope and FREEDOM throughout the world. Go to your city and county meetings to prevent the destruction of the middle class, through policies of equity, rather than recognizing that The Declaration of Independence only ever declared that we are created equal, with the right to pursue happiness, that we were never guaranteed equal outcomes. Seek transparency in all government positions and institutions, those who wield the power of life and death, who do so under the cloak of secrecy and deception, especially those of the National Security Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the State and Justice Departments. Protect your vote from future fraud, by making sure only citizens of our Nation cast legal, verifiable votes. Seek to re-establish voting systems that cannot be hacked and manipulated. As secret as a citizen’s vote should be, so transparent should the counting process of the votes be. Do not allow the vocal minority, who dominate conversations and media coverage with their shrill regurgitations, to over-power sound reasoning and the majority who reject their calls for the transformation of our established laws and procedures in The Constitution. We must be cognizant of the dangerous entities and countries that seek our demise. We must demand accountability from them, and in turn we must re-establish a sense of independence that frees us from them. We must rebuild our manufacturing within the walls of our Nation, protect our intellectual property, and regain and maintain our energy independence. We must also muster all the forces within our control to protect our dominance militarily and economically, and halt the invasion of foreign forces upon our institutions of banking, housing, agriculture, infrastructure, schooling, and government.

All who live in these United States of America have been truly blessed, and we must not take this for granted. So much has been given to us, we in turn must realize that much is therefore required of us. To ignore this fact brings into question the state of our conscience and morality. We do not live and act today just for our own personal benefit, but for our Nation, for the world at large, and for our posterity. Our Nation is truly a city on a hilltop, a bright light shinning in a dark place. Millions of people around the world in other countries look to us as a beacon of hope, in that FREEDOM can one day be theirs as well. We must not allow the walls of our Nation to be broken down and breached, and the light of FREEDOM must not be allowed to be extinguished. Each one of us has a roll to play, however large or however small, but it must be played. Now is not the time to retrench and recoil. Now is the time to attack and refortify.

Don’t just take, but make the opportunity to display your FREEDOM by your actions. Open up your businesses and institutions with determination to declare your INDEPENDENCE . Walk into those stores unmasked with fortitude and LIBERTY. Promote your FREEDOM by the smile on your face, and with encouraging words, support each other with comradery knowing you have been blessed to live in the greatest Nation this world has ever known.

HAVE A HAPPY . . . . AND FREE . . . . 4TH OF JULY!


For FOUR MONTHS we have been documenting and speaking out about a myriad of topics facing our Nation today, focusing on the need to regain our liberty and FREEDOM. We have been doing this twice each week, every Sunday and Wednesday. Starting on JULY 4, 2021, we will be shifting our blog to only once per week, every Sunday. We will continue to expose false narratives, bogus claims, and distorted information and bring to you the unbiased truth about the attacks upon our Nation from within and from without. We will not rest until we have reclaimed the liberty and FREEDOM given to us by countless others who have sacrificed so much for our benefit. We only seek to be worthy of their respect, as we fortify and protect our Nation from factions and ideologies aimed only at reshaping this great Country. Today, we will attempt to summarize the topics we have covered over the last FOUR MONTHS, to renew your memories and bolster your efforts to reclaim our liberties and FREEDOM. We only ask . . . . . ARE YOU WITH US?

We started our blogs explaining what our intentions were in “FREEDOM GO FORTH”, encouraging all to go out and be active in sharing our message. We then learned we are “A FRACTURED SOCIETY”, with the virus and political elites separating us from each other. The counter to that came in “E PLURIBUS UNUM” where we learned that we need to be unified, for we are “out of many, one”. Next was a study of what it took to achieve “HERD IMMUNITY”, and we found that by our target date of JULY 4, 2021, we would have achieved a value over 85%. We took a short break from reporting facts to share a story about how it would be impossible in today’s world for Noah to build the ark, in “NOAH vs COVID-19 & THE BUREACUCRACY”. Back to the encouraging words, we again discussed the need to “METAPHORICAL ‘GO FORTH’ WITH YOUR SWORD”, as we learned that we need to walk our talk and go out as to war, but we also learned the double edged sword has both the power for good, or the power for evil, so it must be wielded with care. Next, we did a deep dive into “MASKS vs. COVID-19 – THE FACTS”, and learned that the size of the virus aerosols were much smaller than the weave of masks, making masks ineffective. We had heard so many people talking about the January 6, 2021 incident at the Capitol, what some called the “people’s house”, and we needed to set that fallacy aside and make sure everyone knew what that term really meant, and did so in a two-part blog we called “THE PEOPLES HOUSE”. Given the tyrannical attacks from governmental elites, it was necessary for us to write the “RE-DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE”, based on the original document, citing the need and the reasons for re-establishing our liberty and FREEDOM. We knew there would be hesitation by many to become involved in the efforts required to take back our liberty and FREEDOM, so our blog “TURN FEARFULNESS INTO FEARLESSNESS” was designed to illicit bravery and boldness. Knowing that it is difficult to act as an individual, we wanted to inform you that you are not alone in the effort to take back our liberty and FREEDOM, so we reminded you that “UNITY IS STRENGTH”. The previous year was devastating to so many of our citizens, we felt it necessary to share the depth of the harm in “WASTED YEAR – WASTED LIVES”. The insidious attempt to identify and control those who oppose the social elites in business and government, is being manifested in the threat of establishing a “VACCCINE PASSPORT”. It was necessary to point out the extremely dangerous path these passports would create. In “FILTERING THE NARRATIVE” we provided six suggestions, to aid in filtering what is written or spoken, to derive at the truth. “VACCINE EFFICACY” explored the facts about the vaccines as we looked at the actual data provided by the manufactures, and found the data to indicate that the testing process showed no significant difference in testing between those who received the vaccine and those who did not. The real reason for allowing the arming of the citizens of our Nation was given in “WHY THE 2ND AMENDMENT”, and it was to be able to throw off a tyrannical government. “MOVING THE GOALPOSTS” discussed the never-ending changing of target numbers, dates, processes, and actions in response to COVID-19. We wondered why there is such resistance to a forensic audit of the 2020 elections. If it was so perfect without fraud, why would one side be so hesitant in proving they won. We just wanted to emphasize that “SECRECY BREADS SUSPICION’. “WOKEISM” is a Marxist virus aimed at remaking our Nation into something it was never intended to be. We also attacked the trite saying “WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER”, and actually proved we are NOT all in this together. “WHAT HAPPENED TO PATRIOTISM” was an exploration of what it means to be a patriot. So many things seem to go without resolution, and we listed a number of them in “UNANSWERED QUESTIONS – WHY?” “TRUTH DECAY” explored the nefarious efforts to undermine truth, and how and why that happens, and how important it is to continue to be open to increasing our knowledge base. It is hard to know which way to turn when changes in direction seem to occur at the drop of a hat, and “WHIPLASH” was our effort to explore that phenomenon. In “MY BODY – MY CHOICE” we flipped the feminist narrative to show it is the right and FREEDOM of choice for the citizens within our Nation to accept or not accept wearing a mask or receiving a vaccination. We proved the involvement of leading doctors in the “GAIN OF FUNCTION” experiments that brought COVID-19 into our world that has killed nearly 4 million people. We wondered why NGOs, never elected, or appointed by those we voted for, have such unmonitored power over life and death experiments funded by our tax dollars in adversarial countries. Money is often the driving force behind the efforts to reshape our Nation, and many elites in large corporations and in our government sacrifice our Nation on the alter of “FILTHY LUCRE”. So many in our Nation choose to follow the crowd because it is the easier course of action, so we asked “ARE YOU A LEMMING?” We came back to a similar theme that unity is needed to prevent our Nation’s fall in “DIVIDED WE FALL”, how there are those elites that make every effort to divide and conquer us. There is a virus of the brain in many of our Nation’s citizens, especially in those powerful elites in corporations and government, and in most media, and we listed the characteristics of them in the “DANGERS OF SOCIOPATHS”. The previous blog listed the lack of morality and conscience in many characteristics of a sociopath, so it was needed that we make an attempt to determine “WHAT ESTABLISHES CONSCIENCE”. Once again, we needed to encourage the reader to understand that there is strength in our unity and numbers in “THERE ARE MORE OF US, THAN OF THEM”. The path to power and prestige is too often littered with the insatiable thirst for wealth, and we encouraged all to investigate several outstanding issues in “FOLLOW THE MONEY”. Finally, we asked “WHO WILL STAND IN THE BREACH?” as we put out that clarion call for all to be involved in saving our Republic, for each one of us to do whatever we can to stand in the gap.

We encourage all to review the above blogs to become better informed, strengthened in your resolve as WE WANT ALL TO GO MASK FREE IF POSSIBLE, AND FOR ALL BUSINESSES AND INSTITUTIONS TO FULLY OPEN UP BEGINING JULY 4, 2021.

We only ask . . . . . .ARE YOU WITH US?


Folks, the walls of our great Nation have been breach. Ideologies, philosophies, and down-right hair-brained schemes, are being pushed through multiple gaps. Many of us who treasure liberty and freedom, have been caught sleeping in our quarters, or lulled into a sense of eternal bliss. We wish we could go knock on every door, stand at the entrance to every store, and shout the warning from every rooftop, or from every source of written or spoken word. Unfortunately, we cannot be everywhere, and not all means of communication are open to our message, but in fact we have been vilified, censored, and attacked at every turn. The blame cannot be laid totally at the feet of those big corporations, business, social elites, or slimy government officials or agencies. There is blame that falls upon those of us who have been silent, unwilling to step forward to join the efforts to save our Nation’s liberty and freedom. There has even been those who we thought were on our side, who we put into positions of power, who have yielded to the illusions of power, prestige, and status in the hubs of our Nation’s government.

There are only two more blogs for us to publish before JULY 4, 2021, WHEN WE WANT ALL TO GO MASK FREE IF POSSIBLE, AND FOR ALL BUSINESSES AND INSTITUTIONS TO BEGIN TO FULLY OPEN UP. We fear our little part of this re-revolution has fallen on deaf ears, or our message has not been widely disseminated. We can only hope we are mistaken. We KNOW there are others in our Nation who are fighting every day, from the school board meetings, to the halls of Congress, but we need our message to be shared in every family, with every friend. That is up to you, the reader. A coach cannot play the game, it is up to each player to execute the plan, and perform the part assigned. We call on each of you to do your part. Together, we can overcome, and stand in the gaps, to seal those breaches to save our Nation. Throughout world history, there have been examples of people who have stood in the breach to defend, reinforce, and sustain those walls of morality, truth, and justice. Below we will list just a few for your recall.

^ Zipporah saved the life of Moses by performing God’s required ritual, else God would have taken his life (Exodus 4:24-26). Moses actually had three other woman who stepped in the gap to save him. His mother, his sister, and Pharaoh’s daughter. ^ Moses then stood in the gap between the wrath of God and the erring Israelites (Psalm 106:23). ^ Nehemiah, the cup bearer of King Artaxerxes, after risking his life to tell the truth, was granted resources to direct and rebuild the walls of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 1:1-7:73). ^ Esther stood in the gap before her king, recognizing that her elevated position in life was made possible so she could serve her appointed task, and saved the Jews from extinction (Esther 1:1-10:3). ^ In 480 B.C., during the second Persian War, the Persian Xerxes met the Athenian Leonidas and his 300 warriors at the coastal pass of Thermopylae (Hot Gates), then became martyrs who rallied others to defend their nation. ^ The 2014 movie “Fury”, based on a compilation of true stories from World War II, focused on one tank crew and its one surviving member, who took position at a road junction and depleted all available weapons in defending that gap. ^ Marine Sgt. Alfredo Gonzalez was killed defending the lives of his fellow Marines on Feb. 4, 1968 at the age of 21 in the Vietnam War. ^ Eight American soldiers were killed and 27 wounded to “defend the indefensible” outpost at the Afghanistan border near Pakistan on October 3, 2009. While outnumber and outgunned, they called in airstrikes, rescued soldiers trapped in a vehicle, and retrieved bodies of their dead. In Army Staff Sgt. Clinton Romesha’s own words: “We weren’t going to be beat that day. We’re not going to backdown in the face of adversity like that. We were just going to win, plain and simple.”

Thousands upon thousands of similar stories can be told through the lens of history. Who will heed the call to action as did Isaiah when he said “Here am I, send me” (Isaiah 6:8). Who will defend the goal from the opposing game-winning kick? Who will block the hole in the line to protect the goal line from a game winning score? Who will catch that fly ball at the wall that could lose the game if not caught? Who will block the puck, aimed by the opposing player, preventing the game winning score at the net? Who will block the last second shot and prevent it from being the game winning shot through the basketball hoop? Who will expend every ounce of energy to cross the finish line to win the race? Who will take the bullets to protect those behind who are depending upon your leadership? It will not be up to somebody else. It will be up to you!

Be brave. Be courageous. Act in unison. Our Republic is depending upon you. WHO WILL STAND IN THE BREACH? WHO WILL STAND IN THE GAP between what once was, and what might be? You are here at this time for this purpose. Stand up. Move forward. Lead with determination and fortitude. IT IS NEARING THAT TIME FOR ALL OF US TO GO MASK FREE IF POSSIBLE, AND FOR ALL BUSSINESSES AND INSTITUTIONS TO FULLY OPEN UP BEGINING JULY 4, 2021.


There is little doubt that our Nation is under attack by those that seek wealth and power above all else. We include in the list of thieves those social elites in large corporations and businesses, most in major media outlets, as well as many of those currently residing in the center of our Nation’s government. Over the last several blogs we have attempted to show how a lack of morality and deep psychological disorders can place the sane majority within our Nation in peril. While claiming to be religious, they practice anything but the best virtues of humanity. While claiming to care for those in distress, they prey upon them with empty promises and vain rhetoric. While seeking funding for programs claimed to aid the disadvantaged, a great portion of the funds end up enriching sympathetic organizations, institutions, or individuals. While declaring they have everything under control, they turn a blind eye to the invasion at our southern border, cyber attacks from enemies, and a bulging National debt. Lest we spend the entire blog listing the ways we are under attack, we will only say this short list is only the tip of the iceberg.

There is always a way to discover how these attacks are being orchestrated. Unfortunately, it is often difficult to uncover as those who perpetrate such acts upon us are devious in how they go about their nefarious deeds. It takes dedicated effort by seasoned professionals, who are committed to getting to the truth, to dig deep enough to find the source of this insidious infection. While there are a few devoted investigative journalists, it does take time and resources to go far enough to find the truth. There are also those who claim to be journalists who only have a personal axe to grind, or who are willing to spout the elite narrative for their own personal or professional reasons. Getting to the truth is also compounded by the powerful elite using unethical maneuvering, obfuscation, deceit, and distraction. Though it takes time and effort, there is always a way to uncover the truth.

Have you ever wondered why an individual in power acts the way they do, often in conflict with what has been previously claimed? Many elites have sacrificed their soul on the alter of power. Power, not justly earned or awarded, is often sought through the accumulation of wealth at any cost. The acquisition of ultimate power, processes used and methods applied, often necessitate the obscuration of truth. There is one sure way to get to the unbiased truth, FOLLOW THE MONEY. In Bible scriptures it is written: “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.” (I Timothy 6:10, NIV) We do not know how the attraction for money is so strong, deluding good people to make horrible decisions. We can only speculate. It could be that money is a panacea for supposed evils, difficulties, or trials. It could be a way to procure selfish desires, unattainable by innate abilities. It could be the illusion that wealth solves the dilemma of ego. It could be the only way to attain the power one seeks over another. It could be a combination of these or other motivators. However one may seek unusual wealth, it can so easily supplant morality, love, charity, integrity and wisdom.

We are alarmed at the lack of interest in pursuing sleazy, questionable practices by certain individuals, corporations, and even many in powerful positions in our government. Maybe it is due to fear, believing that simply attempting to seek and find the truth would reap a harvest of unjustified personal attacks, or what we would call “adult bullying”. Many of those elites, who would stoop to such actions, have placed themselves in a self-created caste, social or political, where they view all people below them to be peons or surfs, who should only blindly obey and submit. We are tired of seeing our Nation controlled by such tyrants and autocrats. We feel it is long past time to FOLLOW THE MONEY to discover who these people are, and to reveal them for what they are, their motives, and ultimately seek unbiased justice levied upon them. We want to refresh your knowledge of only a few money trails that need to be followed which will help to explain why so many in powerful positions act they way they do. This is a short list worthy of exploration leading to the truth. We list them below in no particular order:

Millions crossing our southern border will be supported by our tyrannical local and federal government agencies using taxpayer money (transportation, schooling, healthcare, etc.). The ultimate goal is to make them dependent upon our government, thus eliciting their voting fealty, leading to one-party rule in our Nation.

Nearly a trillion dollars has been spent on our National security and defense, but even with the thousands employed in our CIA, FBI, and the vast National Security Agency, no one is taking an in depth investigation into China’s infiltration into our schools, businesses, infrastructure, healthcare, and government. Even if there is some limited investigation, it is buried, ignored, or redacted in reports to protect those involved who have hidden agendas and who would be compromised, even imprisoned, by their acts.

The Republican speaker of the Senate, Mitch McConnell, has ties to China. His father-in-law, James S.C. Chao, a Chinese-American, has funded and provided ample resources, through McConnell’s wife Elaine Chow, both having benefited from lucrative contracts dating back to 1964 and the formation of the Foremost Group.

Google and Facebook have funded NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) doing dangerous, unmonitored research having devastating impacts upon our Nation, and the world at large, leading to millions of deaths world-wide.

Hunter Biden, the son of the current occupant of the White House, was paid 5 Million dollars from the Chines Oil Company CEFC. A 1 Billion dollar investment fund was created for him by BHR Partners, controlled by the Bank of China. He received 3.5 Million in a wire transfer from the wife of the former mayor of Moscow. He earned $85,000 per month to serve on the board of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, having no experience in the gas and oil industry. Many of his lucrative dealings happened as a result of travels while accompanying his father, then Vice President Joe Biden, on foreign trips to these countries. No one can state there is no possibility of our government being compromised by foreign entities?

Lori Lightfoot, the mayor or Chicago, seems to be transferring 10 Million dollars from COVID-19 funds to explore a public health crisis called racism.

COVID-19 has been the vehicle to transfer billions of dollars to pet governmental programs.

Wall Street hedge funds have been used to purchase media outlets.

A research report from Morgan Stanley estimates that Pfizer could earn 100 Billion dollars from vaccines over the next 5 years. Do you see a possible incentive to make vaccines a requirement?

The Russian Dossier, funded by the Hilary Clinton campaign, funded foreign entities to attempt to implicate former administration officials. In conjunction, government agencies, in an attempt to skirt our National laws, used foreign sources to spy on Americans.

The so called “Armed Insurrection” of the Capitol building on January 6, 2021, was aided, even encouraged, by our own FBI undercover plants in 3 extremist groups, who remain “un-named co-conspirators” to this day.

Our tax dollars funded Gain Of Function (GOF) research at the CCP controlled Institute of Virology in Wuhan China. Those who conspired to do so include Anthony Fauci (head of NAIAD), Peter Daszak (head of EcoHealth Alliance), and Francis Collins (head of NIH).

Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, therapeutics proven effective in use against COVID-19, have been vilified at the expense of thousands of lives that could have been saved. The former drug was cheap and plentiful. The latter drug is off patent, so Merck, one of the largest pharmaceuticals in the world, doesn’t make any money on that drug any more. Their solution was to allow its vilification so they can now create a new drug, with similar contents, that can be patented, allowing for a greater source of revenue. How much did big pharma make by pushing vaccinations, and how much more will be made by demanding booster shots?

What was the financial incentive to allow hospitals and care facilities to claim COVID-19 patients?

We are tired of being played the fool so that the rich can get richer. Much of the scum that fills our powerful government and corporations needs to be scoured out. We must not allow them to ruin this Nation, for which so many have forfeited their lives. WE CALL UPON ALL TRUE PATRIOTS TO GO MASK FREE IF POSSIBLE, AND FOR ALL BUSSINESSES AND INSTITUTIONS TO FULLY OPEN UP BEGINING JULY 4,2021.


We are constantly amazed at the willingness of citizens within our Nation to comply with authorities. We believe it can have something to do with the level of one’s morality. A discussion of morality would need to be explored, for not all have the same sense of what morality is, and how it is applied, or should be, in everyday life. We would like to think that we are all basically good people, with no axe to grind, having limited hot-button issues, and basically having a desire to “go along, to get along” with the masses. Most people are like a stick thrown into a river. It floats happily along with the direction of the rivers flow, maybe bumping up against an object or two on its way to wherever it is going, but the stick doesn’t really care. The stick just goes along with the flow, and in the case of humanity, it is going along with the flow of the crowd. This is a pretty easy existence for the stick, and for people. It takes little effort at all, Assume for a moment that the stick gets wedged between two rocks and gets stuck in place. Soon, other floating sticks might get hung up in the same predicament, wedged against the flow. Before too long, the force of the water against the growing stick dam might reach a point where either the stream has to make an adjustment in its course, or the stick dam will give way to the growing force against it.

Years ago it was decided that humans could take advantage of a rivers flow and control it. They found that controlling it was advantageous for many reasons. When a dam is placed across a river, the flow can be better regulated, and the occasional river flooding due to excessive rainfall could be minimized, usually preventing downstream catastrophe. It was learned that electrical power could be generated by the constant release of this flow, which had tremendous benefits reaching far from the waters edge. The formation of new bodies of water behind the dam, provided varied recreational opportunities. New habitats were created for wildlife, both above and below the surface of the newly formed lake. All of this was possible because an immoveable dam was built in place of a bunch of sticks. What in the world does this have to do with STRENGTH IN NUMBERS?

It is very easy to dislodge a stick jammed up between two rocks in a river. It is not so easy to dislodge a steel reinforced concrete dam. The structure of the dam and the mass of it makes it possible to tell the river “you are now under my control”. We are constantly amazed at how many citizens in our Nation continue to “go with the flow”. Even though it has been proven that COVID-19 isn’t the most dangerous thing we have ever faced, and even though we now know that masks are basically ineffective in reducing the spread of the virus aerosols (refer to our previous blog on the efficacy of masks), most continue to mask-up when entering any business or event, even in states that have lifted the mask mandate. Just to make this even more absurd, where in The Constitution of the United States of America does it ever talk about “mandates”, and who decides them, and who can enforce them? We are talking about an attack on our freedoms and liberty. Unfortunately, many of our citizens just want to be like sheep and be herded where ever the shepherd dictates. No one really finds it a pleasing thought to be wedged between two rocks and have the force of nature thrown against us. Honestly, that is very hard, and if it is just me, the one little stick, I have very little chance of ever making any kind of impact on the flow of the river.

We want to point out that the majority of citizens in our Nation understand the risks present with COVID-19. We evaluate the risk of infection against the risk of lockdowns and mask mandates, and the impacts those have upon us in ways much different than a virus. The reader knows this already, and can do your own additional research to confirm, but the levels of drug use, domestic abuse, suicides, and levels of depression have all exceeded unacceptable levels in the last year. Throw into that mix also the thousands of businesses that have been forced to close, and the thousands of jobs lost or curtailed, and many livelihoods destroyed. Consider also the now eroding standards of living that had been gained under the last administration prior to COVID-19. The draconian lockdowns and mask mandates have pummeled many of our citizens, especially those in the middle class and below. So many citizens are now floating down stream and unable to resist the force of the flow against them. Today we want to tell you that all is not lost, that we can overcome the force against us.

If you have read many of our blogs, you have undoubtedly determined that there are powerful elites in big corporations, institutions and government, that are attempting to dictate terms to the citizens of our Nation. They present a strong force against a seemingly helpless little stick in the river flow of our Nation. We are here today to tell you that THERE ARE MORE OF US, THAN OF THEM! We just need to realize this and act accordingly, with steel fortitude and intent. Remember, it was Benjamin Franklin that said: “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.” We have told you before, in a previous blog, that our strength is in numbers. When we are unified, walking arm-in-arm, shoulder-to-shoulder, we are in effect a concrete and steel dam built against the flow of this river, and we have the power to tell those tyrannical elites in government and corporations, that you are once again under our control. Our Constitution says “WE THE PEOPLE” are in charge of our Nation, not you who are the self-appointed dictators of your will. WE will determine the course of our Nation! WE will protect and defend our freedom and liberty! THIS CAN AND WILL BE DONE IF WE ACT TOGETHER BY ALL GOING MASK FREE IF POSSIBLE, AND FOR ALL BUSINESSES AND INSTITUTIONS TO FULLY OPEN UP BEGINING JULY 4, 2021.


” Conscience is a cognitive process that elicits emotion and rational associations based on an individual’s moral philosophy or value system.” (Wikipedia) “The inner sense of what is right or wrong in one’s conduct or motives, impelling one toward right action. The complex of ethical and moral principles that controls or inhibits the actions or thoughts of an individual.” ( “Conscience is an internal rational capacity that bears witness to our value system.” ( “The inner sense of what is right or wrong in one’s conduct or motives, impelling one toward right action.” ( The part of you that judges how moral our own actions are and makes you feel guilty about bad things that you have done or things you feel responsible for.” (Cambridge Dictionary)

These definitions are not the most authoritative, but they are a place to start in our discussion. The CONSCIENCE is like the rudder of a ship making its way on the high seas. Without a firm grip on the rudder, or if it is broken and useless, the ship’s direction is subject to forces beyond it’s control. The winds, waves, and current will dictate the ship’s course and destination. We chose the picture above because we believe it most accurately represents pieces of the puzzle that both form and direct the CONSCIENCE. There are only four forces we choose to discuss in this reading. Two are external forces, and two are internal. The external forces we will call the “seen force” and the “unseen force”, and the internal forces we will call “knowledge” and “soul”. We hope to better define these in the paragraphs below. Why should we waste a blog on a discussion of the CONSCIENCE? If you read our previous blog about SOCIOPATHS, you will have noted that one of their characteristics is a LACK OF CONSCIENCE. While we did not rank or rate the importance of those characteristics, we do believe many of those characteristics hinge upon the state of one’s CONSCIENCE. Let’s begin by examining those external forces of the “seen” and “unseen”.

We are directed in our own lives to a great degree by what we see, read, or hear. Even touch, like the feel of slimy liver, or the smell of it when being cooked, and the response it engenders, can leave an impression upon us that can influence our future decisions about liver. We may reject a liver meal because of how it feels in the raw form, or because of its smell when cooked, or because someone we know said to avoid it, even though its taste and smell in cooked form can be pleasing. Our experiences through our personal senses leave impressions that can dictate our future actions. Each person usually decides what to see, hear, smell, touch, or taste . . . but not always. There are those powerful elites in this world who can control many of these external forces by restricting what you can read or hear through censorship or by means of the cancel culture. We can usually choose to avoid, or accept, any of these inputs . . . . but not always. These “seen forces”, experienced by our senses, are external forces that assist in forming and directing our CONSCIENCE. There are influences in our lives that are not so easily detected, but can still leave an impression on our CONSCIENCE. These are the “unseen forces”. They can be sensed in subliminal messages, or, through a combination of factors, can make the hair on the back of our necks stand up in fear. The rejection by another, or being forced to feel isolation, are external forces that can leave lasting impressions. These external forces are usually not directly under our control, unless you live under a rock. You can be made to feel shameful by not wearing the mask of conformity, by witnessing the body language of those who see you, who blindly conform to tyrannical mask dictates. Simply knowing you are alone in your expression of liberty, can alter your ability to express your freedoms. Both of the external forces are shown in the puzzle above by the missing pieces outside the figure of the body. They are missing because they can be filled in by factors beyond your total control. These missing pieces have the power to limit your liberty and freedom.

There are two internal forces that influence our CONSCIENCE. We will call them your “knowledge” and your “soul”. Let’s take the easy one first, that is the “knowledge” force on your CONSCIENCE. There are those who believe they know all there is that needs to be known. We have only one thing to say to these people. Your arrogance leads to your ignorance. To reject the search for knowledge, is to be atrophied in your thinking and reasoning center, your brain. To stand fast in your present knowledge base, is to calcify your intellectual center, and make your CONSCIENCE subject to potentially out of date facts, flawed reasoning, and delusional perceptions. This recalcitrance can be either self-inflicted, by personally limiting your exposure to varied facts, or by being fed information by others that only serves to reinforce your current level of awareness. We have found that most national media outlets, and those powerful elites in both government and corporations, have aided in this effort to focus many into narrow paths of information, usually to emphasize the woke agenda and narrative. There is another type of internal force that we want to explore, that being your “soul”. This is the hardest of all forces to define. We will draw your attention to the missing piece of the picture above nearest to the heart. Everyone alive has a functioning heart of some kind. We are not talking about that organ that pumps the blood. We would more broadly define this force as being the center of one’s morality. If you again look at the few definitions of CONSCIENCE listed above, the concept of morality is frequently cited. It is that which allows one to differentiate between those things that are right, and those things that are wrong. Again, we would refer you back to our previous blog on SOCIOPATHS. One of the recurring characteristic themes is their inability to recognize, comply, or apply what is right and what is wrong. It usually devolves into what is best for them, and can help them achieve what they want, regardless of its impact on others, even if it is a lawless or unethical act. What creates this moral center, that has such a profound impact upon ones CONSCIENCE, cannot be narrowed down to a simple list. If is a function of one’s upbringing, training, education, and even brain construction and chemistry. For those who are religious, morality is more easily defined and practiced. For those who are not so religious, morality might be easily defined by them as whatever it takes to get what they consider to be right. To them the concepts of equal justice, liberty and freedom, can be construed as obstacles to overcome or reform, and not concepts to uphold and affirm.

We do believe many in our Nation have a flawed CONSCIENCE. They see and hear only what agrees with them, they are easily manipulated by elites with woke agendas, and they refuse to expand their knowledge to become better informed. Most of all, they have a warped sense of morality, if it even exists at all. Those who treasure freedom and liberty must overcome those who have their CONSCIENCE seared with negative “seen forces” and “unseen forces”, whose “knowledge” is stunted, and whose “soul” is compromised and severed from the best nature of humanity. They cannot be allowed to dictate terms to freedom loving people, to those who treasure our liberties, who will join with those who have sacrificed so much in the many generations before us to establish and maintain this great Nation of ours. IT IS TIME TO MAKE PREPARATIONS TO GO MASK FREE IF POSSIBLE, AND FOR ALL BUSINESSES AND INSTITUTIONS TO FULLY OPEN UP BEGINING JULY 4, 2021.


We are not psychologists or psychiatrists. We can only repeat what those who are have said. We are entering a new phase in our blogs which may become a bit more aggressive in nature, because the threat to our Republic is becoming more acute. We can no longer afford to be gentle in our approach to topics, as those who want to reshape our Nation, into something it was never intended to be, have never been polite in the approaches they have taken. In fact, they have been quite forward in their methods, broad in their scope, and ruthless in their efforts. It is time to get into the ring of contention and go “mano-a-mano” (hand-to-hand, one on one). We will not lie, cheat or be deceptive in our approach, but we will be direct and forceful in meeting the attacks head on, and it is past time to go on offense. We can no longer sit idly by and watch our Nation crumble around us, and be shamed by all those who have sacrificed their lives in the establishment and protection of our Nation, The Constitution, and the liberty and freedoms we have enjoyed, unparalleled in this world.

We are NOT surrounded by SOCIOPATHS. However, we ARE being attacked by SOCIOPATHS. Sociopathy is not a clinical term. The American Psychiatric Association uses the term ASPD or ASP (Antisocial Personality Disorder). Many SOCIOPATHS are in important positions within our government, elite institutions and corporations, and in most major media outlets. For those in these places who are not SOCIOPATHS, many are being directed, manipulated, and placed under an umbrella of fear that if they do not conform, they will be punished. This punishment could be anywhere from demotion, and reduction of pay and influence, to outright dismissal or being fired. One’s ego has a lot to do with what side of the fence on which they choose to live. The internal fight then becomes a struggle between conscience (knowing what is right), and morality (doing what is right). True character is displayed by who you are when no one is watching. Unfortunately, character of many has been sacrificed on the alter of ego, and the major drivers of ego are money and power.

We are going to help you understand those people who are trying to destroy our Nation. We do so by listing those characteristics of SOCIOPATHS. We did not make up these characteristics, we did a simple web search of many sites who listed what they are, and we are just reporting some of them to you here so you can better recognize for yourself those dangerous personalities in power. The reader can do further research. For those who choose to learn more, knowledge is powerful, and the application of it is not only a great defense, but it is also a great offensive tool. Below is only a partial list of characteristics of SOCIOPATHS. They are listed in no particular order, and the alternating colors only help to define one characteristic from the next.

Dishonest ^ Deceitful ^ Illegal acts ^ Lack of remorse ^ Not respecting or following the regular norms of society ^ Arrogance ^ Disregard and the violation of the rights of others ^ Repeated lying ^ Extremely manipulative ^ Disregard for other people’s feelings ^ Tyranny ^ Interpret other’s behavior as hostile, which drives them to revenge ^ Impulsivity ^ Irritability ^ Embellish the truth when it suits them ^ Aggressiveness ^ Physical fights and assaults ^ Fast talkers with words designed to cover their behaviors ^ Conning others ^ Are difficult to handle ^ Always in an attempt to gain personal attention ^ Remorseless ^ Big promises, stories (about the past or future), plans, with no basis for them or no experience at whatever they’re planning ^ Desire to dominate others ^ Comfortable lying to get their own way, or to get out of trouble ^ Callousness ^Try to seduce and ingratiate themselves with people around them for their own gain ^ Superficially charming ^ Generally superficial relationships ^ Uses humor, intelligence, or charisma to manipulate others ^ Uses others for personal gain ^ Reckless disregard for safety ^ Will smile, smirk, or laugh when it is not common to do so ^ Consistent irresponsibility ^ Can last for years or a life time ^ Lack of conscience ^ Your anger and helpless frustrations only confirms to them that they are dominating you ^ Ignore concepts of right and wrong ^ Will blame others for minor or non-existent offenses ^ Doesn’t learn from mistakes ^ Will switch sides when it’s convenient for them, to be able to dominate ^ Has a sense of superiority and strong, unwavering opinions ^ Attempts to control others by intimidating or threatening them ^ Will accuse you of doing whatever it is that they are guilty of themselves, in an attempt to make you feel guilty and to deflect the attention from them. (Focus Medica, BING; WebMD;; Psychology Today; Prevention; Just to name a few of the sources.)

We are sure you can add to this list. We believe not all SOCIOPATHS have all of these traits, but the more of these traits that are present, the greater the degree of Sociopathy. Probably the saddest and scariest features of all about a SOCIOPATH was summarized by one of the sources listed above. “Best way to deal with them, ‘cut that person out of your life.’ They are dangerous; have a weak understanding of what is right or wrong. Lack a strong conscience to influence their decisions.” Their upbringing as a child, even their genetic makeup, has helped to form who they are, and unfortunately, some of those things can never be altered by any method. It is wasted breath and effort to debate a SOCIOPATH in hopes that sound reasoning and arguments will bring about a change in their thinking. All that can be done, that must be done, is to move around them, and leave them behind in the minority, where they already exist. Those who are SOCIOPATHS do not recognize, or will they ever admit to being one. What they will do is tell you that you are one! It is their way of deflecting the truth, it is a form of projection, which is defined by claiming you are doing something, when in fact it is they who are the guilty party.



“United we stand, divided we fall. Let us not split into factions which must destroy that union upon which our existence hangs.” (Patrick Henry)

Many of us grew up in a society that prided itself in being “the melting pot of the world”, thus E PLURIBUS UNUM, (out of many, one). Recently, there have been forces at work dividing us into individual groups, multiple factions, enclaves, ethnicities. In any conflict, in order to defeat the other side, two important goals must be achieved to arrive at a successful conclusion. First, the head of the snake must be cut off, meaning those who lead the opposition must be silenced and removed from the field of conflict. Second, it is important to divide the opposition into small factions, making them easier to defeat, one at a time.

How does one “cut off the head of a snake”? We remember reading an article recently of a man who severed the head of a poisonous snake, and after doing so, nearly lost his life when the bodiless snake head bit him. So, even a severed snake head is no guarantee of the absolute assurance of a snake’s defeat. The head of the snake can be defined as those who carry the opposing message, who can rally their followers to be unified in providing a counter to aggressors, and even provide a means for an adequate defense, but also to plan and carry out an offensive to preserve continued existence. Recently in our Nation there has been a tremendous effort by powerful entities and elites, including most media outlets, to silence one side of any issue. This is done to preserve and promote the ideology of one side in favor of the other. The issues are nearly as varied as one can imagine. Following is just one example: It has been claimed by one side of the voting issue, that our black and brown American’s are disproportionately disenfranchised by their inability to provide an identification in order to vote. The side promoting this idea desires to loosen most voting restrictions and procedures to allow a more simplified, easier method of casting one’s vote. Of course, there are always at least two sides to every issue, but in this case, those other sides have been muted and silenced by big corporations, the media, and social elites. The tremendous irony of this push to loosen voting, is that while claiming blacks and browns are disenfranchised, they are also claiming that our black and brown citizens are incapable of obtaining any form of identification, and are unable to comprehend the legal voting system of locations, times and methods. All of this is demeaning to our black and brown population, which is more than capable enough to navigate easy tasks. How shameful it is to say our black and brown brothers and sisters are incapable, even ignorant, in casting their coveted vote. This is just one example of many showing how the powerful in or Nation are manipulating the conversation to suit their agendas, allowing only one side to be heard. A small handful of other issues being controlled by the woke elites include, but are by no means all-inclusive are: Gun rights, freedom of speech, Critical Race Theory, COVID-19 origin and participants, vaccine and mask efficacy, the border crisis, deficit spending, and foreign entanglements.

Once the head of a snake has been neutralized, it is time to divide the opposition into factions and groups more easily manipulated and controlled. The phrase, “Divide and conquer” has been attributed to many people, including Julius Caesar, and King Louis XI (“Diviser pour regner“, which means “to divide, to reign“). Probably one of the best definition of the origin is as follows: “The origin is lost in antiquity. ‘Divide et impera’ was a well used Latin phrase used during the Roman Era, but doubtless the scheme has been in use on personal, family, village and tribal levels since the dawn of humanity. Put at its simplest, it is the strategy of gaining and maintaining power over people by breaking up allegiances so that individuals are subject to the one implementing the strategy.” (Hippy, July 29, 2004). We are all so wonderfully independent people, each having our own strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes. If allowed to move freely about in the exercise of our speech and actions, it would be impossible to corral all into one way of speaking and acting. It would be like trying to herd cats, or push a rope in a straight line. In order to achieve the aggressors results, boundaries need to be established which funnel the independent into narrow avenues whereby directing the flow is more easily achieved. In this case, boundaries do not have to physical. They can rely on the twisted use of legal reasoning, upon the reliance of a moral or ethical nature that constrains the opposition from resisting. and using ways that deflect, distort, and distract from what is happening. Once the direction of thought can be narrowly focused, the aggressors can begin to divide the opposition into smaller groups, often setting the groups against each other. There are many ways of separating the citizens, for there are already physical, social, and demographical differences upon which to rely. A few of the ways this can take place by the woke elites include, but are certainly not limited to the following: Race, economic status, social casts, religious beliefs, political affiliation, and technical savvy. Over a very short period of time, the opposition becomes introverted, isolated, easily confused, and malleable. If not recognized and countered, defeat is assured.

Never in the course of our Nation since its founding has there arisen such a greater threat to our Republic. Abraham Lincoln once said: “Nations do not die from invasion; they die from internal rottenness.” We must all be vigilant to the dangers aggressors in our Nation pose. More than that, we need to associate and not be fearful of doing what is right in the eyes of morality, in step with The Constitution, to ensure the continued existence of our great Nation. Edmond Burke (1729 to 1797) once said: “When bad men combine, the good must associate, else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Be not fearful. Do not shrink from the conflict ahead. Even though our National heroes lost the first battle in the “Shot heard round the world”, the militias reformed, in much greater numbers, and drove back the British Loyalists at the Concord North Bridge, and set our Nation on its course to Independence and Freedom. New heroes need to step forward into leadership, to rally the forces, and to save our freedoms. Be brave. Be unified. Be courageous. IT IS TIME TO PREPARE TO TAKE BACK OUR FREEDOMS BY ALL GOING MASK FREE IF POSSIBLE, AND FOR ALL BUSINESSES AND INSTITUTIONS TO FULLY OPEN UP BEGINING JULY 4, 2021.


Poor Lemmings. We do believe they get a bad rap, a negative reputation. However, this behavior does lend itself as an irresistible metaphor for human behavior. Every few years these little rodents over-populate one area and some seek new turf. When they come to a waters edge, they will jump in, not to commit suicide, but since they can swim, they simply want to get to the other side and find new residence. For humans, a similar action of jumping off a cliff, represents someone who blindly follows the crowd, maybe even toward catastrophe. “Over the past century, the myth has been invoked to express modern anxieties about how individuality could be submerged and destroyed by mass phenomena, such as political movements or consumer culture.” (Encyclopedia Britannica).

We are constantly amazed as we travel around that most citizens are continuing to wear masks and practice social distancing, usually because there are few places one can go without passing through a door demanding the wearing of masks when inside. Sixteen states have no face mask mandates (, March 5, 2021). “Over a third of states are ending COVD-19 mask mandates” (CBS NEWS, May 16, 2021). Even so, masks continue to be pushed upon the Nation. It is so much easier to comply, because food needs to be bought, and items need to be purchased. The mask wearer will simply think: “It is not worth the potential hassle by not being in compliance. I don’t want to get into a big discussion about not wearing a mask, or being made to feel guilty, so I’ll just put it on. My conscience will be clean.” “Anyone who can appease a man’s conscience, can take his freedom away from him.” (Xfiles, S3, EP24). A great fear has been promulgated that if you do not comply, you will be branded a part of the problem, and be considered someone to shun, reject from entering a place, expelled from the premise, or in some cases even someone needing to be arrested and hauled off in handcuffs. Most wearing masks, in humble compliance, know deep down inside that there is little if any risk of getting sick due to the virus. They do not want to admit it, because to do so would also allow the negative branding. So, they are silent in expressing their beliefs to others, as others are to them. So, with heads down, in submissive fashion, masks are donned, and they will reluctantly join the mass of Lemmings.

Here are two questions we will continue to ask. If masks really worked over a year ago, why are we still wearing masks today? “Fifteen days to flatten the curve” has become 15 months to flatten your freedom! If vaccines really work, why are we still wearing masks if you have been vaccinated? Here are two quotations that may help reorient your thinking. “Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you.” (Benjamin Franklin). “Don’t follow the crowd, let the crowd follow you.” (Margaret Thatcher).

Life if filled with risk. You could get cancer or rheumatoid arthritis. You cannot totally prevent the possibility of that from happening. Diving into shallow water, or walking alone in a dark alley at night, both have higher risk levels, and both risks can be substantially reduced by simple avoidance. Each citizen individually determines the level of risk acceptable. There are now therapeutics and vaccines available if you choose to use them, and it is your right and freedom to do so. We also have a right and freedom to set masks aside or reject a vaccination and accept those potential risks. In our Nation we have freedom guaranteed to us under The Constitution, and it affords us this freedom to choose our own path. Those who are in power, or anyone who is afraid to “let freedom ring”, does not have the authority to force upon anyone the behavior of a Lemming, and to deny individual freedoms. Be like the one Lemming in the picture above, and say: “Wait a minute . . . something feels wrong!” Do not feel compelled to conform. It usually takes boldness and courage to do what is right, in the face of an opposing force. It is more difficult to swim up-stream against the current, but it is what is necessary to avoid flowing over the waterfall, with the masses, to destruction.



LUCRE – “Money, especially when regarded as sordid or distasteful or gained in a dishonorable way. “ (Late Middle English: from French lucre or Latin lucrum; the phrase filthy lucre has biblical roots, I Timothy 6:10.)

There was a time in our Nation when we all stood together, shoulder-to-shoulder, to defend not only our Nation, but in fact even the entire world from dictatorial regimes who sought control over the whole world. Since the end of World War II, there has been a retrenching into our own safe environment, sheltered from outside turmoil. There were exceptions to this, but kinetic involvements were limited, and even though there was loss of our Nation’s blood and treasure, most citizens in our Nation stood by idle, knowing actions far from our shores had limited impact on our local daily lives. Most in our Nation survived the draft lotteries, and then relied on a volunteer fighting force to provide our Nation’s protection. It was easy to avoid even thinking about the horrors of wars, because it was far removed from the thought processes of the vast majority of our Nation’s citizenry. Slowly over time, most lost connection with what it takes to earn, and then to keep, freedom. Reality became history, and history became a myth. Edmond Burke (1729 to 1797) said: “People will not look forward to posterity, who never look backward to their ancestors. We have failed to teach the past, to appreciate the present, and to protect the future. The focus for many turned toward personal and business economic growth, not the growth of patriotic freedom. What was being lost was National pride in how unique and special our Nation is when compared to world history.

During this time, corporations grew larger and larger and saw an ever growing chance to expand their wealth and influence. A global economy was worshiped as the new age of existence. In this thrust to expand their world-wide reach, many sacrifices had to be made, and most of them were not beneficial to our Nation’s health in the long run. It turned out to be cheaper to use below standard wage workers in other countries to make things more cheaply, which meant the shipping of good paying jobs to overseas vendors. Abraham Lincoln once said: “There is no greater injustice than to wring your profits from the sweat of another man’s brow.” This resulted in more revenue for those corporations, increasing their size, wealth and influence. What was lost in this transition from a dependence upon our own Nation’s talent, was a pride in knowing that when something was purchased, it was actually made in the U.S.A. We challenge the reader to go to almost any store or thrift store and note where the item was manufactured. We can assure you that the vast majority will indicate it was made, manufactured, or assembled in some place other than the U.S.A.

During this time of transition to a global economy, those ever expanding corporations focused to an ever growing degree upon the generation of wealth. There was a tradeoff, a sacrifice that had to be made. When focusing on wealth, certain National interests had to be weakened, even set aside, to accommodate the desires, interests, and even demands made by other countries. Corporations prostituted themselves by surrendering Intellectual Property, and offering up their powerful voices to be muted, even directed to speak in ways in sharp contrast to the freedoms established in our Constitution. Corporations and individuals have become addicted to money, and what it takes to secure it and maintain it. We will not specifically mention names of people or corporations involved in these efforts to expand and protect their financial habits, because of the ever-present chance of this blog being filtered away into cyber space by biased human algorithms. A quick review of independent news outlets will reveal the guilty parties and tell the story. Corporations have been found to assist the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) in developing processes and procedures that aim to bolster our Nation’s competitors, even enemies, but refrain from providing the same support to our own Nation. Sports teams have bowed down to the constraints laid upon them by the CCP in order to maintain a major source of revenue. Many in positions of power, even in our own government, have financial ties to sketchy entities, criminal powers, and corrupt nations, that compromise their integrity, and shift their view away from what is best for our Nation. Many personalities have been forced to retract statements, and to even make directed statements, to protect their source of income or job. What has become evident is that the almighty dollar has taken precedence over doing what is right and just in the eyes of those who have sacrificed their lives in the defense of our Nation and its Constitutional freedoms. Imagine what they would say, and how they would confront these modern day traitors, if those who gave their lives could speak from their graves today.

It is obvious that many corporate leaders and their board of directors have chosen sides in this new world order beginning to emerge, and it is not on the side of the great American experiment, our unique and world-envied Nation. There are opposing nations that seek the demise of our Nation, that desire that our citizens should become surfs and subjects to tyrannical regimes. Those who have sought only the mighty power of the dollar have isolated themselves from this potential future. They have turned their backs on what has made our Nation great, and have sought only what is best for them, without regard to the great citizens of our Nation. The flag that should be flown high over their corporate institutions, or at the homes of those who have shunned the morality of our shared heritage, should be the flag of the money they myopically seek after and worship at its feet.