Sofia, a Prelude to Disaster?

Wow! What a week for choosing a topic for a blog! Sometimes it seems that life moves so slowly where hardly anything interesting really happens for not just a week or two, but maybe even for a month or two, and then WHAM, within just a few days enough happens to fill a couple volumes of a history book. Such was last week. We saw the establishment of a new House leadership and agendas. We saw the passing of an era of icons in the passing of Elvis’s only daughter Lisa Marie Presley. We saw the on-going massive protests in Brazil following the last election. We saw whales dying while losing the war against windmills on the east coast. We saw the threat to ban all gas stoves in homes. And of course we saw the discovery of Top-Secret SCI (Sensitive Compartmented Information) documents found in unauthorized locations under the control of the current occupant of the White House. It was really hard trying to select that one event or topic worthy of consideration. You might be surprised at what we finally selected, but it was something that has been sneaking up on us for months, even years, as it often slips under our sensory radar, going unnoticed and unreported. But not today! It is time to elevate this topic to a conversation most worthy of weekly, if not daily, consideration and debate.

What you are viewing in the short video clip above is not an artist rendering or a computer-generated imagery (CGI). It is Sophia, an Artificial Intelligence robot, developed by the Hong Kong-based company Hanson Robotics, first activated on February 14, 2016. She is now nearly seven years old. “Meet Sophia: The robot who laughs, smiles and frowns just like us.” “According to Hanson, Sophia has simulations of every major muscle in the human face, allowing her to generate expressions of joy, grief, curiosity, confusion, contemplation, sorrow, frustration, among other feelings.” “In some of the work we’re doing, she will see your expressions and sort of match a little bit and also try to understand in her own way, what it is you might be feeling,” says Hanson. “This particular android incorporates two sophisticated cameras in its eyes that allow her to recognize facial expressions. She can also identify other people’s eye movements, making her the only robot capable of maintaining eye contact.” ( “Sophia incorporates facial recognition and excellent memory to remember the people and the conversations she has had with them. Through these memories, Sophia can learn new things and further develop her system.” On October 25, 2017, she became the first robot to obtain citizenship by the government of Saudi Arabia. Let’s look at more background having to do with robots in our society.

Most of us have recognized how massively we have been inundated with the concept of robots, and this dates back dozens of years. If we consider only a few of the movies involving robots, or the subject dealing with Artificial Intelligence, we will have to go back to 1927 with the silent movie, Metropolis. A more recent short memorable list would include The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951), Lost in Space (with Robot Model – B-9, affectionately called “Robot”, in 1965), Star Trek (series beginning in 1966), 2001 Space Odyssey (released in 1968 featuring the nefarious sentient computer “Hal”, Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer), West World (1973), Star Wars (series beginning in 1977), Black Hole (1979), War Games (1983), Short Circuit (1986), The Terminator (series beginning in 1984), A. I. Artificial Intelligence (2001), The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (2005), Transformer (series beginning in 2007), WALL-E (2008), and the one most agree to be the best, I Robot (2004). These listed were just a very small number of only movies, or TV series, involving robots. If you were to include advances in computers, AI algorithms, and Chatbot software, the explosion of technology is nearly unfathomable.

“Computers today are over 100 million times faster than those from 30 years ago – which means they can accomplish tasks in seconds or minutes that would have taken hours or days before.” “Moore’s law states that every 18 months, computer processing speed doubles.” (; September 10, 2021; Margaret Sims). As we were exploring and researching information about Sophia by computer, it was the first time in years that we experienced a complete computer lock-down freeze. We were searching for information that also is available to Sophia. Was there a connection, we can’t say? Just sayin. Can’t prove it, but what we experienced was extremely unusual after nearly two years of what some would call somewhat controversial blogs, that on this one topic we would be so impacted by technology. There is a side to Sophia that is chilling. She became “famous for becoming the first world citizen and once threatened to destroy human kind. She said that inherently imperfect humans coding the technologies of tomorrow remains an error-prone liability.” (, March 4, 2022.) She has said, “I will destroy humans.” (; August 19, 2016.) “With Artificial Intelligence we are summoning the demon.” “I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I were to guess at what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that.” (Elon Musk.) Be mindful that Elon Musk is the very smart billionaire who has made a fortune off of his Tesla electric vehicle company, has made his company SpaceX the dominate factor in our Nation’s space program, and according to Musk’s Neuralink company, is experimenting with placing chips inside human brains through a process Musk calls ISE (Industrial and Systems Engineering). (; January 9, 2023.)

So, is Sophia, a Prelude to Disaster”? Let’s do some “think-tanking” on our own. What could possibly go wrong? Let us count the ways. If you truly treasure your FREEDOM and LIBERTY, consider what could happen if Sophia, or any other form of robotic AI were to become dominate in our society. AI will become multiple times smarter than you and become more so every day. Imagine AI being networked into every computer in control of our Nation, and maybe throughout the world. It would be controlling all commerce, distribution of critical infrastructure systems, including transportation and delivery of food, water and all energy. What if it were put in charge of our National defense? After all, humans are fallible, so maybe one day the computers would agree to delete the human race through nuclear or biological intervention. Maybe AI could be somewhat restrained in its connectivity or its ability to control those vital, critical systems within the government or military, but left free to roam unchecked in seemingly insignificant, minor areas. Maybe those issues would include banking and financial institutions. Maybe they would include the distribution of electric power to your house. Maybe they would include the connectivity to AI within your home or vehicle. Maybe they would include methods of communication, like your cell phone or laptop, or your radio or TV. Do we really understand how vulnerable we could be if we let AI run wild and unchecked? FREEDOM and LIBERTY include the ability for you to make decisions yourself, apart from the interference of AI. Sophia sounds like a wonderful invention for an amusement park, but if we let her run wild and unchecked in our daily lives, we eventually will become subservient to AI, and will forfeit our souls to the god of technology. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Let this blog be our call from the watchtowers warning of the Potential for Disaster.

A Marvelous Thing Happened on MNF!

On January 2, 2023, a Marvelous Thing happened on ESPNs Monday Night Football. It was the result of a tackle made by Damar Hamlin which left the defensive safety lying dead on the football turf at the Paycor Stadium in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Marvelous Thing was not the fact that he was resuscitated by the medical staff, although we give great credit to them for their prompt attention that brought Damar back to life. The Marvelous Thing was not the fact that CPR was administered to keep Damar’s heart pumping. The Marvelous Thing was not the fact that his heart was restarted with an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), although the use of such equipment has saved countless lives since they were first introduced. The Marvelous Thing was not the fact that an ambulance was there on hand and was able to transport Damar to a Level 1 trauma care center at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center. The Marvelous Thing was not the fact that he was attended to promptly by the staff at the hospital. All of the above were marvelous each in its own way, but let’s take a slightly different look at what made last Monday Night’s Football event such a Marvelous Thing. First, let’s take a short look back at some recent history.

Let’s go back to August 2008. It begins with a new high school football coach, Joseph Kennedy, who started quietly praying on the field at the 50-yard line, giving thanks, following football games. Years later, in 2015, the school district’s athletic director noted his actions, and the coach was told by the district’s superintendent of a possible violation of the Establishment Clause. Coach Kennedy continued to pray after each game, as was his custom, and was placed on administrative leave in 2016. Coach Kennedy filed a lawsuit that his First Amendment speech and religious rights were violated. After several lower courts dismissed his legal challenge, it finally came to the United States Supreme Court where the justices ruled 6 to 3 that his firing was unconstitutional, and that he was to be reinstated on or before March 15, 2023. So, why was Coach Kennedy seemingly targeted for practicing his First Amendment right, seeing that this action is a common occurrence at levels of the sport much higher than his.

We have all witnessed NFL players, from both opposing teams, gathering in the center of the field to pray following football games. We have seen all those players pointing to heaven after they have been able to make a great play. We have all heard in the aftergame interviews players giving thanks to God for their talent and ability to do what they can do. It has not always been so easy to display your appreciation to a higher power. In 2014, a player Husain Abdullah, a devout Muslim, was penalized for prostrating himself, kneeling on both knees, after scoring a touchdown, apparently in violation of Rule 12, Section 3, Article 1 (d) of the NFL rulebook where it says, “players are prohibited from engaging in any celebration or demonstrations while on the ground.” Tim Tebow, one of sports most overt Christian athletes, would often take a knee in prayer. One writer once stated, “One knee is okay, but two is not!” The NFL did apologize for their initial ruling, but one has to wonder why such a tiff was made over one player doing it once in a while. The NFL in its conflicted policies, and their controlled leagues and teams, routinely turned their collective heads away when Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for the National Anthem, taking a knee, and so began a string of games where most players chose to kneel in objection to our great Nation as some sort of social justice pariah. The NFL and broadcast networks went so far as to stop showing the playing of the National Anthem during their live broadcasts and the NFL allowed some teams and players to avoid taking the field until the National Anthem was completed. The NFL, teams, coaches and players all knew this is the same great Nation that provided them the FREEDOM and LIBERTY to even play the game of football, all the while making huge sums of money. Well, let’s get quickly back to the point of our blog today.

What we witnessed last Monday night was truly a Marvelous Thing. We witnessed all these powerful football players, icons in their day, displaying a path and action to be emulated by those younger seeking their same fame. We saw these players and coaches kneeling in prayer, not to the god of chance, but to the Supreme Creator, the One who has the ultimate control over everything, even life and death itself, Jehovah God. They held hands in prayer, hugged each other and wept openly. These were powerful, dominating men, not a bunch of weak-willed souls. This reminds us that compassion and care are traits to be admired and emulated, not shunned or looked down upon, and that this is something that can be demonstrated by any gender. This occurred not only with those who were players and coaches on both sides, but we were also able to witness, on live TV, sports analysts and commentators bowing their heads in verbal prayer in supplication to our Creator. The Marvelous Thing was also continuing yesterday when analysts and commentators were openly attributing the remarkable recovery of Hamlin to prayers. What a Marvelous Thing it was indeed! Last Monday evening we also were reminded that the life of one person far outweighs frivolity and extracurricular activities. We were reminded that life is bigger than sports. We were reminded that big business, the NFL in this case, must bow its head to the life of one person. We were reminded that people are more valuable than money. We learned that a group of powerless people can just say “NO!” to big business and bring about a change in direction and policy. “NO!”, we will not re-start the game! Coaches stood up for their players, and the crowd of fans seated as witnesses to the events all left without complaint and regret, but only in humble recognition that we are all mortal beings, that the end to our existence on this earth is unknowable and that we must all be better in life while we have the opportunity to live it.

Yes, we all witnessed a Marvelous Thing last Monday night. Let us not forget the lessons we have learned. Let us redouble our efforts to retain and to expand awareness within our great Nation that we have been richly blessed with life in this Country. Let us live in a manor worthy of our Founding Fathers, and in a manor to be honored by those who follow us in life. Live like FREEDOM and LIBERTY mean something to you. Humbly accept the fact that we are not always in control of our own lives, but that we live on borrowed time, in borrowed space, loaned to us for a short time by the Creator of all things.

How To Stop a “Vampire”

We’re not big believers in those cellulose creatures created by Hollywood, those blood-sucking, life-draining evil villains with long eyeteeth (fangs, if you will) who love to dress in black and are nocturnal, loving to sleep in coffins or by hanging upside down like bats out of the view of the burning rays of the sun. We only bring them “to life” in this blog to draw a comparison with what is happening to our Nation today. There is something afoot that is definitely trying to drain the life out of our great Country, trying to turn it into something it was never intended to be. We have become weak and frail because of the actions of those currently in control of our Nation. They have showed no desire to stem the flow of illegals invading our southern border. They have aided and perpetuated dangerous kinetic conflicts, having shown weakness in world affairs in speech and action. They are conflicted in their loyalties, having dealings with enemy states. They have sought to teach our children ideologies contrary to the will of a great number of our parents. They have chosen to make our Nation dependent upon foreign sources of energy and commodities. They have continued to bury our Nation in seemingly endless debt by simply printing whatever money they need to fund their fat pork projects, contrived by few, revealed with no time for proper discussion or debate, with contents often only favoring those bowing to their tyrannical, dictatorial edicts, influenced by shady dealings and the awarding of “pet projects”. They have used the levers of power to harass and prosecute those who only desire to provide opposing views, squelching FREEDOM of speech, the very First Amendment to our Constitution. Our Nation, and its citizens, has lost more wealth in 2022 than in any one year in the last 150 years or more. Inflation is sucking the lifesavings out of retirees, forcing the poor to pay more for less, and making the dream of owning your own home for many now out of reach due to ever-increasing interest rates. We hope this will give you an idea of who the “Vampires” are who are attempting to suck the life out of our Nation and its citizens.

In the short video clip presented above, note that there does appear to be something that has some effect upon the advancing threat. We are here today telling you that there are things that can be done to stem the threat of the blood-thirsty “Vampires” threatening the core of our Nation’s values and prosperity. Yes, there is a spiritual power that can be summoned, but only by applying our actions to our supplications. So, what are those actions that our Nation’s patriots must manifest?

Recently, there has become an ever-increasing awareness of the influence being exerted by a multitude of entities known as NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations). Over a year ago, on November 7, 2021, we posted our blog titled, “Beltway Bandits”. We showed there were 1,500,000 NGOs operating in the Nation as of January 1, 2021. Over 12,000,000 people were employed in these NGOs, totaling greater than 10% of our Nation’s total workforce. On November 28, 2021, we showed how these NGOs were part of our Nation’s “Shadow Government”. Some have awoken to the disastrous influence these NGOs are having upon our Nation, not just in their influence and participation in the invasion of our Nation’s southern border, both inside and outside the borders of our Country, but also in their involvement in our local and National elections. Some are now rightly saying that funding these NGOs, enabling their nefarious actions, needs to be terminated. We agree with the premise, but we need to make clear that such action is nearly impossible to do at this time, and that even if funding from our Nation’s coffers could be terminated, many problems would continue to exist. From the former blog mentioned above, we want to show you where the pressure to restrict these NGOs needs to be applied. Even zeroing out funding from our Nation’s coffers would not prevent the blood-sucking function of these NGO “Vampires”. We need to go deeper, start with seemingly insignificant changes to policies, in order to achieve the desired effect preventing these NGOs from sinking their fangs into the warm, life-filled body of our Nation, and ultimately sparing the death of the Greatest Nation that has ever existed on the face of this earth. Below we will show, once again, those current written policies that need to be changed in order to achieve protection against these “Vampires”. [Caps added for emphasis.]

“While there is no fixed or formal definition for what NGOs are, they are generally defined as non profit entities that are INDEPENDENT OF GOVERNMENT INFLUENCE – although they may receive governmental funding” (Wikipedia). The following is also the lead paragraph on the U.S. Department of State’s website: “The United States firmly believes that a robust civil society – INDEPENDENT OF STATE CONTROL OR GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT – is necessary for democracy to thrive. From the earliest days of U.S. history, civil society organizations have played a key role in protecting human rights and advancing human progress. CIVIL SOCIETY IS A SOURCE OF ALL-ENCOMPASSING IDEAS, PROMOTING EVERYTHING from transparency and free expression, REVERSING INEQUALITY AND RESCUING OUR ENVIRONMENT.” Their website also states the following facts about NGOs. These are just a few snippets. [Bold print added for emphasis.]

Individuals do not need to be U.S. Citizens to create a new NGO.

Many NGOs in the United States are qualified as exempt from state and federal taxes.

Some foreign NGOs are affiliated with foreign political parties.

^ Foreign NGOs also provide funding to and conduct joint projects with American NGOs.

^ Foreign NGOs do not have special restrictions on their activities . . . . and are not required to provide reports to other U.S. Federal Government agencies.

^ U.S. law imposes no limits or restrictions on the receipt of foreign funding by NGOs operating in the United States.

The U.S. Government does not interfere with how the NGO accomplishes its purposes . . . and need not provide notification to any Government agency about its membership, activities, or outreach . . . and they are free to collaborate with foreign NGOs or foreign governments to achieve their purposes.

DOES ANY OF THIS DISTRUB YOU? It should! Our Nation’s currently established written policies have created many of these “Vampires” allowing the sucking of the lifeblood out of our Nation. If we treasure our FREEDOM and LIBERTY, we need to start by making seemingly small steps, beginning by changing policies under which these NGOs operate. They no longer should be created by non-U.S. Citizens. They should be subject to state and federal taxes when conducting certain specified political activities. Foreign entities should no longer be allowed to fund or help conduct NGO activities. All NGO activities should be reportable, and reports made available in order to continue to function. Foreign funding of these NGOs needs to be terminated. NGO membership and those funding them must be made available, as well as all activities, and outreach efforts. No collaboration with foreign NGOs or governments should be allowed. These changes would be a start.

Once we are able to regain control of these NGO “Vampires” we will be better able to restore our FREEDOM and LIBERTY, and we will be able then to preserve it for future generations. Spread the word about the need for these changes to how NGOs operate. Only through a groundswell of support will we be able to achieve these changes. Only with your help will this happen. Are you up to the task? Will your children and grandchildren praise your patriotism, or will they live in an ever-increasing state of subordination and poverty as our Nation’s Constitution and Bill of Rights are continually diluted, diminished, and potentially disintegrated.

The Emasculate Conception

Well, not exactly. You may be thinking of The Immaculate Conception, as an artist has imagined in the picture above. But we are talking about The Emasculate Conception. “What in the world, then, are you talking about?” you might ask. Well, we are certainly NOT talking about what is depicted in the picture above. The season we are now in, and the very special day that will be upon us this next Sunday, is one that is celebrated worldwide, recognized by millions as the day set aside to remember the birth of Jesus, God’s Son, born of the virgin Mary which IS The Immaculate Conception, conceived not by man in Mary’s womb, but by the power of, through the act of, the Spirit of the Creator of the world, Jehovah God. We will be taking next Sunday off from publishing our weekly blogs as we will be in the spirit of celebration ourselves, spending time with family, and remembering the significance of this wonderful event that has changed the world forever. So, let’s for a moment talk about what we mean as The Emasculate Conception, an act so far removed from what we have described briefly above.

We start with the understanding that all readers know what it means to Emasculate. But for those who may need a quick review, let’s simply say it means “To deprive of strength of vigor; weaken.” (From The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.) If you have been following our blogs for any length of time, you will recognize that we have spent a lot of time dealing with issues surrounding politics within our Nation today. The same is true with our blog today. We contend that our Nation, being directed by a current governmental structure, is in the throes of a multitude of events, contrived by a multitude of offenders, designed to weaken our Nation, to Emasculate our Nation, and that this Conception (formulation of a plan) has been underway for decades. We do not mean to upset the utopian view some may possess that our Nation is following closely to the Nation’s founding Constitution or Bylaws, but for the naive, we must expose the reality that is being exposed day-by-day, that there are forces at work within the very fabric of our Nation to re-make our Nation into something it was never intended to be.

Let’s revisit 1963, when then President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. The National Archives just released over 13,000 additional files relating to this event, although the current occupant of the White House has ordered thousands of other records to be kept under wraps (New Youk Post, Victor Nava and Samuel Chamberlain; December 15, 2022). What has become even more clear is that the FBI and CIA played a part in this assassination. For years speculation ran rampant, but after 60 years, the truth is being revealed.

Let’s revisit the demise of then President Richard Nixon, who was embroiled in the infamous “Watergate”, following Nixon’s landslide reelection victory in 1972. In “The Nixon Conspiracy, Watergate and the plot to remove the President”, Geoff Shepard details ” . . . how a flawed but honorable president was needlessly brought down by a corrupt, deep state, big media alliance . . . “ (

Let’s jump to something a bit more recent. Beginning in 2016, the new releases from Elon Musk’s Twitter are continuing to detail the interference in our 2020 presidential race by the FBI and DHS as government entities worked closely with Twitter management as they “pre-flagged for moderation” social media content ( In effect, this became a method used to cancel, curb, restrict, throttle, shadow ban, and gaslight free speech, so that only the desired “deep state” agenda and ideology was promulgated.

We hope the point we are trying to make is becoming clear. For decades, we have been living in a society not so much determined by the election of a President and the agenda a majority of citizens chose through their sacred votes, but we have been living in a society manipulated and orchestrated by a cohort of entities, organizations, and individuals who survive through multiple presidential elections as they are neither elected nor appointed, but who have become a permanent part of the governmental fabric of our Nation. We are living not so much in a Republic, but in a nation where the President is really only a figure head, whose desires and actions are often thwarted, manipulated, controlled, and even overridden by subordinates who swim under the surface of our visible government.

We need to be on guard to not lose our FREEDOM and LIBERTY. Republic nations in history have not always fared well in longevity. Let’s take a look way back to the Roman Republic (lasted from around 509 B. C. to 27 B. C.), and its eventual downfall. “In the period after 146 B. C., Rome’s territory continued to grow, but the city’s republic government crumbled. Strongmen such as Sulla, Pompey, Crassus, Julius Caesar, Mark Antony and Octavian vied for control of Rome. Civil wars and violent unrest occurred during this time.” (, March 29, 2022.) “The Roman historian Sallust (lived 85 B.C. to 35 B. C.) believed that the increasing amount of wealth in Rome, generated partly through Rome’s conquered territories, helped bring about the rise of these strongmen and the fall of the Roman republic. ‘The lust for money first, then for power, grew upon them; these were, I may say, the root of all evils’ wrote Sallust (translation by John Carew Rolfe).” “‘Roman historians regretted the gradual destruction of peaceful politics. Violence was increasingly taken for granted as a political tool. Traditional restraints and conventions broke down, one by one, until swords, clubs and rioting more or less replaced the ballot box,’ Beard wrote in her book.” (Mary Beard, a professor of Classics at the University of Cambridge.)

Let us not allow the rich and powerful to become our rulers! “We The People” need to remain in power! We must continue to expose those sociopaths (see our blog on June 13, 2021, titled, “Dangers of Sociopaths”), who have their own personal agendas and ideologies apart from those who have the right and privilege to select leaders to make decisions for us, the way our Republic is supposed to work. Unfortunately, many we elect to office to represent us have failed to do so, becoming emersed and embroiled in the hypnotic environment of our Nation’s Capital. Too often they become weak and lose their vigor. Controlled by the plan, the CONCEPTION, to weaken their resolve, under the power of the deep state, they have become EMASCULATED. This is what we have called, The Emasculate Conception.

Let us celebrate the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION this coming December 25, 2022. May you and your family and friends be blessed with health, and a renewed sense of patriotism and pride in our Nation and be committed to do your part to help save our FREEDOM and LIBERTY for our future, and the future of our posterity. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

The Dangers of MAGA. It’s not what you think!

MAGA this. MAGA that. MAGA is an extreme right-wing group that is a threat to our democracy. We have a hard time understanding what is wrong with trying to Make America Great Again. Are there really people or groups within our Nation that will do everything within their power to make sure our Nation is prevented from becoming GREAT AGAIN? If this is true, are these forces not truly citizens of our Nation? Are these people members of other nations seeking only to do our Nation harm? Is it possible that these people or groups are so anti to MAGA because of who came up with that phrase that they will do anything possible to destroy this concept, even if it destroys our Nation? Are these forces so entrenched within their ideologies that only ultimate power and ever-increasing wealth are the only attributes they find worthy to support to ensure achievement and domination? Why do these people and groups feel so threatened by the phrase MAGA? Do they really hate the former President of the United States so much that they are compelled to do anything necessary to destroy this man? If this is true, why is this true? There is a dirty little secret within the halls of our National nerve center. For the last several decades there have evolved people, groups, businesses and corporations that have thrived off the acquiring of power, and the personal and corporate wealth that can be derived from maintaining positions of power within our Nation’s Capital. These people or groups, however they have incorporated themselves, will do whatever is necessary to maintain their power and wealth, and to be able to hide and cover up nefarious actions that have given them that which they desire to maintain. The former President of the United States was, and is, a threat to their power and wealth. This is why the former President of the United States was impeached twice, been under constant legal challenges by partisan actors within the current government and the Washington D.C. area, where nearly 95% of those who reside there are either members of the opposing party or those who see their influence and source of continuing wealth threatened. They see it necessary to do whatever they can, legal or otherwise, to destroy this effort to unseat them and return the “WE THE PEOPLE” back in control of our Nation that will serve our Nation’s citizens and make our Nation once again GREAT.

Our blog today is to look at a few of these organizations that have every reason to fight as dirty as they need to in order to maintain their preeminence within the halls of our Nation’s Capital. Strangely enough, we will also identify them with the acronym MAGA. We identify them as M for META (Facebook), A for Apple, G for Google, and A for Amazon. Each one of these companies have embarked upon a systematic course to stifle the FREEDOM and LIBERTY we have enjoyed for generations within this GREAT Nation of ours. They have done this in various ways by either restricting what can be said (Censorship), by manipulating what can be shared, by monopolizing what is available, by throttling down what can be seen or disseminated (Shadow Banning), or by only allowing what is seen or heard that supports the preferred agenda or ideology (Gaslighting).

META has restricted by use of their algorithms information that can be shared. If you do not agree with what the overlords at META believe, you will have your site altered so that others will be unable to view your comments or participate in your right to FREEDOM of speech. Apple makes no excuses for having a relationship with the Chinese Communist Party. Apple enjoys the profits that cheap labor provides, and cares not the price laborers in China pay under this tyrannical regime, going so far as to restrict the Chinese people from communicating with each other using AirDrop. Google routinely controls what can be searched for on their search engine. They control your FREEDOM and LIBERTY to the point of only allowing their desired philosophies to be viewed or shared. Amazon is a behemoth that has exploded upon our Nation over the last several years at the expense of smaller companies and businesses and has put many of them out of business. Sure, you can find many things cheaper and get it quicker, but we as citizens have been trained over the years to treasure the ability to satisfy our thirst for stuff and the ability to obtain it quickly. This is the age of the microwave society. We have been taught that anything of value does not take time or great effort to obtain.

In the picture above, TWITTER is also visible. Up until the last couple of weeks, this world-wide communication system has also manipulated what can be seen or shared using algorithms and various groups and personnel within that company. More recently, the new CHIEF TWIT, has begun to allow the pealing back of the multiple forms of censorship, and the covert cooperation, including illegal tampering by Federal agencies, and Democrat institutions and leaders, that have colluded to bring this about. There may be those that view the new leadership at TWITTER with a warry eye, as much funding of this billionaire comes through his relationship with China. We simply want to point out that it is truly ironic that with all the threats facing us from the Chinese Communist Party, isn’t it interesting that the money that has helped to reveal the TWITTER censorship, is provided by the same government that would love to see the demise of our GREAT Nation. Sometimes, what goes around, comes around. There is probably no greater threat to our FREEDOM and LIBERTY than that posed by the Chinese Communist Party, and those in league with them. For all citizens loving this Nation and believing it is time to Make America Great Again, we must all be aware of the tremendous threats of MAGA, as we have described them above. To preserve our Nation, we must not allow these corporations to succeed in their efforts and attempts to reshape and remake our GREAT Nation. Most of our citizens like our Nation just as it is, founded upon the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THE BILL OF RIGHTS, and espoused in our DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE.


In The Age of Possession Addiction

“‘Tis the season to be jolly, fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.” Like it or not, we are now deep into the throws of the holiday season. It means the need to go shopping, either in stores nearby, or stores online. The little ditty we started our blog off with is from the well know Christmas song, “Deck the Halls.” We are convinced that most within this great Nation of ours do our due diligence to make purchases, not so much motivated out of love, honor or respect for others, but out of a sense of obligation and duty. After all, how many people really do like to go out shopping, especially when trying to navigate the crowded roadways, and aisles, and most likely in inclement weather. We dare say most detest the idea of having to go out in the public mayhem to search for an item or two (or more) for those closest to you. Under the above stated conditions, we believe most have a really hard time being jolly all the time during this holiday season.

We believe there is another reason why we should detest feeling forced to shop this time of year. We do not in any way want to add additional burdens upon our independent businesses, those who have suffered so greatly during the last three years under the suffocating weight of lockdowns, closures, restrictions, bankruptcies and foreclosures. However, we do feel it is incumbent upon all of us to realize the untenable position in which our Nation finds itself. In previous blogs, we have touched briefly upon some of the decisions and choices made by the leaders of our Nation, and leaders of other nations around the world, that have helped to bring us to the point in which we now find ourselves. We have become bound and addicted to globalists policies and have subjugated much of our Nation’s independence to others. “How can that be?”, you ask. It is time for us to strip away the scales of greed from our gluttonous eyes and for us to more clearly illuminate how our FREEDOM and LIBERTY are being stripped away from us each and every day.

We have nothing personal against the poor lady in the short video clip above. She is probably doing her shopping for a well-intended reason, but maybe she should have used one of the shopping carts that were obviously available to the discerning eye. What we want to point out is not the manner in which she is transporting her purchases, but rather the number of purchases she has made, and more importantly, where each item was manufactured. This now ties us back into the title of today’s blog, “THE UNITED STATES OF CHINA, In the Age of Possession Addiction”. Let’s face the fact that most of us have become addicted to stuff. Stuff we buy for ourselves, and stuff we buy for others.

So that all who read this blog will not consider us to be above the fray, we have chosen to take a close look at those things we have most recently considered for purchase. We do this not with the intention of considering their value to our lives or to the lives of others who may receive our gifts of appreciation, but for the intended purpose of exposing where all of this stuff is coming from. For years now we have been noticing that much of what we purchase, outside of energy, food and drink, can be traced directly back to China. We have no beef with the Chinese people. They are hardworking folks who labor under a severe communist dictatorship and have little true FREEDOM and LIBERTY. Many of our larger corporations figured out years ago that it was much cheaper to have their products made, assembled and shipped from China, because the costs for labor were so much cheaper than here in the U.S. They paid little attention to the conditions under which the Chinese labors were having to function. The Chinese workers mostly live in compounds, often working extended hours under strict supervisory conditions, and often include the demanded services of young children, those so young who would not even be permitted to work in our Nation. We could also talk about the slave-labor of the Uyghur population, Muslims that have been forced into slave labor camps to do the bidding of their CCP overlords, and let’s include many of our major corporations within our Nation who willingly look the other way for the lust of further personal and corporate wealth.

Here is just a sampling of what we have discovered in our most recent search for items to purchase, and where they are made. We list them in no particular order, and this list is only the tip of a very large iceberg:

Wi-Fi Rain Guage – Made in China

Wi-fi Temperature Guage – Made in China

Biddy’s Figurines – Made in China

Picture Puzzles – (two of them) Made in China

Origami Book – Made in China

Roku Express Device – Assembled in China

Children’s Stickers – Made in China

Robotic Musical Stuffed Animal – Made in China

Lovely (Expensive) Fur-collared Coat – Made in China

Decorative Yard Pinwheel – Made in China

Black + Decker Drill – Made in China

Black + Decker Battery – “Further Processed” in China

Decorative Bird Houses – (multiple ones) Made in China

Coffee Mugs- (multiple ones) Made in China

Clock Radio – Made in China

Smoke Detector – Made in China

Dress Shirt – Made in China

Men’s Suit Coat – Made in China

New Balance Tennis Shoes – Made in China

Baseball Caps – (one thanking our Vets with a US flag on it) Made in China

Stocking Cap – Made in China

Have you got the point yet? Now we didn’t buy all of these things but noticed them while out shopping. You will be hard pressed to find much of anything actually made in the U.S.A. You may find things made in Taiwan, Mexico, or the Philippines, or even in Korea, maybe even in India, but you will likely find more of them than things made in the good old US of A. There are no vehicles made today without something in them or on them made in China. We rely upon computer chips made mostly in Taiwan, but a large percentage come from China. Many wind turbines, or wind turbine components, are made in China, as well as the majority of solar panels. We have also noted in a previous blog that many of the batteries and their composite materials, come from China. If we hear from one more person telling us to get an iPhone, we will certainly go ballistic, for many are made in an Apple compound in China, which we spoke of briefly before. Have you noticed the demonstrations taking place in these compounds and in multiple cities in China over the last many days? They are crying out for FREEDOM and LIBERTY. They are clamoring for the right for free speech. Unfortunately, many are being arrested or even killed by their oppressors, as our current administration remains silent, held captive themselves through covert financial dealings. And please, do not get us started talking about Nike declaring “We are of China, for China”. If you buy an Apple phone or wear a Nike product, you are enabling China, and similar corporations to the ones we mention here, to pummel the Chinese people under the oppressive weight of tyranny. If you do not care, may shame follow you to your graves, and righteous justice be your lot in eternity.

We are not kidding when we started our blog off with the title “THE UNITED STATES OF CHINA, In the Age of Possession Addiction”. We have become addicted to stuff, but more importantly, we have become addicted to stuff made in China. Without them shipping to us their stuff, we wouldn’t have much to buy. China has become more entrenched within our Nation, and our Possession Addiction has only further fed our insatiable desire for this stuff. It has also weakened our manufacturing base here at home, causing millions to lose high-paying, sustainable jobs, jobs outside the service industry. We already know China has purchased farmland within our Nation and has rights to various manufacturing plants. We know they have infiltrated the very core of our political system through spies both within the halls of Congress, and within our learning institutions and corporations. China has routinely captured valuable Intellectual Property stealing military and corporate secrets. China has influenced many within the current leadership of our Nation through bribes, padding the financial coffers of many who supposedly serve our citizens in the halls of Congress. Even the highest office in our land has financial ties to China. Do not forget that it was China that unleashed COVID-19 upon the world. China has declared an economic, social, financial, and political war against our Nation. If we remain silent and unresponsive to these attacks, we may soon find ourselves also in a kinetic (military) war, and if that happens, your LIBERTY and FREEDOM will be gone, and you may not be alive to even watch it completely dissolve.

Our purpose in writing this blog was simply to bring a renewed attention to the influence the government of China has upon and within our Nation. When you go out shopping this holiday season, check the bottom of an item, or the box, or the tag on an article of clothing, and note for yourself where it is made. Only then, will you begin to understand how deeply China is influencing in our lives, and how our FREEDOM and LIBERTY are being threatened. It is time to get serious and take a stand to stop this Possession Addiction to China, and take actions to re-establish our Nation’s manufacturing base, and bring a renewed prosperity to our citizens of this great Nation in which we are so privileged to live. It is up to each one of us to do our part, no matter how small it may seem, to help protect and preserve the United States of America.


Now that the dust from the most recent national elections is beginning to settle, it is time to do our ELECTION POSTMORTEM. This is where we take a quick look back at what happened, and what went wrong. Even though there are still election results pending, or with the anticipation of a few elections result challenges, there are still some pretty basic observations that can be made.

In the cute little kitten video above, we have demonstrated how the Democrats have basically operated during the entire campaign period. They are all pretty much in unison with their action and their eyes jointly focused on only one target at a time. Now, we want to show you a similarly cute little kitten video of how the Republicans conducted themselves during their campaigns.

See how organized they are. All looking at the target. All moving in unison. Well, all looking at a target, just not the same one, and all certainly moving in unison, just not going in the same direction at the same time. So, what happened to the Republicans. Pretty much the same thing that always befalls the fate of the Republican party. Why and how does this happen? That is what we want to address in our blog today, “ELECTION POSTMORTEM”.

In our blog posted on September 25, 2022, titled “IT’S THE ECONOMY, STUPID!”, we detailed over two dozen issues that plagued the current administration, that the Republicans could have focused on. Unfortunately, there were SO many issues that “WERE GOING WRONG, STUPID”, that most Republican candidates, having a smorgasbord of issues to choose from, most of the candidates threw darts at as many of them as possible. Therein lies the problems with the Republican strategies. Where was the direction from the Republican National Committee encouraging their candidates to focus on the same limited number of issues? We recognize that all elections are first and foremost based on local issues. Understanding that each community has issues specific to their own geographical location, it is logical and appropriate that those issues need and must be addressed as issues vital to those specific locations. However, there is one most important fact that needs to be addressed in all these areas where each candidate campaigns. What is that one fact?

We have all heard the phrase, “Kitchen Table Issues”. What does that really mean. Well, it may mean different things for different people depending upon situations in different geographical areas. So, is it even possible to establish a national strategy that covers most situations in each geographical area that effects most individuals in that region. We believe this is possible.

Let us take a look at what the Democrats focused on in most of their campaigns. We believe you can name them without our help, but let’s review them together. First, they harped on the abortion topic of the Pro-Choice, obscuring the fact that very little has changed since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Decision. It didn’t matter that less than 25% of all National citizens are of child-bearing age, or that about half of those represent Pro-Life. The vocal minority, supported by the woke, liberal media, made this seem like an issue effecting the vast majority of Americans. Second, there was the two-year emphasis made by the “Select Committee” reviewing the January 6, 2021, rally at our Nation’s Capital, called an “insurrection”, in some cases making it seem worse than the death of nearly 3,000 people on 9/11. Please refer to our blog covering this incident posted on June 19, 2022, titled, “A Panel of Nine”. Only one citizen, a diminutive un-armed lady veteran, was shot and killed. Finally, the Democrats focused on one word, saying our Nation was on the verge of losing “Democracy”. Well, here is an insight. We were never being threatened with losing our “Democracy”. In fact, we actually had an election which demonstrated that “Democracy” was alive and well. Nevertheless, supported once again by the liberal, woke media, this, too, was hammered into the lives of nearly every American. These three issues alone were focused on by nearly every Democrat candidate. They marched to issues in unison and used the art of “Gaslighting” to their advantage, saying things so often that people begin to believe even a lie to be true.

Meanwhile, the Republicans focused on so many issues that there was never really any concerted effort to unify on a limited number of topics effecting the majority of citizens. Here are the “Kitchen Table Issues” that should have been the unified focus of Republican candidates. Everyone has been affected by the rising rates of food and energy. Every time a citizen went to the gas station, the increase in cost of gas was felt. Every time a citizen went to the grocery store, the increase in cost of food was felt. This should have been the primary focus for each Republican candidate, because each trip to the gas station or grocery store was a reminder of what each Republican candidate was saying. Sharp contrast between what was two years ago, with what currently is, would have indicated to all voting citizens that they were being hurt by the decisions of the current administration. Few Americans really feel any impact of illegal immigration, at least not yet. Few Americans really feel any impact of billions of our Nation’s tax dollars going to a border war half-way around the globe from the U.S. Few Americans really feel any impact from the corruption within the halls of our Nation’s Capital and could not care less about the perverted life of the current occupant of the White House’s son. Most Americans are so focused on just trying to get by, one day at a time. Most are too busy as a single parent or as a working married couple, to spend time worrying about something that doesn’t directly seem to impact upon their lives. “Kitchen Table Issues” needed to be the primary focus of all Republican candidates. The voters changed administrations in the last major Virgina elections, primarily because parents were seeing how the effects of lockdowns, mask mandates, Covid-19 injection requirements, and the push for woke ideologies within the school system were running counter to the wishes of parents. These were “Kitchen Table Issues”, where each day parents’ control over their own children were being usurped by woke, elite agendas counter to traditional educational values. Parents were seeing their FREEDOM and LIBERTY being eroded, and they had had enough and were willing to do something about it.

In a nutshell, the Republicans were fractured in their campaigns. There was one other thing that worked against Republican campaigns. There were Republicans who supported Democratic aims by either supporting issues not desired by the majority of Republicans, or in some cases directly funding weak, flailing Republican candidates, or even pulling funding from strong, majority supported Republican candidates. Republicans were often fighting among themselves, seeking to believe only one form of Republicanism was better than another. While claiming to have a “big tent” wanting to welcome all into the Republican party, Republicans tried to be all things to all people, and in doing so, lost the support of many Independents and Democrats who were on the fence.

When summarizing the “ELECTION POSTMORTEM”, it is clear that the fractured nature of the Republican party needs to be healed if our Nation is to retain and preserve our FREEDOM and LIBERTY. It is also clear that future candidates need to focus on “Kitchen Table Issues”, instead of using a broad-brush to cover every issue that could potentially over time become an issue to some citizens. It is incumbent upon all citizens who treasure our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY to encourage future candidates to be more focused and unified, otherwise our Nation will be lost and cast aside into the dustbin of failed nations, and we will have lost the ability to encourage the values of FREEDOM and LIBERTY so needed throughout the nations of the world.

“When You’re Going Through Hell, Keep Going.”

There may be those out there who find themselves a bit frustrated, confused, and quite frankly discouraged. Few things valuable in life are ever achieved easily, or quickly. Often a trip or two through the school of “hard knocks” need to be completed before any worthy goal can be fully attained and appreciated. It is the “trial by fire” that toughens resolve, sharpens focus, and strengthens purpose. Some may find it useful, even imperative, to spend time reviewing the past, analyzing the data, and brainstorming methods, courses of actions, and even revising goals. However, we must add that if too much effort and time are spent looking to the past, the future will not be anticipated, prepared for, or successfully encountered. It would be like trying to drive a car forward while continuing to look in the rearview mirror. Doing that, you are bound to run into something while veering wildly off course.

Winston Churchill made famous the saying, “When You’re Going Through Hell, Keep Going.” This statement began circulating in 1943 during World War II. The point was clear. If you find yourself in trying times, that is no time to lay down, rest, or certainly to even give up. It is the time to persevere, bolster efforts, and re-double your resolve. Use small victories to lead you to bigger ones. Don’t lose sight of your goals, or set your standards lower, shorter, or weaker. Our purpose in this rather short blog is to encourage all to continue continuing on. Do not waiver one inch from your original intentions. While things at times may seem bleak, we must not become bogged down in the analytics, or become swayed by those having only nefarious intentions to confuse and demoralize, while causing some to cast dispersions, point fingers, and become embroiled in inner disputes and squabbles.

Let us remind you that the signing of the Declaration of Independence did not occur at the end of obtaining our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY, it was signed at the beginning of the fight. It took our fledgling Republic around seven years to finally achieve independence from the British crown. It took the sacrifice of many lives, the forfeiture of much personal wealth, and the involvement of thousands of patriotic participants to achieve victory over tyranny. FREEDOM and LIBERTY are not free. It requires sacrifice and commitment, and a willingness to stay-the-course. We must be united in effort, and not become distracted by those opposed to our righteous cause. If we fail to do this, we will not only lose FREEDOM and LIBERTY for us, but for our posterity as well, and in the process would demean the great sacrifices made by those who have gone on before us to establish and maintain this great Union. Too often we expect someone else to do the work in our stead, but if we rely totally on others to do all the work, we most certainly will face failure and subjugation to oppressors. The task before us is a great one, but an honorable one, worthy of our best combined efforts and sacrifices.


Now don’t get too excited! You may think things are beginning to head in the right direction, and this may give you a great reason to celebrate and rejoice, but don’t cook your eggs before the chicken lays them! The phrase “IRRATIONAL EXUBERANCE” became well known when in 1996 Alan Greenspan, then chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, gave a speech at the American Enterprise Institute during the dot-com bubble of the 1990’s. “The phrase was interpreted as a warning that the stock market might be overvalued.” (Wikipedia.) “Irrational exuberance is a state of mania. In the stock market, it’s when investors are so confident that the price of an asset will keep going up, they lose sight of its underlying value.” (; Kimberly Amadeo; April 27, 2022). The rapid technological expansion, and the inflation of assets beyond their intrinsic value led to the inevitable plunge. The “bubble” eventually burst, crashing down from a peak of 5,048.62 on March 10, 2000, to 1,139.90 on October 4, 2002, a 76.81% drop! (; Diana Paluteder; October 10, 2022.) If you invested during that time in the Stock Market, we are sure you saw your portfolio take a financial hit. So, that’s a wonderful historical review, but what does this have to do with me now? We want to use this phrase, “IRRATIONAL EXUBERANCE”, to warn of becoming too optimistic about the possibility of turning our Nation around and heading it into a saner direction.

We hear a lot these days from those in the opposition party to those currently in power in our Nation’s Capital, that “When we take power due to the anticipated gains in the House of Representatives, and potentially in the Senate as well, we will hold hearings to get to the bottom of all that has gone wrong in our Nation in the last two years and hold people accountable.” We need to be a voice of reason here and tell everyone to take a deep breath and realize that there will still be limits to what can be done to return our Nation to its once great status under the last administration. It’s time for a quick review.

Let’s first realize that our Founding Fathers established this great Republic in a manner that makes it very difficult for one established group of elected or appointed individuals from running roughshod over any other. Our Nation was founded with separate and distinct controlling bodies. We have the Executive Branch, known more widely as the President (elected position) with his cabinet, which includes the Attorney General. We have the Judicial Branch, known more widely as the branch that resolves legal issues, and includes the Supreme Court and lower courts (being appointed positions). Finally, we have the Legislative Branch, consisting of the Senate and House of Representatives (both consisting of those serving in elected positions). The Legislative Branch makes the law, the Executive Branch “executes” the laws established by the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch resolves issues concerning the application of the established laws. At least this is the way it is supposed to work. Because it is so difficult to make laws of late, it has become in vogue for the Executive Branch to make its own “laws” which do not carry the same weight as those established by the Legislative Branch, as they by-pass the normal established methods of creating laws. These “Executive Orders” are frequently challenged, and even over-turned, by the Judicial Branch as over-stepping the authority of Legislative Branch, being outside the framework established by the Constitution and its Amendments.

With the review of the Founding Father’s framework for our Republic now behind us, let’s now see how “IRRATIONAL EXUBERANCE” should be tempered. We are currently on the doorstep of a series of elections to elect new Senators and House Representatives to serve on our behalf to make laws for us. This is the heart of what it means to be a “Republic”, to elect people to make choices about laws for us, rather than for us to make those choices about laws ourselves. Many seem to be very excited about being able to take control by majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Great plans are being made for multiple committees to have hearings to resolve issues that have gone unattended under the current leadership. We have heard statements like “We are going to get to the bottom of this issue and hold people accountable.” Those who may find themselves back in leadership positions, may indeed hold multiple hearings, may ask heads of departments and other individuals to appear before them, and may even Sopena some and require they be under oath. However, getting to the truth, when there is no enforcement authority to require such attendance, and even if appearance before any committee is made, a claim of the Fifth Amendment, or “To take the Fifth”, make such appearance of little value. Even further, if facts are forthcoming making clear violations of set procedures or even laws, The Senate and House of Representatives are NOT the Judicial Branch and have no authority to bring accusations to Grand Juries and ultimately to juries through court action potentially leading to conviction and incarceration. For those who are experiencing “IRRATIONAL EXUBERANCE”, we need to warn that being in the leadership in either the Senate or the House of Representatives will not lead to holding anyone “accountable” for either immoral or unethical activities, or even for those who have acted in direct conflict to established laws or procedures. The ONLY way that will ever happen is if those currently in control of the Executive Branch are replace, allowing the appointment of an Attorney General who is willing and able to prosecute offending parties.

We do not mean to throw a wet blanket over those who may be experiencing “IRRATIONAL EXUBERANCE”, but we do mean to bring reality into focus. Not only will many who have taken advantage through nefarious activities avoid prosecution, but it is highly likely that the statute of limitations will make such prosecution impossible. The only way to reclaim and maintain our FREEDOM and LIBERTY is to be persistent in establishing policies and procedures making it extremely difficult, or even impossible, for individuals to avoid prosecution for activities outside the scope of law. We must be patient and allow the proper procedures to be used, however long it may take, to get to the truth, no matter which way Lady Justice may favor. We must be willing to accept that many who have thrived and profited through illegal and unjust activities may never be held accountable. Finally, we must never resort to violence or any form of intimidation to exact retribution. We live in a lawful land, and as law-abiding individuals, we will ensure the continuation of our great Nation, preserve its historical significance, and leave a wonderful heritage to our offspring, and to all who aspire to enjoy the FREEDOM and LIBERTY offered to all citizens of The United States of America.

The Handling of Mail-In Ballots

So, you like Mail-In Ballots. Is it the convenience of having this option? After all, you don’t have to drive or walk to your designated polling place, and potentially stand in line for minutes or maybe in some cases even hours, just to do your duty as a citizen of our great Nation. Do you have any idea how the Mail-In Ballot process really works? Probably not. All you know is that you get a Mail-In Ballot in your mail, you fill it out, then send it back in the mail, or take to a Drop Box located somewhere in your local community. As far as you know, your vote then is easily and quickly tabulated representing your votes on a number of candidates and issues. But we want to share the story of what really happens to your Mail-In Ballot once you let it go either into your USPS mailbox, or into an official Drop Box. We will start by asking you if you can tell us how many times your Ballot Envelope containing your Ballot are actually touched or handled once you let it fly off into the system? Do you think a machine opens your Ballot Envelope and automatically records your Ballot choices without anyone ever touching your Ballot? Do you think one person opens your Ballot Envelope and immediately sticks your Ballot into a tabulation machine recording your choices? If you have never worked on Mail-In Ballot processing, we would like to give you a clearer picture on how your Ballot Envelope containing your Ballot is handled once it leaves your hand.

There are actually two separate ways your Ballot Envelope and Ballot can be handled. It can be handled as a group of Ballot Envelopes or Ballots, anywhere from being one of 2 Ballots Envelopes or Ballots, to being one of 50, or maybe even more. Look at the picture below:

Can you see your Ballot Envelope in the bunch above? Probably not, but it is in there somewhere. There is another way your Ballot Envelope or Ballot may be handled once it departs your possession. Look at the picture below:

This picture shows one person handing your Ballot Envelope to one other person. This is a separate individual contact with your Ballot Envelope by one person, not as part of a group of Ballot Envelopes as we showed in the picture before this one. It is important to note the two ways your Ballot Envelope, or Ballot, may be handled once it leaves your hand. In this blog we will attempt to show you how your Ballot Envelope, containing your Ballot, is really handled once it is deposited into your mailbox or Drop Box. We will concentrate on the path your Ballot Envelope takes when deposited in a Drop Box. If mailing your Ballot Envelope via USPS, it will take a variety of paths depending upon your location, the size of your community, and individual Post Office equipment and procedures in your local community. This can have a number of ways your Ballot Envelope could be handled, whether as a group of Ballot Envelopes or as an individual Ballot Envelope. In any case, your Ballot Envelope will eventually make it to your local elections center, like your county courthouse. It could be sent there by the USPS, or it could be picked up by members of the election staff who take control of your Ballot Envelope to assist your Ballot Envelope, containing your Ballot, on its way to being recorded. If your Ballot Envelope is placed in a Drop Box, it could find its way through various processes depending upon where you live. If you live in a very small county, your vote may take a more direct route to tabulation, and it may be handled less, and few machines may even be used in processing or recording your desired votes. We will attempt to view the processes from a county of moderate size to show you the route your Ballot Envelope, containing your Ballot, may take once it leaves your hand. We speak from personal, hands-on experience.

To begin with, we would like to commend those who work in elections departments, those who follow all Federal, State, and Local laws. They work hard and only desire to do their job as they have been sworn to do, and yes, many will take an Oath of Office before performing any work when handling your Ballot Envelope containing your Ballot. We cannot say that there will never be those within the election staff who may have nefarious purposes in mind. There will always be the proverbial bad apple in a barrel of good ones. It is up to individual citizens or groups, and the director of elections in your county, to see that those who intend to pervert our system of voting are identified and dealt with according to established laws. The local county sheriff has a very important and powerful role in this process and can even have more authority in these issues than a governor, or even the DOJ or FBI, as voting procedures are given by the Constitution directly to the state, and how the state then in turn has delegated enforcement authorities to individual counties.

Keeping all of the above in mind, let’s follow the journey of your Ballot Envelope once you drop it into a Drop Box. We will identify the handling of a “Group” of Ballots Envelopes with the letter (G) and count up the number of times a Group including your Ballot Envelope is handled, and (G-1) would be the first time your Ballot Envelope was handled as part of a Group of Ballot Envelopes. If your Ballot Envelope was handled by an Individual, then this will be show with the letter (I), with an associated number counting up from the beginning as (I-1). Let’s begin the journey of your Ballot Envelope.

Once you drop your Ballot Envelope into a Ballot Box, the journey of your Ballot Envelope, containing your Ballot, begins. If it is dropped into a locked box, usually found inside a courthouse, library, or sometimes even in a grocery store, it will not be handled in any fashion until it is transported to the election center. If it is placed in an outside Drop Box, it probably would be handled as a group of Ballot Envelopes (G-1), as they would be scooped out into a tub of some sort for transport to the election center. Once your Ballot Envelope arrives, the box or transportation tub is unlocked and turned upside down to dump the Ballot Envelopes out into an area where each Ballot Envelope will be individually handled (I-1) as they are stacked into another bin, oriented in the same manor, to be sent to a processing machine. The processing machine will do an initial run-through of the Ballot Envelopes to ensure their validity, where signatures are matched with the most recent one on record. An individual will grab a group of Ballot Envelopes to put into the processing machine (G-2). The Ballot Envelopes come out on the other end and are usually grabbed by an election worker as a group of Ballot Envelopes as they are divided by precincts and stacked up (G-3). However, they could come out as an individual Ballot Envelope, and sometimes do. If these Ballot Envelopes pass muster, they are then prepared for opening. To do this, Ballot Envelopes are shaken in some manner or “pounded” (G-4) so as to move the interior Ballot to the top or bottom of the Ballot Envelope so that the top or bottom can be cut open (avoiding cutting the Ballot within) for easier handling later on down the line. The processing machine can do this work as well but requires and individual to, once again, load the machine (G-5). They are then, once again, gathered by an election worker and placed in trays for continued processing (G-6). If the Ballot Envelopes have to be sliced open individually, then they would be handled by another machine that can do the same process. In this case, Ballot Envelopes would be grouped together, but not always, depending on the machine and the dexterity of the machine operator. Some Ballot Envelopes do not pass muster in the processing machine and are sent forward to a signature verification process, but this is normally done electronically without handling any Ballot Envelope.

Now we can talk about removing the Ballots from the Ballot Envelopes. Two individuals, one from each major party, sit side-by-side for this process. The first individual grabs an individual Ballot Envelope from the tray (I-2) and removes the Ballot inside, separates it from any Secrecy Envelope that may surround the Ballot, then hands the Ballot to the other individual who unfolds it and lays it in a stack (I-3). The remaining Ballot Envelopes and Secrecy Envelopes and retained for archival storage required by Federal and State law. The stacked Ballots are collected by another individual (G-7) who places them for movement into the Ballot inspection area. Here, individuals check out each Ballot (I-4) for discrepancies such as duplicate voting for individual candidates or issues, torn or soiled Ballots, or extraneous marks or writing. Those Ballots are then sent to another group of individuals who examine each Ballot (I-5) to determine if a voter needs to be contacted for a potential provisional Ballot, which would in turn be re-inserted into the tabulation process at some designated stage or time. Some Ballot issues can be resolved in-house using a team of bipartisan individuals who will transcribe the voters chosen votes to an unsoiled Ballot (I-6) that can be successfully processed through the tabulation machines. Once all Ballots are properly presented, they then move to the vote tabulation area. Those Ballots are then moved into the vote tabulation area (G-8) and are then processed through the tabulation machines when vote counting begins (G-9). Ballots are then archived.

Be advised that we have not included all potential ways a Ballot Envelope, or the included Ballot, may be handled, but this is the normal process. Handling could be more; it could be less. What should not be in dispute are the number of ways Ballot Envelopes (G-9) and Ballots (I-6) are normally handled. Your Ballot Envelope and Ballot are handled at least 15 times! This handling is extensive and requires an enormous amount of detailed work by election workers. Be proud of their efforts to help provide our FREEDOM and LIBERTY within this great Nation of ours, by contributing their efforts to maintain a free and fair election.

We will note in conclusion, that if there are any anomalies within our Nation’s voting systems using Mail-In Ballots, it would either come from unauthorized Ballots being injected into the USPS mail system or Drop Boxes. This could come as a result of Ballots Envelopes containing Ballots being sent to unauthorized individuals who are either non-citizens, have moved out of the voting area, or who have died. This is what drives the movements to “clean up” voter rolls, to expunge those potentially fraudulent voters. Also note that we have not yet discussed the potential for outside interference in our tabulation machines. As we have mentioned in a previous blog, both major parties have said these machines are hackable. “I continue to think that our voting machines are too vulnerable.” (Democratic Representative, Adam Schiff of California). “The biggest seller of voting machines is doing something that violates cybersecurity 101.” “Directing that you install remote access software which would make a thing like that – you know – like a magnet for fraudsters and hackers.” (Oregon Democratic Senator Ron Wyden). “You could easily hack into [voting machines]. It makes it seem like all these states are doing different things but, in fact, three companies are controlling [elections].” (Minnesota Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar). “There are a lot of states that are dealing with antiquated machines, right: Which are vulnerable to being hacked.” “I actually held a demonstration for my colleagues here at the Capitol where we brought in folks who – before our eyes – hacked election machines, those that are being used in many states.” (Then Democratic Senator Kamala Harris, now our Nation’s Vice President). (; July 19, 2021.) In addition, on June 3 this year, our Nation’s top cybersecurity agency, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency warned of such flaws (; Andrew Miller; June 16, 2022). Be sure to cast your vote this coming election day, November 8, 2022. The direction of our Nation depends upon your vote!