We really do not believe that being a PATRIOT is a bad thing, or something to be ashamed of, or afraid to proclaim out loud. If you are proud to be an American, a citizen of the greatest Nation that has ever existed on the face of this earth, then testing your knowledge about a few of the most important things that has taken place over the last four years will not be a huge challenge or something to fear. We will not be providing the answers, in fact we will only be giving you a few words for you to recall not just their definitions, but also how these words have impacted our Nation. Most of these words we have addressed in our many blogs over the last several years. As we approach the potential for a new “golden age”, and how the course of our Nation will be altered to bring not only prosperity to our citizens, but also wealth, safety, and dare we say a new lease upon FREEDOM and LIBERTY, let us all reflect upon our involvement and how we have and will continue to pursue the affirmation and protection of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. After we have provided our list below, reflect upon how many words you can firmly define. Following the list, we will conclude with a scale of how well you did, and how you rate as a true PATRIOT within our Nation. Here is the list of words, in no particular order:
Dark Enlightenment
Shadow Banning
Cancel Culture
Proud Boys
Darien Gap
E Pluribus Unum
Em banc
Overton Window
There is our list of 37 words. How do you think you did? Here is how we would rate your true PATRIOTISM:
If you were able to define and answer only 1 to 5 of our words, then you are living in isolation under a rock.
If you were able to define and answer 6 to 10 of our words, then you spend way too much time on social media and have been overly influenced by irrational ideologies, misrepresentations, and outright lies.
If you were able to define and answer 11 to 15 of our words, then there is hope for you to progress further in your knowledge of National and worldly affairs, and how elites and progressives have tainted our Nation.
If you were able to define and answer 16 to 20 of our words, then you are well on your way to becoming a true PATRIOT, only needing to further your independent study of National and worldly affairs.
If you were able to define and answer 21 to 25 of our words, then you are well informed about many of the issues facing our Nation and world today, and only need to continue to seek truth and justice.
If you were able to define and answer 26 to 30 of our worlds, then you have graduated from your “college” studies in National and world politics and now only need to enroll for your master’s degree.
If you were able to define and answer over 31 words, congratulations! You have a master’s degree in National and world politics and are now suited to defend and protect our Nation’s Constitution and Bill of Rights.
We hope you enjoyed taking our little test. Although we could have listed many more words, the ones given are sufficient enough for you to judge yourself on the level of PATRIOTISM you possess. Should you find yourself lacking, only a simple review of our many blogs will be necessary to achieve the full title of PATRIOT.
May God bless our Nation, and our new administration, with his Grace and Mercy as we humble ourselves in service to Him.