Is this really a useless task?

“Newton’s laws of motion are three physical laws that describe the relationship between the motion of an object and the forces acting on it. These laws, which provide the basis for Newtonian mechanics, can be paraphrased as follows:

1. A body remains at rest, or in motion at a constant speed in a straight line, except insofar as it is acted upon by a force.

2. At any instant of time, the net force on a body is equal to the body’s acceleration multiplied by its mass or, equivalently, the rate at which the body’s momentum is changing with time.

3. If two bodies exert forces on each other, these forces have the same magnitude but opposite directions.”

“The three laws of motion were first stated by Isaac Newton in his . . . (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy), originally published in 1687.” (

Commit the three laws to memory as you will be tested on them at the conclusion of this blog. . . . . or not. We are not in the habit of giving tutorials on the dynamics on Physics or the kinematics of Motion. What we aim to do is briefly state that exerting force has effects. Some may be seen immediately. Some may not be recognized for an extended period of time. The short video clip above is meant to demonstrate our point. A great effort is being applied by the man to move the immovable object by himself. But is his effort a waste of time? Is there no benefit to his effort? We claim that there is benefit, but it will not be recognized immediately. No, we will not claim that if he pushed for a hundred years on that cement column that he would be even able to move it one-quarter of an inch. But consider the changes taking place in the young man. Will he ever be able to move that column? No. Will he become stronger over time? Yes. RESISTANCE MAKES HIM STRONGER.

Why do people do exercises? Why do people “pump iron”? Why do people sometimes push through their own immovable objects to set new records, to become stronger, to achieve that which for them was once unachievable? As humans, most of us have an innate drive to be better tomorrow than we were today. We seek to improve the human condition, not just to benefit ourselves, but to better others and society as a whole. We are not an “island unto ourselves”. We have the ability to impact not only ourselves, but the lives of others as well.

Remember back to the founding of our Nation. Once we declared our independence from Great Brittain, our little fledgling army, often without proper clothing, armament, or pay, were pushed all over the colonies being defeated initially on nearly every major encounter. Were they fighting for their extinction? No. They were fighting for their FREEDOM and LIBERTY. Many were killed. Thousands died of disease and starvation aboard British prisoner ships in the waters near New York Harbor. (; updated August 21, 2018.) So, what did our Founding Fathers and those fighting for our independence do? They became stronger, more resilient, more cunning, and more determined than ever to see our Nation gain its FREEDOM and LIBERTY. RESISTANCE MADE THEM STRONGER.

Going back in history even further, consider the birth and rise of Christianity. During the reign of Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (AD 54 to AD 68), he orchestrated his mother’s murder, and Roman sources also implicated him in the death of his wife (Claudia Octavia) and his stepbrother (Britannicus). “Most contemporary sources describe him as tyrannical, self-indulgent, and debauched. The historian Tacitus claims the Roman people thought him compulsive and corrupt. Suetonius tells that many Romans believed the Great Fire of Rome was instigated by Nero to clear land for his planned ‘Golden House’. Tacitus claims Nero seized Christians as scapegoats for the fire and had them burned alive, seemingly motivated not by public justice, but personal cruelty.” ( “Because Christians were already viewed with suspicion, he blamed the burgeoning Christian movement. He had Christians dipped in oil, and then lit ablaze on crucifixes to light up his nightly garden parties.” (; James M. Rochford.) The historian Tacitus said Nero did this “. . . while he drove around in his chariot, naked, indulging himself in his midnight revels, gloating over the dying agonies of his victims.” ( Nero was only 30 years old when he died by suicide. This was the reign of Nero under which the Christians flourished, not waned. Ironically it was under the persecution from Saul, who later became Paul the Apostle to the Gentile people, where Christians were dispersed sharing the Gospel message abroad, expanding the breadth and scope of Christianity (Acts 8:1-4). RESISTANCE MADE THEM STRONGER.

There is an enormous amount of RESISTANCE in today’s political climate. The overwhelming amount of it being aimed at those who are more conservative in nature. The leader of the opposition to the current occupant of the White House has been convicted in a biased, contrived, Marxist-like conspiracy. Many of this leader’s attorneys, and those who professed their Constitutional Amendment I right to assemble and to petition the current government authority figures for alleged grievances, have been subjected to an overwhelming number of bogus subpoenas, consuming time and finances. They must provide their own resources necessary to counter these claims, while those who bring these suits usually are funded by our own Nation’s citizens, your tax dollars at work. Many in this situation are proudly claiming that this RESISTANCE IS MAKING THEM STRONGER.

How are you fairing in today’s economy? Are prices too high and going higher? Are mortgages rates too high and interest payments to you too low? How are you fairing with today’s influx of illegal aliens? Are too many of them taking away jobs and tax dollars that could be spent on our own legal citizens? How are you fairing in a world on the brink of WWIII, where current actions and increasing threats from China proliferate? How are you fairing in a Nation where street violence and vandalism is on the rise forcing the alteration of your plans and the closing or moving of businesses you depend upon? Are you tempted to cower in fear and pretend the implosion of our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY will never happen, or at least impact your life in any substantial way? Do not succumb to the desire to be unseen and unrecognized. If those who oppose you can inflict casualties upon your conservative leaders, do not believe you are beyond their grasp to manipulate and contrive accusations against you. Let your words and actions prove that RESISTANCE MAKES YOU STRONGER!