Can you identify where the sill point on this earth picture above is located? You might guess the north and south poles. But you would need to be more specific. Are you talking geographical north, or magnetic north, because there is a difference. Currently the two differ by some 310 miles but the north magnetic pole has been found to be moving toward Siberia at about 34 miles per year (worldatlas.com). The geographic pole remains stationary, and our meridians, lines of longitude, are fixed. The magnetic poles vary based on the flows and surges of the earth’s interior hot liquid iron core. We do not mean to give a lecture on paleomagnetism (the study of earth’s past magnetic field) but intend to use this as an example maybe we can relate to in our own lives. So, we begin by asking this question. Can you identify the STILL POINT in your life today?

Like us, we believe there are times in your life today when finding a quiet, peaceful moment, where you find stability and equilibrium from opposing forces, may be a bit difficult to find. Do you find it hard to find A STILL POINT IN A TURNING WORLD. Maybe at times you may feel more like Stretch Armstrong, or Silly Putty, often stretched to and sometimes beyond your limit to bear. Maybe at times you feel bent and twisted by forces beyond your control, like Gumby and Pokey, those loveable and bendable toy creatures created in 1953 by Art Clokey. They never complained when bent and twisted, but they couldn’t speak either.

We live in a world today where we have little influence over major events. We have wars going on around us, costs of goods and services continue to increase, violence on our campuses and in the streets of our cities, inflation is consuming more and more of our ever-shrinking dollar, and there is the rising debt our Nation is incurring that will someday have to be paid off. These forces pulling at us and bending us often seem to leave us on the ragged edge. We get angry, lose our cool, say things we shouldn’t, and without thinking of ramifications, do things that are irrational, sometimes hurtful, not only to others but to ourselves as well. Finding A STILL POINT IN A TURNING WORLD takes awareness and effort.

Finding the “geographical pole” in our own lives is much easier than finding the “magnetic pole”. But even finding the “geographical pole” takes vigilance and constant care, as it is with the earth’s “geographical pole” as ice flows make planting a stake or sign there is difficult to do. The “magnetic pole” in our lives is always shifting, and we need to continually seek it in order to find our STILL POINT IN A TURNING WORLD. We would suggest a simple motto to help guide you in finding and keeping your STILL POINT IN A TURING WORLD. “Live in the present like you would like to be in the future.” Spend more time listening and less time talking. Compliments are ethereal roses to give, and do not steal another’s joy when they are given to you. Humility and kindness will always reap rewards. Hurtful words spoken cannot be unsaid. Remain true to your commitments. Honor those who are older, and do not shun those who are younger. Protect your character, which is who you are when no one is looking. Finally, give praise and thanksgiving to our Creator, before making supplications.

To find your STILL POINT IN A TURNING WORLD, listen for the quiet voice of conscience. The source of a STILL POINT is not found in the tumultuous turning world. Consider Elijah of the Old Testament. He had just won a huge victory over the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, but a hit was put out on him, and Queen Jezebel wanted him dead. Elijah feared for his life and ran away to Horeb and hid in the mountain of God. “The Lord said, ‘Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.’ Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.” (1 Kings, chapter 19.) We don’t need an earth-moving event to calm our frayed nerves. We need to listen for the “gentle whisper” of our Creator. We are a fragile people and all we really need to find our STILL POINT IN A TURNING WORLD, is to listen for the still voice of His Spirit within us.

Our FREEDOM and LIBERTY are a gift from our Creator. Pick up your moral compass which will point you to your STILL POINT IN A TURNING WORLD. Be not dismayed at the events of our day, but put your hope, trust, and faith in the One who can center our lives to be able to live with peace in our hearts and minds.