It’s not often, if ever so far, that we have had more than one topic to satisfy our hunger for comment that needs to be addressed immediately. But this last week has been different. As a Nation, we are under attack on many fronts. We have lost our energy independence, our borders are breached daily by illegal aliens, we have rising interest rates, costs from energy to food to housing are increasing, FREEDOM of speech is being shuttered, Lady Justice has become unbalanced and unblindfolded, our National debt is surging daily, our children are being influenced by woke ideologies while our parents and those who are religious are under attack from within, violence on our streets is increasing, stores are being robbed daily, wars are breaking out on multiple Contenants, Communism, Marxism, and Islamism are on the rise in our Nation, Capitalism is under attack from Socialism, our police are under physical and verbal attack, our armed forces are spread thin and not meeting recruitment goals while reducing thresholds for entrance, Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) are promoting incompetent people, and Caucasians are under constant attack from reverse racism. We could go on, but enough said. We’ve addressed all of these topics in previous blogs, but today we want to focus on two others that are “rearing their ugly heads” as of this posting. Thus, the “DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUN – Two-in-One Blog”.

First, we believe that the current Speaker of the House of Representatives has not held true to his words and commitments. He had previously stated multiple times during his selection for Speaker of the House, that he would hold the line on additional Ukraine funding until significant progress was made in securing our Nation’s borders. “House Speaker Mike Johnson told fellow Republicans on Tuesday that sweeping changes to U.S. border policy would be their ‘hill to die on’ in negotiations that have already grown tense as Congress considers [the current occupant of the White House’s] $110 billion package for the wars in Ukraine and Israel and other security needs.” (; Updated December 5, 2023; Stephen Groves and Lisa Mascaro.) Multiple other news outlets reported the same thing. The recent foreign aid package signed into law by the current occupant of the White House included no significant progress to stem the tide of illegal aliens crossing our Nation’s borders. So, there is concern that the newly elected Speaker has failed to “walk his talk”, but the time to address this issue is not now. The votes have been made; the law has been signed. Spilled milk cannot be put back into the bottle, no matter how much we may regret its spilling. While the progressive left is collapsing under the weight of their support for antisemitism and Islamism exploding on many of our Nation’s campuses, those on the conservative right should do nothing to distract from the attention of the left’s implosion by throwing our House of Representatives into chaos over a Speakership fight. DO NOT throw the left a lifeline by distracting from their own ideological self-destruction! Deal with the current House Speakership problem later and in other ways. Throwing the House of Representatives into chaos now will hand the reigns of leadership over to the left when a couple more Republicans quit or switch sides. If that were to occur, there will be no longer any investigations, hearings and Sopenas over the left’s corruptions, lies, and deceptions. Instead, the persecution of the right will be expanded, and more and more will be prosecuted, arrested and jailed, and our Great Republic will be lost.

The second of our “DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUN – Two-in-One Blog”, has to do with the ineptitude exemplified by representatives of our current National government. The hubris expressed angered us deeply. It was just another demonstration of the current government’s leadership believing that nationalism should be squashed by globalism, where the “control” of one country should be given over to the “control” of another nation or entity. As an example, our current government leadership wants to turn over our FREEDOM and LIBERTY to global entities like the World Health Organization (WHO). Later this year the WHO will try to win over the rights to impose upon our Nation dictates, lockdowns, and penalties for non-compliance, much like the British Empire did that led to our Revolutionary War. What sometimes “goes around” doesn’t necessarily have to “come around” again. Only a FREEDOM and LIBERTY loving populace, engaged and defensive, can secure personal and national independence. There was a statement made recently that enflamed our ire. ‘”We cannot, will not support a major military operation in Rafah absent an effective plan to make sure that civilians are not harmed and no, we’ve not seen such a plan.’ Blinken told reporters.” (; May 1, 2024; By Reuters.) Anthony J. Blinken is our Nation’s current Secretary of State. What nation has a right to dictate terms to another independent nation? Consider this hypothetical. Assume our Nation is attacked by either Canada to our north, or Mexico to our south. In the process, they continuously launch missile and rocket attacks, and then in their final act of terrorism, they cross our border and kill 40,000 of our citizens (numbers provided by, April 3, 2024, Star Parker), and take a couple thousand hostages back to their country. What response do you suppose our Nation would take? Would our Nation go after our hostages? Would you want to continue living under constant missile attacks, or be forced to move permanently from all border areas? Would you want our Nation to share our plans for response to any other nation, especially if that other nation may not be supportive of our plight and may in fact share our plans for reprisal with our attacker.

Does Israel have an obligation to share their rescue plans with our Nation, especially if you suspect our Nation to have divergent views from Israel and is known to share intelligence with others who may be antisemitic? We say NO! Unless you live under a rock and have no outside communication, you cannot claim ignorance of Islamic terrorism. Under their Caliphate (government leadership), they suppress women, behead Koran unbelievers, and seek the destruction and death of Israel and the United States of America. Their children have been taught this by their parents and teachers all their lives. We have Representatives in our Congress whose speech often seems to support the terrorist activities of these fringe Muslim Islamic groups. Ever hear of “The Squad”? Democrats have voted against a resolution backing Israel, condemning Hamas (; October 25, 2023; Olafimihan Oshin). We want to make this clear. In our Nation we have FREEDOM FOR religion, not FROM religion. Islamic faith doesn’t paint anyone automatically as a terrorist, however most terrorist organizations today are Muslims of the Islamic faith, like The Muslim Brotherhood. We must be aware that their influence is growing within our National government. Refer to the following articles: “Senate Confirms Highest Ranking Muslim in Government . . .” (, June 8, 2023); “Since 9/11, US Muslims Gained Unprecedented Political, Cultural Influence” (, September 1, 2021); and “Record number of Muslims elected in US Midterms” (, November 26, 2022).

Israel should not share any plans with the current U.S. administration. If we want to see our relationship restored with the only true Democracy in the Middle East, we need to vote for a change in our government leadership. Our FREEDOM and LIBERTY are at stake in our Republic. Your vote counts! Be a voter. Be an observer at our elections. Get involved in your political party to have a say in the direction of your party. Speak the truth to your family, friends and neighbors. Hold all to a high moral standard. Speak boldly and fearlessly. All of us are responsible, to whatever degree, to help reestablish our Nation’s morality and justice.