If you reside in a basement, the only way out is going up the basement stairs. This can be challenging, and even dangerous, not to mention maybe embarrassing. Maybe it’s best just to stay downstairs in the basement. Maybe we need to consider A VIEW FROM THE BASEMENT.
What does it really look like? No windows, so one has no idea what is going on outside in the world at large. The door at the top of the basement stairs has been locked for a long time, and you have no idea what is going on above you. Many Americans are happy “doing their own thing” in their basement, whatever that is. Many are oblivious as to what is taking place over them, out of sight and out of tjeor hearing. However, what they cannot see and hear can bring them harm, even destruction. Many have found personal comfort in being oblivious, but ignorance is not bliss. It only hastens self-inflicted wounds. Many have found satisfaction in social media and in the mesmerizing TV and film productions. They are unaware that those who broadcast through these medias control what they watch and when and often skew toward destructive ideologies. They have a bathroom in their basement, but do they know the sewer line is being breached by progressive tree roots, and sludge is forming to impede the disposition of their waste. Soon, if something doesn’t happen, they will be helplessly plunging the backup and finally knowing there is nothing they can do to fix the problem. Before long, they will be ankle deep in the stench of their own waste. They receive food from above the basement but have no idea where it comes from or what harmful ingredients and chemicals are being consumed by them, often because they do not understand the nomenclature, or even have a desire to understand it. An earthquake is brewing, and when it hits, they will be the first to be crushed by the structures and those who live secretly above. There may be a leak in the roof above, but they are unaware that those who reside above have no desire to provide a remedy. In the not-too-distant future, the roof will collapse under the weight of the water, and it will proceed downward drowning them encased within their walls of concrete.
Recently, the door at the top of the basement stairs has been unlocked and now stands slightly ajar. Words from above are now filtering down the stairs and many are now becoming aware of the hazards that had been out of their hearing and sight. They are beginning to seek out more information through alternate methods and are learning of their plight. They are becoming aware of new voices carrying “hope and change”, re-energizing a familiar phrase from years before. They are beginning to climb the basement stairs as they now see A VIEW FROM THE BASEMENT is neither satisfactory nor safe. Words like FREEDOM and LIBERTY are beginning to have new meaning. Many now are seeking a better path forward, one that recognizes a God who heals a grateful and humbling nation. A nation once formed upon those premises for which many fought and died to protect and defend. We hope that if you have been living in the basement, that you have become more aware of what is actually going on around you, and that you will join hands with fellow patriots to ensure that our great Nation will continue to thrive and profit all those who are blessed to share in its great social, economic, and spiritual wealth.