Well, actually you did say that.

To be completely fair, the past President of the United States was not the only person to ever make that statement. Just so you know we are not fibbing, he said so on September 14, 2024, in his speech to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Phoenix Awards Dinner (, although other occasions could be listed as well. We want to focus in on those two seemingly insignificant words and what they say to us. First, let’s lay some predicate. In our Nation we do have the FREEDOM and LIBERTY to prosper and achieve. If one sets their mind and body to a desired task at hand, nearly anything is possible within the confines of our Creator’s designs and our Nation’s laws. We would actually phrase it differently than by simply saying in our Nation you have “ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES”. Let us explain why we would express this opportunity differently.

“ENDLESS”. Would you please point to where “ENDLESS” is? When we say our universe is “ENDLESS”, could you point to the place where you could see it end? We live a life filled with finites. Minutes, hours, days, months and years all have endings. We place periods at the end of our sentences. When we plan a trip, we start at the beginning and end up at the end, wherever that may be. The seasons have endings, as do baseball innings, football quarters, and the last book you may have just finished reading. How motivated would you be if we told you to go run on a track endlessly, without ever stopping? Would you want to begin that task? We doubt it. “ENDLESS” doesn’t seem to offer much incentive to begin. Let’s look at the second word in our phrase above.

“POSSIBILITIES”. How much confidence would you place in any task if there were only the mere hope of a possible outcome? Would you ever start a trip if the destination were unknown? What if that trip had possible destinations that could be unproductive, harmful, or even life-ending. When you go to a restaurant, might you decide not to go if one of the potential “POSSIBILITIES” was that the food there was poison, or that there might be the chance of the roof caving in on you while you are eating? “POSSIBILITIES” leaves an awful lot to chance, increasing risk, and unknown and undesirable outcomes.

We cannot speak for you, but as for those in our circle of influence, we find the words “ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES” to be vague, pointless, and not worthy to spend effort or time in its pursuit. With no assured outcome, either in time or task, we feel most would forgo that “trip” and choose another method with greater finality, both in time and task. So, when the previous President of the United States claimed that you have “ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES”, what did you picture in your mind? Anything other than a nice grouping of two words? Were you motivated to proceed forward, given a direction to follow, and outcome to be achieved? Without specifics, you might as well just go walk on a treadmill . . . . continuously . . . . without end. We can think of better groupings of words that might provide a reason to begin and to achieve.

A President should give you hope of achieving something, with a definable path forward. How about “DETERMINATE SUCCESS”. A wall along our Nation’s southern border is being competed, and personnel have been retasked and repositioned to stem the tide of illegal aliens flooding into our Nation. Illegal alien criminals are being rounded up and are beginning to be sent back to where they came from. Fraud, abuse, and waste of our tax dollars are being revealed and eliminated, the first of several steps to stem the hemorrhage into our National debt. Our Nation’s hemispherical security has been brought more clearly into focus as our new Secretaries are active in this pursuit. Hostages are being returned to their loved ones. Girl’s sports are being siloed to only biological girls. Procedures and processes are being implemented to assure hiring and promotions are based on experience and competency, eschewing quota and other ideological requirements. The acknowledgement of our Creator and our need to humble ourselves in thanksgiving and praise to Him are being proclaimed from the highest authorities. Goals have been set forth, paths forward have been directed, and results are being witnessed.

We are not motivated in the least by being told of “ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES”. What does motivate us is when we see a President fulfill promises that have been made. When we can see the gold pot at the end of the rainbow, we are motivated to do our part to help resecure and protect our individual and National FREEDOM and LIBERTY, not just for ourselves, but for all those who may follow us in this life in this the greatest Nation that has ever existed on the face of the earth. Praise be to Him for His grace and mercy, and His Will being carried out now by many of those who are in control of the power levers within our Nation’s government.