To clarify, the BDS we will be relating to has nothing to do with any musical group. It has to do with the “. . . movement [works] to end international support for Israel’s oppression of Palestinians and pressure Israel to comply with international law.” The movement was instigated to assist “The Palestinian people’s struggle for freedom, justice and equality.” (bdsmovement.net.) While the initial BDS movement was targeted at Israel, this effort to achieve the organizer’s objectives will be a model to be used to counter any efforts or attempted progress to be achieved by the newly elected President and his administration. We will name this movement differently, however. We will call the democrat effort RIDS, (Resist, Impede, Delay, Subvert). We shout a warning from a watchtower.
Similarly to the newly elected President’s first term in office, where during the first 100 days of his administration, leaks by retained staff occurred nearly every day, often attacking with a new revelation where each was used to breach the new administration’s plans, then the leak was twisted and perverted undermining the administration’s efforts, causing many efforts and plans to be delayed, altered, or even cancelled. The new RIDS will be used not against Israel, but against the incoming U.S. administration. How will this occur, you may ask?
Unless you monitor daily political activities, you would be unaware that many RIDS efforts are already underway. They have been underway ever since the election in November. The plans are already being made and implemented to Resist, Impede, and Delay the efforts of the incoming administration. Senate confirmations of incoming staff directors will be stretched out as long as possible by democrats, not just for weeks or months, but even for years for some nominees. Even some republicans resistant to the newly elected President will aid in these Delays. Court challenges will seem as common as sands on the seashore. The appeal processes, and injunctions to proceed, will Impede the new administration’s efforts to institute new programs, plans, and policies. To prevent government downsizing, and the dismissal of counter-ideological personnel, staffing changes are underway to move vulnerable personnel to union protected positions, retaining them to continue counter efforts to the incoming administration. This form of Subversion is hard to see, and even more difficult to extract. One can be assured that new efforts will be made to claim a need for impeachments. False claims will arise and be promulgated by sympathetic news organizations and individuals. This form of Subversion will bring doubt to the voting public and bring about conflict in many homes, cities, counties, and states throughout the Nation. This will breed protests, some even becoming violent and destructive. To add to this confusion, there will be on-going threats and actions of terrorisms, both home-grown and from international organizations and foreign nations.
In addition, pardons have been, and will be, given. Culpable written and electronic communications are and will be destroyed, even against legal dictates to retain this information. And do not underestimate the potential distraction created by rouge drones, other nations, and terrorist entities. For those who thought that a new, golden age will dawn upon our Nation, you need to brace for impact! The election in November was just winning the first conflict in a very long war to win back our Nation’s founding FREEDOM and LIBERTY. It has been eroded not simply over the last few years, but it has happened ever so slowly, minutely, since the 1930’s and the “New Deal”. Gird up your loins for an extended battle, for we fight not only among flesh and blood, but we fight “. . . against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12.)