This will be a very short blog today. Succinct and to the point. Last week we were privileged to assist a blind person in voting. It was wonderful to see her participating in one of our Nation’s most sacred rights, the right and privilege to cast one’s vote for the candidates and issues a citizen chooses. We didn’t agree with all of her choices, but that’s not the point. The point was she took the time out of her day, and made her way to the elections office, to cast her votes. Her journey there was not an easy one, not by our standards, for without personal sight, an easy trip for you or us, becomes much more complicated.
The very next day we were once again privileged to assist a handicapped individual to vote. She was incumbered with a motorized wheelchair, big and bulky, not easily maneuvered around the obstacles, doors and stanchions making her trek to vote more like an obstacle course. She could not read the ballot or mark it, so two individuals assisted her by one reading the list of candidates and measures, while the other marked on her ballot her choice. She left with a “I VOTED” sticker!
The point we want to make today is that for those who feel voting is too much of a chore, or that your vote will not make any difference, or that you don’t have the time to make any effort to vote, all we want to say is SHAME ON YOU! While others take voting seriously, even those with tremendous handicap issues, for you to sit idly by, eating your bon-bons, reading your magazines and watching your TV shows, to not make the effort or take the time to vote is a disgrace and you should be ashamed and embarrassed. We are speaking to those who are religious and who do not vote, to those who hunt and own guns who do not vote, to those who feel isolated and unaffected by national issues and do not vote, we implore your better nature to prevail. Your FREEDOM and LIBERTY are on the ballot next week. If a change in the current government leadership is not achieved, mark our words, you will regret your inaction, and your FREEDOM and LIBERTY will be gone from this earth for the duration of your life time, and potentially for the lifetime of all those who follow you in life in this, the greatest Nation that has ever existed on the face of this earth, The United States of America.