Hoisted With Their Own Petard

The evil genius Wile E. Coyote fails once again to overcome the Road Runner

Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet: Act 3, Scene 4.

“There’s letters sealed; and my two schoolfellows, Whom I will trust as I will adders fanged, They bear the mandate; they must sweep my way And marshal me to knavery. Let it work, For ’tis the sport to have the engineer Hoist with his own petard; and ‘t shall go hard But I will delve one yard below their mines And blow them at the moon. O, ’tis most sweet When in one line two crafts directly meet.”

The “engineers” are those who have been devising plots against Hamlet. They assemble and wish to use lethal weapons upon him, but in fact will succumb to their own destructive devices. To use the word “hoist” is to suggest being tied up, strung up, as in hoisting a flag up a flagpole. And the “petard” can be construed to represent an explosive device, and in Shakespear’s joking way, could have derived its use and meaning from the French word “petarade”, or “breaking wind”, or as we might call it, a fart.

How in the world does this have anything at all to do with our Nation? Let us explain. The term “hoisted upon his own petard” is often used to describe situations where a scheme by one upon another has backfired and has in fact become detrimental to the schemer. The Looney Tunes character, Wily E. Coyote, depicted in the short video clip above, exemplifies this phrase in action, for all of his scheming always ends up backfiring to his demise. In our Nation today, events are being planned and executed in hopes of bringing success, reward, victory, and supremacy. Those who currently hold the levers of power within our National government have planned and executed multiple schemes to prevent a change in governmental leadership. They have secretly spied upon their opponent. They have used impeachment unsuccessfully to derail and thwart their opponent. They have orchestrated and conducted raids, lawsuits, court filings, censorships, threats, intimidations, lies, and invasions to bring down their opposition at all costs.

We would find it hard to believe that citizens of our Nation are unaware of any of these efforts put forth by the current government leadership. All of these actions are being perpetrated by the scheming “Coyote” in hopes of destroying the “Road Runner”. However, the “Coyote” does not look far enough ahead to predict his own demise. This is also true of those who currently wield the levers of power within our Nation’s government. We shout from the rooftop, warnings of their own demise.

Are those who are currently in governmental power unaware of the dangers of our Nation’s burgeoning national debt? How do they intend to stem its growth and bring about its reduction? Do they really believe that opening our Nation’s borders to illegal aliens, including more than 435,000 convicted criminals now roaming free within our own borders, will not have long-term consequences? And we are not counting the over 226,000 who have criminal charges pending! Do they not worry about the some 320,000 unaccounted for the illegal alien children they have escorted across our borders? Do they not fear that sending our hard-earned tax dollars overseas to our adversaries will eventually come back to harm us? How much of the over 85 billion dollars of equipment and armament left in our retreat from Afghanistan be used against our own soldiers and allies? How can one believe in “moving our Nation forward”, when prices of energy and food are high and getting higher. Will they move us “forward” to our Nation’s destruction and demise? The current President’s campaign theme in July was “Let’s Finish the Job”. How much worse could our Nation get, where the rich get richer while the poor get poorer? Is the desire to “Finish our Nation for good”? The current Vice President’s theme talks about “A New Way Forward”. Was the old one wrong for them? If so, why wait for an election to start changing things now? They also speak of “Freedom”. How do they define “Freedom”. Is it their “Freedom” to alter our Constitution? Is it their “Freedom” to restrict our access to certain guns? Is it their “Freedom” to alter the makeup of the Supreme Court of the United States? Is it their “Freedom” to restrict your speech and actions when in contrast to their ideology? Is it their “Freedom” to spend more of our tax dollars through more governmental programs? Is it their “Freedom” to add new states, Senators and Representatives from liberal enclaves? Is it their “Freedom” to monitor your income and spending habits, and even your medical decisions? Is it their “Freedom” to allow citizenship to whomever and whenever they want? Is it their “Freedom” to alter policing practices while favoring criminals over victims? Their “Freedom” is NOT the same FREEDOM or LIBERTY which we declare each week in our blogs.

All of these things we have mentioned are issues pursued by the current occupants of our White House. They will spare no effort to obtain their desired outcomes. However, even if they succeed in the November elections, their victories will be short lived. As with the “Coyote”, their efforts and actions before the election will eventually come back to bite them. Their “Roosters Will Come Home to Roost”. They will not be immune from the destructive forces they have unleashed. They will be consumed by their own schemes. Chaos will consume our cities and states. Acts of violence and destruction will increase. They will fail and be “HOISTED WITH THEIR OWN PETARD”.

There is nothing more important right now to ensure and sustain our Nation than to vote for a change at all levels within our government. Our FREEDOM and LIBERTY are at stake, not just for ourselves, but for our prodigy as well. Pray with all fervor. Act with all diligence. Vote with conviction and patriotism.