NOTICE TO CHRISTIANS: Your Silence Is Consent!

We were actually gob smacked recently when we heard that only about three percent of all church pastors even mentioned from their pulpits the need to vote. That small portion of pastors didn’t talk about who to vote for or why, they only mentioned to the parishioners a general need to vote. We always thought of religious people being pretty conservative in nature, people being against racism, against war, against indiscriminate abortion, and believing in the second great commandment, to “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:30). First of all, for pastors to not even mention the need to vote, and then for those few that did, to not even be able to differentiate between the good versus evil parties, both are inexcusable. Many Christians have believed the lie that there is a separation between church and state in our Constitution, promulgated through the decades by those atheistic, non-believing personalities and entities. The fact remains that there is NO separation between the church and state. What our Constitution states is that there is freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. It’s part of the First Amendment to our Constitution. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; . . . “ Nearly all of our Founding Fathers were believers in God. Why else would General Washington have been allowed to fly AN APEAL TO HEAVEN flags?

For Christians who believe that we are simply a “spiritual” people, not to be concerned with “worldly, governmental things”, maybe you need a little Bible history lesson. Do you believe Jesus was against war, and that we all should be pacifists? Hear what Jesus said in Matthew 10:34-36.

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household.”

Yes, it is true that some in the same family will believe, and some will not, and that will divide families and bring strife, and that’s the cost for “taking up your cross and following Jesus”. But it also indicates that one must stand firm in the path of God and defend your stand at all costs. Sometimes the Word of God, the Sword, will cut deeply into human relationships. To share the Gospel message is not done only by your actions, but more importantly by your words, and these things can bring strife, persecution, and division, but to not speak allows Satan to rule in the hearts of others through our inaction and silence.

Do you still believe Jesus was against war? Let’s go further back in history. Remember what John 1:1-3 says. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.” What or who was the “Word”? John 1:14, “The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” Yes, Jesus was the “Word”, and through Him was the Creation. Now consider the historical record told in the Old Testament. Have you ever tried to count the number of wars in which the Hebrews and Jews were involved? Some they won by faith, and some they lost because of their failure to trust in God and humble themselves to His Will. We don’t have time to list the battles, even to count all of them, but suffice it to say there were dozens upon dozens through the recorded centuries. God was always involved, sometimes to give them victory, and sometimes to turn them over to captivity. Sometimes to redeem them, and sometimes to rebuke them. And you know who was there all the time? Jesus. The plan for man’s salvation was always being carried out whether through the conquering of God’s chosen, or through their salvation.

In the United States of America, an interesting creation of a Republic did not put a king in charge, but “WE THE PEOPLE”. WE are the “kings, and WE dictate the direction of our Nation. When WE fail to carry out our duty as “kings”, WE abdicate our “throne” and leave it for others to occupy. Your “religion” is not just for you personally. Your “religion” carries with it an obligation to share the Gospel, and to grow “in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man”, just like Jesus did (Luke 2:52). WE should be motivated to not only reach up to God, but also to reach out to man. Our “religion” extends beyond us personally and carries with it an obligation to fight against the powers of darkness, and evil spiritual forces that pervade this world in which we live (Ephesians 6:12). As “kings” in the United States of America, WE dare not be silent, for to do so only gives our consent to the forces against our God and fellow man.

Man and woman were created to tend to the Garden of Eden (Genesis 1:26-30). WE had a job to do, a responsibility, a task. God did not expect them to sit idly by while His Creation suffered. That was then, as it is now. WE are responsible for God’s “stuff”, the earth, governments (Romans 13:1), the orphans and widows (James 1:27).

Do you care about the unborn being killed? Do you care about your friends and family being killed in foreign wars? Do you care enough for your fellow man when they have financial difficulty gassing their vehicles, buying food and medicine, being able to afford the healthcare they need, and someday achieving the American dream of home ownership? Are you concerned with the nearly half-million illegal alien criminals, convicted murderers and deviants, that the current government administration has allowed to roam freely with the borders of our Nation? Are you concerned with the approximately 320,000 children who are unaccounted for having been smuggled across our Nation’s borders? Do you care that they may be involved in sex-trafficking, slave labor, or even if they are now dead? Do you care about the continuing violence in our streets and cities? Do you care that those who rob and steal often escape accountability? As “kings” in our Nation, do you care enough to even vote, and vote for what is righteous, and just, and true, and moral?

Our current government leadership is encouraging foreign entities like the WHO (World Health Organization) and the WEF (World Economic Forum) to push for global dominance, making our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and our Bill of Rights null and void, taking your FREEDOM and LIBERTY away, making it subject to forces that despise our “kingship” within our great Nation. Do these people really believe that China, Russia, North Korea, or Iran would ever allow their nations to be ruled by these elites? These pompous, overbearing, delusional dictators who believe themselves to be gods, when in fact they are only minions of the Devil, are evil themselves. They are not our superiors, and they have no right to overthrow our UNALIANABLE RIGHTS, not granted by any government or self-imposed authority, but given to each of us by our Creator.

WE call upon all Christian peoples, and all religious peoples, to speak for your God, to act for your God, to vote for your God, for to do so is your right, and privilege, and duty as “kings” in our Republic, The United States of America. Get out of your pews and get on your feet. Your FREEDOM and LIBERTY are dependent upon you. DO NOT BE SILENT AND LET NOT YOU SILENCE GIVE CONSENT.